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Glasgow School for Business and Society: Global Strategy: Challenges and Choices: Resit Assignment

Individual case report (Maximum 3000 words) – Deadline 13.00 noon Tuesday 25 th April, 2023

1. Introduction
Choose a global private sector company that competes internationally in a distinct industry sector. Provide a brief overview of the company (main activities,
product/market portfolio, market share, competitors, key stakeholders, strategic aims and timeframe for analysis). (10 marks)

2. Global drivers analysis

Using Yip’s Global Drivers model, undertake analysis of the industry environment in which the company competes. (20 marks)

3. International entry mode

Identify and discuss the advantages and risks associated with the mode of entry to international markets adopted by your chosen company.
(20 marks)
4. Globalisation
Critically discuss the benefits and challenges associated with exploiting the development of market globalisation for your chosen company.
(40 marks)
5. Conclusions
Identify and summarise the key issues and findings that have emerged from your analysis and discussion of the case. (5 marks)

6 Referencing
Provide a full reference list properly set out in Harvard style (5 marks)
Marking grid

<30% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-79% 80%+

Introduction Fails to Basic overview of the Basic but functional Acceptable level of Good level of Very good level of Excellent
demonstrate any company. overview of the coverage giving clear coverage giving coverage and overview, very
effective company insight into the clear insight into articulation giving well-
understanding of company. the company. clear insight of articulated,
the task company insightful.

0-1 marks 2 marks 3-4 marks 5-6 marks 7-8 marks 9 marks 10 marks

Global drivers Fails to use Yip’s Very basic overview Offers some insight Acceptable use of Good coverage Very good Excellent
model, no of a few external but lacking in Yip’s model with well and analytical coverage and response
effective analysis factors, lacks analytical depth of -chosen factors. depth of well- superior analytical throughout
analytical quality discussion. Scope for more chosen aspects of quality of well- with evidence
depth of discussion. Yip’s model. chosen aspects of of effective
Impact of drivers Yip’s model. research,
well-articulated. Impact of drivers analytical
very well- depth, and
articulated and impacts clearly
convincing. stated

0-2 marks 3-6 marks 7-9 marks 10-12 marks 13-15 marks 16-18 marks 19-20 marks
Mode of entry Fails to Mode identified but Mode identified but Mode identified Mode identified Mode applied Mode
demonstrate an not discussed in any lacking in follow up properly and some properly, good properly with identified
understanding of depth explanation or evidence of effective level of follow up well- argued case properly with
chosen mode effective discussion analytical discussion discussion and for linking to advantages
around advantages around advantages clearly linked to advantages and and risk very
or risk and risk advantages and risks with some well expressed
risks examples added. with very good
0-2 marks 3-6 marks 7-9 marks 10-12 marks 13-15 marks 16-18 marks 19-20 marks
Globalisation Fails to Discussion lacked Globalisation Convincing Good discussion Very good Excellent
demonstrate coherence around understood but discussion of around understanding of understanding
understanding of globalisation and the little depth or globalisation with globalisation with globalisation and of
globalisation chosen company. quality to follow up some coherent link coherent link to clear link to globalisation
discussion to chosen company. chosen company. chosen company. and clear and
convincing link
to chosen

0-4 marks 5-10 marks 11-19 marks 20-24 marks 25-29 marks 30-35 marks 36-40 marks

Conclusions Fails to Some mention of key Key issues identified Key issues identified Key issues Key issues Key issues
summarise key issues but fails to but fails to convince with some link to identified with identified with identified with
identified issues articulate them when linking to strategic aims clear link to clear link to excellent and
clearly around strategic aims strategic aims. strategic aims and clearly stated
strategic aims expressed clearly links to
strategic aims
0 marks 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks 4 or 5 marks 5 marks
Referencing References set Most references set Some references set A few references set One or two One reference set Referencing
out wrongly out wrongly out wrongly out wrongly references set out out wrongly perfectly set
wrongly out

0 marks 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 3 or 4 marks 5 marks 5 marks

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