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Applica on of IOT

Monitoring of Welding Machines
About Us
Who are We?
Garima System Solution (GSS) is young and ambitious Technology
Company, who partners with Clients to provide Solutions to improve
Efficiency, Business Visibility and Analytics

To provide an Optimum, Simplified Solution and a Great User Experience
through Innovation and Technology

 Simple Design
 Great User Experience
 Best Technology Fit
Application Areas
Introduc on

The Client requires a mechanism to track the opera on and
performance of Welding Machines

Hardware provided should be easy to install

Should be portable

Should measure and monitor the following parameters

Geo-Loca on



Power factor

Energy (KWH)

Welding deposi on rate

Inside Temperature
System Architecture

Sensors for picking up physical parameter values

IOT Node with power supply collects data from sensors

IOT Gateways accumulate data from nodes

IOT Portal receives data from Gateways

Applica on So ware

Calculates derived parameters (e.g. weld deposit)

Provides Reports & Dashboards for users
User Interface - Analy cs Dashboard

Utilization of Machines

Current Status of Machines

Current Location & Parameter Values
User Interface - Tracking Dashboard

Machine Location, other Parameters
LoRa Technology

LoRaWAN stands for

Long Range Wide Area Network.

It's a standard for wireless communication

that allows IoT devices to communicate over
large distance with minimal battery usage
Hardware (Node)
Hardware (Gateway)
Hardware (Sensors)

Garima System Solu ons Pvt.Ltd
301, Purusharth Avenue,
Radhakrishna Cross Road,
Nr. HDFC Bank,
Off Old Padra Road, Akota,
Vadodara - 390 020, INDIA

Mob: +91 8200951300

E-mail: garimasystemsolu

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