Position Paper-Rome Ecosoc

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Delegate: Ines Villaseca Gonzalez

Committee: ECOSOC
School: Aquinas American School
Topic: Guaranteeing a sustainable source of water for
developing countries

About the country

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is located in the Arabian Peninsula, in the continent of
Asia. Its unification took place in 1932 and its name refers to its dynasty, the Saud dynasty.
The country has a total of 35 million inhabitants. Despite its wealth related to raw materials,
there are some economic differences.
The Arabian population practices the Islam religion and follows and respects the rules
of the Koran and the wish of the king. Thanks to the Islam many Arabian tribes started to
coexist and finally ended in what is the country nowadays.
Saudi Arabia is under an extremely open economy. The economy is based on its
resources of oil. In addition, Mecca and Medina are largely visited holy cities. All of this
brings a lot of income and makes Saudi Arabia a wealthy region.


Saudi Arabia is an active advocate for sustainable management of water resources in
developing countries. This could include universal access to safe drinking water and adequate
sanitation, reduction of pollution and untreated wastewater,and increasing water-use
efficiency.Additionally, countries should focus on water resource management as the
cornerstone for sustainable development.

Saudi Arabia emphasizes the importance of learning from past mistakes and developing
alternative definitions for sustainable development especially in developing countries.
Additionally, Saudi Arabia advocates for economic growth and environmental well-being to
be achieved without sacrificing one for the other meaning that we believe sustainable
solutions to the need for water can be dealt with without the need for the economy of all
participants to be affected. Finally, Saudi Arabia would stress the need for country
programmes that promote sustainable land management and an innovative approach to the
creation water; as a nation we are committed to coming up with such solutions that benefit
our citizens, for example we have invested $105 billion usd in the creation of water farming
projects that are looking to create 800,000 cubic meters of water desalination plants on the
Delegate: Ines Villaseca Gonzalez
Committee: ECOSOC
School: Aquinas American School
Topic: Guaranteeing a sustainable source of water for
developing countries

Kingdom’s Eastern coastline, this would mean an expansion of water supply networks in the
Kingdom to more than 3.5 million cubic meters per day.

In light of this, Saudi Arabia believes that guaranteeing a sustainable source of water
for developing countries is a priority issue that must be addressed by the international
community. To achieve this, we propose the following recommendations: Increase
international support: Developing countries need assistance from the international community
to address their water challenges. The international community should provide financial and
technical support to help these countries improve their water infrastructure and management.
Promote water conservation: Water conservation should be a top priority for all countries.
The international community should support the development of water conservation policies
and practices in developing countries, including the adoption of efficient irrigation
technologies, water reuse, and rainwater harvesting. Encourage technology transfer:
Developing countries should have access to the latest water technologies and techniques. The
international community should facilitate technology transfer and provide technical
assistance to help these countries adopt new water technologies and practices. Strengthen
cooperation: International cooperation is critical to addressing global water challenges. The
international community should work together to share knowledge, experience, and best
practices in water management and conservation. In conclusion, Saudi Arabia believes that
guaranteeing a sustainable source of water for developing countries is a fundamental
challenge that must be addressed urgently. We call upon the international community to
increase its support, promote water conservation, encourage technology transfer, and
strengthen cooperation to achieve this important goal. Together, we can ensure that all people
have access to the basic human right of clean and safe water.

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