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STUDENT: _____________________________________________


Christmas is a time for celebration and joy. It is a time to spend with loved ones, eat delicious
food, and exchange gifts. Christmas is celebrated by people of many faiths and backgrounds,
and Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus.
One of the most popular Christmas traditions is decorating a Christmas tree. Christmas trees
are often decorated with lights, ornaments, and tinsel. Another popular Christmas tradition is
exchanging gifts. Children often receive gifts from Santa Claus, and adults often exchange gifts
with each other.
Christmas is also a time for feasting. The traditional Christmas dinner often includes turkey,
ham, stuffing, and other delicious foods. Here are some other popular Christmas traditions:
Singing Christmas carols, going to Christmas church services, watching Christmas movies,
playing Christmas games, spending time with family and friends.
No matter how you celebrate Christmas, it is a time to be grateful for the blessings in your

1) Segundo o texto, qual é o sentimento que deve ser cultivado durante o Natal?
a) Anxiety
b) Fear
c) Gratitude
d) Sadness

2) O que é mencionado como parte do jantar tradicional de Natal no texto?

a) Pizza, fruits, and salad.
b) Turkey, ham, stuffing, and other tasty foods.
c) Fish, rice, and vegetables.
d) Soup, bread, and cheese.

3) De acordo com o texto, quem costuma dar presentes às crianças no Natal? Escreva em
4) De acordo com o texto, quais são as tradições mais populares de Natal?

5) Qual a tradição do Natal que você e sua família segue?

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