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Timestamp Email Address Score Nama Lengkap

12/4/2023 9:36:12 saragihdesmawaty@g 30 / 100 TES

12/5/2023 7:49:23 asusi4649@gmail.co 37 / 100 Indra pratama
12/5/2023 7:53:10 rahmathidayahh332@ 38 / 100 Rahmad hidayah
12/5/2023 7:54:09 muhammadihsan2244 28 / 100 Muhammad ihsan
12/5/2023 7:54:20 akkhirudin471@gmail 41 / 100 Alif Birrul Wallidain
12/5/2023 7:55:10 steven.daniel53@sma. 41 / 100 STEVEN DANIEL SI
12/5/2023 7:55:38 rayhan.akbar509@sma. 55 / 100 Rayhan akbar koto
12/5/2023 7:56:20 mfahriandreansyah1 20 / 100 M FAHRI ANDREAN
12/5/2023 7:56:35 jarmen.pagarito34@sm 61 / 100 Jarmen Pagarito Sigir
12/5/2023 7:56:57 mesy.diah39@sma.bel 43 / 100 Mesy Diah pasha
12/5/2023 7:57:16 fahrianutama28@gma 29 / 100 FAHRIAN UTAMA
12/5/2023 7:58:22 maulanaafgan18@gma 52 / 100 Maulanq Afgan Ghifar
12/5/2023 7:58:27 royferdinantobing12 33 / 100 Roy ferdinan morado
12/5/2023 7:58:31 luthfi.nour4@sma.bela 84 / 100 Luthfi nour az-Zahra
12/5/2023 7:58:33 elia.yediza4@sma.bela 31 / 100 Elia
12/5/2023 7:59:42 rafael.alfa22@sma.bel 36 / 100 RAFAEL ALFA DION
12/5/2023 8:01:12 lubisanggi334@gmail 38 / 100 Anggi Ariansyah lubis
12/5/2023 8:01:16 dinda.arum429@sma.b 67 / 100 Dinda Arum Maharani
12/5/2023 8:01:30 steven.tito29@sma.bel 54 / 100 Steven Tito Yosafat
12/5/2023 8:01:47 rizkya.novriati1@sma. 12 / 100 RIZKYA NOVRIATI
12/5/2023 8:02:00 yosephina.malau12@s 86 / 100 Yosephina Malau
12/5/2023 8:02:01 nazar.ardiansyah42@s 35 / 100 nazar ardiansyah
12/5/2023 8:02:03 sherlyjelidah2008@g 44 / 100 Sherly Jedidah
12/5/2023 8:02:33 hervand.tyas5@sma.be 68 / 100 HERVAND TYAS SIN
12/5/2023 8:02:44 ruhama.bainana21@sm 54 / 100 Ruhama bainana Dam
12/5/2023 8:03:25 grace.michaela49@sma 65 / 100 GRACE MICHAELA V
12/5/2023 8:03:33 kevin.nurkholik29@sma 40 / 100 Kevin nurkholik wijay
12/5/2023 8:05:06 simangunsongjaya58 57 / 100 Johannes jaya Banjar
12/5/2023 8:05:21 dio.tri272@sma.belaja 64 / 100 Dio Tri Irawan
12/5/2023 8:05:22 nadila.azzura12@sma. 42 / 100 NADILA AZZURA
12/5/2023 8:05:49 wilson.valentino61@sm 50 / 100 Wilson Valentino Pra
12/5/2023 8:06:22 nikeagustin928@gmai 42 / 100 Nike Agustin
12/5/2023 8:06:25 khaliana.tantri17@sma 33 / 100 Khaliana tantri ramad
12/5/2023 8:06:40 jerry.branvico17@sma. 30 / 100 JERRY BRANVICO
12/5/2023 8:06:53 nadir.hamzeini1@sma. 74 / 100 Nadir Hamzeini
12/5/2023 8:06:55 kirana.sapta60@sma.b 38 / 100 Kirana sapta wardani
12/5/2023 8:06:59 reyhan.3265@sma.bel 39 / 100 REYHAN
12/5/2023 8:07:03 revan.joel10@sma.bel 27 / 100 Revan joel sinaga
12/5/2023 8:07:26 anugrah.pundarika43@ 49 / 100 Anugrah pundarika fa
12/5/2023 8:07:34 evelyn.nurmala49@sma 87 / 100 Evelyn Nurmala Novem
12/5/2023 8:07:47 nopval.prastyo29@sma 38 / 100 Nopval Prastyo
12/5/2023 8:07:48 pasya.hirsyah29@sma. 71 / 100 Pasya Hirsyah Asmar
12/5/2023 8:07:51 kayla.munawaroh46@s 50 / 100 kayla munawaroh
12/5/2023 8:08:10 arfiahsyabana12@gma 37 / 100 Arfiah syabana
12/5/2023 8:08:39 unedo.ferari35@sma.b 34 / 100 Unedo Ferari Silaban
12/5/2023 8:08:57 saskia.anatasya58@sm 53 / 100 SASKIA ANATASYA
12/5/2023 8:09:20 era.purnama37@sma.b 71 / 100 Era purnama girsang
12/5/2023 8:09:29 gabrielsiahaan05060 45 / 100 Gabriel Maulana siah
12/5/2023 8:09:31 syafrezibagustian07 42 / 100 Syafŕezi bagustian
12/5/2023 8:09:36 putra.juniarman32@sm 38 / 100 Putra juniarman haref
12/5/2023 8:10:02 ummakhumayra@gmai 55 / 100 KHUMAYRAH NAZWA
12/5/2023 8:10:08 w749951@gmail.com 77 / 100 Ataya Ahmad Rafif Na
12/5/2023 8:10:49 fitria.ramadhani717@s 56 / 100 Fitria Ramadhani
12/5/2023 8:10:57 zmri58175@gmail.co 37 / 100 Muhammad Dharma Ri
12/5/2023 8:11:20 syahri.rajwan14@sma. 88 / 100 Syahri Rajwan Purba
12/5/2023 8:11:36 ghalib.zubiyan41@sma 60 / 100 Ghalib zubiyan
12/5/2023 8:11:46 gunawan.butar24@sma 33 / 100 Gunawan Butar Butar
12/5/2023 8:11:55 salsabila.fitri749@sma 62 / 100 SALSABILA FITRI
12/5/2023 8:11:58 chika.aulia2690@sma. 81 / 100 CHIKA AULIA PUTRI
12/5/2023 8:12:10 ventya.beta34@sma.be 83 / 100 Ventya Beta Ulitacia
12/5/2023 8:12:14 nuha.tata42@sma.bela 82 / 100 Nuha tata aulia sirega
12/5/2023 8:12:14 giovanno.sibagariang 51 / 100 Giovanno Sibagarian
12/5/2023 8:12:17 rio.akbar175@sma.bel 59 / 100 Rio akbar
12/5/2023 8:12:25 evlynronauliturnip@g 80 / 100 Evlyn Ronauli Turnip
12/5/2023 8:12:33 diyah.nafisyah26@sma 48 / 100 Diyah Nafisyah
12/5/2023 8:13:28 singgih.rahma5@sma.b 40 / 100 Singgih Rahma
12/5/2023 8:13:31 anggun.nazya6@sma.b 66 / 100 Anggun Nazya Batuba
12/5/2023 8:13:32 elfridasidabutar1221 56 / 100 HELFRIDA SIDABUT
12/5/2023 8:13:36 bimabaim987@gmail 37 / 100 BIMA
12/5/2023 8:13:38 daris.naufal55@sma.be 74 / 100 DARIS NAUFAL NU
12/5/2023 8:13:42 shandryani.nabila45@ 58 / 100 shandryani nabila ra
12/5/2023 8:13:51 irzam.alfareza9@sma. 41 / 100 Irzam Alfareza
12/5/2023 8:14:11 rayhan.aldiansyah145 58 / 100 RAYHAN ALDIANSY
12/5/2023 8:14:13 muhammad.annas827@ 47 / 100 MUHAMMAD ANNAS
12/5/2023 8:14:15 leva.cleodya22@sma.b 55 / 100 Leva Cleodya Ningru
12/5/2023 8:14:21 rahma.khairani89@sma 37 / 100 Rahma Khairani Pang
12/5/2023 8:14:21 nurulazmithasari@gm 49 / 100 NURUL AZMITHA SA
12/5/2023 8:14:33 anjani.aulia91@sma.be 37 / 100 anjani aulia sinaga
12/5/2023 8:14:48 mhd.zacky101@sma.be 40 / 100 MHD.ZACKY A.DIQZ
12/5/2023 8:14:48 azhaliza.anggi1@sma. 37 / 100 AZHALIZA ANGGI AN
12/5/2023 8:14:56 ade.septriani40@sma. 67 / 100 Ade septriani
12/5/2023 8:14:59 farel.firmansyah606@ 41 / 100 FAREL FIRMANSYA
12/5/2023 8:15:00 laura.angel156@sma.b 45 / 100 laura angel anjani si
12/5/2023 8:15:01 swikyedi@gmail.com 47 / 100 RANDI PANGLILA
12/5/2023 8:15:05 rhahid.zaidan43@sma. 53 / 100 Rhahid Zaidan
12/5/2023 8:15:25 muhammad.aufa8062@ 48 / 100 MUHAMMAD AUFA A
12/5/2023 8:15:39 jacobtambunan3@gma 76 / 100 Jacob tambunan
12/5/2023 8:15:40 nayla.azmi273@sma.be 68 / 100 NAYLA AZMI
12/5/2023 8:15:40 faizrafiqsyahputra@g 31 / 100 Faiz hapip Syahputra
12/5/2023 8:15:47 gaby.stevanya48@sma 49 / 100 Gaby stevanya Silalah
12/5/2023 8:15:47 beri.alvino35@sma.bel 83 / 100 BERI ALVINO SILALA
12/5/2023 8:15:52 devamhendra06@gma 53 / 100 Deva Mahendra
12/5/2023 8:15:54 fahri.andhika11@sma. 38 / 100 FAHRIANDHIKAPRA
12/5/2023 8:16:05 ramadaniimam23@gm 22 / 100 Imam Ramadani
12/5/2023 8:16:07 olive.anggun6@sma.be 34 / 100 OLIVY ANGGUN FAH
12/5/2023 8:16:08 maikelsuhartono3@gm 34 / 100 maikel Suhartono
12/5/2023 8:16:26 gita.indriani74@sma.b 29 / 100 Gita indriani
12/5/2023 8:16:43 tondangrendi@gmail. 18 / 100 RENDY TONDANG
12/5/2023 8:16:55 wahyudi.setiawan194 33 / 100 Wahyudi Setiawan
12/5/2023 8:16:57 vickywinata12@gmail 29 / 100 Vicky Chandra Winata
12/5/2023 8:17:09 hanifa.1643@sma.bela 61 / 100 HANIFA
12/5/2023 8:17:24 fida.amalia64@sma.be 55 / 100 Fida Amalia Syarifah
12/5/2023 8:17:40 elsiana.44@sma.belaj 61 / 100 ELSIANA
12/5/2023 8:17:48 sintia.dira38@sma.bel 77 / 100 sintia dira Nathania
12/5/2023 8:17:50 farel.du3@sma.belajar 80 / 100 Farel d.u Turnip
12/5/2023 8:18:05 ersylianasaragih@gm 41 / 100 Cristian Herianto Sara
12/5/2023 8:18:06 khalila.kaspara15@sm 87 / 100 Khalila Kaspara
12/5/2023 8:18:06 keysyah.junika20@sma 84 / 100 KEYSYAH JUNIKA S
12/5/2023 8:18:14 dilla.adellia48@sma.be 41 / 100 Dilla Adelia
12/5/2023 8:18:18 cintasihotang2023@g 45 / 100 Cinta.m.sihotang
12/5/2023 8:18:24 salwa.rahmadani303@ 62 / 100 Salwa Rahmadani Pu
12/5/2023 8:18:29 rebecca.gaby36@sma. 97 / 100 Rebecca gaby Januar
12/5/2023 8:18:34 tasya.amelia2130@sma 20 / 100 Tasya Amelia
12/5/2023 8:19:03 kayla.nabila601@sma. 53 / 100 KAYLA NABILA
12/5/2023 8:19:03 yusuf.abdur55@sma.be 41 / 100 Yusuf Abdur Rahman
12/5/2023 8:19:09 siren.287@sma.belaja 42 / 100 SIREN
12/5/2023 8:19:09 yuda.syahputra170@s 25 / 100 YUDA SYAHPUTRA
12/5/2023 8:19:27 harapan.jaya126@sma. 76 / 100 Harapan Jaya Purba
12/5/2023 8:19:29 cristmansitinjak@gma 63 / 100 CHRISMAN ENOS SI
12/5/2023 8:19:31 alif.arrafy7@sma.belaj 20 / 100 Alif arrafi
12/5/2023 8:19:33 azril.kurniawan177@s 43 / 100 Azril kurniawan
12/5/2023 8:19:33 jaka.satria514@sma.be 44 / 100 Jaka satria
12/5/2023 8:19:35 micheline.athanasia3 34 / 100 MICHELINE ATANAS
12/5/2023 8:19:35 deni.sharany42@sma.b 30 / 100 Deni Sharany
12/5/2023 8:19:40 ulan.saskia5@sma.bel 30 / 100 Ulan Saskia
12/5/2023 8:19:43 efendioppo2021@gma 64 / 100 Fahdil Dwi Efendi
12/5/2023 8:19:58 ghoiri.13@sma.belajar 44 / 100 Ghoiri
12/5/2023 8:19:59 rendra.afathir28@sma. 68 / 100 RENDRA AFATIR
12/5/2023 8:20:01 danukusnandra@gmai 51 / 100 DANU AJI KUSNAND
12/5/2023 8:20:11 ahmad.fauzi11151@sm 51 / 100 Ahmad fauzi
12/5/2023 8:20:13 rafie.alkhalish17@sma 48 / 100 Rafie alkhalish achm
12/5/2023 8:20:14 amdan.putra16@sma.b 31 / 100 amdan putra jaya
12/5/2023 8:20:18 nadira.kumairah6@sma 67 / 100 NADIRA KUMAIRAH
12/5/2023 8:20:25 citra.cahaya401@sma. 41 / 100 CITRA CAHAYA TAM
12/5/2023 8:20:44 alfarizy.233@sma.bela 55 / 100 Alfarizy
12/5/2023 8:20:53 wiswisnuu50@gmail. 50 / 100 Wisnu pradita
12/5/2023 8:21:00 kotasiantar747@gmai 44 / 100 Dwi agustin
12/5/2023 8:21:01 zikri.januar44@sma.be 41 / 100 ZIKRI JANUAR QOIS
12/5/2023 8:21:06 adamfransya@gmail. 34 / 100 Aryadwiyandra
12/5/2023 8:21:18 mhdnezad07@gmail. 73 / 100 Mhd Nezad Q Damani
12/5/2023 8:21:18 wicha.aljannah13@sma 63 / 100 Wicha Aljannah
12/5/2023 8:21:21 anindya.oktadini19@s 65 / 100 ANINDYA OKTADINI
12/5/2023 8:21:36 marvel.jonatan31@sma 50 / 100 Marvel jonatan lubis
12/5/2023 8:21:42 joice.visena2@sma.bel 66 / 100 JOICE VISENA SINA
12/5/2023 8:21:42 azzura.sekar42@sma.b 61 / 100 AZZURA SEKAR AYU
12/5/2023 8:21:42 vineza.ar44@sma.bela 87 / 100 Vineza Ave Rosion N
12/5/2023 8:21:55 mhd.adnan94@sma.bel 33 / 100 Mhd Adnan Wijaya
12/5/2023 8:22:06 syakila.maimunah19@ 70 / 100 Syakila maimunah
12/5/2023 8:22:10 petrus.michael48@sma 63 / 100 Petrus Michael Andhi
12/5/2023 8:22:10 hanzalah.sopia30@sma 74 / 100 Hanzalah Sopia Roza
12/5/2023 8:22:12 andreas.pahoti22@sma 53 / 100 Andreas lumban raja
12/5/2023 8:22:13 ziedie.hilma23@sma.b 35 / 100 Ziedie Hilma
12/5/2023 8:22:16 mardia.ariba16@sma.b 22 / 100 mardia ariba damanik
12/5/2023 8:22:18 shafa.syahira71@sma. 45 / 100 SHAFA SYAHIRA
12/5/2023 8:22:20 dede.iskandar77@sma. 44 / 100 DEDE ISKANDAR HP
12/5/2023 8:22:29 michael.sergio14@sma 49 / 100 Michael Sergio Hutaju
12/5/2023 8:22:32 difan.dwi32@sma.bela 42 / 100 Difan Dwi andrianda
12/5/2023 8:22:38 mhdfahrii478@gmail. 38 / 100 Muhammad Fahri
12/5/2023 8:22:44 noel.gamaliel55@sma. 67 / 100 Noel Gamaliel Situmo
12/5/2023 8:23:01 rajamin.paskah30@sma 74 / 100 Rajamin Paskah Ginti
12/5/2023 8:23:03 neniputri485@gmail. 45 / 100 Neni putri
12/5/2023 8:23:08 junita.putri648@sma.b 41 / 100 JUNITA PUTRI BAT
12/5/2023 8:23:34 nazwa.ahya83@sma.be 68 / 100 NAZWA AHYA ARHEZ
12/5/2023 8:23:34 reychan.immanueldo2 47 / 100 Reychan immanueldo
12/5/2023 8:23:39 dika.andrean18@sma.b 45 / 100 DIKA ANDREAN
12/5/2023 8:23:48 dinra.aliksian25@sma. 30 / 100 DINRA ALIKSIAN H
12/5/2023 8:23:50 muhammad.faiz44125@ 52 / 100 Muhammad Faiz
12/5/2023 8:23:51 muhammadrevandi15 18 / 100 Muhammad Revandi
12/5/2023 8:23:53 nabila.yamanda16@sm 70 / 100 NABILA YAMANDA
12/5/2023 8:23:54 widi.aswita44@sma.be 58 / 100 WIDI ASWITA
12/5/2023 8:23:56 salbiah.riani36@sma.b 33 / 100 Salbiah Riani
12/5/2023 8:23:58 korbanlagi66@gmail. 48 / 100 Silva effendy
12/5/2023 8:24:03 muhammad.hilalluddi 45 / 100 Muhammad Hilal luddi
12/5/2023 8:24:05 muhammad.tri3733@sm 54 / 100 Muhammad tri febria
12/5/2023 8:24:09 nurul.hamidah435@sma 34 / 100 Nurul Hamidah
12/5/2023 8:24:16 sfebriani669@gmail. 31 / 100 FEBRIANI SAFITRI
12/5/2023 8:24:23 cipta.enjelita30@sma. 75 / 100 Cipta Enjelita Saragih
12/5/2023 8:24:29 raymond.gilbert37@sm 87 / 100 Raymond Gilbert Par
12/5/2023 8:24:30 tesalonikamika946@g 29 / 100 Mika tesalonika purba
12/5/2023 8:24:39 shella.gracia7@sma.be 83 / 100 Shella Gracia Sianturi
12/5/2023 8:24:43 hade.firmansyah14@s 55 / 100 Hade Firmansyah
12/5/2023 8:24:43 krisna.raja21@sma.bel 61 / 100 Krisna raja dewantara
12/5/2023 8:24:46 rendy.indra82@sma.be 46 / 100 Rendy indra alamsya
12/5/2023 8:24:59 shinta.aulia1619@sma 43 / 100 SHINTA AULIA
12/5/2023 8:25:01 nabila.syaputri195@sm 52 / 100 NABILA SYAHPUTRI
12/5/2023 8:25:02 rosanfahroza101@gm 57 / 100 Rosan Fahroza
12/5/2023 8:25:06 ikbal.utomo5@sma.bel 52 / 100 IKBAL UTOMO
12/5/2023 8:25:12 aufa.albhizsya5@sma. 68 / 100 Aufa Albhizsya Dama
12/5/2023 8:25:16 rikyamanda27@gmail 51 / 100 RIKY AMANDA
12/5/2023 8:25:29 stivan.anugerah48@sm 65 / 100 Stivan A Sembiring
12/5/2023 8:25:30 ribcha.viona23@sma.b 44 / 100 Ribcha Viona Nainggo
12/5/2023 8:25:36 srimaimunah0578@gm 64 / 100 SRI MAIMUNAH
12/5/2023 8:25:37 ahmadfauzansiagian 47 / 100 Ahmad fauzan siagia
12/5/2023 8:25:38 indah.larasati332@sma 56 / 100 INDAH LARASATI
12/5/2023 8:25:41 yosi.cristi21@sma.bela 68 / 100 Yosi Cristi Agatha Ze
12/5/2023 8:25:45 sigit.wahyudi106@sma 47 / 100 sigit wahyudi
12/5/2023 8:25:54 fhadillah.zahra26@sma 46 / 100 Fhadillah Zahra
12/5/2023 8:25:55 stanichev.natanael36 46 / 100 Stanichev Natanael P
12/5/2023 8:26:05 thufail.siregar38@sma 94 / 100 Thufail Siregar
12/5/2023 8:26:05 dwi.anjelina15@sma.be 41 / 100 DWI ANJELINA
12/5/2023 8:26:19 salsabilasyifaandini 47 / 100 Salsabila Syifa Andini
12/5/2023 8:26:26 raven.arweza6@sma.b 67 / 100 Raven Arweza Sihom
12/5/2023 8:26:27 siffra.haloho34@sma.b 85 / 100 Siffra Haloho
12/5/2023 8:26:27 annisa.almira114@sma 48 / 100 Annisa Almira Dewi L
12/5/2023 8:26:33 julia.cristine42@sma.b 59 / 100 JULIA CRISTINE SI
12/5/2023 8:26:38 sewahyu.ananda25@sm 70 / 100 Sewahyu Ananda
12/5/2023 8:26:40 juwani.cinta3@sma.bel 78 / 100 Juwani cinta nial Sigir
12/5/2023 8:26:50 indah.aulia1411@sma. 40 / 100 Indah aulia panjaitan
12/5/2023 8:26:56 zahra.naulina8@sma.b 75 / 100 Zahra naulina simamo
12/5/2023 8:26:59 raja.atary26@sma.bela 47 / 100 RAJA A'TARY AMBA
12/5/2023 8:27:03 reno.vebrio11@sma.be 45 / 100 Reno Vebrio Ritonga
12/5/2023 8:27:08 stevani.gracelia44@sm 53 / 100 STEVANI GRACELIA
12/5/2023 8:27:15 mustika.rahayu112@sm 60 / 100 Mustika Rahayu Utam
12/5/2023 8:27:18 dude.andino11@sma.b 40 / 100 Dude Andino Damanik
12/5/2023 8:27:27 daniel.bahagia6@sma. 66 / 100 Daniel Bahagia Sinag
12/5/2023 8:27:28 yusnaputri880@gmail 56 / 100 YUSNAH KHALILA P
12/5/2023 8:27:33 aglesissaragih@gmai 33 / 100 AGLESIS KEVIN JUL
12/5/2023 8:27:39 atsumu607@gmail.c 66 / 100 Chelsya wigatri
12/5/2023 8:27:42 nuri.aisyah52@sma.be 64 / 100 NURI AISYAH PUTRI
12/5/2023 8:27:51 adinda.zahra1167@sma 54 / 100 ADINDA ZAHRA YOL
12/5/2023 8:27:58 rioufradhana522@gma 65 / 100 riou fradhana
12/5/2023 8:28:00 suci.cahyah38@sma.be 50 / 100 Suci cahya rahmadan
12/5/2023 8:28:01 dhiyaa.nuzulul3@sma. 81 / 100 Dhiyaa' Nuzulul Irawa
12/5/2023 8:28:11 hazizaadaharo@gmai 34 / 100 Hazizah daharo
12/5/2023 8:28:13 rismariana.enjelika8@ 52 / 100 Rismariana Enjelika S
12/5/2023 8:28:14 rafi.aviciena16@sma.b 47 / 100 Rafi Aviciena Jhavath
12/5/2023 8:28:23 sastya.wira22@sma.be 60 / 100 sastya wira anggun kh
12/5/2023 8:28:26 yofa.selia45@sma.bela 63 / 100 Yofa selia alima
12/5/2023 8:28:27 tri.rama115@sma.bela 68 / 100 TRI RAMA HABIBAH
12/5/2023 8:28:43 violapohan2020@gma 61 / 100 VIOLA NANDA HAFI
12/5/2023 8:28:45 nurul.hasanah4094@s 57 / 100 NURUL HASANAH
12/5/2023 8:28:45 anrey.bernat44@sma.b 49 / 100 Anrey Bernat Lumban
12/5/2023 8:28:47 yusnizar.anuar36@sma 51 / 100 Yusnizar Anuar
12/5/2023 8:28:48 grace.getsemany19@s 56 / 100 GRACE GETSEMANY
12/5/2023 8:28:51 kirana.cinta1064@sma 57 / 100 KIRANA CINTA LEST
12/5/2023 8:28:55 dara.arimbi33@sma.be 44 / 100 Dara Arimbi gibraltar
12/5/2023 8:28:58 baimqq39@gmail.co 55 / 100 BAIM
12/5/2023 8:29:00 atapuspan@gmail.co 72 / 100 ATA PUSPA NAHAR
12/5/2023 8:29:08 joel.dwi47@sma.belaja 74 / 100 JOEL DWI PUTRA P
12/5/2023 8:29:08 aulia.rahma8590@sma. 52 / 100 AULIA RAHMA SIRE
12/5/2023 8:29:08 abdul.dahlan29@sma.b 31 / 100 Abdul Dahlan
12/5/2023 8:29:11 aini.aprilia112@sma.b 58 / 100 AINI APRILIA
12/5/2023 8:29:11 kesha.cinthya49@sma. 64 / 100 Kesha Cinthya Renov
12/5/2023 8:29:11 nazwa.muzdalifah66@ 34 / 100 NAZWA MUZDALIFAH
12/5/2023 8:29:20 nadiah.tiftazani44@sm 70 / 100 Nadiah Tiftazani
12/5/2023 8:29:27 tazkiaadwa@gmail.c 72 / 100 TAZKIA ASHILA AD
12/5/2023 8:29:27 syofi.kesya25@sma.be 62 / 100 SYOFI KESYA WAND
12/5/2023 8:29:29 rahel.arta21@sma.bela 60 / 100 Rahel arta helena sir
12/5/2023 8:29:30 aptafebriansyah@gma 58 / 100 APTA FEBRIANSYAH
12/5/2023 8:29:30 pricilla.theresia7@sma 67 / 100 Pricilla Theresia purb
12/5/2023 8:29:33 rizki.adrian282@sma.b 27 / 100 Rizki Adrian
12/5/2023 8:29:49 devaragaming27@gma 47 / 100 DEVARA ADHWA AB
12/5/2023 8:29:57 deary.sinabariba8@sm 67 / 100 Deary Sinabariba
12/5/2023 8:29:58 niar64814@gmail.co 30 / 100 Nia Ramadani
12/5/2023 8:30:11 sirin.afifa23@sma.bela 44 / 100 Sirin Afifa
12/5/2023 8:30:18 deca.hutabarat10@sma 79 / 100 Deca Hutabarat
12/5/2023 8:30:20 dandi.irawan104@sma. 35 / 100 Dandiirawan
12/5/2023 8:30:22 kezya.audia33@sma.be 59 / 100 KEZYA AUDIA MAN
12/5/2023 8:30:22 chyntia.grace21@sma. 74 / 100 Chyntia hutauruk
12/5/2023 8:30:26 nayliitqiyanasiddikra 81 / 100 RATU NAYLI ITQIYA
12/5/2023 8:30:31 sigalinggingluckyart 57 / 100 LUCKY ARTOMORI S
12/5/2023 8:30:33 kesya9079@gmail.co 31 / 100 Nabila keysa
12/5/2023 8:30:43 chelsy.aurel83@sma.b 85 / 100 CHELSY AUREL RAM
12/5/2023 8:30:44 anggara.mawardani11 37 / 100 Anggara Mawar Dani
12/5/2023 8:30:48 mfarrelziotampubolo 64 / 100 Muhammad Farrel Zio
12/5/2023 8:30:48 rivandsjuntak@gmail 58 / 100 Rivands Rachel Siman
12/5/2023 8:31:01 zahraaharahap556@g 40 / 100 Azzhara agustina Ha
12/5/2023 8:31:04 nazwa.ayyubi25@sma. 34 / 100 Nazwa Ayyubi
12/5/2023 8:31:05 talitasiahaan2@gmail 26 / 100 Talita rosauli siahaan
12/5/2023 8:31:06 intandamanik998@gm 42 / 100 Intan Nuraini Damanik
12/5/2023 8:31:19 melatisukmaayu17@g 59 / 100 MELATI SUKMA AYU
12/5/2023 8:31:23 angelgresianasution 51 / 100 ANGEL G NASUTION
12/5/2023 8:31:42 natan.simarmata28@s 94 / 100 Natan Simarmata
12/5/2023 8:31:50 syahputrinazwa42@g 60 / 100 Nazwa Syahputri
12/5/2023 8:31:51 rajadear88@gmail.co 48 / 100 Raja Dear Damanik
12/5/2023 8:31:55 suci.alkholila25@sma. 79 / 100 SUCI ALKHOLILA
12/5/2023 8:32:00 dian.sapira76@sma.be 37 / 100 Dian sapira
12/5/2023 8:32:02 ulfa.aulia793@sma.bel 47 / 100 ulfa aulia barirah
12/5/2023 8:32:05 afza.wafiq40@sma.bel 53 / 100 AFZA WAFIQ AISYAH
12/5/2023 8:32:17 yemima.natasya50@sm 53 / 100 Yemima Natasya Pasa
12/5/2023 8:32:23 celine.cherisha47@sm 86 / 100 Celine Cherisha Sima
12/5/2023 8:32:24 sausantribadiah@gma 41 / 100 SAUSAN TRI BADIAH
12/5/2023 8:32:27 fricylia.valentina17@s 75 / 100 Fricylia Valentina Sar
12/5/2023 8:32:35 siregarjia57@gmail.c 36 / 100 Bunga anggraini sireg
12/5/2023 8:32:39 ismiatillanasution@g 67 / 100 ISMI ATILLA ISLAMI
12/5/2023 8:33:06 ortiz.saragih16@sma.b 48 / 100 ORTIZ SARAGIH
12/5/2023 8:33:08 nur.iska38@sma.belaj 72 / 100 NUR ISKA KHUMAIR
12/5/2023 8:33:12 ayu.widiya228@sma.be 41 / 100 AYU WiDYA LANI
12/5/2023 8:33:19 nindyarini.diva31@sma 46 / 100 NINDYARINI DIVA KH
12/5/2023 8:33:25 siahaanlamsihar@gma 58 / 100 Martin Jeremia Sirait
12/5/2023 8:33:28 litanobelnb@gmail.c 63 / 100 Indah Ruth nobelita si
12/5/2023 8:33:33 fahririvandi99@gmail 71 / 100 FAHRI RIVANDI
12/5/2023 8:33:37 muhammad.dzaki1499 55 / 100 Muhammad dzaki arwi
12/5/2023 8:33:46 mdasaputri@gmail.c 46 / 100 MELINDA SAPUTRI
12/5/2023 8:33:50 shania.bintang23@sma 68 / 100 Shania Bintang Kiran
12/5/2023 8:33:58 erniwati8008@gmail. 37 / 100 ELVI CAHYANI
12/5/2023 8:34:24 nurrahmanbaihaqi@g 60 / 100 Muhaimin Nur Rahman
12/5/2023 8:34:26 devin.elva39@sma.bel 70 / 100 devin elva rasyiqah
12/5/2023 8:34:26 rizky.auliaputri28@sm 69 / 100 Rizky Auliaputri M P
12/5/2023 8:34:27 suci.roh50@sma.belaj 67 / 100 Suci Roh Wahyuni Da
12/5/2023 8:34:27 afri19117@gmail.com 73 / 100 M Afri Al Qhozain
12/5/2023 8:34:28 chandramahendra200 31 / 100 CHANDRA MAHEND
12/5/2023 8:34:28 josua.sinaga158@sma. 36 / 100 Josua Sinaga
12/5/2023 8:34:28 fachriza.zachri25@sma 93 / 100 Fachriza Zachri
12/5/2023 8:34:29 ivana.azzahra72@sma. 71 / 100 Ivana Azzahra Pane
12/5/2023 8:34:31 cahaya.fadhillah21@s 62 / 100 Cahaya Fadhillah Fas
12/5/2023 8:34:34 talita.gracia51@sma.b 40 / 100 TALITA TAMPUBOL
12/5/2023 8:34:34 zeta.aristantia31@sma 63 / 100 Zeta Aristantia Sagala
12/5/2023 8:34:35 suci.harumdani48@sma 74 / 100 Suci Harum Dani
12/5/2023 8:34:36 dinda.fitria521@sma.b 65 / 100 Dinda Fitria
12/5/2023 8:34:36 f79208657@gmail.co 48 / 100 MHD.FAUZAN
12/5/2023 8:34:38 oiko.taroasoh34@sma. 82 / 100 OIKO TAROASOH P
12/5/2023 8:34:38 salsabila.savina17@sm 37 / 100 Salsabilla Savina
12/5/2023 8:34:39 sri.fadila274@sma.bel 56 / 100 SRI FADILA
12/5/2023 8:34:39 rasyida.zahra45@sma. 52 / 100 RASYIDA ZAHRA
12/5/2023 8:34:40 chintiaxylina@gmail. 54 / 100 Chintya Hotnauli Trino
12/5/2023 8:34:42 asri.inayah49@sma.be 44 / 100 Asri inayah
12/5/2023 8:34:44 keyza.fatimah17@sma. 80 / 100 Keyza Fatimah Yusni
12/5/2023 8:34:45 virgin.merchyfull48@s 88 / 100 Virgin Merchyfull Sin
12/5/2023 8:34:47 rangga.syaukani41@sm 54 / 100 RANGGA SYAUKANI
12/5/2023 8:34:48 novita.sari12804@sma 61 / 100 Novita sari poraya pu
12/5/2023 8:34:48 alya.ananda223@sma. 55 / 100 Alya Ananda
12/5/2023 8:34:49 exaudi.gracia29@sma. 63 / 100 Exaudi Gracia Maulia
12/5/2023 8:34:50 praja.abdi30@sma.bel 47 / 100 Praja abdi ramadhan
12/5/2023 8:34:53 simamoraleonardo8@ 57 / 100 Leonardo Sahat Hasi
12/5/2023 8:34:54 renita.rahel18@sma.be 72 / 100 Renita Rahel Hutabali
12/5/2023 8:34:57 ravikadewi1310@gma 49 / 100 Rafika Dewi Purba
12/5/2023 8:34:57 abc321085z@gmail. 49 / 100 Pirman Syahputra Na
12/5/2023 8:34:58 anisa.salsabila2349@ 58 / 100 Anisa Salsabila Ram
12/5/2023 8:34:58 intan.luvia13@sma.bel 59 / 100 Intan LUVIA Ningrum
12/5/2023 8:35:00 dimasmaulana2080@g 40 / 100 Dimas maulana dahar
12/5/2023 8:35:02 mastinalasetina@gma 40 / 100 MASTINA LASE
12/5/2023 8:35:13 mifta.fitri63@sma.bela 38 / 100 Mifta Fitri Padila
12/5/2023 8:35:14 gaby.lawrensya37@sm 62 / 100 gaby lawrensya
12/5/2023 8:35:22 yohana.piladelpia43@ 90 / 100 YOHANA PILADELPI
12/5/2023 8:35:26 reysa.anindita4@sma.b 31 / 100 REYSA ANINDITA
12/5/2023 8:35:28 auliapasaribu65@gma 50 / 100 Aulia cinta laura pasa
12/5/2023 8:35:30 dinatamara202@gmai 38 / 100 Dina Tamara
12/5/2023 8:35:33 cindi.pratiwi28@sma.b 81 / 100 Cindi pratiwi
12/5/2023 8:35:33 ghssyasmbln@gmail. 54 / 100 Ghesya Simbolon
12/5/2023 8:35:36 gracia.sheila24@sma.b 69 / 100 Gracia Sheila Hassya
12/5/2023 8:35:38 khaila.prita1@sma.bel 40 / 100 KHAILA PRITA SARI
12/5/2023 8:35:53 thaliadwi75@gmail.c 52 / 100 Dwi Thalia Hasibuan
12/5/2023 8:36:21 allya.ramadhina18@sm 50 / 100 allya ramadhina
12/5/2023 8:36:27 risa.khayrani17@sma.b 47 / 100 Risa khayrani
12/5/2023 8:36:48 wifa.raihan30@sma.be 36 / 100 Wifa Raihan
12/5/2023 8:36:50 tasyapandiangan57@ 73 / 100 Tasya Pandiangan
12/5/2023 8:37:17 chelsea.sihombing23@ 74 / 100 Chelsea Sihombing
12/5/2023 8:37:22 johanes.alvredo24@sm 35 / 100 Johanes A Sagala
12/5/2023 8:38:12 fika.mapuja48@sma.be 30 / 100 fikamapuja
12/5/2023 8:38:26 havhiz.navrizal32@sma 64 / 100 Havhiz Navrizal Iskan
12/5/2023 8:38:55 angelsihombing571@ 94 / 100 Angel Kristiani Sihom
12/5/2023 8:39:04 geraldpurba26@gmai 61 / 100 GERALD COLIN EVA
12/5/2023 8:39:27 yosefin.chatrin30@sma 82 / 100 Yosefin chatrin natali
12/5/2023 8:39:55 deocharismadeo@gma 55 / 100 Deo Charisma Situmo
12/5/2023 8:39:57 adistialaras071@gmai 51 / 100 Adistya laras virani
12/5/2023 8:41:06 saskiaadeam@gmail. 45 / 100 Saskia adea mecca
12/5/2023 8:53:23 nur.arifin704@sma.bel 22 / 100 NUR ARIFIN
Kelas X7 TOKEN : While jumping, Ronaldo
Christiano Ronaldo ha
X1 BING10 highest very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 left very strong
X7 BING10 higher very good
X8 BING10 fastest very strong
X2 TOKEN : BING10 higher confident
X2 BING10 faster very strong
X8 BING10 highest very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher confident
X6 TOKEN : BING10 fastest very strong
X1 BING10 faster very strong
X9 BING10 higher good
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 fastest very hard
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 faster very good
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 left very good
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 highest very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 faster very hard
X2 BING10 faster very strong
X 10 BING10 higher confident
X4 BING10 higher confident
X7 BING10 fastest very strong
X9 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very good
X2 BING10 highest very strong
X2 BING10 highest very strong
X7 BING10 fastest very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 highest very good
X7 BING10 higher good
X8 BING10 highest very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 fastest very strong
X2 BING10 left very strong
X9 BING10 highest confident
X9 BING10 higher very hard
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very good
X3 BING10 fastest very strong
X7 TOKEN : BING10 fastest very strong
X4 BING10 faster very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 highest very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 faster very strong
X5 BING10 faster very strong
X8 BING10 highest very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 highest confident
X7 BING10 higher very good
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very good
X2 BING10 fastest confident
X5 BING10 highest very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very good
X4 BING10 highest very strong
X3 BING10 higher very good
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 highest good
X5 BING10 left very good
X 10 BING10 highest very good
X4 BING10 highest confident
X8 BING10 fastest good
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher confident
X9 BING10 higher confident
X8 BING10 faster very strong
X9 BING10 faster very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very hard
X7 BING10 highest very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 highest confident
X8 BING10 highest good
X9 BING10 higher confident
X7 BING10 highest very strong
X9 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 fastest very good
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 faster very strong
X5 BING10 highest very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 faster very strong
X6 BING10 highest very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 highest very good
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 faster confident
X4 BING10 highest very strong
X9 BING10 higher confident
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 highest very good
X2 BING10 faster very strong
X4 BING10 left very strong
X9 BING10 higher good
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X7 TOKEN : BING10 highest very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 highest confident
X9 BING10 faster very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 faster very strong
X2 BING10 higher very good
X6 BING10 higher very good
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 higher very hard
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 faster good
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 fastest very good
X9 BING10 higher very hard
X6 TOKEN : BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 highest very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 faster very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 highest very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 faster very strong
X4 BING10 highest very strong
X4 BING10 faster very good
X 10 BING10 highest confident
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very good
X6 BING10 highest very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 faster very good
X6 BING10 faster very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 faster very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 faster very strong
X 10 BING10 highest very strong
X 10 BING10 fastest good
X8 BING10 faster very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 higher very hard
X8 BING10 higher confident
X9 TOKEN : BING10 highest very strong
X9 BING10 highest very strong
X8 BING10 higher good
X8 TOKEN : BING10 higher very hard
X6 BING10 left confident
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 highest confident
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher good
X 10 BING10 highest very strong
X 10 BING10 faster very strong
X9 BING10 faster very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 highest very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 higher very good
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 faster very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher confident
X 10 BING10 faster very strong
X5 BING10 highest very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 faster good
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 highest very strong
X9 BING10 fastest very hard
X1 BING10 higher good
X7 BING10 faster very strong
X6 BING10 faster very strong
X3 BING10 higher confident
X4 BING10 higher confident
X2 BING10 higher very hard
X3 BING10 highest very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 fastest very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 highest very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X2 TOKEN : BING10 highest very good
X5 BING10 highest confident
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 faster very strong
X9 BING10 fastest confident
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 faster very strong
X1 BING10 higher confident
X 10 TOKEN : BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 highest confident
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 highest very good
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 highest very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 faster very strong
X3 BING10 higher very good
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 fastest very hard
X4 BING10 highest very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 faster confident
X1 BING10 higher confident
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 fastest very hard
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 left very strong
X1 BING10 higher confident
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 highest confident
X9 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 fastest very good
X7 BING10 highest very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 highest very strong
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 highest very good
X5 BING10 left very strong
X1 BING10 faster very strong
X7 BING10 higher confident
X8 BING10 higher confident
X4 BING10 faster very good
X 10 BING10 faster very strong
X1 BING10 faster very strong
X1 BING10 highest very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very good
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 faster very strong
X9 BING10 left very good
X9 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 fastest very strong
X9 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 highest confident
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very good
X5 BING10 higher confident
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very good
X1 BING10 higher confident
X5 BING10 higher very strong
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X5 BING10 faster very strong
X9 BING10 fastest confident
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 highest very strong
X1 BING10 faster good
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very good
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher confident
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 higher very good
X1 BING10 faster very good
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 higher very good
X 10 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very strong
X9 BING10 highest confident
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 higher very strong
X1 BING10 highest very strong
X6 TOKEN : BING10 higher very strong
X6 BING10 left very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 fastest very strong
X3 BING10 faster very strong
X8 BING10 left confident
X2 BING10 faster confident
X6 BING10 fastest very good
X7 BING10 highest very strong
X7 BING10 faster confident
X2 BING10 higher very hard
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X8 BING10 higher very hard
X1 BING10 higher good
X 10 BING10 higher confident
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X4 BING10 higher very strong
X2 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher very strong
X3 BING10 higher very strong
X7 BING10 higher confident
X9 BING10 fastest good
"terkenal" in English iThe students go to schWe can see the values/ Find out verbs from t
famous Does the students go routines, good, familysing, write, good
known Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
great Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociagood, clean, write
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, good, familygood, clean, write
famous Did the student went regional, practices,susit, bad, study
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,susing, write, good
known Does the students go routines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociabad, good, write
known Does the students go routines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,subad, good, write
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
fame Do the students go topersonal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Does the students go personal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
known Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Did the students go t routines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociagood, clean, write
great Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
known Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sobad, good, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Does the students go personal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociagood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasit, bad, study
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,susing, write, good
bad Do the students go toregional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,susing, write, good
fame Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociagood, clean, write
famous Did the student went routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, good, familygood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasit, bad, study
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
known Did the student went routines, good, familysit, bad, study
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went personal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociagood, clean, write
bad Do the students go topersonal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,sugood, clean, write
great Do the students go toroutines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Did the student went personal, good, familyclean. study, sit
great Does the students go personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
known Did the students go t routines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociagood, clean, write
fame Did the student went regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
known Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Did the student went personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
fame Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familysit, bad, study
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
known Does the students go personal, good, familygood, clean, write
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sobad, good, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociasing, write, good
fame Did the students go t routines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
fame Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociasit, bad, study
famous Does the students go routines, good, familygood, clean, write
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
great Does the students go routines, good, familygood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
known Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familysit, bad, study
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Does the students go regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Does the students go regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
fame Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociasit, bad, study
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went routines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,susit, bad, study
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
fame Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
known Do the students go toregional, practices,subad, good, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,susit, bad, study
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Did the student went regional, practices,susit, bad, study
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Did the student went regional, practices,subad, good, write
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Did the students go t routines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociabad, good, write
famous Does the students go regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
fame Did the student went regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasit, bad, study
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Did the student went personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familysing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, good, familysing, write, good
fame Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasit, bad, study
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familysing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociasit, bad, study
famous Does the students go routines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went routines, personal, sobad, good, write
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familybad, good, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go regional, practices,suclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,susing, write, good
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociasing, write, good
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,susit, bad, study
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Did the students go t regional, practices,sugood, clean, write
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociagood, clean, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sogood, clean, write
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Do the students go topersonal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went personal, family, sociagood, clean, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
fame Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Did the students go t personal, good, familyclean. study, sit
famous Does the students go routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went routines, personal, sobad, good, write
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, sosing, write, good
famous Did the students go t personal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go topersonal, family, sociaclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toroutines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Did the student went routines, personal, soclean. study, sit
famous Do the students go toregional, practices,subad, good, write
famous Does the students go routines, personal, sogood, clean, write
bad Does the students go regional, practices,susit, bad, study
Leani Oktila Ratri, on Ibu saya memasak setia
Personal Recount Text The Tokyo 2020 Paral
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
inspired by other My mother cook in theliterary and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooking inliterary abilities
by her family My mother cook in theliterary athletes
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells athletes
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooked in rtetells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by watching other My mother cooked in ltiterary and retells disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
by his family My mother is cooking literary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical athletes
by his family My mother cook in thehistorical abilities
inspire by family My mother cooking inhistorical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary and retells abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspired by other My mother is cooking literary and historical athletes
by his family My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical athletes
inspired by other My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
inspired by other My mother cook in theliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooked in ltiterary and retells abilities
by his family My mother cooks in thhistorical despite
by his family My mother is cooking literary disabilities
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
inspired by other My mother cooking inliterary and historical abilities
by watching other My mother is cooking historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical despite
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother is cooking literary and retells athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical athletes
inspire by family My mother cooking inretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary process
inspire by family My mother cook in thehistorical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother is cooking historical process
by his family My mother is cooking literary and historical abilities
by his family My mother cooking inhistorical abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
by his family My mother cook in theliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cook in thehistorical abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
inspire by family My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical abilities
by watching other My mother cooked in ht istorical process
by her family My mother cooking inretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
inspired by other My mother cook in theretells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical disabilities
inspired by other My mother is cooking literary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooked in ht istorical athletes
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical athletes
inspired by other My mother cook in thehistorical disabilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
inspired by other My mother cook in theliterary and historical abilities
inspire by family My mother is cooking retells and historical abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cook in theretells and historical abilities
inspire by family My mother is cooking literary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thhistorical despite
by watching other My mother cook in theliterary athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cook in thehistorical abilities
by her family My mother cook in theliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooking inretells and historical despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and retells abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by his family My mother cook in theliterary abilities
inspired by other My mother cooking inliterary and historical process
inspired by other My mother cooking inliterary disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical despite
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical despite
inspired by other My mother is cooking literary and historical abilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical despite
by her family My mother is cooking historical despite
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
inspire by family My mother cooked in ht istorical athletes
by his family My mother is cooking literary and historical abilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thliterary process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by watching other My mother cooking inretells and historical despite
inspired by other My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary abilities
by his family My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical athletes
inspire by family My mother cooking inhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking historical process
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
inspire by family My mother is cooking literary abilities
by her family My mother cooking inhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooking inhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cook in thehistorical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells athletes
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
inspired by other My mother cooking inliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooking inliterary disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells abilities
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary abilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical process
inspire by family My mother is cooking literary and retells abilities
by his family My mother cooking inliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and retells process
by his family My mother is cooking historical abilities
by watching other My mother cooking inretells and historical athletes
inspire by family My mother cook in thehistorical athletes
inspired by other My mother cooking inliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical process
inspire by family My mother cooks in thretells and historical despite
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary and retells abilities
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical despite
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
by his family My mother cooked in ltiterary despite
inspire by family My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking historical process
by his family My mother cooking inhistorical athletes
inspired by other My mother cooks in thretells and historical despite
by his family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical despite
by her family My mother cook in theliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical despite
inspired by other My mother cook in theliterary and retells abilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
by his family My mother is cooking literary abilities
by his family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
inspire by family My mother cooks in thhistorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
inspired by other My mother is cooking literary and retells despite
by watching other My mother cooked in ht istorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical athletes
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
by his family My mother cooking inhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical despite
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
inspired by other My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooked in ht istorical abilities
by her family My mother cook in theliterary and historical athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical process
inspired by other My mother is cooking historical athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical process
by her family My mother cook in thehistorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
by her family My mother cooking inretells and historical despite
by watching other My mother is cooking literary and retells athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking retells and historical athletes
by his family My mother cook in theliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical athletes
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary and retells disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooked in ht istorical abilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical despite
by his family My mother cook in theliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooking inretells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary disabilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and retells disabilities
inspire by family My mother cook in thehistorical athletes
by her family My mother is cooking historical abilities
by her family My mother cook in theretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooked in rtetells and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooked in ht istorical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
by her family My mother cook in theretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by his family My mother cook in thehistorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary and retells athletes
by watching other My mother is cooking literary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooking inretells and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
inspire by family My mother is cooking literary and historical process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooked in ht istorical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
by watching other My mother cooking inretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooking inretells and historical athletes
by her family My mother is cooking retells and historical abilities
inspire by family My mother cook in theretells and historical athletes
by her family My mother cook in theretells and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thhistorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by watching other My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
by his family My mother cook in theliterary and historical process
by watching other My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells despite
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
by his family My mother cook in theliterary and historical athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
by her family My mother cooked in rtetells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
by her family My mother cook in theliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cook in theliterary abilities
inspired by other My mother cooked in ltiterary and retells process
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thhistorical despite
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical despite
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
by her family My mother cook in thehistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother is cooking literary and historical athletes
by her family My mother is cooking literary abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary athletes
by her family My mother cook in theliterary and historical despite
inspired by other My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooked in ltiterary and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical athletes
by her family My mother cooking inhistorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
by his family My mother cooks in thhistorical abilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
by her family My mother cooking inliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cook in theliterary and retells disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical athletes
by her family My mother cook in thehistorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
inspired by other My mother is cooking literary and retells athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by his family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical process
by her family My mother cooking inliterary disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical process
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells athletes
inspire by family My mother cooks in thretells and historical despite
inspired by other My mother is cooking retells and historical abilities
by his family My mother cooks in thretells and historical abilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother is cooking literary and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooking inliterary and retells athletes
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and retells disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thliterary and historical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thhistorical disabilities
by her family My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
inspired by other My mother cooks in thretells and historical disabilities
by her family My mother is cooking literary and historical disabilities
inspire by family My mother cooks in thhistorical athletes
by watching other My mother is cooking retells and historical athletes
Nira:...I am your new friend.
Robert My
: ....?
name is Nira
Dita: Hi, Nira. How doHaddy
you do,: pleased
Of course,
to meet
I am
traits of Iaam 17 at
great years old. I am
Descriptive a skateboarder.
Text is a t I have been skating
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, what's your name How are you routines, responsibilit consists
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, how are you doingWhat is your name good, regional, perso consists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit say
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how are you How are you regional, national, int describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi consists
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int consists
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do What is your name personal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso identify
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you What is your name personal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit consists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you doingHow are you routines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi consists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int identify
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit consists
Hi, how are you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describes
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how do you do What is your name responsibilities, routi say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how are you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit consists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi consists
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, how are you doingCan you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso consists
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you How are you responsibilities, routi identify
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you How are you responsibilities, routi consists
Hi, how are you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int say
Hi, what's your name Are you a skateboardregional, national, int consists
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describes
Hi, what's your name Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, nice to meet you Who are you personal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you What is your name personal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you How are you regional, national, int say
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do How are you personal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, what's your name Who are you personal, family, sociasay
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardgood, regional, perso say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how are you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, how are you doingHow are you good, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, what's your name Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi consists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int consists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, what's your name Are you a skateboardregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you doingCan you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int consists
Hi, nice to meet you What is your name regional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, how do you do How are you personal, family, sociasay
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you Are you a skateboardresponsibilities, routi describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit consists
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how do you do How are you personal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you doingCan you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit say
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardgood, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, what's your name Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you What is your name routines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int say
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how are you doingCan you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit consists
Hi, how are you What is your name personal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how are you doingCan you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int describe
Hi, what's your name Are you a skateboardresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you Who are you regional, national, int say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int say
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int identify
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardregional, national, int consists
Hi, how are you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociasay
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int identify
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi say
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describes
Hi, nice to meet you Who are you responsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Who are you responsibilities, routi describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit consists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, how do you do Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutgood, regional, perso describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do What is your name good, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, how are you doingCan you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, what's your name What is your name regional, national, int identify
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, how do you do What is your name personal, family, sociaconsists
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do What is your name good, regional, perso describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describe
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, what's your name What is your name regional, national, int consists
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociaidentify
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describes
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, how are you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociasay
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describes
Hi, nice to meet you How are you routines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do How are you routines, responsibilit identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit identify
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how are you Who are you regional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutpersonal, family, sociadescribe
Hi, how do you do Can you tell me aboutroutines, responsibilit describe
Hi, how do you do How are you regional, national, int describes
Hi, nice to meet you Are you a skateboardroutines, responsibilit describes
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutregional, national, int describe
Hi, nice to meet you Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi identify
Hi, what's your name Can you tell me aboutresponsibilities, routi describes
We read a biography article
Your English
of a famous
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there. to study. She alwa
He becomes so skillfuThe negative form..... What is the antonym of the "cheap"
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioglazy Expensive
goal, figure We don't read a biogrdiligent Comfortable
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Clear
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bilazy Clear
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Fixed
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biotalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We don't reads a bioghumorous Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We aren't read a biogdiligent Clear
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biohumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioghumorous Comfortable
skillful, confident We aren't read a biogdiligent Expensive
becomes, stop We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
goal, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Reasonable
goal, figure We don't reads a biogtalkative Clear
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bitalkative Clear
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We aren't read a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioglazy Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrlazy Comfortable
opponents, figure We doesn't reads a bidiligent Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biodiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
goal, figure We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrlazy Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrdiligent Comfortable
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
opponents, figure We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biolazy Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biohumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Comfortable
skillful, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Fixed
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
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skillful, stop We don't reads a biogdiligent Reasonable
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Reasonable
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skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bitalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
opponents, figure We doesn't reads a bilazy Clear
becomes, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Comfortable
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioglazy Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Reasonable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Reasonable
opponents, figure We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrlazy Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Comfortable
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biohumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
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goal, figure We don't read a biogrlazy Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
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skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Reasonable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Reasonable
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bitalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biohumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bitalkative Expensive
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bishy Reasonable
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skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Reasonable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We don't read a biogrshy Expensive
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skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Clear
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioglazy Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrshy Expensive
becomes, stop We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Reasonable
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Comfortable
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
goal, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrshy Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
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skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrshy Reasonable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biodiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogtalkative Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We aren't read a biogdiligent Clear
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skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
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skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bitalkative Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't reads a biogtalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bidiligent Reasonable
skillful, confident We aren't reads a biolazy Expensive
goal, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrlazy Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrshy Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We aren't read a biogdiligent Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We doesn't reads a bishy Expensive
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skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Clear
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrlazy Comfortable
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Clear
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
becomes, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We don't read a biogrhumorous Reasonable
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
skillful, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We aren't read a bioghumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We doesn't reads a bilazy Expensive
becomes, stop We don't reads a biogshy Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a biogdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrtalkative Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bitalkative Comfortable
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Clear
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, stop We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We doesn't reads a bihumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
opponents, figure We doesn't reads a bidiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
becomes, stop We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't reads a bioghumorous Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrdiligent Expensive
skillful, confident We don't read a biogrhumorous Expensive
goal, figure We don't read a biogrshy Clear
Claudya : ' Mom, I've got the scholarship"
Mom : " Congratulation!......"
Do the students studyKinds of Adjectives are
My father reads a new
That's awful The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
That's awful The students is study good, go, jump My father isn't reads
That's so sweet The students is study angry, high, good My father doesn't rea
Happy birthday The students study injump, go, high My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are study high, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father don't read
That's so sweet The students is study angry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are study angry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinggood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
That's awful The students is study jump, go, high My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are study high, clean, angry My father is not read
That's a pity The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
That's so sweet The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are study high, clean, angry My father is not read
That's so sweet The students are studygood, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
Happy birthday The students are studygood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are study angry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study good, go, jump My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are study jump, go, high My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are study angry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are study jump, go, high My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are study high, clean, angry My father isn't reads
That's awful The students studies iangry, study, good My father is not read
That's a pity The students are studygood, go, jump My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students is study jump, go, high My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study injump, go, high My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
Happy birthday The students is study angry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
Happy birthday The students are studygood, go, jump My father is not read
That's a pity The students are studyangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father is not read
Happy birthday The students is study high, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study good, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father don't read
That's awful The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study injump, go, high My father doesn't rea
That's awful The students are studygood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students is study jump, go, high My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studyinggood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father don't read
That's so sweet The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
That's awful The students is study angry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studyinggood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
Happy birthday The students is study jump, go, high My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father isn't reads
Happy birthday The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studies igood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
That's so sweet The students studyinggood, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinggood, go, jump My father don't read
That's awful The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study jump, go, high My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
Happy birthday The students studies igood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyingjump, go, high My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students is study good, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
That's awful The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, study, good My father is not read
Happy birthday The students is study good, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study good, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies igood, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father is not read
Happy birthday The students is study angry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyingjump, go, high My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyjump, go, high My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyjump, go, high My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
Happy birthday The students is study high, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father isn't reads
Happy birthday The students studyingangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
That's so sweet The students is study angry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father is not read
That's so sweet The students study ingood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyinggood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinggood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyjump, go, high My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies ijump, go, high My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
That's a pity The students are studyangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyjump, go, high My father doesn't rea
That's awful The students studyingangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyingjump, go, high My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyingjump, go, high My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study jump, go, high My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
That's a pity The students are studyangry, high, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
That's so sweet The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
That's awful The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studyingjump, go, high My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study injump, go, high My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies igood, go, jump My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, high, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students studyinghigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study jump, go, high My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
That's so sweet The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyjump, go, high My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study angry, high, good My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students is study jump, go, high My father don't read
That's awful The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studygood, go, jump My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students is study good, go, jump My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies ihigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students is study high, clean, angry My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students studyingangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
That's so sweet The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyangry, study, good My father is not read
I am so proud of you The students study inhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students study ingood, go, jump My father isn't reads
I am so proud of you The students study inangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father don't read
I am so proud of you The students are studyhigh, clean, angry My father doesn't rea
I am so proud of you The students studies iangry, high, good My father doesn't rea
That's awful The students studyingjump, go, high My father doesn't rea
Look at the picture, who
is she?
is the name of this sport?
Seven healthy habits fo What kind of food the
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Crispy
always think positive Windy Rahayu High jump Chines Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Leani Oktila Ratri Cycling Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Windy Cantika Aisah Running race Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bWindy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Betawi Noodles
move everyday, skip bGreysia Polii Hockey Chines Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Chines Crispy Fried
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Chines Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Greysia Polii Cycling Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuRunning race Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Betawi Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuRowing Betawi Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Windy Rahayu Running race Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Crispy
move everyday, skip bWindy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Rowing Chines Crispy Fried
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuCycling Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRunning race Aceh Crispy
prioritize good sleep, Windy Rahayu High jump Chines Crispy Fried
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Chines Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Rowing Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuCycling Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeWindy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Windy Cantika Aisah High jump Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeWindy Rahayu High jump Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Windy Cantika Aisah High jump Aceh Crispy
prioritize good sleep, Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuRowing Chines Crispy Fried
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Chines Crispy Fried
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Chines Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Crispy
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Running race Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Chines Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Cycling Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Windy Rahayu Cycling Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Cycling Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Leani Oktila Ratri Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Leani Oktila Ratri Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Greysia Polii Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRunning race Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Windy Cantika Aisah Cycling Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Chines Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Leani Oktila Ratri Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Leani Oktila Ratri Hockey Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Aceh Noodles
always think positive Windy Cantika Aisah Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Betawi Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeLeani Oktila Ratri Running race Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Hockey Chines Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuCycling Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Betawi Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Greysia Polii Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Betawi Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHockey Chines Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeWindy Cantika Aisah Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bLeani Oktila Ratri Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Leani Oktila Ratri Hockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Chines Crispy Fried
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuRowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
prioritize good sleep, Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Crispy
prioritize good sleep, Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah High jump Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHigh jump Chines Crispy Fried
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah High jump Betawi Noodles
always think positive Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeAries Susanti RahayuHockey Chines Noodles
always think positive Windy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bAries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positive Greysia Polii Running race Aceh Noodles
drink hot water, makeWindy Rahayu Hockey Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Rahayu Rowing Aceh Crispy
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Windy Cantika Aisah Rowing Aceh Noodles
always think positivel Aries Susanti RahayuHockey Aceh Noodles
move everyday, skip bWindy Cantika Aisah Hockey Aceh Noodles
Look at the picture!
Do you like it? A procedure text is a te
Tips for taking care ofA good athlete in achievement...
No, I don't likes it Consists of goal Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
No, I like Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, But no like Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
No, I like Consists of goal Take care your physica International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it To explain something Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica Social, family, personal
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Tell everything to so Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Consists of goal Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
No, I don't likes it Serves to explain ho Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Tell yourself is fine Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Tell everything to so Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
No, I don't likes it To explain something Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
International, national, regional
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaSocial, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, But no like To explain something Take care your physicaSocial, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaSocial, genetics, history
Yes, But no like Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, But no like Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, genetics, history
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, genetics, history
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
International, national, regional
No, I don't likes it Consists of goal Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, genetics, history
Yes, But no like Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, social, family
Yes, I like it Consists of goal Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, But no like Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
International, social, family
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
No, I don't likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaSocial, family, personal
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, But no like Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, But no like To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Consists of goal Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
No, I don't likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Tell yourself is fine Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, But no like Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
No, I don't likes it To explain something Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica International, social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica Social, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica International, national, regional
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr genetics, history
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I like it Consists of goal Take care your physicaInternational, social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaSocial, family, personal
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica International, social, family
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica International, social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Tell everything to so Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Consists of goal Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, But no like Consists of goal Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physica International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaSocial, genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaSocial, family, personal
No, I don't likes it Serves to explain ho Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions fo Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Talk to someone you Social,
tr genetics, history
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I like it To explain something Tell everything to so International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, social, family
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr genetics, history
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, But no like Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr genetics, history
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaInternational, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Serves to explain ho Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it To explain something Take care your physicaSocial, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, But no like Gives instructions fo Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physica
Social, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I likes it To explain something Take care your physica International, social, family
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it To explain something Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Tell everything to so International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, But no like Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Rountines,
tr practices, responsibilities
Yes, I likes it Serves to explain ho Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy Social, genetics, history
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaRountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr social, family
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I like it To explain something Talk to someone you Social,
tr family, personal
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaInternational, national, regional
Yes, I like it To explain something Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
Yes, But no like Gives instructions for Tell yourself is fine Rountines, practices, responsibilities
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Tell everything to so International, national, regional
Yes, I likes it Gives instructions for Do activities enjoy International, national, regional
Yes, I like it Gives instructions for Take care your physicaSocial, family, personal
Yes, I likes it Consists of goal Do activities enjoy Rountines, practices, responsibilities
No, I don't likes it Gives instructions fo Talk to someone you International,
tr national, regional
hlete in achievement...
netics, history
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
nal, social, family
nal, social, family
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
netics, history
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
nal, social, family
mily, personal
mily, personal
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
nal, national, regional
nal, social, family
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
, practices, responsibilities
netics, history
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
netics, history
, practices, responsibilities
netics, history
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
mily, personal
nal, social, family
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
mily, personal
mily, personal
netics, history
nal, national, regional
netics, history
netics, history
mily, personal
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, national, regional
, practices, responsibilities
nal, social, family
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Timestamp Email Address Score NAMA :
12/5/2023 8:15:14 adella616@sma.belaja 64 / 100 ADELLIA SYAKIRA
12/5/2023 8:34:05 ailsyh61@gmail.com 83 / 100 AILSYA
12/5/2023 8:23:35 aloina.octaviani44@sm 94 / 100 Aloina Octaviani Sitepu
12/5/2023 8:17:40 anggun0282@sma.bela 46 / 100 Anggun saskia
12/5/2023 7:59:44 deco492@sma.belajar 59 / 100 DECO FAHREZY
12/5/2023 8:19:40 evelyn9615@sma.bela 61 / 100 EVELYN NABABAN
12/5/2023 8:13:50 evradoputraaruan@gm 73 / 100 Evrado putra aruan
12/5/2023 8:18:24 fabian3811@sma.belaj 50 / 100 Fabian Dinata Bangun
12/5/2023 8:32:05 febry8246@sma.belaja 63 / 100 Febry Cristiani Nababan
12/5/2023 8:31:54 friya.tantri37@sma.bel 90 / 100 FRIYA TANTRI QOTRUNADA
12/5/2023 8:23:31 geovanya721@sma.bel 48 / 100 Geovanya nababan
12/5/2023 8:32:30 gracia2813@sma.belaj 68 / 100 GRACIA A. H SIMBOLON
12/5/2023 8:01:47 gregoriuspanjaitan1 80 / 100 Gregorius Panjaitan
12/5/2023 8:10:14 khidhar121@sma.belaj 60 / 100 KHIDHAR MUSLIM DAMANIK
12/5/2023 8:35:31 marcelin632@sma.bela 57 / 100 Marcelin Claudia Saragih
12/5/2023 8:30:31 meita5513@sma.belaj 72 / 100 Meita Olivia Pandiangan
12/5/2023 8:01:31 senkusen659@gmail. 25 / 100 Mhd Wisnu Syahputra
12/5/2023 8:12:30 muhammad754181@sma 33 / 100 Muhammad Ardkenda
12/5/2023 8:03:39 lufftod8@gmail.com 66 / 100 Muhammad Luthfi
12/5/2023 7:52:33 munawir632@sma.bela 51 / 100 Munawir aslan
12/5/2023 8:28:57 nezzazafyra46@gmai 55 / 100 Nezza Tri Zafyra
12/5/2023 8:08:18 nikodemussitinjak@g 81 / 100 Nicodemus Sitinjak
12/5/2023 8:00:06 nuraldiansyah458@gm 56 / 100 Nur Aldiansyah
12/5/2023 7:56:58 patih512@sma.belajar 53 / 100 Patih Satriatama Simatupang
12/5/2023 7:53:28 putramaruli64@gmail 45 / 100 PUTRA MARULI SILALAHI
12/5/2023 8:09:01 refael621@sma.belaja 50 / 100 Refael v Perangin angin
12/5/2023 8:09:10 revan9263@sma.belaj 54 / 100 Revan Andika
12/5/2023 8:27:18 reyfan812@sma.belaja 48 / 100 Reyfan Jastin Panjaitan
12/5/2023 8:21:48 reyhan8029@sma.bela 67 / 100 REYHAN AVILLA PAHLEFI
12/5/2023 8:35:08 roma.betauli49@sma.b 68 / 100 Roma Betauli Purba
12/5/2023 8:17:32 sastrahaikal2007@gm 53 / 100 Sastr Haykal Anggara Wastu
12/5/2023 8:07:03 syaijk571@sma.belaja 64 / 100 Syaijk Khalidsyah
12/5/2023 8:35:17 theresia.tan5@sma.bel 65 / 100 THERESIA TAN SINAGA
12/5/2023 8:34:30 zaskia7255@sma.belaj 76 / 100 ZASKIA AT - THAHIRAH
12/5/2023 8:34:29 meliana.elisabeth24@ 57 / 100 Meliana Elisabeth Sitanggang
12/5/2023 8:25:40 ahmad511535@sma.be 57 / 100 AHMAD HIDAYAH TULLAH
12/5/2023 8:03:18 al5502520@gmail.co 48 / 100 ALEX RENOVAN LUBIS
12/5/2023 8:21:41 argahutabarat20@gma 33 / 100 Arga Budianto Hutabarat
12/5/2023 7:54:55 papianazakripratama 33 / 100 BING11
12/5/2023 8:31:47 angelytatann@gmail. 94 / 100 BULAN ANJELITA TAN
12/5/2023 8:11:05 cari491@sma.belajar. 42 / 100 Cari Rezeki Gilbet Gulo
12/5/2023 8:12:41 echasitompul36@gma 50 / 100 CHAESYHA TRI YOLANDA
12/5/2023 8:23:18 aucok9737@gmail.c 53 / 100 Danu Prayoga
12/5/2023 8:19:28 dewyrani48@gmail.c 64 / 100 Dewy Rani Simbolon
12/5/2023 8:11:50 psbdina@gmail.com 46 / 100 Dina Putri Jelita Pasaribu
12/5/2023 8:09:08 diovykar@gmail.com 45 / 100 Dio Vykar herlangga
12/5/2023 8:30:13 dwiarsyka@gmail.co 23 / 100 Dwi arsyka
12/5/2023 8:12:56 erwinrenaldo123@gma 35 / 100 Erwin renaldo panjaitan
12/5/2023 8:14:04 tanfahmiagraha@gma 56 / 100 Fahmi agraha tan
12/5/2023 8:22:23 siantarsiantar866@gm 70 / 100 FEBRIAND NABIL PRATAMA
12/5/2023 8:31:23 gusmawati.zai22@sma. 56 / 100 GUSMAWATI ZAI
12/5/2023 8:31:26 auluaintan06@gmail. 55 / 100 Intan aulia
12/5/2023 8:38:42 jastin.gabriel39@sma. 56 / 100 Jastin Gabriel Nainggolan
12/5/2023 8:32:55 johanna.andrista34@s 84 / 100 JOHANNA ANDRISTA TAKO
12/5/2023 8:24:49 kameliasiantar@gmai 52 / 100 KAMELIA
12/5/2023 8:34:29 marcelo.galileo42@sm 61 / 100 Marcelo Galileo Simanjuntak
12/5/2023 8:31:50 affanhafidsyah@gmai 66 / 100 Muhammad Affan Hafidsyah
12/5/2023 8:29:21 muhammadarfiza768 47 / 100 Muhammad ar fiza
12/5/2023 8:31:38 nadira7260@sma.belaj 53 / 100 NADIRA ALIKA ZAHRA
12/5/2023 8:35:12 ripayasia@gmail.com 50 / 100 Nazwa rifai pulungan
12/5/2023 8:24:18 occa141@sma.belajar 64 / 100 Occa Aprillia
12/5/2023 8:34:45 putri.figda7@sma.bela 61 / 100 Putri Figda Tanaos
12/5/2023 8:35:28 raden7820@sma.belaj 48 / 100 RADEN RAHMATSYA
12/5/2023 8:39:53 rafasitorus20@gmail 48 / 100 Rafa isnaini sitorus
12/5/2023 8:28:04 raihanalikhsan93@gm 50 / 100 Rayhan al ikhsan
12/5/2023 8:35:35 gintingcana123@gmai 70 / 100 RENCANA CRISTIAN GINTI
12/5/2023 8:24:03 reza71144@sma.belaj 29 / 100 REZA Dwi chana
12/5/2023 8:37:43 salomo.rizky1@sma.be 61 / 100 SALOMO SIHOMBING
12/5/2023 8:34:15 satria9354@sma.belaj 61 / 100 Satria Pratama
12/5/2023 8:34:55 silvia6642@sma.belaja 35 / 100 Silvia
12/5/2023 8:24:14 aprilliatri957@gmail. 52 / 100 TRI APRILLIA
12/5/2023 8:15:52 ahmadikhtiar74@gmai 68 / 100 AHMAD IKHTIAR MANURUN
12/5/2023 8:25:40 aka.pranata1@sma.bel 43 / 100 Aka Pranata
12/5/2023 8:32:38 khairania515@gmail. 49 / 100 Annisa Khairani
12/5/2023 8:21:11 arga.piransa40@sma.b 50 / 100 Arga Piransa Silalahi
12/5/2023 8:31:26 christian1530@sma.be 39 / 100 Christian Maykel jordan Pasar
12/5/2023 8:23:48 dapapulang@gmail.c 57 / 100 DAFFA FARIS ALAMSYAH
12/5/2023 8:03:25 fitramustofa14@gmai 23 / 100 Dede Arya P.Tanjung
12/5/2023 8:08:43 dhani.septian44@sma. 47 / 100 Dhani septian hutabarat
12/5/2023 8:48:18 dhelvi.yuliya6@sma.be 51 / 100 DHELVI YULIYA
12/5/2023 8:42:08 prialhastit@gmail.co 39 / 100 Ella azzuhra
12/5/2023 8:43:26 eni6217@sma.belajar. 75 / 100 Eni Nurbaiti
12/5/2023 8:32:42 farel3947@sma.belaja 47 / 100 FAREL ALFONCUS MANALU
12/5/2023 8:29:53 ferdi2517@sma.belaja 56 / 100 Ferdi aranda pakpahan
12/5/2023 8:38:27 graceria752@sma.bela 74 / 100 Graceria Denser Siahaan
12/5/2023 8:39:03 ivo514@sma.belajar.i 76 / 100 IVO DOSMAULIANA DAMANI
12/5/2023 8:37:18 jihan6684@sma.belaja 85 / 100 Jihan amelia
12/5/2023 8:37:15 maishanasywaa@gma 74 / 100 MAISHA NASYWAA ZALFAN
12/5/2023 8:12:51 nijiisandi@gmail.com 85 / 100 Muhammad NIDJI ISANDI
12/5/2023 8:24:21 nabilla5616@sma.bela 49 / 100 NABILLA AZZAHRA
12/5/2023 8:25:52 novalansori2021@gma 49 / 100 Noval Ansori
12/5/2023 8:31:34 ragil9520@sma.belaja 76 / 100 Ragil andriansyah
12/5/2023 8:25:17 reynaldo.sidabutar41 44 / 100 Reynaldo Sidabutar
12/5/2023 8:14:36 reza.saputra5708@sma 58 / 100 Reza saputra
12/5/2023 8:14:54 rika8536@sma.belajar 47 / 100 Rika Amelia
12/5/2023 8:34:48 rosalinda.hasibuan43 49 / 100 ROSALINDA HASIBUAN
12/5/2023 8:35:31 samuel1328@sma.bela 71 / 100 Samuel Hutagalung
12/5/2023 8:24:44 tanissah052@sma.bela 78 / 100 TANISSAH PRIALHASTI
12/5/2023 8:21:38 vazilla131@sma.belaja 67 / 100 VAZILLA SYLVANIA
12/5/2023 7:55:56 vico.abimael47@sma.b 50 / 100 vico abimael purba
12/5/2023 8:27:33 aynha881@sma.belaja 47 / 100 Aynha Diayu Chairini Damani
12/5/2023 8:24:51 abyan1024@sma.belaj 48 / 100 Abyan Daffa
12/5/2023 8:38:01 adisti313@sma.belaja 53 / 100 ADISTI ANISA PUTRI
12/5/2023 7:59:19 ahmad90803@sma.bel 46 / 100 AHMAD FADLI
12/5/2023 8:27:43 alqudri061@sma.belaj 47 / 100 AL-Qudri Tri Prabowo
12/5/2023 8:27:05 andreas.arjani45@sma 53 / 100 Andreas arjani sinaga
12/5/2023 8:24:13 astrid.julyanti15@sma. 85 / 100 Astrid Julyanti Hutagaol
12/5/2023 8:35:46 berkat157@sma.belaja 62 / 100 Berkat Simanjuntak
12/5/2023 8:29:23 chealse.yolanda28@sm 35 / 100 Chealse Yolanda damanik
12/5/2023 8:11:54 deardo101@sma.belaj 39 / 100 DEARDO SARAGIH
12/5/2023 8:29:25 dhika866@sma.belajar 32 / 100 Dhika syahputra
12/5/2023 8:34:42 dinda01134@sma.bela 60 / 100 DINDA ADISTIA
12/5/2023 7:57:00 faiznaufal3709@gmai 19 / 100 faiz naufal ramadan
12/5/2023 8:38:32 gali961@sma.belajar. 78 / 100 GALI ANJANI
12/5/2023 8:06:33 glen.stenly1@sma.bela 49 / 100 GLEN STENLY PASARIBU
12/5/2023 8:35:20 hamzah3512@sma.bel 46 / 100 HAMZAH PRATAMA
12/5/2023 8:34:23 jihan.novita431@sma.b 56 / 100 JIHAN NOVITA
12/5/2023 8:24:12 julinton282@sma.belaj 36 / 100 JULINTON PANGARIBUAN
12/5/2023 8:36:55 latifah9315@sma.belaj 68 / 100 LATIFAH AULIA
12/5/2023 8:34:04 michelle1227@sma.bel 60 / 100 MICHELLE NAZWANIS NAI
12/5/2023 8:14:06 muhammad254018@sma 40 / 100 Muhammad aditia
12/5/2023 8:06:33 muhammad673519@sma 34 / 100 Muhammad Rafi Akbar
12/5/2023 8:26:53 nadia0871@sma.belaj 44 / 100 Nadia Indah Lestari
12/5/2023 8:23:40 noverino511@sma.bela 58 / 100 Noverino. R. A. L. Tobing
12/5/2023 8:22:11 okanaroakunbelajar@ 47 / 100 OKANARO AMBARITA
12/5/2023 8:18:00 rado274@sma.belajar 55 / 100 RADO IKHSAN ZAHRI SINA
12/5/2023 8:27:35 raja5317@sma.belajar 43 / 100 RAJA FILJA ALAMSYAH SIR
12/5/2023 8:36:33 riogilsitinjak@gmail. 74 / 100 Rio Gilberd Sitinjak
12/5/2023 8:18:55 rizki72201@sma.belaj 54 / 100 Rizki Chairul
12/5/2023 8:11:21 sahru692@sma.belaja 49 / 100 Sahru ramadan
12/5/2023 8:24:12 suci55105@sma.belaja 43 / 100 SUCI WIDIANSIH
12/5/2023 8:33:22 tamar272@sma.belaja 80 / 100 tamar goretti siadari
12/5/2023 8:09:26 zico482@sma.belajar. 36 / 100 Zico aritama
12/5/2023 8:22:45 fahmiii056@gmail.co 32 / 100 Ahmad fahmi sihombing
12/5/2023 8:10:09 alikhaimut29@gmail. 60 / 100 ALIKA AZZURA
12/5/2023 8:38:48 arrayan.fiqri4@sma.be 64 / 100 Ar Rayan Fiqri Saragih
12/5/2023 8:12:22 awaldianto13@gmail 31 / 100 AWAL DIANTO RAMADHAN
12/5/2023 8:32:50 afikaazahra411@gmai 50 / 100 AZAHRA AFIKA
12/5/2023 8:25:15 chelsesimamora@gma 57 / 100 Chelsey Septiana Simamora
12/5/2023 8:24:05 chesya721@sma.belaj 61 / 100 CHESYA ADELIA
12/5/2023 8:10:22 dearmans10@gmail. 30 / 100 Dearman saragih
12/5/2023 8:26:44 fadil2933@sma.belaja 53 / 100 FADIL ADRIANSYAH
12/5/2023 8:15:26 fadila908@sma.belaja 50 / 100 FADILAH SYAHFITRI
12/5/2023 8:19:32 farhan5945@sma.belaj 49 / 100 Farhan Abdul Gani
12/5/2023 8:16:41 pahtulbahri@gmail.c 55 / 100 Fathul bakhri
12/5/2023 8:13:41 hendi6218@sma.belaj 40 / 100 Hendi Martua Hutabarat
12/5/2023 8:27:07 jihan.riski28@sma.bel 62 / 100 JIHAN RISKI ANANDA
12/5/2023 8:31:23 krisman642@sma.bela 60 / 100 Krisman Manullang
12/5/2023 8:19:34 levi702@sma.belajar. 42 / 100 Levi wardiansyah
12/5/2023 8:21:02 muhammad864124@sma 55 / 100 Muhammad albidin
12/5/2023 7:45:38 muhammad464223@sma 38 / 100 Muhammad Farhan
12/5/2023 7:54:08 muhammad.naufal669 26 / 100 Muhammad Naufal Azmi
12/5/2023 8:28:29 nabila91364@sma.bela 83 / 100 Nabila Pakpahan
12/5/2023 8:16:29 nadineaulia528@gmai 47 / 100 NADINE AULIA
12/5/2023 7:58:21 nazril8228@sma.belaj 54 / 100 Nazril Awansyah
12/5/2023 8:29:36 nur77518@sma.belaja 57 / 100 NUR MULIANI HARAHAP
12/5/2023 8:28:10 olgapuspitasari121@ 62 / 100 Olga Puspita Sari
12/5/2023 8:34:58 putra.parmonangan11 37 / 100 putra parmonangan purba
12/5/2023 8:25:06 rado264@sma.belajar 56 / 100 RADO KRISTIANTO PURBA
12/5/2023 8:08:13 revan6626@sma.belaj 53 / 100 REVAN ADRIANSYA PUTRA
12/5/2023 8:05:57 rudi8917@sma.belajar 33 / 100 Rudi Pangaribuan
12/5/2023 8:03:17 sasansuddur@gmail. 29 / 100 SASAN QUA SUDDUR
12/5/2023 8:14:38 septiramadina79@gma 40 / 100 Septy Rahma Dina
12/5/2023 8:33:07 tiolin.ramianna39@sma 74 / 100 TIOLIN RAMIANNA SIANTURI
12/5/2023 8:34:25 ww0608454@gmail.c 52 / 100 WIDYA
12/5/2023 8:26:37 yusuf.jonathan50@sma 63 / 100 Yusuf Jonathan Manalu
12/5/2023 8:36:14 agave402@sma.belaja 83 / 100 AGAVE DAVID GIRSANG
12/5/2023 8:35:28 argarita.freezia48@sm 72 / 100 Argarita freezia Sinaga
12/5/2023 8:35:50 ochelsie825@gmail.c 89 / 100 Chelsy Olyvia Sitompul
12/5/2023 8:34:26 diva9430@sma.belajar 77 / 100 DIVA YOLANDA
12/5/2023 8:31:18 elisabeth1914@sma.be 90 / 100 ELISABETH DAMANIK
12/5/2023 8:37:30 ericsimbolon1@gmail 87 / 100 Eric Riomando Scada Simbol
12/5/2023 8:35:38 esra892@sma.belajar 100 / 100 ESRA CLAUDIA BR SINAGA
12/5/2023 8:34:47 eva9019@sma.belajar 43 / 100 EVA ANINDIT
12/5/2023 8:31:16 evannih34@gmail.co 73 / 100 EVAN SAMUEL GINTING M
12/5/2023 8:37:23 farida2240@sma.belaj 93 / 100 Farida hanim saragih
12/5/2023 8:36:10 geross492@sma.belaj 72 / 100 Geross Wilfaeld Manik
12/5/2023 8:35:48 gitakarensinaga@gma 84 / 100 Gita Karen Syadia Sinaga
12/5/2023 8:34:54 hadistyananda812@g 76 / 100 Hadisty Ananda Nafisyah
12/5/2023 8:36:15 intan9990@sma.belaja 56 / 100 intan tri afsari sihotang
12/5/2023 8:38:32 jessica8225@sma.bela 74 / 100 Jessica Aulia Sinaga
12/5/2023 8:36:10 keysa4120@sma.belaj 60 / 100 KEYSA APRILIVIA
12/5/2023 8:35:12 mega2017@sma.belaj 74 / 100 MEGA SARTIKA
12/5/2023 8:32:25 muhammad017257@sma 83 / 100 Muhammad rizky fadhilah
12/5/2023 8:34:20 nur.khazizah82@sma.b 40 / 100 Nur khazizah
12/5/2023 8:35:51 radhit951@sma.belaja 90 / 100 Radhit Muhammad Tama Sih
12/5/2023 8:30:11 rafli2938@sma.belajar 72 / 100 RAFLI ANDRIYANSHA PUTR
12/5/2023 8:35:44 rahayu6519@sma.bela 91 / 100 Rahayu Marpaung
12/5/2023 8:37:47 rian2943@sma.belajar 89 / 100 RIAN CHRISTIAN MANALU
12/5/2023 8:36:33 rina7856@sma.belajar 93 / 100 Rina Agatha Pandiangan
12/5/2023 8:37:17 ruthsamosir36@gmail 90 / 100 Ruth Junita Sari Samosir
12/5/2023 8:29:26 salsabila01207@sma.b 82 / 100 SALSABILA WIGATRI
12/5/2023 8:36:37 samuel.lumban154@sm 90 / 100 Samuel Lumban Siantar
12/5/2023 8:37:32 santaradupa.sitompul 87 / 100 Santara Dupa Sitompul
12/5/2023 8:39:13 lani28154@gmail.co 48 / 100 Siti nurfadillah maulani
12/5/2023 8:35:11 sri26115@sma.belajar 61 / 100 SRI WULANDARI
12/5/2023 8:34:26 sufi984@sma.belajar. 86 / 100 Sufi listiasari
12/5/2023 8:35:11 sukma1233@sma.belaj 78 / 100 sukma aryani lubis
12/5/2023 8:34:36 teresia804@sma.belaj 100 / 100 TERESIA MAGDALENA SIT
12/4/2023 9:33:33 saragihdesmawaty@g 25 / 100 TES
12/5/2023 8:35:40 william0517@sma.bela 93 / 100 William Manasye Turnip
12/5/2023 8:35:45 yan.trie26@sma.belaja 93 / 100 Yan Trie Ananda Pasaribu
12/5/2023 8:38:49 zalikhah521@sma.bela 62 / 100 ZALIKHAH RADHIFA RITONG
12/5/2023 8:17:06 aldilubis955@gmail. 64 / 100 ALDI LUBIS
12/5/2023 8:34:05 andrew735@sma.belaj 91 / 100 Andrew Levin Panggabean
12/5/2023 8:35:36 angga0455@sma.belaj 76 / 100 Angga Tri Praditya
12/5/2023 8:34:57 armaidah.saragih16@s 85 / 100 Armaidah Saragih
12/5/2023 8:37:27 auliadewi673@gmail. 54 / 100 Aulia dewi
12/5/2023 8:34:41 aura11107@sma.belaj 74 / 100 Aura Azizah
12/5/2023 8:35:23 ayu32131@sma.belaja 61 / 100 AYU PERMATA SARI
12/5/2023 8:35:10 chelsea2322@sma.bel 71 / 100 Chelsea beatric naibaho
12/5/2023 8:28:26 dimasvicky906@gmai 61 / 100 Dimas Vicky Wardhana
12/5/2023 8:34:26 dindaolivia158@gmai 58 / 100 Dinda Olivia
12/5/2023 8:34:35 dini9837@sma.belajar 68 / 100 Dini Simanjuntak
12/5/2023 8:34:45 mery.hutabarat2912@ 62 / 100 Ely Oktavia Mery Hutabarat
12/5/2023 8:21:30 fachrianansiregar@g 75 / 100 Fachri Ananda Siregar
12/5/2023 8:20:06 febbyanjas05@gmail 54 / 100 Febi indah lestari
12/5/2023 8:32:38 fiestamanullang@gma 55 / 100 Fiesta manullang
12/5/2023 8:34:36 givensilalahi123@gma 69 / 100 GIVEN ANDARMA SILALAHI
12/5/2023 8:37:35 hanifa.cahya68@sma.b 54 / 100 Hanifa Cahya pratiwi
12/5/2023 8:34:25 irgi229@sma.belajar.i 88 / 100 IRGI MUHAMMAD FAHREZI
12/5/2023 8:21:47 jeremy015@sma.belaj 65 / 100 JEREMY JANRICHDO PURB
12/5/2023 8:09:25 karin.winona29@sma.b 54 / 100 Karin Winona Br.Saragih
12/5/2023 8:23:06 lionifidelapurba@gma 91 / 100 Lioni Fidela Purba
12/5/2023 8:31:09 magdalenadebora11@ 94 / 100 Magdalena Debora Purba
12/5/2023 8:31:19 n912029@gmail.com 78 / 100 Marcel Nicolas Tambunan
12/5/2023 8:23:45 nadila.3501@sma.bela 51 / 100 Nadila
12/5/2023 8:25:53 nadila.anggraini65@sm 68 / 100 Nadila Anggraini
12/5/2023 8:26:13 nesa058@sma.belajar 50 / 100 Nesa Fauziah Nur
12/5/2023 8:29:16 andreandri2096@gma 82 / 100 Nurizky Haslam Andryan
12/5/2023 8:25:48 nurul.praisya40@sma. 65 / 100 Nurul praisya arifa
12/5/2023 8:31:12 putraafriansyahh@gm 85 / 100 PUTRA FRIANSYAH
12/5/2023 8:19:56 ratus545@gmail.com 91 / 100 Ratu Sabrina Turnip
12/5/2023 8:34:28 robinpurba160607@g 65 / 100 robin willy yusefander purba
12/5/2023 8:34:27 rohani.barus28@sma.b 77 / 100 Rohani Barus
12/5/2023 8:30:32 salwaandini360@gmai 68 / 100 Salwa andini
12/5/2023 8:05:29 siluetita913@sma.bela 77 / 100 Siluetita Siregar
12/5/2023 8:28:41 sohifa541@sma.belaja 46 / 100 Sohifa Nurul Hachanah
12/5/2023 8:22:22 tirtamanalu15@gmail 56 / 100 Tirta Hamonangan Manalu
12/5/2023 8:34:23 armansyah986@sma.be 51 / 100 Armansyah
12/5/2023 8:33:38 hairaniaulia374@gma 78 / 100 AULIA KHAIRANI
12/5/2023 8:33:12 ayu0496@sma.belajar 89 / 100 AYU CITRA INDRIANI PURB
12/5/2023 8:25:38 azriel.alviro47@sma.b 81 / 100 Azriel Alviro Saragih
12/5/2023 8:25:42 baharudin.215@sma.be 74 / 100 Baharudin
12/5/2023 8:37:07 chelsea.aura138@sma. 65 / 100 Chelsea aura lubis
12/5/2023 8:20:06 cindy1159@sma.belaja 73 / 100 Cindy Vanesya Sianipar
12/5/2023 8:35:35 davandem721@sma.be 61 / 100 Davandem Kristian Silalahi
12/5/2023 8:24:25 dela8317@sma.belaja 72 / 100 DELA PERMATA SARI SIHO
12/5/2023 8:29:47 diah4814@sma.belaja 94 / 100 Diah Syahrani
12/5/2023 8:30:59 dian42102@sma.belaj 60 / 100 DIAN ASTARI
12/5/2023 8:34:57 dina.latifah36@sma.be 79 / 100 Dina Latifah Amir Lubis
12/5/2023 8:35:02 diva.anggun210@sma. 56 / 100 Diva Anggun Nirwana
12/5/2023 7:54:05 ferdiaditya1234567@ 27 / 100 Ferdi Dwi Aditia
12/5/2023 8:27:18 glensihite99@gmail. 83 / 100 Glen Sihite
12/5/2023 8:31:36 indriany761@sma.bela 29 / 100 Indriany
12/5/2023 8:37:04 ines0510@sma.belajar 39 / 100 Ines paulya
12/5/2023 8:35:14 jihananggraini41@sma 48 / 100 JIHAN ASTI ANGGRAINI
12/5/2023 8:24:35 josesilitonga44@gmai 77 / 100 Jose H E Silitonga
12/5/2023 8:20:43 karissa.violas5@sma.b 85 / 100 KARISSA VIOLA S
12/5/2023 8:34:25 manna.manullang48@s 46 / 100 MANNA MANULLANG
12/5/2023 8:15:02 marwanhry@gmail.c 70 / 100 Marwan habibur rasyid julfian
12/5/2023 8:34:39 meisya.azzura49@sma 79 / 100 Meisya Azzura
12/5/2023 8:31:09 muhammad417081@sma 72 / 100 Muhammad Fazri Aldino
12/5/2023 8:32:15 nabila85204@sma.bela 67 / 100 NABILA SIFAH BATUBARA
12/5/2023 8:30:53 nailah464@sma.belaja 91 / 100 Nailah khairani eksis
12/5/2023 8:26:53 nurfauzia651@sma.bel 53 / 100 NUR FAUZIA NATASYAH
12/5/2023 8:34:28 sarahnainggolan170 65 / 100 R. Sarah Insani Nainggolan
12/5/2023 8:32:46 rado063@sma.belajar 94 / 100 Rado Turnip
12/5/2023 8:35:50 rustomi.felix40@sma.b 74 / 100 Rustomi Felix Purba
12/5/2023 8:35:56 nsiregar424@gmail.c 45 / 100 Rut Natalia Siregar
12/5/2023 8:33:27 sinta.nur1798@sma.be 40 / 100 Sinta Nur Hasanah
12/5/2023 8:14:45 sri91201@sma.belajar 38 / 100 SRI RAHAYU
12/5/2023 8:35:10 stefanisiallagan5@gm 61 / 100 Stefani Helena Siallagan
12/5/2023 8:29:38 tamara8510@sma.bela 73 / 100 TAMARA RAHMA SURATMAN
12/5/2023 8:28:33 winnerrajagukguk@gm 88 / 100 Winner Bryan Rajagukguk
12/5/2023 8:21:55 zean213@sma.belajar 62 / 100 Zean Azcha Neva Caniago
12/5/2023 8:17:59 smanlip.siantar@gmai 41 / 100 FITRAH MUSTOFA
12/5/2023 8:35:53 afifahanikharijah@gm 51 / 100 Afifa Hani kharijah
12/5/2023 8:36:40 alif72138@sma.belaja 86 / 100 ALIF AL ANNAS
12/5/2023 8:36:33 alifa3461@sma.belaja 66 / 100 Alifa Naysila Alesandra
12/5/2023 8:35:40 amelia32135@sma.bel 58 / 100 Amelia febrianingsih
12/5/2023 8:31:33 anastasya.aprillya27@ 90 / 100 Anastasya Aprillya B.Indrini
12/5/2023 8:35:29 andien.afrilia22@sma. 70 / 100 Andien Afrilia
12/5/2023 8:34:35 bintang.syakila46@sma 58 / 100 Bintang Syakila Fajar
12/5/2023 8:38:12 carissa989@sma.belaj 66 / 100 Carissa Artha Caseya Hutasoi
12/5/2023 8:39:49 dara4814@sma.belaja 61 / 100 DARA ISTYAZZAH
12/5/2023 8:28:28 elya46380@gmail.co 55 / 100 Elya Bariyah
12/5/2023 8:36:21 firzaagustinarifahari 57 / 100 firza agustin arifah
12/5/2023 8:05:26 glngannda1408@gmai 79 / 100 Gilang Ananda Siregar
12/5/2023 8:37:47 haikalsitompul79@gm 68 / 100 Haikal Surya Argatama Sitom
12/5/2023 8:35:25 hanna5711@sma.belaj 75 / 100 Hanna Sinaga
12/5/2023 8:41:40 jelitabks89@gmail.co 64 / 100 jelita tamba
12/5/2023 8:30:00 jeremiasitohang06@g 35 / 100 Jeremia sitohang
12/5/2023 8:36:40 josua.sankayado43@s 97 / 100 Josua Sankayado Ritonga
12/5/2023 8:34:26 kayla7046@sma.belaja 64 / 100 KAYLA NUR INAYA
12/5/2023 8:41:01 kristanaka502@sma.be 61 / 100 Kristanaka Malau
12/5/2023 8:35:15 nadia9595@sma.belaj 94 / 100 NADIA ARTHA SUMANTRI
12/5/2023 8:35:18 nazwa9678@sma.belaj 52 / 100 NAZWA AWALIYAH
12/5/2023 8:32:14 nuraini612@sma.belaj 59 / 100 NUR'AINI SIREGAR
12/5/2023 8:28:28 ovy542@sma.belajar. 100 / 100 Ovy Dominique Passionita Si
12/5/2023 8:38:30 ramanda402@sma.bela 39 / 100 Ramanda fitriani damanik
12/5/2023 8:31:41 raymond.christoper9@ 79 / 100 Raymond Christopher Siahaa
12/5/2023 8:34:37 reiski611@sma.belaja 90 / 100 REISKI TRISNA
12/5/2023 8:36:49 rettaaritonang107@g 60 / 100 Retta marito aritonang
12/5/2023 8:42:00 ryan7129@sma.belaja 82 / 100 Ryan Rivaldo Simanullang
12/5/2023 8:29:23 santa322@sma.belaja 84 / 100 Santa Priscilya Sinaga
12/5/2023 8:37:33 sofia.salwa12@sma.be 68 / 100 SOFIA SALWA DWI FIRMAN
12/5/2023 8:34:54 tengku.ryansyah41@sm 83 / 100 Tengku Ryansyah
12/5/2023 8:37:15 vila602@sma.belajar. 67 / 100 VILA DWI CAHYARIANI
12/5/2023 8:36:33 viola8815@sma.belaja 58 / 100 Viola Hutajulu
12/5/2023 8:36:23 yoga.putra1859@sma.b 71 / 100 YOGA PUTRA PRATAMA
12/5/2023 8:37:52 fransmanik757@gmai 44 / 100 Yung Frans manik
12/5/2023 8:25:30 dwi.mutiara459@sma.b 56 / 100 DWIMUTIARA
12/5/2023 8:34:34 airin5618@sma.belaja 43 / 100 Airin Wulandari Lumban Tobin
12/5/2023 8:16:15 anandawahyudinata0 78 / 100 ANANDA WAHYU DINATA
12/5/2023 8:35:52 andini3433@sma.belaj 58 / 100 Andini syaudah
12/5/2023 8:43:00 anggreani651@sma.be 63 / 100 ANGGREANI FLORENSIA SI
12/5/2023 8:34:36 aprilian2423@sma.bel 50 / 100 Aprilian novel Fahlevi
12/5/2023 8:36:15 ayu1395@sma.belajar 62 / 100 AYU SYAHIRA
12/5/2023 8:27:00 betrisiahaan898@gma 39 / 100 Betri Theresia Putri Siahaan
12/5/2023 8:35:21 dermansyahdmnik@gm 40 / 100 Dearmansyah damanik
12/5/2023 8:35:53 dizza041@sma.belajar 56 / 100 Dizza afrilia
12/5/2023 8:23:49 egi.alfiandra47@sma.b 57 / 100 egi alfiandra wijaya
12/5/2023 8:17:34 egiadner332@sma.bela 53 / 100 Egiadner simanjorang
12/5/2023 8:13:23 gladys4110@sma.bela 53 / 100 Gladys Citra Saefullah
12/5/2023 8:34:09 hafidakbardjamhari@ 51 / 100 HAFID AKBAR DJAMHARI
12/5/2023 8:26:31 haikal7764@sma.belaj 53 / 100 Haikal Relando Simatupang
12/5/2023 8:31:05 immanuel858@sma.bel 56 / 100 Immanuel Elia Kappuw
12/5/2023 8:33:56 julykristiansimanungk 59 / 100 Juli Christiani Simanungkalit
12/5/2023 8:35:32 kaleb.zendrato29@sma 61 / 100 Kaleb zendrato
12/5/2023 8:34:42 khaerul3115@sma.bela 74 / 100 Khaerul Nissah
12/5/2023 8:40:28 marsella.nelli13@sma. 84 / 100 MARSELLA NELLI SIMANUN
12/5/2023 8:17:43 monica748@sma.belaj 84 / 100 MONICA AULIA PUTRI
12/5/2023 8:33:26 nazwa2573@sma.belaj 71 / 100 Nazwa Meli Sakha
12/5/2023 8:27:21 vincevebriani@gmail 74 / 100 PINCE SIMANJUNTAK
12/5/2023 8:26:41 reivan962@sma.belaja 73 / 100 Reivan Arfian Nasution
12/5/2023 8:29:07 reva2031@sma.belaja 45 / 100 Reva armah dani
12/5/2023 8:22:41 pakpahanrisky975@g 83 / 100 Risky Imanuel Pakpahan
12/5/2023 8:24:20 romian331@sma.belaj 61 / 100 romian despita napitu
12/5/2023 8:27:11 samuel1537@sma.bela 66 / 100 Samuel Yose Hutabarat
12/5/2023 8:13:58 selvia7230@sma.belaj 55 / 100 Selvia olimpia Wijaya Sinaga
12/5/2023 8:22:54 sitirenny502@gmail. 49 / 100 Siti renny ramadani
12/5/2023 8:30:17 syifaariskapurba@gm 54 / 100 SYIFA ARISKA PURNAMA P
12/5/2023 8:14:14 yoline961@sma.belaja 58 / 100 Yoline elsaday silaban
12/5/2023 8:24:05 adedermawany@gmai 30 / 100 Yudah ade dermawan
12/5/2023 8:34:09 yunitaayuputri423@g 63 / 100 YUNITA AYU PUTRU NASUT
12/5/2023 8:28:36 zenny772@sma.belaja 70 / 100 Zenny saragih
12/5/2023 8:18:23 zhemilson.zhockon28 85 / 100 Zhemilson Damanik
12/7/2023 7:10:12 estimanalu2@gmail. 75 / 100 ESTI ERLINDA MANALU
12/9/2023 8:43:49 nayzilla671@sma.bela 97 / 100 Nayzilla
Jay : It is very hot today, isn’t it?
Dev : Yeah. It is. I wish I had a can of coke now.
Jay : Yeah, me too. Ups, here is my house. Would
Dev : Of course. Thanks very much
Jay: Please, sit Dev
Dev : Thanks, Jay. Wow, it is cool and nice here
Jay : I’ve turned on the TV. Anyway, would you like
Dev : Anything would be fine, as long as it is cold
KELAS : TOKEN : Weny and Riska get ne
Where do you think the dialogue take place ?
XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she At school
XI PIS 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
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XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
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XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 do they At Jay's house
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XI PIS 1 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 don’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 1 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 do they At Jay's house
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XI PIS 1 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she On the way home fro
XI PIS 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she On the way home fro
XI PIS 1 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 1 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 1, XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 E. aren’t they At school
XI PIS 2 BING11 does she In the garden
XI PIS 2 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they In the garden
XI PIS 2 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 do they On the way home fro
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At school
XI PIS 2 BING11 doesn’t she On the way home fro
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 TOKEN : BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
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XI PIS 2 BING11 does she On the way home fro
XI PIS 2 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At school
XI PIS 2 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 doesn’t she At school
XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 does she At school
XI PIS 3 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
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XI PIS 3 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
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XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 3, XI PIS 4 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 E. aren’t they In the garden
XI PIS 4 BING11 does she On the way home fro
XI PIS 4 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At school
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At school
XI PIS 4 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 E. aren’t they At school
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 do they At Jay's house
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XI PIS 4 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 4 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she In the garden
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they In the garden
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they In the garden
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 do they At school
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 do they At school
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At school
XI PIS 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they On the way home fro
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 1 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 1 BING11 does she At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 1 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PMIA 2 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 2 BING11 do they At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PMIA 3 BING11 doesn’t she At school
XI PMIA 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PMIA 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 3 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PMIA 3 BING11 do they On the way home fro
XI PMIA 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 3 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PMIA 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 3 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PMIA 3, XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At the cinema
XI PMIA 4 BING11 don’t they At school
XI PMIA 4 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 4 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 4 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 4 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 4 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 4 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PMIA 4, XI PIS 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they On the way home fro
XI PMIA 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 E. aren’t they On the way home fro
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they On the way home fro
XI PMIA 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 5 BING11 does she At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 doesn’t she At school
XI PMIA 5 BING11 doesn’t she On the way home fro
XI PMIA 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 5 BING11 do they At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 5 BING11 doesn’t she At Jay's house
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XI PMIA 5 BING11 E. aren’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PMIA 5 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
XI PIS 2 BING11 don’t they At school
XI PIS 3 BING11 don’t they At Jay's house
Jay : It is very hot today, isn’t it?
Jay : It is very hot today,
: It isit?very hot today, Devisn’t: Yeah.
it? It is. I wish I had a can of coke now.
Dev : Yeah. It is. I wish
I had
: Yeah.
a canIt of
I wish Jay
I had
: Yeah,
a can me oftoo.
now. here is my house. Would you like to get in?
Jay : Yeah, me too. Ups,Jay here
: Yeah, is my
too. Ups,Dev
: Ofyou
is my
get Would
in?very youmuch like to get in?
Dev : Of course. Thanks Devvery
: Of much
course. Thanks Jay:veryPlease,
muchsit Dev
Jay: Please, sit Dev Jay: Please, sit Dev Dev : Thanks, Jay. Wow, it is cool and nice here
Dev : Thanks, Jay. Wow, Dev it: is
cool andJay.nice
hereit: I’ve
is cool
andon nice
TV. Anyway, would you like something to drink?
Jay : I’ve turned on theJay
TV.: I’ve
on the Dev
: Anything
somethingwould to you
like as
long as ittoisdrink?
Dev : Anything would Devbe fine,
: Anything
as longwould
as it is.becold
fine, as long as it is cold
. . “I’ve turned on the TV.A:Anyway, "Do youwould
like theyou
like something to drink?”
What does Dev thinkWhat aboutdoes
Jay’sJay House?
offer ?The sentences aboveB: is "…."
an expression of .....
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Bread Gratitude The dinner is really del
Very Hot Meat Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I am pleased with all
Very Hot Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I am pleased with all
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service Terrible!
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Dirty Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Sympathy The dinner is really del
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service The show is delightful
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Dirty Drink Gratitude I am pleased with all
Very Hot Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Coffe Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Meat Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Coffe Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Bread Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Bread Gratitude I am pleased with all
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service Terrible!
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I am pleased with all
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service The dinner is really del
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Coffe Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Bread Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Bread Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Some food Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Dirty Some food Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Offering service The dinner is really del
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service The dinner is really del
Cool And Nice Meat Complaining I am pleased with all
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Dirty Bread Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Bread Gratitude The show is delightful
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
So Dirty Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Coffe Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Sympathy The dinner is really del
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Bad Bread Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Thanking The show is delightful
Very Hot Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Bad Some food Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Coffe Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Gratitude I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Some food Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy The show is delightful
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I am pleased with all
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Some food Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Dirty Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Very Hot Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Complaining I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Thanking I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service The dinner is really del
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Bread Offering service The dinner is really del
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Very Dirty Some food Sympathy I do enjoy this game.
Cool And Nice Drink Offering service I do enjoy this game.
Cold surface water seeps underground. It flows thr
A: "Will you pick me up Jazthis
: Toni,
can I talk to you? ………… .
B: "…." Toni : Sure. What’s the Choose
the correct seMany species of wildlife are becoming extinct, ___
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. What do you think aboThey was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your drink He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. Should I change this She don’t like coffee. Since
sure you can. What do you think aboThey was playing in t So
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
sure you can. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She were going to moTherefore
Sure I will. I need your drink He is going to the sto As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.What do you think aboWe has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. Should I change this They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this He is going to the sto Therefore
Sure I will. I love the pink one. She don’t like coffee. So
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure you will. What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. So
No, I don’t think I can.What do you think aboHe is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this We has visited the m Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.What do you think aboHe is going to the sto As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Therefore
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboHe is going to the sto Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Of course please helpShould I change this He is going to the sto Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. What do you think aboHe is going to the sto Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Of course please helpWhat do you think aboWe has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She were going to moTherefore
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this She were going to moSince
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
sure you can. I need your advice They was playing in t So
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboWe has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t As a result
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m So
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She were going to moSince
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this They was playing in t As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure you will. Should I change this They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Of course please helpI need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
sure you can. I need your advice She were going to moSince
Sure I will. I need your drink She were going to moSince
Sure you will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
sure you can. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your drink He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I love the pink one. She were going to moConsequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure you will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice She were going to moConsequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She were going to moSince
Sure I will. I need your advice She were going to moAs a result
Of course please helpI love the pink one. They was playing in t As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure you will. What do you think aboWe has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. So
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. So
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your drink She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
Sure I will. What do you think aboThey was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboShe were going to moSince
Of course please helpI love the pink one. They was playing in t As a result
Sure I will. What do you think aboHe is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure you will. What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. Consequently
sure you can. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Of course please helpShould I change this They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Of course please helpWhat do you think aboWe has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. What do you think aboWe has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure you will. What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this She were going to moSince
Of course please helpWhat do you think aboWe has visited the m Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your drink He is going to the sto So
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboThey was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. Should I change this She were going to moSince
Of course please helpWhat do you think aboThey was playing in t Consequently
Of course please helpI need your drink They was playing in t Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Of course please helpI need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure you will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure you will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure you will. Should I change this We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this They was playing in t Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. Should I change this She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto As a result
Sure I will. Should I change this They was playing in t Since
Of course please helpShould I change this He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. Should I change this He is going to the sto Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice He is going to the sto So
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice He is going to the sto Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She were going to moTherefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice He is going to the sto Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Of course please helpI need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure you will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboThey was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboShe were going to moSince
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She were going to moAs a result
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Of course please helpWhat do you think aboThey was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure you will. I need your advice We has visited the m As a result
sure you can. Should I change this She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Of course please helpWhat do you think aboThey was playing in t Consequently
Of course please helpI love the pink one. She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. What do you think aboWe has visited the m Since
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
Sure you will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. Should I change this He is going to the sto Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice She were going to moTherefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
No, I don’t think I can.I love the pink one. They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboWe has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.What do you think aboThey was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m So
No, I don’t think I can.What do you think aboThey was playing in t Consequently
Of course please helpI need your advice She were going to moTherefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. As a result
Sure I will. What do you think aboShe don’t like coffee. Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboHe is going to the sto As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboShe were going to moConsequently
Sure I will. What do you think aboThey was playing in t Therefore
Sure you will. I need your advice They was playing in t Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t So
No, I don’t think I can.Should I change this They was playing in t Since
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this They was playing in t Consequently
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Therefore
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto As a result
No, I don’t think I can.I need your advice They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. What do you think aboThey was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your drink We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. As a result
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I love the pink one. She don’t like coffee. Consequently
Sure I will. I need your drink She don’t like coffee. So
Sure I will. Should I change this She don’t like coffee. Consequently
sure you can. I love the pink one. She don’t like coffee. Since
sure you can. I love the pink one. We has visited the m Therefore
Sure I will. I need your advice She don’t like coffee. Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Consequently
Sure I will. Should I change this We has visited the m Since
Sure I will. Should I change this They was playing in t Since
Sure I will. I need your advice He is going to the sto Since
Jl. Jambu 129
Arrange the random sentences
Bandung, below30th Januari
into a coherent
2023 conversation!
(1) Adrian : Hey, Roma! DearIt was
Fred, good. We had a math test in the morning
(2) Roma : My day was It was
gooda too.
real Isorrow
had a fun
I heard
painted of
(3) Roma : Sounds like Words,
a plan.I know,
Let’s study
are poor
comforters. “The heart kn
(4) Adrian : That sounds Your cool.
I wish
I could paint. I’m not very good at a
Cold surface water seeps underground. It flows
(5) Roma
: Hi,cracks
was yourrockday(rock
at school
that does
not soak up wate
. A: “Do you like the game?”
(6) Adrian : Thanks, Roma.
. We can help each other with our strong subj
Tense that are used inB the
: “….”
text above is ….(7) Roma : Oh, don’t worry,
What is Adrian.
the possible
You’re relation
really good
at math,
the and
I can
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect The dinner is really del
(6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present continuous t The show is delightful(5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I am pleased with all (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present continuous t Terrible! (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (7) – (2) – (5) – (6) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employees
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employees
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (7) – (2) – (5) – (6) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (7) – (2) – (5) – (6) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Siblings.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present continuous t The show is delightful(5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employees
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense Terrible! (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Siblings.
Present continuous t The show is delightful(5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I am pleased with all (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Relatives
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (7) – (2) – (5) – (6) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Past tense I am pleased with all (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Employers. .
Present continuous t Terrible! (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect Terrible! (7) – (2) – (5) – (6) – Relatives
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I am pleased with all (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Relatives
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present continuous t I am pleased with all (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Relatives
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense The dinner is really del
(5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I am pleased with all (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Employers. .
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Relatives
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I am pleased with all (7) – (2) – (5) – (6) – Friends.
Present tense I am pleased with all (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employees
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Relatives
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense The dinner is really del
(6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect The show is delightful(7) – (2) – (5) – (6) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Employers. .
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Relatives
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (6) – (2) – (7) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Employers. .
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I am pleased with all (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense The dinner is really del
(5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (6) – Relatives
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Siblings.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Future tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present continuous t I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Employees
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present perfect I do enjoy this game. (5) – (4) – (7) – (2) – Siblings.
Past tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Relatives
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Present tense I do enjoy this game. (5) – (1) – (2) – (4) – Friends.
Brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try

You’ll find there’s no need to cry
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place

Heal the world, make a better place

For you and for me, and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make it a better place, for you and for me
“He got to work really, really late “Cos he missed
. his train”.
I love living in Austral Which cause and effectI prefer
word driving
is ‘Cos .....
shortI for?
The main idea of the song lyric above is .....
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Since Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
As Due to Before love and peace
Because Neither Because pain and peace
Because of Because So that love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and sorrow
Because of Neither Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Since Because pain and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because So that love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because Due to Because love and peace
Since Due to Before pain and peace
Because of Because After love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Before pain and peace
Because Because Because peace and harm
Since Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because As Because love and peace
Because Due to So that love and peace
Because Because Before love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and hurt
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to So that love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because peace and harm
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because After peace and harm
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Since Since After love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because peace and harm
Because As Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and sorrow
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Since Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Since Since Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because Due to So that pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because pain and peace
Because of Due to Because love and sorrow
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because Since Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because of Since Because love and peace
Because of Because After love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Neither After pain and peace
Since Because In order to love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Neither Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because peace and harm
Because of Due to So that love and peace
Because of Because So that pain and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because peace and harm
Because of As In order to pain and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
As As Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of As Because pain and peace
Because of Since Because pain and peace
Because of Because In order to love and peace
Because of Due to Before love and peace
Because Because In order to love and peace
Because Due to Because love and sorrow
Because of Since Because love and peace
Because Neither Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Before love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Since Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Before love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Due to Because love and hurt
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Since Because love and peace
Due Because After love and hurt
Due Neither Because love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and sorrow
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Before peace and harm
Because of Because In order to love and hurt
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because In order to pain and peace
Because of Because Before love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because Since Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because After love and peace
Because of Due to So that love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to In order to love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because In order to love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because As So that love and peace
Because Due to Because pain and peace
Because of Due to After love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Before pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Before love and sorrow
Because Due to Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because In order to pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because In order to love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Since Because love and peace
Because Because Before love and peace
Because of As Before love and peace
Since Because In order to love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Since Because Because peace and harm
Because As Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Since Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Neither Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because Due to Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because Because Before peace and harm
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because As Because love and sorrow
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Neither Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Before love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Neither Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because In order to love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Due to Because pain and peace
Because As Because love and sorrow
Because of Because After love and hurt
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because Neither Because love and hurt
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because Since Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and sorrow
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because peace and harm
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Due to Because love and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because pain and peace
Because Due to Because pain and peace
Since Because In order to love and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because of Because Because pain and peace
Because Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Because of Because Because love and peace
Brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try

You’ll find there’s no need to cry
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt or sorrow
There are ways to get there
If you care enough for the living
Make a little space
Make a better place
Smile though your heart Smileis aching
though your heart is aching
Heal the world, make a better place Smile even though it'sSmile breaking
even though it's breaking
For you and for me, and the entire human race When there are clouds When
in thethere
sky, are
get byin the sky, you'll get by
There are people dying If you smile through your If youfear
sorrow your fear and sorrow
If you care enough forEven
the living
when it’s rainy all
you and
do is shine
Smile and maybe tomorrow
Make it a better place, forYou
mea You'll
star just
see like
sun comeYou'll
see thethrough
sun come
for youshining through for you
. -------------------- . .
Language features of theThissongsentence
lyric “Heal
The World”
.....can classied
of the song
and maybe tomorrow“ means that .....
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveSmile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that The smile brings bothSmile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that The smile brings bothSmile is easy to do
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer can’t live wSmiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Smiling makes our lif Life needs people to s
Future tense, imperatiBeing superstar is hi The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Present tense, imperatThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life needs people to s
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer can’t live wDon’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is everything fo
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothSmile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that The smile brings bothSmile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that The smile brings bothSmile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is easy to do
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Life is not easy to liveLife needs people to s
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi The smile brings bothSmile is easy to do
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Life is not easy to liveLife needs people to s
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is everything fo
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Life is not easy to liveSmile is easy to do
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life needs people to s
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is easy to do
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is easy to do
Verb, present tense, iThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothLife needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Smiling makes our lif Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Present tense, imperatThe writer thinks that Life is not easy to liveLife needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Smiling makes our lif Smile is easy to do
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiThe writer thinks that Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fThe writer can’t live wSmiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer can’t live wBe happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iThe writer thinks that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is easy to do
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Present tense, imperatThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Present tense, imperatThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is easy to do
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Present tense, imperatThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that The smile brings bothSmile is everything fo
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that The smile brings bothSmile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Life is not easy to liveLife needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, iMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatBeing superstar is hi The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer can’t live wBe happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Present tense, imperatBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Future tense, imperatiThe writer thinks that Don’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Don’t hide your probl Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer can’t live wDon’t hide your probl Smile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Life is not easy to liveLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Smile is easy to do
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Don’t hide your probl Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life needs people to s
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, iThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fBeing superstar is hi The smile brings bothSmile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothLife needs people to s
Future tense, imperatiBeing superstar is hi Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothLife needs people to s
Future tense, imperatiThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothSmile is easy to do
Verb, present tense, fThe writer can’t live wThe smile brings bothLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is everything fo
Verb, present tense, iBeing superstar is hi The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Smiling makes our lif Smile is just for you f
Present tense, imperatBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life needs people to s
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Present tense, imperatMariah is a star that Don’t hide your probl Life is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Future tense, imperatiBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Future tense, imperatiMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Verb, present tense, iBeing superstar is hi The smile brings bothLife is always changi
Verb, present tense, fThe writer thinks that Be happy and smile Smile is just for you f
Present tense, imperatThe writer tells that h The smile brings bothSmile is just for you f
Noun, verb, present teMariah is a star that Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teBeing superstar is hi Be happy and smile Life is always changi
Noun, verb, present teThe writer tells that h Be happy and smile Life is always changi
It has long been known It has
that long
known Itto
known to
As a result of this process,
As a result
this process,
As athe result
As chemical
After many intermediateAfter
many sugar
is produced.
manyAt sugar
is produced.
After steps,
a balance
manyAt sugar
At sugar
the of
is apre
. . . .
In photosynthesis, water
… title best expresses
Whichthe process
ideas in is the passage?
The combination
of photosynthesis?
of carbon dioxide and water to fo
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDiffusion Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Parts of vascularRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Interrupts The ChemicA chemical Equation Synthesization Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Chlorophyll
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Stomata
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Production of Su Respiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Parts of vascularRespiration Stomata
Is Produced In CarboThe exchange of Resp Diffusion Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Stomata
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Production of Su Decomposition Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe exchange of Resp Equation Water
Is Produced In CarboA chemical Equation Equation Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDiffusion Chlorophyll
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe exchange of Resp Synthesization Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Parts of vascularSynthesization Water
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoRespiration Stomata
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Stomata
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalA chemical Equation Synthesization Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Interrupts The ChemicA chemical Equation Decomposition Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Production of Su Decomposition Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Water
Must Be Present The Production of Su Respiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoEquation Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoSynthesization Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe exchange of Resp Equation Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Stomata
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Interrupts The ChemicThe exchange of Resp Equation Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoEquation Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Water
Interrupts The ChemicThe exchange of Resp Synthesization Water
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalA chemical Equation Diffusion Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Parts of vascularDecomposition Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDiffusion Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The exchange of Resp Synthesization Stomata
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoEquation Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Production of Su Diffusion Water
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Production of Su Synthesization Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe exchange of Resp Decomposition Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Is Produced In CarboA chemical Equation Decomposition Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Is Produced In CarboThe Parts of vascularRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The exchange of RespRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoSynthesization Stomata
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe exchange of Resp Respiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoEquation Water
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Is Produced In CarboThe exchange of Resp Respiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Production of Su Synthesization Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe exchange of Resp Diffusion Stomata
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Stomata
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoRespiration Water
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicA chemical Equation Decomposition Water
Interrupts The ChemicThe exchange of Resp Diffusion Chlorophyll
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoEquation Water
Is Diffused Out Of Th A chemical Equation Decomposition Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Interrupts The ChemicThe Parts of vascularDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Parts of vascularRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboA chemical Equation Respiration Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe exchange of Resp Synthesization Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboA chemical Equation Decomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboA chemical Equation Equation Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDiffusion Carbon
Must Be Present The Production of Su Respiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDiffusion Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Must Be Present The exchange of RespRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The exchange of RespRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoEquation Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDiffusion Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDiffusion Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe exchange of Resp Respiration Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDiffusion Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Production of Su Respiration Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDiffusion Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Water
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboA chemical Equation Respiration Stomata
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe exchange of Resp Decomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoEquation Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe exchange of Resp Decomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalA chemical Equation Decomposition Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Production of Su Decomposition Water
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoEquation Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Water
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalA chemical Equation Respiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe exchange of Resp Decomposition Oxygen
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Interrupts The ChemicThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDiffusion Chlorophyll
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Stomata
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalA chemical Equation Decomposition Water
Is Produced In CarboThe Production of Su Synthesization Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalA chemical Equation Respiration Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoEquation Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Production of Su Decomposition Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoEquation Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe exchange of Resp Respiration Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe exchange of Resp Equation Chlorophyll
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoDiffusion Chlorophyll
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Production of Su Respiration Water
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Water
Must Be Present The exchange of Resp Decomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Stomata
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Water
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Water
Must Be Present A chemical Equation Respiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Production of Su Respiration Oxygen
Is Stored In ChemicalThe Process of PhotoRespiration Carbon
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoDecomposition Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Produced In CarboThe Process of PhotoSynthesization Carbon
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Is Diffused Out Of Th The Process of PhotoRespiration Chlorophyll
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
Must Be Present The Process of PhotoRespiration Oxygen
It has long been known It has
that long
known tothat
suitable toconditions
light under of suitable
temperature conditions
and moisture,
of temperature
the greenan
As a result of this process,
As a result
this process,
Selvithe :radiant
sun isdo
you think
the chemical
In turnist
After many intermediateAfter
many sugar
is produced.
Sitisteps,:O Atmy
is produced.
I almost
Heraa balance
: No
At my
is saidisthat
she is suffering
in gases
the atmosph
is prec
. . Selvi : Why? What happened? Leni : So ? Where is she now?
The word “stored” in Paragraph
In photosynthesis,
2 is closest
in meaning
: .….the
… isis… so
hard,: She
I almost
is staying
give up.
at home ….. her illness.
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Changed Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Connected Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Synthesized Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Changed Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Conducted from the Because x Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Perhaps
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because x Because
Saved Conducted from the Because x of Because
Connected Stored in the tree Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Changed Conducted from the Because x of Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Usually
Connected Released one to oneBecause Because
Changed Released one to oneBecause of Because
Connected Conducted from the Because x of Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Conducted from the Because x Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Connected Synthesized Because Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Released one to oneProbably Because
Saved Conducted from the Probably
x Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Attended Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Released one to oneAlthough Because
Saved Changed to chemical Probably Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Stored in the tree Because of Certainly.
Connected Conducted from the Although
x Because
Attended Conducted from the Because
x of Due to
Discovered Changed to chemical Because Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Attended Synthesized Because of Due to
Changed Conducted from the Because
x Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Synthesized Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Discovered Synthesized Because Due to
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Synthesized Because Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Perhaps
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because of Perhaps
Changed Changed to chemical Because Because
Changed Conducted from the Certainly
x Because
Connected Conducted from the Because
x Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Although Perhaps
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Discovered Released one to oneProbably Due to
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Connected Synthesized Because Because
Connected Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause Perhaps
Saved Synthesized Although Because
Changed Released one to oneBecause of Usually
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Saved Synthesized Because Due to
Changed Released one to oneBecause Because
Discovered Released one to oneCertainly Because
Discovered Conducted from the Because
x Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Although Because
Discovered Synthesized Because Because
Saved Released one to oneAlthough Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because Because
Discovered Conducted from the Because
x Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Probably Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Probably Due to
Saved Stored in the tree Because of Due to
Saved Synthesized Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Because
Changed Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Certainly Usually
Discovered Synthesized Although Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Attended Synthesized Because Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Synthesized Certainly Due to
Connected Changed to chemical Because Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because Due to
Connected Conducted from the Because
x Usually
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Usually
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Discovered Conducted from the Because
x of Due to
Attended Changed to chemical Because Because
Discovered Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Synthesized Because Because
Saved Synthesized Although Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Connected Stored in the tree Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Certainly Because
Connected Conducted from the Certainly
x Because
Discovered Conducted from the Probably
x Due to
Discovered Synthesized Because Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause Due to
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Because
Discovered Synthesized Because Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Stored in the tree Because of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Certainly.
Discovered Released one to oneCertainly Certainly.
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Changed Synthesized Because of Because
Changed Stored in the tree Because of Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause Perhaps
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Perhaps
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Synthesized Because of Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause Usually
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Certainly Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Synthesized Because of Due to
Connected Changed to chemical Because of Because
Discovered Synthesized Because of Because
Connected Conducted from the Although
x Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x Usually
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Stored in the tree Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Stored in the tree Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Released one to oneBecause Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Changed Released one to oneCertainly Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Perhaps
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Synthesized Because of Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Released one to oneBecause Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Synthesized Certainly Perhaps
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Connected Stored in the tree Certainly Due to
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Changed Released one to oneBecause of Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Because
Discovered Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause of Because
Connected Conducted from the Because
x of Due to
Connected Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Changed Conducted from the Certainly
x Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Connected Released one to oneBecause Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Connected Conducted from the Because
x Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Probably Because
Changed Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Due to
Saved Synthesized Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Synthesized Because Because
Connected Changed to chemical Although Perhaps
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Due to
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Attended Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Discovered Released one to oneProbably Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Usually
Discovered Released one to oneBecause Because
Discovered Released one to oneProbably Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Released one to oneBecause Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Perhaps
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x Because
Changed Changed to chemical Certainly Due to
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Synthesized Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause Usually
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Stored in the tree Because of Because
Discovered Released one to oneBecause of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Connected Changed to chemical Because Because
Connected Conducted from the Certainly
x Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because Usually
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Because
Changed Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause Because
Saved Changed to chemical Certainly Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Synthesized Because Due to
Discovered Conducted from the Probably
x Certainly.
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Synthesized Although Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Connected Conducted from the Because
x of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Usually
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Discovered Released one to oneBecause Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Connected Released one to oneBecause Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Connected Conducted from the Because
x Because
Saved Conducted from the Certainly
x Because
Saved Conducted from the Certainly
x Because
Saved Changed to chemical Certainly Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because of Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x Due to
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Changed Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Discovered Conducted from the Because
x of Due to
Connected Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Released one to oneAlthough Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause of Perhaps
Saved Released one to oneBecause Because
Saved Released one to oneBecause Due to
Changed Changed to chemical Because Usually
Connected Released one to oneProbably Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because of Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Discovered Changed to chemical Because Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Synthesized Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Because
Saved Conducted from the Because
x of Because
Discovered Synthesized Because Because
Discovered Changed to chemical Because of Because
Connected Changed to chemical Because Certainly.
Saved Synthesized Because of Because
Saved Synthesized Because Because
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
Saved Changed to chemical Because Due to
ave you seen Sisca?
o yet. It is said that she is suffering from cough
? Where is she now?
e is staying at home ….. her illness.

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