Harman Kardon 430 Service

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The Harman/Kardon Model 430 AM/FM/Stereo FM Solid State Receiver Technical Manual harman/kardon PRECAUTIONS 1. Always disconnect the chassis from power line when soldering. Turning the power switch OFF is not enough, Power line leakage passing through the heating element may destroy the transistors. 2. Never attempt to do any work on the transistor amplifiers without first disconnecting the AC line cord and ‘waiting until the power supply filter capacitors have discharged, 3, Replacement for output and driver transistors, if necassary, must be made from the same beta group as the original type. If one output transistor burns out (open or short) always remove all the output transistors in that channel and check the bias adjustment, the control and other parts in the network with an ohmmeter before inserting @ new transistor. All transistors in one channel will be destroyed if the base biasing circuit is open on the emitter end, 5. When mounting a replacement power transistor, be sure thatthe bottom of the flange, the mica insulators and the surface ofthe heat sink are fee of foreign matter, for they may cause transistor failure. 6. Silicon grease must be applied between the transistor and the mica insulator, and between the mica insulator and the heat sink for better heat conduction, 7. Fuses must be replaced with size and type indicated. Use of other types can expose components to destructive current levels. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ORDER NOTE: To speed handling of your order be sure to include both the model and serial numbers which appear at the back of the chassis, in addition to the quantity, part number and part description of the items ordered. Orders from independent dealers, independent servicemen, and retail customers will be shipped on a cash in advance bass, Harman-Kardon reserves the right to substitute equivalent parts for those originally installed in this chassis. All parts should be ordered from HarmarrKardon, 85 Ames Court, Plainviow, L.t., N.Y, 11803, At : j { i ‘SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM. itl MULTIVOLTAGE SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM MULTIVOLTAGE SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM ALIGNM ENT PROCEDURES ‘AM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTS: AM Signal Generator modulated with 400H2 at 30%, V.T.V.M. and Oscilloscope. NOTE: Set FUNCTION selector to AM, MPX ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTS: NoTE: Frequency counter, Stereo signal generator ‘Set Function Switch to FM Stereo ‘Set MUTING switch 0 ON. Connect signal source to a loop placed to radiate signals into AM ANT LOOP STICK. 24 Connect frequency counter to, LPSO1. — e _ _— 3 ‘Adjust VR&O1 for ¥0KC = 60C. ~ signat source | CONNECT OUTPUT | __ Set MUTING switch to OFF ~ - ‘Step ouTPUT METER TO CAAL SETTING ADJUST ADJUST FOR 5 At 25 uv of signal adjust Stereo threshold VR302 for Stereo indicator on. 1 | a6btitzctemee | Vita. a oni Quis pein new ra ama rs Check lll tat Stereo indication ight at 6X of lot ee end thet the fncator dow not Hoh at TH ‘generator scope to Tape Out G00kHz "aes ——|_ undistorted 7 ‘Return Pilot level to 9% and check Stereo seperation at 1kHz, 100H2, and 10kHz. 2 ‘AN Sig, Gon. 1252 pattern on SCOPE ka ba ALR le ~ a ase | 4 | Reve sep 1 trough 3 for bat sesitvy TUNING INDICATOR ADJUSTMENT 5 ‘590kH2 of V.T.V.M. to oscitlo- Gang fully closed L262 ee FM Signal Generator. | AM sig en, ‘apa 0 Tope Out es NOTE: Set FUNCTION switch to FM 6 goon of | 1600KH2 A sine FM STEREO SIGNAL GENERATOR : = 3 Hopes See CONNECTED TO SIGNAL STRENGTH ADAT ADJUST FOR 7 | _ Repeat sep Sand 6 or bat al acorey. n FM Antenne Terminal mv Toning Knob “une fr Zro Vols 0 - = nines 3 | coowieor coon ‘AM ANT LOOP - 7 : | AM Sip, Gen Shige wast z Samo a above Tame ov bow vaao4 Maximum sowde dee same sbove Same osbove {on on tng meter 9 | te00nhe or os ‘AM ANT trimmer — — — aati. Cen, See 3 Same af above Se or above vaaoe To inde 8 on | : E | Toniog Met 10 | Repeat step 8 end 9 for best sensitivity. ~ — ee — FM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTS: FM Signal Generator, AC/DC V.T.V.M., Oscilloscope. AM/FM TUNER, IF, MPX PC BOARD — PARTS LIST NOTE: Set Function Switch to FM, signal generator for 400 or 1000 cps 100% mod. ner.No. WKPARTNO. DESCRIPTION ee sep | FREQUENCY | SiG.sTRENGTH | DIALSETTING ‘abwust Fon ar nesisrors ‘TRANSISTORS continued) — - -— - - VRa01 29501205 22k Ohm, Variable 025,258,284 «3029472 _28C4801C) AM Ox, AMLIF Amp 1 = ° ‘vet pont Ts2 top ae vrzo2 © Zasa0sso 10k Ohm, Vorebn ase 2020871 2846118) AM Miner ee ‘& bottom | Mox. noise our" ‘VR301 (23630864 4.7k Ohm, Variable 0255 43030569 (2801335(E) AM IF Amp: | — | i on \VR302 23630868 (250k Ohm, Variable 301 43030569 -28C1335(E) MPX Amp. _ = | ‘o202 ‘42020669 :28C1336(E) Mono-ST. Switching ea vo mavens 1 ‘caracirons a203908 42031312 ———_«ASARAALE) MPXC Outpt Ap [ ° Some seas one iF Zrevenspe, | F226 | 210.225, 31818005 .7uF ¥50% —10%, ven) 200,202 28V, Etcvolvtie ere } = = : | com am — 22520800 220ut 80% 10%, e201 aor1aia—— AMOI EMF Amp 3 “abot Tune or “Ta02 ostomy Tepe 323 16V, Eloow alte ic202 42191914 ‘BAO FMLIF Arm Limiter Zero Volts D.C. TS2 top and metric Out 221,228, 30731309 0.47uF +20%, 35V, 1€301 43128071 BAI3IO MPX uration are bottom Sue pl nee : = Z {on seopel i 76.227 31819147 10uF 450% —10%, biopes 4 teps 2 snd 3 until no further improvement is noticed. 10V, Electrolytic 201,202,203, (41029290 ad om aora1sto stu 20%, 3. 204,208 5 aoox. 10 20 me 152 fore Zarovows oe. | A226 “antlum Eleolve ozoeae7, staa0ss2 «152076 {Em frontend) | cae arerese2 ——_toour séox 10% 202,200 } b - ! . 10, Scone pate woos = Hzeo je | 106m Samos ebove 16 me ie ie coorgts —ste10167 tur ss0% Om OV, 2si.259.25 41020200 «NBO — a — 34 Electrotytic: 7_| Repent sop Sand 6 uti o further improvement otc. cr201202 1700089 ceramic Filter COILS AND TRANSFORMERS : = ase "2031916 AM Ose | em 3b of Ture for Lar (a Won Tepe ‘TRANSISTORS (20%,902, 42081817 miter Zeoversoc. | St tan Output on can 42000872 2SCAR0IC) FMF Amp aoe serine R226 _ 0202 43031311 2skaaic) FET 1202 si031318 Diseriminator AS = = Tee wan Fi {0709,204 42029472 ——_—2SC46O(C) Differential Amo TasizsatHom0s6 = AMIE renney ee ones x08 a000s69 © Z3C1208(€) DC Ame 88 020857 AMI = : eave 49001512 ZSABHAIE) ming Repeat sep 9 and 10 until no further improvemont is noticed 0231408 Fu Front End) GU 2 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES AM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTS: AM Signal Generator modulated with 400H2 at 30%, V. NOTE: Set FUNCTION selector to AM. TV.M. and Oscilloscope, Connect signal source to a loop placed to radiate signals into AM ANT LOOP STICK. signat source | cONNect ouTPUT step ‘ourPuT METER TO DIAL SETTING aowusT ADJUST FOR 1 {455K of sweep eT, & oxi ‘Quiet point near r281 Maximum and ‘prerstor scope to Tape Out eo0KH2 undistorted 2 | AMSig. Gen, 7252 pattern on SCOPE 3 1289 4 | _Ropeat stop 1 through 3 for bast sensitivity. 8 | sa0mteor VoT.V.M,t0 oxen ‘Gang fully ese 1252 AM Sig. Gen. scope io Tape Out Maximum output 6 | 1600KHe of 600K [AM osciletor AM Si. Gen, trimmer TOSS 7 | Repeat stop and 6 for best ail accuracy, 8 | cooHzor ‘00KHe ‘AM ANT LOOP AM Sig. Gen, STICK L2st = Z Same at above 9 | teooK2 oF “00K ‘AM ANT timer AM Sig, Gen 054 10 | Repeat sep 8 and for best sensitivity, FM ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTS: FM Signal Generator, AC/DC V.T.V.M., Oscilloscope, NOTE: Set Function Switch to FM, signal generator for 400 or 1000 cps 100% mod. step | FREQUENCY | SIG.STRENGTH | DIALSETTING aosust FOR at 1 a ° ‘Quiet point 152 top 228 ‘on bond bottom Max, note our" (on front term on ond) IF Boare 2 = ° ‘Some as above | 7202 top. Zerovers0.c. | A226 (on FM IF board 3 | weraeme. | —rab0r Tune for 7202 bottom Max. sym ‘Tope Liver Zero Volts D.C. | TS2t0p and ratte out saturation R228 oto output (on seope) 4 | Repeat stops 2 ane 3 until ne further improvement is notead 5 | 90me epprex. 1Ouw 90 me 152 (ose! Zero vars0.c. | F226 (FM frontend) 6 108 me Some as above 106 me “To53 (Ose) Zeroverso.c. | A226 (FM front en) 7__| epost tape S ana 6 until no further improvement is noticed 3 | ome ~3ab ot “Tune for ust (RF) ‘Tope Loniter Zero vortsD.c, | TSI (Am) ou saturation at R228 9 | 106me Some ‘Same ‘Tos2 (RF) ‘Tape Test (An) Output 10 | pea steps 9 and 10 until no further improvement is noticed, MPX ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE INSTRUMENTS: Frequency counter, Stereo signal generator NOTE: Set Function Switch to FM Stereo 1 Set MUTING ewiteh 10 ON. Connect frequency counter to LPSO1. ‘Adjust VASO1 for 19KC = 50C. ‘At 25 nv of signal adlust Stereo threshold V302 for Stereo indicator on. 2 3 4 ‘Set MUTING siteh to OFF. 5 6 (Check Pilot level that Stereo indication lights at 6% of pilot level and that the indicator 7 Return Pilot lvel to 9% end check Stereo separation at 1kHz, 1OOHz, and 1OKHE. TUNING INDICATOR ADJUSTMENT INSTRUMENT: FM Signal Generator. NOTE: Set FUNCTION switch to FM FM STEREO SIGNAL GENERATOR ] Lad CONNECTED TO SIGNAL STRENGTH nee ApwsT FOR | 7 Fa Antone Terminal nv Toning Krab Ture for Bove Volu DG a neae 3 Sa 0 aoe aia eae ‘vnao2 To indete 8 on Tonto eer AM/FM TUNER, IF, MPX PC BOARD — PARTS LIST AEF.NO. -HIKPARTNO, DESCRIPTION REF.NO. HIKPARTNO. DESCRIPTION nesisrons TRANSISTORS (contin) YRaor 22601905 22k Ohm, Variable ‘ast 253264 4202047 25046010) AM Ox, AM IF Amp neo: 2asa0se9 10k Onm, Verba case tsoq471 25048416) AM Miner vmoor—2as00664 47k Ohm, orale case feogose —«2SC295() AM IP Amp nooo z3sa0sse 50k Ohm, Variable ‘et 2000860 «28 C1905(€) Mx Amo oxce 3020800 ——_-2SC 1296 Mono. Setcing ccaracrrons Gaoasos — agoata12 ———«DBABAALE) MPXC Outpt AMP caioz2s, s1818008 ——A.7uF 150% —10%, 200.902 25V, Ekevolvic Les care — s2520400 maou 80% 10%, Toxo! 43131919. «—‘BAMOT FM IF Amp a "ev, Eecraite jem2aatorsta.——«BAMOZ MIF Amp caoi.208, sorm909 anu 00%, 38V, too astagor—‘BATSIOMPX 28 “ontalum Elecite coma sier947 tour ssox tom, proves "ev, Electric 201 2027208, 41075200 N00 en sorsisi0——o.tur's20m, 98, 201208 Tara Ecvotc o20e.207, 41000552 «182076, ca srereog2——‘toour aso% 10%, 208.208 "OV, loca oato amosiais zee cooigis§—oter9187 tur 0% 10%, Sov, Dost.252.263 41020200 ©‘ 1NBOP an etayie crz01z02 © vanans4a——caame Ptr COILS AND TRANSFORMERS tase W20s110 AM Ose ‘aansisrons Caine, 43001317 aot 49020472 284600) FAI Arno 305,308 Gave fora! 25KaH(0) FET a2 11031318 ——_iscriinator z03.204 3020472 ——_—2SCHEDIC iferetl Amp yasizse — Howsse = AMIE cas ‘angosca «2501805121 C Amo a2 tosoes AMF aa0e feoatst2——_-5abea(e) Mating 00231408 Fat Front End) EU ®P ‘AM/FM TUNER, IF, MPX PC BOARD COMPONENT SIDE sw201 MULTI VOLTAGE ONLY VOLTAGE CHART* ‘AC120V, Volume Control at Minimum, Tone Control at Mechanical Center, No Signal, Chassis Ground 101, $82 cece amy os “aay fee TITS Sakae ~~ ve eater xs ov Toy Seay Net eee suay eo os oun re 3 iiaw By ay any a: anv oe soy Sig ev : ‘now Cine Sev iy ia : Soa Sas ‘oan cy nan Weengon “oo Beate et sav ios Sow waoy Sy y ‘ity Meengon aay Nemey Sepa 3 tev iss nee ‘omy Thay @ ov | cess Nav aw Say SITE Bas | cise Naw tw they i cs how now Sv We eee a sey 3 son Goi aw av : ‘ev 5. 48.91 | erie: sassy aay e Seay | Goss New Maw tay ; a =< eens 2 sosay TONE/CONTROL, MAIN AMP 1 .... +1.68V | "ecto er A WUT Bey 2 “thoy w= smite ctr i ny mois: nov aay ana MII ty cose tan, naw My —— “A eton 106199 awovaoe — -o0uy ney ray | Grosses “eow oy ney roses Seay “aray “aay Gorae = “trey Tiny Cay ousae “tev “any “hay iano et Mow) ceri any Geo may “a “aay Gealase — “aouy = Taney aay SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM NOTES: . Al resistors are 1/4 watt, 45%, unless noted otherwise. Values are in ohms. K'= 1000 M= 100K 2. All capacitance values are in MF unless noted otherwise, PF = MMF 3. Function selector switch (SWS) is in AM position. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM — MODEL 430 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM — MODEL 430 MAIN AMP PC BOARD COMPONENT SIDE 00 F Vee / vR4o2z vR4o1 rc = a on y a . O c 1 oO 4 Ht = ; " - On ‘ 0 (ell? we ° MAIN AMP, ALIGNMENT NOTES: 1, Set up HK430 as follows FUNCTION ~ ~ ~~ AUX TONE & BALANCE - - ~~ MID STEREO/MONO SWITCH ~~ — — STEREO SPEAKER SWITCH ~ ~~ — ON 2. Connect 8 Ohm (SOW) Resistor across Left and Right Speaker Terminals IDLING ADJUSTMENT INSTRUMENT: DC Voltmeter NOTE: Set VOLUME Control to Minimum Output Si 96 VOLTMETER conNEcTION | oust [roar Fon I 1 ‘Aeros R28 Resistor nao 25 mv 06 2 ‘roe R427 Restor 7 vRaot 25 mv 0C 7 MAIN AMP PC BOARD — PARTS LIST REF.NO. H/K PART NO. DESCRIPTION REF.NO. H/K PARTNO, DESCRIPTION RESISTORS TRANSISTORS (continued) Va401 40; 1K Ohm, Variable 405,406 43020483 2513451) Current Regulator 477-430 "33614781 0.47 Ohm 2W Resistor 407/408 43029484 ——_-2SC1509(R) Current Regultor 433,94 3351220122 Ohm 2W Resistor 409/410 43020488 257771) Driver 413,414 43029485 ©—_25A7771R) Complement CAPACITORS 0415;416 43020484 <=25C1509(R) Complement (401,402 31831201 «47uF +50%—10%, 16V, OMT7.418, Electrolytic 218420 G05 908 ~— 43109010) Power Amp 405,406 32529490 220uF +50%—10%, 16V, 0421/42 49097379 __2SCASB(B) Bias Stabilization Electrolytic 407,408 31828611 470uF 450% 10%, 16V, DIODES Electrolytic 401,402, 403,404, TRANSISTORS 405,406 41030552 182076 401,402, 407/408 41631205 Sib ot-02 403,404 49029483 —«-2SCTSASIF) Differential Amp 409/410 41631340 «MV 12Y, Varstor ee EQUALIZER AMP PC BOARD EQUALIZER AMP PC BOARD — PARTS LIST | REF. NO. HIKPARTNO, DESCRIPTION CAPACITORS } 701,702 areior47 10uF 450% —10%, 16V Electrolyte 705,706 31819185, A7UF +50% —10%, 10V Electrolytic { oni 712 20731908 (O.47uF 420%, 36V, Tantalum Electrolyte i cn7ne 31631924 100UF +60% 10%, 26V Electrolytic ! TRANSISTORS 0701,702,703,70 49028535 2501944(€) Equalizer Amp -ue MODE/CONTROL SWITCH PC BOARD (A) ‘sw sw ‘wa sur FETiever Te nur FET. tate wonton [2 conrour & 6 MODE/CONTROL SWITCH PC BOARD (B) sw wo , ws ep ssvsren2 Tey tow-cur TFT -wono TET tw murine N22) =M3) MODE/CONTROL SWITCH PC BOARD — PARTS LIST REF. NO. H/K PART NO. DESCRIPTION SWITCHES: 31,234 25031325 Contour, Tape Monitor, Hi-Cut, Speakers 1 5W5,6,7,8 25031325 FM Muting, Mono, Lo-Cut, Speakers 2 a15— TONE/PREAMP PC BOARD. TONE PREAMP PC BOARD — PARTS LIST REF. NO, RESISTORS vR501 R502 R503 R504 CAPACITORS (£503,504 (€505,506 513,514 csi7.518, ‘TRANSISTORS .0501,502,503,504, 505,506 H/K PART NO. 22031319 22031320 22031321 22031321 a1g19147 31831322 31831323 31831301 43028535 -16- DESCRIPTION Variable, 100k Ohms, Volume Control Variable, 100k Ohms, Balance Control Variable, 50k Ohms, Treble Control Variable, 50k Ohms, Bass Control 10UF +50% —10%, 16V Electrolytic 22uF +50% ~10%, 10V Electrolytic 2.2UF +50% —10%, 5OV Electrolytic 47UF +50% ~10%, 16V Electrolytic 28C1344(€) Preamp RECTIFIER PC BOARD COMPONENT SIDE (A) RECTIFIER PC BOARD COMPONENT SIDE (B) RECTIFIER PC BOARD (A) AND (B) — PARTS LIST REF.NO. HIK PART NO. DESCRIPTION CAPACITORS. 1,15 32529401 1000uF +100% —10%, 35V, Electrolytic C24 31819227 2200uF +100% ~10%, 38V, Electrolytic c3 31819152 470uF +100% ~10%, 26V, Electrolytic ‘TRANSISTORS a12 43025972 2801212, Rectifier, Voltage DIODES Ds 41631295 S18 01-02, Rectifier Ds 42131296 1S 2372A, Bridge Rectifier D7 42029566 EQA 01-13, Zener Ds 42031297 EQA 01-25, Zener RECTIFIER PC BOARD COMPONENT SIDE (C) 455-710 Ae 20) ° RECTIFIER PC BOARD (C) — PARTS LIST CAPACITORS 66,7,8.9 31831302 4700UF +50% ~10%, 38V, Electrolytic DIODES: Dia 41631298 802.026, Rectifier 023 41631299 B02.02N, Rectifier ~W7- INDICATOR LAMP HOLDER PC BOARD WIRING SIDE INDICATOR LAMP HOLDER PC BOARD — PARTS LIST REF. NO. HIK PART NO. DESCRIPTION LAMPS PL1,2,3,4,5,7 46524956 6.3V 0.25A Dial Illuminator PLé 46531326, 6.3V 40mA Stereo Indicator FM FRONT END 18 BOTTOM VIEW PHOTO 1 REF. DESCRIPTION PART NO, REF, DESCRIPTION PART NO, 1AM Antenna Holder 00228712 10 FM Front End 90281404, 2AM Antenna 20531334 TIA Top Mode Contro! PC Bd. 00131361 3 Main Amp. P.C. 8d. oot31a57 11B Bottom Mode Control PC B6. 90131304 4 Speaker Terminal 65431966 12 Indicator Lamp Holder 00131360, 5 Input Output Terminal 65420820 13 Electrolyte Cap. 6,789 31831302 8 Equalizer Amp. PC Bd, 00131355, 14 Transformer TH 10131228 7 AM/FM Tuner IF MPX PC Bd. 00131354 18 ‘Transformer 72 10131328 8 Tone/Presmp. PC Ba 0131356 16 Fuse 3A 250V FU2,4 46013201 8 Tuning Shaft Whee! 60431386 17 FA Antenna Coit L'1 12031333 =H TOP VIEW PHOTO 2 easton sora seor3201 oorarase DescnieTion ode Contol SW PCB Bestar eadshone ek Aecitar 8 PCB Medea J ol oor3ia6s oor3iao4 291378 oor3ta68 oor3iase orarase ‘MISCELLANEOUS PARTS LIST PHOTO REF. CIRCUIT REF. MULTL-VOLTAGE RECEIVER ‘sW201 swit Fus 12 MISCELLANEOUS 219 swio 2678 FHA5,6 213 Fut FU356,78 14,15 Ti2 5 Te3 Met Tes PLs, PLo u L261 vRa 228 2:21-24,26 220 219 cr 248 PART NO, 24531335 24031338 (46031336 (45031337 10131339 25029514 65429516 45031327, 45013291 10131328 65429520, 12531329 65129518 46531330 46531331 12031333 20531334, 00131354 00131355 00131356 00131357 00131358 00131359 00131360 00131361 00131394 00131362 24031363, 65431364 65431365, 65431366 21531367 60131368, 60131369, 60131370, 00231371 60131372, 62031373, 61031374 63231375, 63231376, 63231377, 63231378 65431379, 61631380, 80131381 79031382 53031383 00231384 00231385 80431386 60431387 60431388 60631389 60631390, 36531391 60131392, 65424017 =e DESCRIPTION Slide Switch on AM/FM Tuner, IF, MPX, PC Board Rotary Switch, Power Source Voltage Selection 3A Fuse 100/120V 1.5A Fuse 220/240V Power Transformer Power Switch Fuseholder for FU6,7,8 O.5A AGC Fuse 3A AGC Fuse Power Transformer Output/Input Terminal ‘Tuning Meter FM/AM External Antenna Terminal 6.3V 30mA Pointer Light 6.3V 50mA Power Indicator Light FM Antenna Coil ‘AM Ferrite Bar Antenna FM/AM Tuner, IF and MPX P.C.8, Complete Equalizer Amp. P.C.B. Complete ‘Tone/Pre. Amp. P.C.B, Complete Main Amp. P.C:B. Complete Rectifier P.C.B. (C) Complete Rectifier P.C.B. (A) Complete Indicator Lamp Holder P.C.B. Complete Mode/Control Switch P.C.B. (A} Complete Mode/Gontrol Switch P-C.B. {8} Complete Rectifier P.C.B. (8) Complete Function Solector Switch AC Socket Fuse Holder for Fuse FU1,3,5 Speaker Output Terminal Variable Resistor, 50k Ohm, Muting Adjust Cabinet Top Gabinet Back Gabinet Bottom Cover Front Panel Assembly Front Side Panel Leg for Unit Dial Panel Tuning Knob Knob, Tone Control, Funetion Selector Push Button, Control/Mode Push Button, Power Bushing, AC Line Cord ‘AM Ferrite Bar Antenne Holder Nut for Unit Grouné Terminal Special Screw for Unit Ground Terminal Externel AM Antenna Lead Wire Dial Pointer Assembly Tuning Shaft Assembly Wheel for Tuning Shaft Dial Drum for Variable Capacitor Pulley for Dial Cord Spring for Dial Cord Spring for Pointer Lamp Holder Spacer for Equalizer Amp. P.C. Board Reflector Pan for Dial Lamp Headphone Jack WIRING DIAGRAM -2- MULTIVOLTAGE WIRING DIAGRAM STRINGING DIAGRAM PULLEY. harman/kardon 55 ames courr, pLainview, NY. 11803 90731067 Printed in USA,

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