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JELLICIOUS COFFEE JELLY NAME OF THE BUSINESS 10-SAN VICENTE SECTION PROPONENTS: JIROH PAYABYAB KYLE GHERIEL M. NIDUAZA ALLEN SORIANO. MARC CEDRICK V. CRUZ JAY ANNE PEREZ ALIANAH SERRANO. PHOEBE KHAYE LUMBANG EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coffee jelly is @ unique and delicious dessert made from brewed coffee and gelatin. It offers a refreshing and flavorful alternative to traditional desserts, appealing to both coffee lavers and dessert enthusiasts. Our company aims to introduce and promote coffee jelly as a trendy and versatile dessert option. Our coffee jelly is made from high-quality coffee beans, ensuring a rich and authentic coffee flavor. We. have carefully crafted the recipe to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness and texture, resulting in a ‘smooth and jelly-like consistency that melts in your mouth. ‘To market our coffee jelly, we have developed a comprehensive strategy that includes targeting coffee lovers, dessert enthusiasts, and health-conscious individuals. We will leverage social media platforms to showcase visually appealing images and videos of our coffee jelly, engage with customers, and collaborate with influencers and food bloggers to generate interest and reach a wider audience. Inaddition to our online presence, we will also partner with local coffee shops and restaurants to feature our coffee jelly as a dessert option on their menus. This strategic collaboration will increase brand visibility and allow customers to experience our product in a familiar setting. To encourage trial and repeat purchases, we will offer samples of our coffee jelly at tasting events, food festivals, and community gatherings. We will also run limited-time promotions, contests, and giveaways to create a sense of urgency and incentivize customers to try our product. We believe that our coffee jelly stands out from competitors due to its unique flavor, high-quality ingredients, and attention to detail in its preparation. By emphasizing these unique selling points and creating a compelling brand story, we aim to build brand recognition and loyalty among customers, Our company is excited to introduce coffee jelly to the market and offer a delightful and innovative dessert option. With a strong marketing strategy, emphasis on quality, and a focus on customer satisfaction, we are confident in the success and growth of our coffee jelly brand. FINANCIAL PLAN Capital Requirements: Start-up Costs: Determine the initial investment required to start the business, including the cost of equipment (such as coffee machines, refrigerators, ingredients, packaging. Pricing Strategy: Conduct market research to determine the average price of coffee jelly in your target market. Sales Forecast: Estimate the number of coffee jelly servings you expect to sell each day, week, or month. Operating Expenses: Identify the fixed and variable costs associated with running the business. Determine the number of coffee jelly servings you need to sell in order to cover all your costs and reach the break-even point. Marketing and Promotion: Develop a marketing strategy to attract customers and build brand awareness. Cash Flow Management: Monitor your cash flow regularly to ensure you have enough funds to cover your expenses Table 1 PROJECTED REVENUE PRODUCT/SERVICE | PRICE PROJECTED DAILY PROJECTED | MONTHLY NO. OF REVENUE NO. OF REVENUE PRODUCTS: PRODUCTS ‘SOLD DAILY SOLD MONTHLY COFFEE JELLY 935-Pa5 ‘BOpes 3,200 2400pes 996,000 ORGANIZATION PLAN ‘Team Member Position Responsibility JIROH PAYABYAB PRODUCER AIDS IN FINANCIAL PROBLEM OF THE BUSINESS KYLE GHERIELM, NIDUAZA MANAGER RULES THE WORKERS IN SELLING THE PRODUCTS ALLEN SORIANO MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE THE CLEANLINESS OF THE SHOP MARC CEDRICK V. CRUZ CASHIER MANAGE THE PAYMENT OF THE CUSTOMERS JAY ANNE PEREZ PRODUCT MAKER. PRODUCE THE PRODUCTS ALIANAH SERRANO PRODUCT MAKER. PRODUCE THE PRODUCTS PHOEBE KHAYE LUMBANG PRODUCT MAKER. PRODUCE THE PRODUCTS EXHIBIT 3:Product/Packaging a B nil ut i c ° © Procedures: 1. Prepare the cotfee: Start by brewing a strong cup of coffee using your preferred method. You can Use instant coffee or freshly brewed coffee. Make sure the coffee is strong in flavor to enhance the taste of the jelly. 2. Dissolve gelatin: in a separate bowl, dissolve gelatin powder in water according to the instructions on the package. Typically, you'll need about 2-3 tablespoons of gelatin for every 2 cups of liquid. 3. Combine coffee and gelatin: Pour the brewed coffee into a saucepan and heat it gently over low heat. Gradually add the dissolved gelatin mixture to the coffee while stirring continuously. Make sure the gelatin is completely dissolved and well incorporated into the coffee. 4. Sweeten the mixture (optional): I you prefer your coffee jelly to be sweet, you can add sugar or any sweetener of your choice to the coffee mixture. Stir until the sugar is fully dissolved. 5. Pour into molds: Once the coffee and gelatin mixture is ready, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly. Pour the mixture into individual molds ar a large mold, depending on your preference. You can use silicone molds, ramekins, or any other heatproof containers. 6. Chill and set: Place the molds in the refrigerator and let the coffee jelly mixture cool and set for at least 3-4 hours, or until firm. it's best to leave it overnight for a mare solid texture. 7, Serve and enjay: Once the coffee jelly is set, remove it from the molds by gently loosening the edges with a knife or dipping the molds in warm water for a few seconds to loosen the jelly. ‘That's it! You now have a delicious coffee jelly ready to be enjoyed. Operation Strategies: Be on time, Always Ready, Quick Action, Be careful {schedule/time of operation) -5:30 to 8:30 Monday-Sunday Projected Daily no. of products to produce: 80 Pieces Work flow: (Operation procedure/routine) Set up the stall: Arrive at the location and set up the stall. Prepare the coffee: Brew afresh pat of coffee using high-quality beans and filtered water. Make the jelly: Follow a recipe to make the coffee jelly. Cut tthe jelly: Once the jelly has set. Assemble the cups: Add a layer of coffee jelly to the bottom of each Cup. Add the coffee: Pour the cooled coffee over the top of the whipped cream. Serve the coffee jelly: Offer the coffee jelly cups to customers, along with spoons and tissues Clean up: At the end of the day, clean and sanitize all equipment and utensils, dispose of any leftover ingredients, and pack up the stall for transport. PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONAL PLAN Product description Coffee jelly isa delightful dessert made from a combination of coffee and gelatin. tis a popular treat in many countries, known for its unique texture and rich coffee flavor. The taste of coffee jelly is often described as a balance between the bitterness of coffee and the sweetness of the gelatin. The texture is smooth and slightly firm, providing a pleasant contrast to the creamy components it is paired with. It is a versatile dessert that can be enjoyed by coffee lovers and dessert enthusiasts alike. ‘Machine ,Equipment and Tools needed ‘ce Box ‘Mixing Bowls Knife ‘Measuring Gup,Spoons Gas Stove Kawali Sandok === iP P Total 2,991, Materials and Ingredients needed( 1 month estimation) item ‘Quantity Price Brewed Coffee 7,505 4,800 Powder Gelatin 7.5003 600 Condensed milk 30p¢s(160ml) 1,930 Evaporated milk 30p¢s(360m!) 3,190 ‘Sugar 10k, 1,320 Otso Plastic Bottle 2400pcs{250m!) 714,400 Water ‘6001, 720 CE EXHIBIT 2: LOCATION MAP Brother Andrew Gonzales Technical High School Recently viewed 9 Office Of The @ Mpdc/zoning Apalit Municipal Hall ASCCOM-DLSU 4 Friendship Hospital Apalit Skate f ° EXHIBIT 1: BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE(Front View OVERVIEW OF THE BUSINESS NAME OF THE BUSINESS: JELLICIOUS COFFEE JELLY DESCRIPTION OF THE BUSINESS . Coffee Jelly isa delightful and refreshing dessert that combines the rich and robust flavors of coffee with the smooth and jelly-like texture. it is a popular treat that has gained popularity in recent years, appealing, to coffee lovers and dessert enthusiasts alike In this business, you specialize in creating and selling high-quality caffee jelly products. Your coffee jelly is, made using premium coffee beans, carefully brewed to extract the perfect balance of flavor and aroma. The jelty itself is made from a combination of gelatin, sugar, and water, resulting in a soft and jiggly texture: that melts in your mouth, ‘Your coffee jelly offerings are diverse, catering to different tastes and preferences. You offer a range of flavors, including classic black coffee, creamy cappuccino, indulgent mocha, and even unique variations like caramet macchiato or hazelnut latte. Each flavor is meticulously crafted to ensure a harmonious blend of coffee and sweetness. To enhance the overall experience, you also offer various toppings and accompaniments. Customers can choose to add a dollop of whipped cream, a sprinkle of chocolate shavings, or a drizzle of caramel sauce to their coffee jelly. These additional elements elevate the flavors and create a visually appealing presentation. ‘Your business prides itself on using only the finest ingredients and maintaining strict quality control measures. You source your coffee beans from reputable suppliers, ensuring that each batch of coffee jelly is made with the utmost care and attention to detail. This commitment to quality is reflected in the exceptional taste and consistency of your products. In addition to selling coffee jelly as a standalone dessert, you also offer catering services for events and. ‘special occasions. Whether it's a corporate gathering, a wedding reception, or a birthday party, your coffee Jelly creations add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any event. With a passion for coffee and 3 dedication to providing a memorable culinary experience, your coffee jelly business has become 3 go-to destination for coffee enthusiasts and dessert lovers. Through your Commitment to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction, you have established a strong reputation in the industry and continue to delight customers with your delectable cotfee jelly creations

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