Pgdca 103

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Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University

Assignment 1 (Feb-2022)

Course Name : - Relational Database Management

Course Code : - PGDCA-103

Total Marks : - 100

Block 1
Answer the following questions in detail. (2x15=30)

1. Explain the Three-tier architecture of DBMS.

1. Explain the Entity-Relationship Diagram with features.

2. Explain the various types of Data Models.

2. Discuss various Cardinalities such as one-one, one-many, many-one and many-many.

Block 2
Answer the following questions in detail. (Any Two) (2x15=30)

1. Discuss the different types of Entity Integrity constraints.

2. Give the characteristics features of lossy and lossless decompositions.

3. Discuss the characteristics features of Candidate key.

4. Discuss the different Normalization Rules such as 1NF, 2NF, 3NF and BCNF.

Block 3
Answer the following questions briefly. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

1. What do you understand by Relational Algebra?

2. Discuss the different types of Group function such as AVG, MAX, MIN, SUM and

3. What are the different operations exists in relational algebra?

4. Explain the function of CREATE, ALTER and DROP features in DDL.

5. How the relational algebra is used in programming?

6. How the function of INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE work in DMS?

7. Explain the features of Relational Algebra.

8. Explain the various types of Operators available in query language.

Block 4
Write a short note on the following. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

1. What do you mean by Data Retrieval in SQL?

2. What is Database System?

3. Discuss Single table query without condition.

4. Discuss the different types of Database System.

5. Explain the features of Single table query with condition.

6. What are the features of Centralized Database System?

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University
Assignment 2 (Feb-2022)

Course Name : - Relational Database Management

Course Code : - PGDCA-103

Total Marks : - 100

Block 1
Answer the following questions in detail. (2x15=30)

2. Discuss Data Administrator and its functions.

3. Discuss the different types of entities in conceptual modeling.

4. What are the different types of DBMS languages?

3. Compare among the different types of attributes available in conceptual modeling.

Block 2
Answer the following questions in detail. (Any Two) (2x15=30)

5. Explain the characteristics and features of Referential Integrity constraints.

6. Explain the basic concept of Normalization.

7. What are the qualities of Domain Integrity constraints?

8. What are the merits and demerits of Armstrong Axioms with respect to functional

Block 3
Answer the following questions briefly. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

9. Explain the various symbols used in Relational Algebra.

10. What is Query Language?

11. What are the various data types present in MySQL?

12. Explain the features of Structured Query Language.

13. What do you mean by natural join in relational algebra?

14. How to use union and intersection in relational algebra?

15. Explain the characteristics of Cartesian product in linear algebra.

16. Explain about various SQL Functions.

Block 4
Write a short note on the following. (Any Four) (4x5=20)

7. What is Group by clause?

8. Explain the characteristics of Parallel Database Systems.

9. What are the qualities of Order by Clause in SQL?

10. What are the merits of Distributed Database Systems?

11. Compare Self Join, Natural Join and Sub query with examples.
12. Discuss the Client-Server Database System.


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