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Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University

Assignment 1 (Feb-2022)

Course Name : - Object Oriented Concepts

Course Code : - PGDCA-102

Total Marks : - 100

Block 1
Answer the following questions in detail. (2x15=30)

1. Explain the concept behind programming and detail its features.

1. Explain the needs of Java Keywords.

2. Detailed about various versions of Java.

2. Highlight certain Arithmetic Operators and Expressions present in Java.

Block 2
Answer the following questions in detail. (Any Two) (2x15=30)

1. What are the different incremental and decremental operators?

2. Explain the ternary operators in Java.

3. What is argument passing in Java?

4. Explain the structure of while loop and do while in Java.

Block 3
Answer the following questions briefly. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

1. Why java doesn't support multiple Inheritance?

2. How would you implement multiple inheritance in Java?

3. What is the difference between an Abstract class and Interface?

4. What is the purpose of Java DataInputStream and OutputStream?

5. Explain the throw statement in Java.

6. Explain the various types of throws clause in Java.

7. How compiler handles the exceptions in overriding?

8. Are constructors inherited? Can a subclass call the parent's class constructor? When?

Block 4
Write a short note on the following. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

1. Explain the features of classes in java.util package.

2. What do you understand by File handling in java?

3. What do you understand by Graphical User Interfaces?

4. How the package can be designed using Java?

5. What are the characteristics of file class in Java?

6. What are the various GUI components present in Java?
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University
Assignment 2 (Feb-2022)

Course Name : - Object Oriented Concepts

Course Code : - PGDCA-102

Total Marks : - 100

Block 1
Answer the following questions in detail. (2x15=30)

2. Write the features of Pseudo-Code with examples.

3. What are various Variables and Assignments in Java?

4. Highlight various Java class libraries with examples.

3. Highlight the different categories of Characters.

Block 2
Answer the following questions in detail. (Any Two) (2x15=30)

5. What are Relational and Boolean logical operators?

6. Define Static variables and methods with examples.

7. What is the scope of local variables in Java?

8. What are bitwise operators?

Block 3
Answer the following questions briefly. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

9. Difference Between this() and super().

10. How to use Inheritance in Java?

11. In Java, what’s the difference between an object and a class?

12. What is the 'instanceof' operator used for?

13. Explain the use of * in import statement in Java.

14. What is Exception Handling in Java?

15. What are the Exception and Error classes in Java?

16. What are custom exceptions in Java?

Block 4
Write a short note on the following. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

7. How many classes are present in java.lang package?

8. Explain the features of Java Stream Classes with examples.

9. What are the different classes related to Graphical Interface?

10. What do you understand by collection framework in Java?

11. How would you compare Scanner and Console Classes in Java?
12. How will you create layouts in GUI?

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