20.04 English

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You have to read the text (see the attached link) and answer the following question in writing:

1) How has electronic technology impacted the sonic materials available to composers and
Writing and recording music becomes easier, which allows much more people to partake in the
activity. With advances in technology, it becomes easier to create.

2) What are some of the limitations of traditional Western music notation?

Western notation does not prescribe the intonations.
3) How is screen-based computational design driving innovation and creativity in various fields?
Computation presents a number of screen-based models of creative designing; including
combination, transformation etc.
4) What is animated notation, and how does it differ from traditional music notation?
Animated notation provides a dynamic form full of possibilities for musical exploration while
traditional notaion is more linear and rigid.
5) What is the TENOR conference, and what is its focus?
“TENOR conferences provide an overview of developments in the technology of music notation,
in which animated notation plays a significant part. These new approaches empower musical
practices, revolutionising the way musicians make – and audiences engage with – music as a
creative art.”
6) How might the use of animated notation revolutionize the way musicians make music?
Digital technology is providing a new set of tools that can be leveraged to facilitate a music
notation that’s inclusive, collaborative and truly global.

7) How might audiences engage with music differently with the use of animated notation?
Animated notion has forced us to reconsider what constitutes a piece of music. Two differently
mixed, equalized, and reverberated recordings of the same performance can contrast as much as
two different performances of the same work.

1. b) bore no fruit
2. c) pull a face
3. b) a straight face
4. a) few and far between
5. с) hurt a fly
6. d) to put my feet down
7. a) keep your eyes peeled
8. d) footsteps
9. a) short fuse
10. a) iron fist

1. I’m in favour to make these meetings…

2. There is prospect in getting the job.
3. Martin omitted writing on the form.
4. Mr evans stands a lot of money…
5. I seemed to spend marking stidents’ essays.
6. What are the chances getting a place on the team.

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