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Q. How the 73rd Amendment act has helped resolve the problem of women ?

The 73rd Amendment Act has introduced the establishment of panchayats in the village and District
levels. It has empowered women by having 50% of the reservation of sets exclusively for women at
the panchayat and municipal level. As women gain positions of influence within these institutions,
they can advocate for policies and programs that specifically address violence against women

EDUCATION- rural areas in India are characterized by poverty and limited economic opportunities.
Families often prioritize the education of male children over female children, perpetuating gender
disparities in literacy. Traditional gender roles and norms in rural India can discourage girls from
pursuing education.

The 73rd Amendment played a role in addressing illiteracy in women by decentralizing power to
local self-governing bodies, known as Panchayats which, in turn, could help address education-
related issues in their communities. The 73rd Amendment Act itself didn't directly solve illiteracy in
women, it created a conducive environment for addressing the issue at the grassroots level,
contributing to improved literacy rates among women in India.

HEALTH- Since women in rural areas especially suppress their personal everyday needs because of
various reasons. They usually tend to skip meals and overall not take good care of themselves for
their families.

This act has helped women gain or take part in the local self government, leading to the
implementation of various health related initiatives tailored to their needs. This has resulted in the
general improvement of various healthcare services, awareness programs, vocational training etc. ,
therefore having a positive effect on women’s healthcare needs.

ECONOMY- Since the husbands spend money in purchasing alcohol ,the family faces extreme
financial issues and also the wife faces domestic violence as she has no say. Most women are
dependent on men. One of the solutions can be giving women vocational training and making them
skilled to do work such as basket making handicrafts or stitching.

As mentioned earlier the 73rd amendment Act gives women the leadership positions through these
positions they get paid. By this women become independent and they do not have to dependent on
their husbands anymore.

ATROCITIES- Gender-based violence and harassment are major obstacles to women's participation
in politics. Addressing these issues through policy and legal measures can create a safer and more
supportive environment for women in politics.

While the amendment itself may not directly address violence against women, the increased
representation of women in these local bodies can contribute to creating a more inclusive and
responsive governance structure. Women when in position can push for the establishment of
support services for survivors of violence, such as counseling centers or helplines, within the local
community.As women gain positions of influence within these institutions, they can advocate for
policies and programs that specifically address violence against women

UN DECLARATION-The United Nations Declaration of 1975, also known as the Declaration on the
Elimination of Discrimination against Women, was a landmark document that aimed to promote
gender equality and protect women's rights. It recognized that discrimination against women was a
violation of human rights and called for equal opportunities and treatment for women in all aspects
of life. The declaration emphasized the importance of eliminating gender-based stereotypes,
ensuring equal access to education, healthcare, and employment, and promoting women's
participation in decision-making processes. It served as a catalyst for global efforts to advance
women's rights and achieve gender equality.

The 73rd Amendment Act has played a significant role in empowering women and promoting gender
equality in local governance. It has provided reserved seats for women in Panchayati Raj institutions,
giving them a platform to participate in decision-making processes.

The effectiveness of these measures depends on factors like community engagement, proper
implementation, and collaboration with law enforcement and social organizations. While the 73rd
Amendment provides a framework for increased female participation, its impact in preventing
violence against women is realized through the actions and advocacy of empowered women leaders
within the Panchayats.

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