2023 Training Poa

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LO LEVEL COURSES: Responsible Authority: ZD/LOs


1. JCI INDIA OFFICIAL COURSES: Self supported by LO (To be conducted physically)

*Effective Public Speaking (EPS) (Jan - Mar)

• 1-day training.
• Trainers must certify the list of participants.
• Faculty-Provisional Zone Trainers & above can conduct the Training Program

*Chairmanship & Parliamentary Procedures (CAPP). (Jan - Aug)

• Zone Trainers & above can conduct the CAPP Training program.
• Participants list to be sent to NHQ.
• Minimum Duration – 6 hours.

*JCI Action Framework (Jan -Apr)

• Faculty – Certified Provisional Zone Trainers & above can conduct the Training
• National Level orientation will be conducted for the Trainers and certify them.

The above 3* are compulsory for the 100% Efficiency of LO.

2. JCI INDIA SUGGESTED COURSES (Jan – Sep) Self supported by LO.

• Provisional Zone Trainers & above can conduct the Training Program
• At least one of the following: (Any training topic to be selected as suggested course)

• Crusade for Cleanliness • Interpersonal Relationship

• Values & Ethics • Communication Skills
• Conflict Management • Civic Consciousness
• Work-Life Balance • LO Accounting
• Stress Management • Bridging the GAP
• Femi Power (HAI Girls/ Boys – • Dos and Don’ts of Social Media
Health Awareness in Girls/ Boys) • Innovation made Practical
• Time Management • Multitasking
• Happy Married Life • Successful Start-Ups
• Happy Parenting


100% efficiency
a) *EMPOWERING YOUTH – at Respective Schools/ Colleges. Must for 100% Efficiency.
Deadline for sending the report of Empowering Youth program within 15 days of
conducting the program. Compulsory to organize Empowering Youth Day on 27th July
• Training series for the school-going students of 9th to 12th:
One Empowering Youth Module includes 5 training programs of 60 minutes duration
on the topics to the same group of audience. Each LO must conduct a minimum of one
Empowering Youth program in a year for 100% efficiency. A thanks letter will be sent
to the school's principal where the program was conducted based on the report.
Any 5 training programs out of the following can be conducted:
1. Leadership 7. Creativity
2. Goal Setting 8. Dos & Don'ts of Social Media
3. Communication 9. Cyber Security
4. Career Orientation 10 Gadget screen time
5. Emotions Management 11. Basic Road Behaviour/ Traffic
6. Universal Values Sense
12. Manners & Etiquettes
• Reporting procedures: Name and complete address of the principal of the school, so
that a thanks letter can be sent to the schools containing the details of the other
training programs of JCI India like JASMINE, NLTS etc. Also, the list of students who
participated in the training and photographs of the event with LO banner.
• If the school conducts any 5 above modules of Empowering Youth program, a
trophy/plaque will be sent to the school by the NHQ. The students will receive
certification of participation for completing all the 5 modules. The LO has to report the
name of the school and its address with a letter from the principal or Head Master of
the concerned school and the names of the students should be neatly typed. The same
should be emailed to trgns@jciindia.in
• Expected – 400 school details.
• Faculty- Provisional Zone Trainers & above can conduct the training.

b) *FUTURE at Respective Colleges (Jan – Sep)

• Future program is designed for college students, ITI and degree college students, and
it lasts 2 hours. This will encourage the students to groom themselves well and build
confidence in themselves. Provisional Zone Trainers and above can conduct the
training for college students. Below are 10 training programs suggested, out of which
any three can be conducted.
1. Decision Making 6. Drug abuse and addiction
2. Interview Skills 7. Gadget screen time
3. Building Relationships 8. Basic Road Behaviour/ Traffic Sense
4. Personal Grooming 9. Stress Management
5. Time & Priority Management 10. Cybersecurity
• Certificates to be issued to all the participants as per the list received from the Pilot.
Deadline to conduct the event before 15th September.
• Faculty: Provisional Zone Trainers & above can conduct the training.


1. NATIONAL TRAINING DAY: (Topic will be decided by 2023 NGB)
• To organize National Training Day all over India on one single day through
• Date: 23rd May
• Duration: 2 hrs
• Trainers: Provisional Zone Trainers and above
• Need to report to ND Training and NHQ
• Compulsory for 100% efficiency

JCI OFFICIAL COURSES: JAN-DEC: Trainers will be approved by JCI

JCI develops many courses for the members, which will help them to gain more
knowledge and confidence. Below are the JCI guidelines:

1. Any member who would like to participate or graduate in JCI training should
be registered on JCI website. This can be done with the help of LO President.
2. The participant will be confirmed as registered by the head trainer after
He/she fulfils the eligibility criteria.
3. The participation or graduation will be certified by JCI only after the participant goes
through online knowledge test which will be sent by JCI on registered mail ID, which
is mandatory.
4. The courses of JCI trainings, their names, # of participants, eligibility, # of Days &
time of event are subject to changes according to the new training policy of JCI. The
update will be sent whenever NHQ receives the Information. Below are the courses
conducted by JCI

• JCI Discover (3hrs)

• Engage, Empower, Grow (3 hrs)
• JCI Explore (3 hrs)


• Effective Meetings (2 hrs)
• Effective Leadership (2 hrs)
• Project Management (3 hrs)
• Networking (3 hrs)
• JCI Facilitator
• Presenter (1 day)
• Social Responsibility (3 hrs)

Following are the Courses on Effective Communication Series:

• Building a Foundation (2 hrs)
• Crafting Your Message (3 hrs)
• Message Delivery (3 hrs)
• Mastering Management (3 hrs)


1. SPEECHCRAFT – (Level 1) – Apr - May

Qualifying program: Residential workshop on Presentation skills.
• Duration: 2 ½ days
• No of centers – All Zones
• No of participants – Max. 30, min 25 per center.
• Registration fees with accommodation – Rs. 4500/- + 18% GST (total Rs. 5310/-).
• Eligibility – Any JCI India LO Member with at least one Year (2022) & Current Year
(Between 18 – 40 years of age only) of continuous membership as an ACTIVE JCI
Member plus participation in LO or Zone level EPS and CAPP.
• For LOs – Send the application 30 days prior of the event to the NHQ
• NHQ : To send the eligible list of participants to ZP and thereafter NHQ will send the
final list to Host and Pilot
• Zone President: To send the final selected list to NHQ.
• Feedback form to be prepared & every participant should fill it & send feedback
to NHQ.
• Criteria for Passing:
• There is no passing criteria. However, the participants should attend all the
session during the 2 1/2 days training event
• Trainers – Pilot faculty should be a National Trainer, duly certified by JCI India.
Must be an active JCI/Associate Member. Must follow JCI India guidelines &
must serve 2 years as co faculty of Speech craft to become pilot for Speech craft.
• The Faculty team will be appointed by JCI India.
• Atleast 1 Co Pilot Must be National Trainer & 2nd Co Pilot can be a Zone trainer
with 1 year Experience
• Host Subsidy Rs. 4500/- per participant.
• Travel Budget for Pilot – 10000 or Actual whichever is lower


Residential workshop to become a Zone trainer. 10 centers for Jaycees & 2 Centres
for SMA.
• Duration: 3 ½ days
• ZTWS event including Valediction shall get over by 4:00 pm
• No. of participants: Maximum of 30 and Minimum of 25 per center.
• No of centers – 10 centers for Jaycees & 2 Centre for SMA. Or As per Application
• Eligibility for Jaycees: He/ She should be a JCI India LO Active/Associate/SMA
Member with continuous membership of 2 years in which the event is being
held + successful participation in Speech Craft & CAPP
• FOR LOS: To send the application with DD to NHQ 45 days before the event or
online registration through members portal.
• NHQ: To send the eligible list of participants to ZP and thereafter will send the final
list to Host and Pilot trainers.
• Trainers – Pilot faculty must be a National Trainer, duly certified by JCI India. Must
be an active Jaycee/Associate member/Past NEC member, and should have piloted
one Speech craft. Must follow JCI India guidelines.
• Co Pilot: Should have co-piloted at least in one speech craft.
• Faculty Team will be appointed by JCI India
• Pilot is not expected to add or reduce the assignments.
• CAPP should not be given as an assignment to Provisional Trainers.
• Assignments should be modified in such a way that it is practically possible to give
Certificates to the Provisional Zone Trainers after completion of 1 year.
• Registration Fees with accommodation: Rs. 12000/- plus GST.
• Host Subsidy: Rs. 10000/- per participant from the Registration fees. All the
guidelines for hosting must be followed by host and a certificate for the same must
be provided by the pilot coach to avail the subsidy.
• Travel Budget for Faculty Team – 15000 or Actual whichever is lower
Graduation Criteria of ZTWS;
1. To ensure quality of the provisional graduates, merit alone should be
Considered for graduation.
2. The final tabulation sheet and the scores sheets of all output sessions by all the
trainers duly signed should be sent to the NHQ by the Pilot Faculty.
3. To marks awarded by the Pilot Faculty, average of the marks given by the two co-
faculty members should be added.
4. While preparing the final graduation sheet, complete confidentiality has to be
5. Along with the list of graduated participants, remarks about supporting faculty
members and host should be sent by Pilot Faculty to NHQ within one week of the
completion of ZTWS.
6 Assignments given to the provisionally graduated participants must be in line with
the one sent by NHQ.
7 Graduation Criteria to be decided by NGB.

3 *Chairmanship & Parliamentary Procedures (CAPP). (Jan-Apr) Mandatory for

Zone 100% efficiency
• Duration: 1 day (Minimum 6 Hours)
• No. of participants: Maximum of 40 and Minimum of 25 per center.
• The ZGB will decide Registration Fees
• Eligibility – any active / associate or SMA Members can attend.
• JCI India will decide Faculty Team in consent with the Zone President.



Advanced training workshop to become a National Trainer
• Duration: Four days.
• No of Centers: Two (North & South)
• No of participants – Max 25 - 30
• Registration Fees with accommodation: Rs.20000/- plus GST.
• Host subsidy: Rs. 15000/- from registration, plus Rs 10000/- extra toward
trainers meet before the event. Provided all the hosting guidelines should be
adhered to, and the Pilot faculty have sent the certificate for the same.
• Eligibility: ZTWS graduate with minimum 1 year’ experience after ZTWS
graduation (Assignments done as a part of graduation process won’t be
considered) and minimum 50 hours of training conducted. (Documents, letters,
feedback forms etc. of each program should be sent to NHQ within 15 days of
program completion. Must include action pictures of trainer along with audience
and banner of host. Trainings at own LOs won’t be considered. Topics as
mentioned in POA plus 3 years’ continuous membership as an active or
SMA/associate member prior to the half in which the event is being held.
• Provisional NTTTS will be graduated only after attending CAPP (Zone or National
Level). Copy of the CAPP Certificate should be sent to NHQ.
• For LOs – Should send the application with DD to NHQ or online registration at
members portal 30 days prior to the event.
• NHQ – Will send the final list of host and Pilot.
• Assignments given to the provisionally graduated participants must be in line
with the one sent by NHQ.
• CAPP should not be given as an assignment.
• Trainers – Pilot faculty should be a National Trainer, duly certified by JCI
India. Must by an active Jaycee/Associate member/Past NEC member, and
should have piloted one ZTWS. Must follow JCI India guidelines.
• Host: To print Course Material/Manuals for the participants. (Self-sufficient).
• Travel Budget for Chairman & Faculties – 15000 or Actual whichever is lower



An advanced residential training workshop to become the AUTHOR of a training
(Depends on Application Received)

JCI INDIA AUTHOR Course introduces techniques and tools to author training courses
with detailed trainers’ instructions, participants’ handouts and visual aids that will
enable other trainers to conduct the course efficiently. It is aimed at preparing
trainers who have already proven their talents in the training field for a new dimension
of authoring of a training course.
Course objectives – At the end of this training, participants will be able to author a
new training course that can be conducted efficiently by other trainers. It will include
all the slides, a Trainers’ Guide and a Participants’ Manual.
The expectation of JCI India from Author:
Every JCI India Author course must result in JCI India getting at least one very
effective training course on any topic which shall be extremely useful to JCI India and
its members which must include Slides, Trainer Guide and Participants’ Manual.
• Duration: 3 complete days (Starts on Friday morning and ends on Sunday evening)
• No of centers: 1
• No of participants: Max. 24 and minimum 15 per center.
• Eligibility: NTTTS Graduate and 1 years’ continuous membership as an active,
associate member or SMA member in which the event is being held.
• For LOs: Should send application with DD or online registration to NHQ 30 days
prior to the event.
• NHQ: Will send the final list to Host & Pilot.
• Trainers: Pilot Faculty should be a National Trainer and qualified JCI India Author
duly certified by JCI India. Must be an Active JCI/Associate Member/Past NEC
Member and should have Piloted one ZTWS/NTTTS.
• Registration fee with accommodation: Rs. 25000/- plus GST.
• Host Subsidy: Rs. 15000/- from registration, plus Rs. 10000/- for trainer meet
before the event, provided all the hosting guidelines should be adhered to and a
certificate for the same has been sent by the Pilot faculty.
• Travel Budget for Chairman & Faculties – 15000 or Actual whichever is lower

2. Business Coach
JCI India is planning to come out with a new program for our National Trainers to
prepare themselves on how to conduct business training program for Jaycees and non
Jaycees. This program will be similar to JCI India Author. They will be trained on the
topics related to business courses only.
• Duration: 3 complete days (Starts on Friday morning and ends on Sunday evening)
• No of centers: 1
• No of participants: Max. 21 and minimum 12 per center.
• Eligibility: NTTTS Graduate and 1 years’ continuous membership as an active or
associate member prior to the half in which the event is being held.
• For LOs: Should send application with DD or online registration to NHQ 30 days
prior to the event.
• NHQ: Will send the final list to Host & Pilot.
• Trainers: Pilot Faculty should be a National Trainer and must be an Active
Jaycee/Associate Member/Past NEC Member and should have Piloted one
• Registration fee with accommodation: Rs. 60000/- plus GST.
• Host Subsidy: Rs. 30000/- from registration, plus Rs. 10000/- for trainer meet before
the event, provided all the hosting guidelines should be adhered to and a certificate
for the same has been sent by the Pilot faculty.
• Travel Budget for Chairman & Faculty Team – 15000 or Actual whichever is lower



AUG 12 - 15

An exclusive residential training workshop to inculcate leadership skills.

• Duration: 4 Days
• Number of centers: 1
• No of participants: Maximum 80 members, 10 International and 10 Corporate.
• Eligibility: Active Jaycee with membership of the Year 2022 & Current Year.
Preference should be given to LO President/LO Officer. Additional qualification
can be prescribed by the NGB
• Couples won’t be allowed.
• For LOs: To send the application through online or DD to NHQ 30 days before the
• National President will be the only authorized person to select the participants
• NHQ: Will send the final selected list of participants to Host & Pilot.
• Trainers: Pilot Faculty should be a National Trainer duly certified by JCI India.
Must be an Active Jaycee/Associate Member/Past NEC Member.
• Faculty Team: Consists of five members certified by JCI INDIA.
• Event promotion by ND/NHQ
• Registration Fees with accommodation: For Active JCI Members Rs. 18000/- plus
GST. Corporate participants Rs. 25000/- plus GST should be sent to JCI India
• Host Subsidy: Rs. 15000/- from registration.
• Outbound training if any, additional subsidy of Rs. 25000/- to be given to host,
subject to the submission of claims in original by faculty.
• Travel Budget for Chairman & Faculties - 15000 Max. or Actual whichever is


1. TRAINERS’ ENRICHMENT PROGRAM: (Instead of Trainers Grid) - May

To organize the Trainers Enrichment Program during the month of May. This would
help the trainers to upgrade their skills and make them more relevant globally and
• Duration – 2 days event
• Eligibility – National Trainers & above.
• # of Participants – 30
• Moderator/s: Recommended by JCI INDIA.
• Event promotion by ND
• Registration fee: Rs. 5000/- plus GST payable to JCI India.
• Host Subsidy: Rs. 4000/-

Active Trainer: JAN-DEC

Every Zone trainer should conduct at least 2 training programs, and the National trainer
should conduct at least 3 training programs for the LO members and report it to the NHQ
to keep their names in the active trainers’ list of JCI India.
Every 2 Years the renewal of the certificate need to be done. To be issued based on the


• LEADER: JAN-DEC (Optional Point for LO 100% efficiency)

LEADER is a 6-day physical training series which can be organized at the LO level by
a Zone Trainer and above. The program has 6 topics, namely,
L – Leadership Basics,
E – Emotional Intelligence,
A – Assess, Analyze and Act,
D – Dealing with Change,
E – Effective Team Management,
R – Review, Revise and Repeat.

Zone Trainer and above can conduct the program.

• OTP: Outbound Training Program: JUL-AUG

A National Level 2-day Training (max. 60 participants). This is first of its kind training
initiative. No formal classroom structure, learning through activities, trekking and
cultural programs, and a night stay in a hill station.
o Duration – 2 days event
o Eligibility – National Trainers & Corporate Trainers.
o # of Participants – 60
o Moderator/s: Recommended by JCI INDIA.
o Event promotion by ND
o Registration fee: Rs. 6000/- plus GST payable to JCI India.
o Host Subsidy: Rs. 5000/- Per member

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