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1. What are the requirements for someone to vote in your country?

What is one
requirement that you would like to see removed or added? Explain your
rationale or reasoning with examples to support your idea.

In Spain, some of the requirements for some to vote are all Spanish citizens who
are more than 18 years old and are registered on the electoral roll can vote, even if
they are foreign. In addition, those who are condemned, and those who are in a
psychiatric hospital can’t vote. A requirement I would like to see added is the
possibility of online voting to provide easier ways to vote when you are far from

2. Should a country place any requirements on voting? Why or why not? Do

voting requirements marginalize or restrict any group of people from voting?

In my opinion, I believe that a country should place some requirements on voting.

To start with, without requirements on voting would provide a lot of problems such
as malicious people trying to spoil the votes or not forming and educating enough
teenagers to vote randomly. Voting requirements marginalize or restrict some
groups of people from voting owing goodness of everybody, as sometimes those
restricted people are people with mental problems.

3. In your opinion, is voting a right or a responsibility? Explain your rationale or

reasoning with examples to support your idea.

In my opinion, voting is a responsibility. First, because if you are not voting, you won't be able to
participate in how the country is run. Second, when people are voting they are voting for better safety in
their country. Third, voting could provide improvements in the streets and highways. In conclusion, if
you are not voting, you are losing the opportunity to make changes and help people.

4. Studies show that young people, ages 18-24, are among those least likely to
vote. Why is that true, in your opinion? What is one idea that you have for
increasing voter turnout among young voters? Explain your idea and how it
will encourage voting among 18-24 year-olds.

In my opinion, people aged between 18 to 24 are less likely to vote because the
great majority of them are studying and do not have enough time to vote. As they
are stressed by the exams, voting is not as important as the exams for them. My
idea of how it would encourage voting among 18–24-year-olds is to put the
elections on holiday or on days when there are fewer exams or just nothing to do.

Not given . “¿Porque Votar? Es Tu Derecho!” AACT Now, Accessed

2 Dec. 2023.

Sport. “Requisitos Para Votar En España.” Sport, 13 July 2023, Accessed 2

Dec. 2023.

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