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Narrator : Once upon a time, two kids named (Name 1) and (Name 2), decided to go to

explore and abandoned school at the edge of their town. The school’s reputation was
shrouded in mystery, with all sorts of whispers from many rumors of a dead teacher in the

Name 1 : Come on (Name 2), let’s go see the classroom. It wont be too long, just a quick
peek. It’s almost midnight, it will be more spookier at midnight.

Narrator : (Name 1) and (Name 2) arrived at the abandoned school and walked along the
paths with their torches flashing light to iluminate the area. They slowly figured out the
building where the dead teacher had her classroom. They opened the classroom door which
made a squeaking noise as they entered.

Name 2 : Ok, is this enough of a quick peek now? I’m tired and we also have school

Name 1 : Chill, just a few more minutes? I wanna take a couple pictures with the camera I

Narrator : Suddently, the door closed behind them making them jump and turn around. A
cold breeze swiped away making them shiver.

Name 1 : It’s probably the broken windows….Wait let me put the camera on recording.

Name 2 : Can we go now?!

Name 1 : Yeah, yeah just a few second…

Narrator : The old wooden floors creaked under their weight as they moved. They saw dusty
desks and chalkboards that hadn't been erased for decades. (Name 1) started the move the
camera around the classroom while recording the place. In a corner of (Name 2)’s eye, she
caught a whitish figure walking. She immediately gasped and tapped (Name 1)’s shoulder.

Name 2 : I swear I saw something.

Name 1 : What? A rat?

Narrator : The same breeze started to sweep in but, it was more colder than before making the
girls shiver. The broken door to the opposite started to creak and open slightly. The girls were
terrified at this stage that they were clinging onto eachother without knowing. Slowly a head
started to peak through the door. The ghostly figure of the teacher started to peek through.
Both the girls were too frightened to even scream. Although, surprisingly the ghost of the
teacher entered the classroom and slowly opened the door more and motioned the girls to
walk through to the outside. Taken it back the girls looked at eachother thinking whether they
should just walk through or not.

Name 1 : Should we walk through?

Name 2 : Maybe…..? Maybe she’s a nice ghost?

Narrator : The girls slowly walked towards the door while the ghost was floating near it. The
girls were almost outside the door when suddently, the ghost stretched her hand and cluthed
her hand and immediately the girls necks dnapped and they droped to the ground. The ghost
of the teacher slowly grinded and slowly disappeared into the thin air.

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