Salient Features of MIS For PLC-SCADA

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BanyanTree Software Solutions Doc.

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Salient Features of MIS Software for PLC / SCADA

1. Features
• Interfacing Weighbridge & Lab Equipment into MIS.
• Online Data capturing from SCADA system
• Online Report generation
• Anytime, anywhere information gathering or entry into the plant.
• Achieving historical data of the plant operation.

2. General Flow
There are two types of applications given.
One is Desktop and another is Web Application.
• Desktop app
o Weighbridge
o Reception Lab
o Main Lab
o Dispatch
• Web App
o Weighbridge (Reports and Weighbridge Terminal)
o Transaction (Reports and Transactions)
o Masters
o Maintenance
o Utility
o Reports
o Security

3. Imp Points
• User Role Rights with Insert, Update and Delete.
• Vehicle enters the weighbridge either for unloading or loading purpose.
• Weighbridge Terminal with Activation and Deactivation of Inlet and Outlet or Both.
Actual use of this terminal is activity of check in or check out of vehicles weight.
• If loading, then Product data and Challan Number fields will be disabled.
• After Data Saved, WEIGHMENT SLIP will be generated.
• Tanker Capacity and Utilization Report.
• Waiting Tankers Report (Eg. Vehicles still inside the plant)
• Weighbridge Summary Report
• Milk Received Report
• Milk Dispatched Report
• Edit Gone Tankers Weight means that Edit Weight of tankers which have left the plant.
If it contains more than one compartment, then it will also give compartment for
• Reception Lab: Samples from the vehicles which have come for unloading are tested in
Reception Lab. Entries are made for Composite Samples, Society Samples and Bulk Milk
Dispatch Testing.

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BanyanTree Software Solutions Doc. Reference:
Your Dependable Partner in Software Services

• In Composite Sample Testing as Well as Society Sample Testing, Statistics like No. of
vehicles in queue, accepted samples, rejected samples and total vehicle count in a day
for a particular location.
• Vehicles that have arrived for loading and which doesn’t have entry in Delivery dispatch
are available for Bulk Milk dispatch. On saving the testing details for all the
compartments of the vehicle is available for sealing in dispatch. If the vehicle is still
present inside the plant, then it is allowed to update the data.
• Main Lab is using for testing all Milk Products, Maintains other products and equipment.
Following Testing are done in Main lab:
o Bulk Milk Dispatch Testing
o Chemical Testing
o Cold Storage Testing
o Keeping Quality Testing
o Water Testing

• Maintenance: It is used for Equipment and Equip Part. It is also used to maintain
Maintenance Schedule and record any Equipment breakdown/fault details if any.
Following screens are included in Maintenance.
o Equipment
o Equipment Part
o Equipment Maintenance Schedule
o Equipment Breakdown/ Fault Details

• Masters:
o Category
o Contractor
o Composite Parameters
o Product Group
o Product
o Product UOM
o Route
o Final Test Product
o Final Product Parameters
o Supplier
o Vehicle
o Additional Milk (can add new items for mass balancing with different types like
Closing, Incoming, Outgoing)

• Utility:
o Power Generation From DG
o Service Section Utility Consumption(Add Power Consumption by service section)
o Utility Generation(Power & Air, Steam & Water)
o Utility Consumption
o Utility Analysis

Template ID: Page 2 of 2 01 Jan 2009

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