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Cable Glands Range TECHNICAL INFORMATION INTRODUCTION TO CABLE GLANDS: (Cable Glande ara mechanical cable entry davis, whith feanbe consthuctas Wom metalic non-metal aera, “They are usec! throughout all dusts in conjunction with cable and wing Insoles, instaamertaion and automation systems, Cable Glands may be used on all pes of elect powor . conol, instumentation , cata and {elocommunteations cables, ‘They are uses as a sealing end terminating device. to enstr thatthe charectarities of the anlostre wich {he cabla snters can fs mainaines acequ ately ‘The main function® of the cable gland are listed briefly as follows + Cable Glands “may provide environmental protection by sealing on the outer cable Sheath, exciucing dust and melstive fom {he slacrical or instrament anclosurs. + Cate Glands may facitate earth continulty tn {he cas of amauras cables whan the cable land has a matalle constriction + Cable Glanes may provkte a holding force, on Ihe cableta onsure adoquats lovels of cable pullout resistance + Cable Glands may provide actitioral sealing fon the pet of the cable entering the enslostre, Shen a high caghes of ingress rate cticn ie required. + Cable Glands _ may provide _aciltional cevronmertal sealing the cable entry poi, maintaing th ingress prtecton rating otha ferelssure with tne salto of pple accessories desleates to performing this functor, HALOGEN FREE OR LOW SMOKE & FUME MATERIALS ‘As outined In the provious subject cotta eable typos fe designed wih the pertoamance capably of surviving fire condiions for specified period, whist other cable tyyes may be manuizelures use palmar compounds thet gonorats lower smoke and. ums ombslons In such cases the cables may he idertited as being Halogen Free, Low Smoke & Fumo (LSF), Low Smoks Zoce, Halogen {LSZH}. 2¢Z5r0 Halegon Low Smoke ents), ‘Those compare favourchly with trations slotite ables that were Ikelyo generate noxious emissions of gases infie situations, tat may have bsen manufactured. arc Installed man years #99 rior tothe Inttocuction of the roel resent eabla stands ana the davalopmart oF ree ervircemontally Mandl cempauinss. It 1s equally Importart that. the materials used inthe manufacture ofcable management products «including ‘able cleats, cable clamps, cable glands, that sale, and fy shrouds that ara rquliedte he fied, can offor tho ‘same high ovel of comptance inthe way of laws aroKs ans fume emissions. ‘Some cables, but natal thet bear Lou Srnoks& Fume and Jot Zoro Hale gan characlerisice may have an npet cable ‘bedding thal & extruded from @ compoune which has rot ‘been fully cured dang the manufacturing process. THs is fier roferad fo asa soft haccing, and this iselfbrings an [Scational factor consicar whan lacing ajrapsats able sealing glands to sult cablas having. ths Sharaatonatc alae rat ane being ae Fc ox tt gars + Spondy instalation without tacks ar locknut Halogen and phoephoe fs + |P68 dearos of protection ace, toDINEN 60529 LOW VOLTAGE DIRECTIVE “The ofiginal Low Voltage Dirsotve (LD) 73720EEC was Introcucad to ensure that elactal equipment within Certan vokage nits hoth provide a high level of safety nd pateation for European elizens. The Dirsctis covers olecticalaqulymentdesignad torus. with a voltaga rating of otwoen 0 and 1000 V tor akometing curent and between 78 and 1500 for drect cunent, The Direcve provides essental health and safety requirements for the vangs of procucts within is scope, ensuring thatthe electrical equipmentissats inks Intense use. Formostelectncal squlpment, the emissions of Eledromagnetio Fiskis are alsounseetheaomaintthoL ow Valiage Direct. Dwostve 722MEEC was rescued undar the naw eaumant ZO08EIEC but tha tort santent remained unchanged. Cable glands are passive elements of the lctical Installation and ave ret conslderod to fallunderthe scope of the Low Voltage Directv. EMC DIRECTIVE ‘The Electromagnetic Compatbity (EMC) Directive - 8EIS38/EEC Athough originally onacted in 1988 undsr the Directive 881296 EEC, the EMC Directive has ‘witresced signitcant development since tars cams in {ores on 1st January, 1962, The EMC Directive has been rmondect several tines unde tha eubsacuort Drostves 421910, eNN6NIEEC, 98/1MEC, and ee'SEC Anew EMC 200871080 Diective became effective on 20th day, 2007, The ENC Ditective requires thet products must not onsrals unwanted —slackomagratls pollution , ot interference, ancthat procucts must bs immune to = feasonable ameuntofintertovanee, Cable glands, which ara rat consid t fallundsr the scope ofthe EMC as they are reltner capable of emiting cromsagneie etorexence noe hang suscep to i, may bo used to contuibets to the slectromapretic compatiity of Istalletons.. Several Industry studles have bean conclucted as ts the sttct of cable terminations in eystoms that are required te provide a specified dears of EMC protection, CABLE GLAND SELECTION GUIDELINES: Thats are many factors to considor when selscting cable: lands foe Ineustaletallatione. Neglecting to pay ous lfrtion to some ofthese factors may cause unnscessary andety at future point in ms wha the squipmert anct ‘ablos have hoon dalversd an sito, but for example the ‘blo glands have thor boon forgotton to bs orcared ort Is dlscovarc that thoy asthe Incontect type or sles atthe ‘ory polnt whon thay are neador! the mast, Good advice would be to allocate some value added planning anc reparation tims tothe subject of cable gland seloction so ‘sto avo the great inconvenience which Is kel to occur at a ofitical pint in time, Inthe event that a user or contractor is in possession of cable schedule that requis 2 cable gland sslstion and sizing proces to bs cartiad ott, EPP Pracucs would be mora than happy to assistn canying out this process at na aact tothe enquire Place contact EPP Product for futher fenton on this sublet fee Tass sunean su wow) Me pe Paws cmc tH 18 20 2m ay 250 au as SWHEMDFERINCH 1400 1400 740 Ha T180. T40 SenAcD MADR OWMETERusR 399 gear S264 ayeD Are? Cort m0 aBCE pea al THREADREFERENCE 20. OTS TO) two ma Pe eat TWHEADREFEREMIENS ge PM a ane MOR OWTETERUn 2188 ak S826 A157 eam S8eN 7578 HTB MATERIAL & THREAD cated as Barware MING 588 ge Czas COR Pest BODE ‘Sikes Se! EMC 2205 rade 16 (ves 978 Pat 15 inn Ex rl EST 2088 de ARE RAED ‘orinam asgs ENON 280 de ENAGAENG Te Pm ROEO LMS TE eas Cag Ic 831400 1855 HT ote amt rane aad Neve OSES DSRS mtun ee senate eowid Carl 8591 -190(179 TA ca Diascan 37 Pa Bat7H 8179) desk mt a ink ser 21 wasn rates) sue wpm cae 24 ‘so ‘ASHE B1 291-188 gape ames eredera ren ner ‘ANS ASE 91.201 180 guare ate eoeraleote Proncted CubRce HOLE WO Mea mH 285 48 ees0 32 or Poa POM motan POM many pean PORE TREAD PERINGH snag saya 1850 tH AOU Yes 60 Yeu ‘When tha cabo Is armoured, erty the-tolowing + Check the ype and matsal of th cable sumour “Cheek the shart cleult au curert rating of the cable armour “Chack tha actual iametor ot the Inner hecssing (whore proseet) againet the products featurac on the catalog *"Chack ths aohial size of he overall cable diemetar agains the products foatured on this catalog + Check the size and type of annour or ble (where present) against the products featured on this catalog, + Check any special srvirormental requirements in Felatlon to comaslon protection * Chock tho mater ofthe mating electrical enclosures {0 liminate similar meals, + Consider whether any protective plating is required to bo apa te the cable gland + Check the type and size of the cable enty hoe in the ‘mating secticl equipment + Chack tha ingéess protactionvatng of ths alctreal equipment or ste standart *"Chack whathor single soa or double seal cable Jan Is requled *"Chack whether an erry thvead seals raced for [P83 {or IPS7/P68) conctions. * Check whether fting ancessores stich as lockruts and sorted wash ors are recuiee. * Check uhsthor earth tags ate focus, + Gheck whether shrouds are required * Selacta comasponeiing cable aland type from. products featured on this Catalog, "Chock whothor 2 thread corvarston atiaptor! Feducer Is required to. make the instaletion “Select comespanding adaptors or veducars fom the products foatuted on the Catales (Seo pags: E28.E28) *Chaclewhathar any stopping plugs ars aquired ta cote unused cable entice + Select coreeponding stopping plugs from the products ‘eaturad on this Catalog (See page F29-E30) Problems... Loose pats lenge with fos conse, cele, cone rings etewe eee. shrusewishes, Al eet t 86 aatenbieg semeaiy on as “Tase pat gat at Ingress ‘5 adast reel of incoracly fod or orwitied seals esing washers, and locsey fing srouds on cable nds, ingess of reitua dt and carat slams no the lectical apparatus vil seus damape. dngass Protect: Ses page Fa) Corrosion ‘ean fom oxpordva sainkes tea |-thar ia no adaquats rotator for brass lands agsinst aussie corasve atack ram A mr [-—> me +60 My Pads (9) Pa 42 (540) t ps0 uso Pgssazo) <— p40 waa Pazar; — Portes; << |» ni2s Pismo <— Paisse0s;}<— BE + 20—> M20 Pq its) <— [bs Pavsy <— Po7c25 <— Kee p10 Pa Welt Comparison of outer thread diameters of Pg and motric thraads Here le summary of some aspects ts caratly caraidar when solating cable glands. + deni he type of cable to housed. + Check the constuction, size & material properties of the cable + Halogen -and phosphor -fre9 + Patented ratchet and spline secures the dome. rut onthe body Metric cable glands. Acpmparison of the external thread diameters of Pg and metric cable clengs is given in tne graphic. ‘opposite. this shows that it Is not possible 10 simply Interchange he joint unions because of the ifferent thread dimension. ‘his also means ‘hat ‘ro direct comparisons can be mace, ‘The metric cable gland product range is subject to continuous additions to the range if the items you require for your specific application ae not given here, please don't hesitate to contact us. Fansie ovropsing among Eines preva hear ne Se mens" @ . sae © Me cancanticaeai age sémolaed grave ren ses catneenbaay ane rouarg Flexi ovtenpng damping pes rover fr at ‘sing pulse outotne ‘Keen tne apinied yon clam cn to ron Retaton ot ination averted ‘ine marl opines Ome ° a ° ueum sequnu Cree a ary > CHECK-LIST a Z ©) , SA r= = co { C (—~ ©): = an sf Stopping Plugs Lock Nut @ =@ Ig La . Pressure Screw #0 “ne + pe SW ‘ 5 Adaptor | A 5 2 (Ls J " 3 as] (Ay i Sw. a " Fax No.: 0009-262 2425008 aay Tu HR] ‘Customer / Compan, Customer No. Address: Contact Person: ‘Nominal dimension (me) Dimension M Dimension: * Dimeasion Mi: Dimension ts | nein 22, Dimension Ma: Dimension 12: | menton § Dimension SW; Dimension 13: | Tora: Dineasionset; es Dinersion LA | rico Or Over O Dimensions: Dimension D teen | THM (Hoe Adaptor): Matrie- Matic PG-Matie © Other: Dimension ¢!— Pinension Da | ie GO aewie PTO Kind of application : EO) Quantity !Anaual requirment ——— Requested delivery time : penease wO m0 Which Items Tost eporteffirstsample: vis QO no O Date : Signature ( Customer ) : Fax No.: 0008-292 425005 Material Broce -Nicko| Plated Cable gland wa etoss lof with hexagonal lewerpart and EPP thermoplastic elastamar 988k, wih matte connection thread and jan twead gasket Po Order No, 55 1Ous2001 Eran Mids 3-9 | 2s 3 i 47 we toMsaONOE EPAM20 MamLs 8-18 BO SST 2k ToNASaOTOS EPRAM2S Mame 1-1 | 7 3B ces 27 aN 144820108 EPA? MRIS 16-71 4 9 47S 3k wB TOMASTTOD EPRAMIO MddLs 10-27 «8S BO uS 8 1ONAS2OTEE EPPaws) Moos 21-39 | 9 § 29 GS a) 1044820107 EPPAusS MOBS 52-42 | 05 m7 3B a5 7 10N4820T08 MEM | | 10520108 oaaszoni0 ta | a2 romszanie 3 Bats) foneeaorrg sem | at] foceseorig a | aus) foseszoria rom sao) a] foaeseoris roe 4 om | st) reasons fos st 2s gt | ar| toasaori7 ae dee as) toaaszorie Material Brace -Nicko| Plated Gable gland wih stress ralof with hexagans loweroat and EPP thermoplastic elastomer ‘gasket, wth PG connection thread and thvead gaskot. Pas ee NS | Eaae Material: Brace Nick. Plated APTS aneTaa 1B 4-8 | 5S 1S Sd fT 8 TGAARIINT wei APT 207 B42 SB aR TE 22 ake TOMASIDID Collen’ wibebesstetel we) feos ower ANETAM 25D GTB a 1k? M38 14A520208, lowerparl and EPP thenmepastic elastomer (skal, with NPT canaccton thyaad and ‘sonnedion thread gasket Ingress Pretection./Pe3 eee ea nes O 3 | a towsoe EREGUS PGE Zid S818 2 Gs | 22 TOMS Erparc2) raat 2839-2 7 | at toedeaoane erparczs | Po2) oem 8 | a tousaD Eeparcss pase 2M se ear | aa rouszoat 0 Merial fare Nick! Plates Gewese poe ao a wo) w tomas Cable land ih oud avorpant mi EPP thenmoaisiowlestomer ase, sith sho PG connection tread ieies Patton Peo Matériel Brass Nickel Pate Cable gland wih round lewerpad and EPP thermoplastic elastomer gasket, with long metic cannedtion throad. Ingress Protetion-IPEe 2 SE SgaReE= EPMOMTE Mtoe | 210 osasa0a02 Sear [ucts | geese at [at |g foo |r | Oecd EPROM MZGKS | 75-185 27 | 92 125 | 20 | yoxaszoa0E EppcM@2 Mants| 15-28 a | a7 13 @ | as | 104520005 EPROMAD Matt S| 22-98 42 | a 1a ag | ap | somszos EPP-OMSD Moixi5 | 28-40 52 26 1a 50 St | 1o4asona07 EPROM MpDaS| 35-40 6 | so 44 e9 | 7 | tomsmisce Gel ESnERSeES EPP-OM 12 | MDA 18 ouas2ia00 Eerow i | Naeae 270 ea) 20 ouase10 trou |uamis iu mg mm | M toeteoen EPEOMSS | Mamet 7a 186 29 7 oe ar oa | 30 Sousa EPPONA | Mais 2-38 3 8 ah | a7 roMBIOHG Matetial! Fass - Micke! Plated {atie gland vith hexagonal kowerpart and EPP thermepiastc slastomar gasket, tly shart metre connection thread. Ingress Protection Ps mea Sco ae spporee | Poo | 18s 2 ae foasszeaes (Matoral? Brave Nickel - Plated Cable gland with hexagons! lowerpart and EPP thareplastic elastomar gasket, 1th short PG connection thread, Ingioes Protection P68 «aby & iss © a im a. a. tr — GEE EeseeeES» oe creme Mists 210 | a rouse? trewz Uz 3m 3 | mk onateTD EPPEM25 | M2616 75-105 9 M25 | 27 2p | oo fondscodts EPremsz | wants 16-28 13 a | oe 5 | 8 Yoedscouts EPPEMAD | Mans 2-38 43 13 an | az as | a7 tuSZOUI. EPPEMS) | MSGS 20-40 48 14 5) | 52 St | SG fANSROUIT EPPEMeS | Meats 4 assem | ma tome (Matotal Brace Nicks! - Plated {Cablo gard with hexagonal lowerpart and EPP thermoplastic slastomer gacket, ‘vith ong metic conection thread, Ingres Protection Pos Material! Brace Nick - Piated Cable gland with hexagon lowsrpart land EPP thecmeplastc elastomer gasket, ‘wth long PG connection thread. lngross Protection Pos sesray ea? ta 5-7 oa M45 186 “exer Sraons fons ft este 2 2s cron Eero fom 3 ta 3 & sumer Srerce rom 2-0 mm turin Erreroas Poa on 3-88 & eo susan Cer ee Prunes ce ae ole overtopping clamping spines prevent ne ‘orm sea fom beh ule ot ofthe ina Fy “The mata sein saga rats na supine etueen ie apnea yon wamang met ane ick ted breaa oy Prieta 360. grounsing ct the tena O-Ring! Sahin rues perfect sono etn ‘reldof gee ene feng Cre i a ery Material? Brass ‘Cable Type: Unarmaured [Brass indor and outdoor cable gland for all types of steel Unarmoured Gable providing a seal en the oulor sheath ‘Seal Material: EPP Thermoplastic Elastomer ‘Seal Area: Outer Sheath Ingress Pretocton: Pe @GlEfaae PGA 8 O44820607 awe 20 | we PET as | 4044820502 ms 20 PE TAS 18 044520803 a | ur Pet 138) sou4s20804 |e PG 198 1014920605 ce) 282| 7044520606 4040 | te PG wa 041520507 wos 50 | Mi Peas sen 1044520608 5) sR RP 480 rotseaece ms as | 2 PGas 439) 1014520810, mos | ar 559) soaasz0611 ms 76 | aa 519. 4044820612 7% = ora roaasn0613 mo |e : 793. roassz0614 Eases Cae 44520701 2 2D Pros 4s 180 130/300 so1asz0ro2 2s PG2t 15 HB 188 He 199) 399 | toNABDOTOS oma Pom 18 199 2n2/479 202) ans | 1044820704 at PE 15 «HOSEA 220 321 SHA TOMASDOTOR os st | |pes 15 25 381205 381, 1p | 1mAS20700 s 8 Po 18 351 a0 5B 349 BR | 1044520707 es 63 Poss 15) 401 oa) an1 499) 79 | 104520708 8 gS : 1s aro $6.9 472 959 8R2_—TDMABDOTIG ms 75 15 435 010/528 o1a| aay | 1044520710 1% 78 ts 98 679 S94 G79 9n2 | 1OME0TIT 80 15 BLO 708 888 798, WO? | steaBDOTIO nes Material: Bross Gable Type: Stee! Tape Arma [Brass indaor and culdoar eable gland for all ype ef steal Tape Armour Cable providing a seal onthe eable outer sheath and » continuity seal on the Tape Armour ‘Seal Material: EPP Thamaplastis Elastomer Seal Area: Outer Sheath a TE ee s my ra ur tf “asz0801 ‘ovasenan2 20-1839 2H 9 OoNIS «ad TOBN 18 | 9 70m tase = a5 oso 2 2 1 | 22 mo so tao so toMszOa0S 40 40 1% | 321 BO 4 1.82.0 ano toMasz0sc6 ss «SBA DST ORs ET OHMDOBCT tS | ae BRD FS DOD rT toSDOAO oS S| «SOD AmB SBA 52 ASzOB0 & 18 | S59 oe wD 2s | wr OMEDHBT a 7 7818 | O79 me BS asats | BLAEDCAN2 ee (Waterile Brass (Gable Type: Steal Wite Armour Brass indoor and outdoor cable gland for al pes of SWA Cable, providing environmenta sen) on the eabe outer sheath the cable gland alse provides Ischanical cable wtenlien and eectisal canny via aumour wis txminaic. ‘Seal Matorial: EPP Thermoplastic Elastomor Seal Area: Outer Sheath Ingrece Protecton Pes @iEs mano Ea = me PEM At ORB GO tae) tS OS 2k douasaagoN mS «Dw | PETRS| Gt 8 95 189 18 OTs 286 | tOaasmO002 % 2 12" PENG «BH 3B 12H JQ tS OMNI5 583 roMaDAND BB G21 it we 179 22 18 12.8 408 | eHs20008 2 2 Po29 170 232 29 389 16 1820 810 ta44so0005, 40 PGs 220 BI 250 44 18 1D BLO tosaszONNS 2s 9 GSE 295 361 350 AGT 15 2025 88S | oMsoDRNT o © PG2 368 44.0 BO 31 18 20R8 777 | OMSmMONB ws Poss 401 499 458 694 15 25 882 | so44570500, 3 ~ [422 S89 S68 G59 18 2s 887 | toasrootD mS 78 = (928 619 sro 21 1 25108 soeaszon is ola = 501 679 OA 7S 45 -285.18 HLA roxeso0a12 a) = |en8 795 m2 m4 8 315 1288 | soeAsoOTS Materia Brass Gabo Type: Stee! Wire Acmcur Brass indoor and outdoor cable gland for all types of Stee! Wire Armour Cable, providing enviroomental seal on the eabie nner & cuter sheath, The gland aise provides mischanical cable rlertian and alectta!contouly via armour wie texinaion. ‘Sbal Material: EPP Thermopiacti: Elastomer ‘Spal Area: innor & Our Sheath Ingress Pretecton P62 CEL Sma Filer laglt hth | he Es | Material: Brass: able Type: Stee! Wee Armour [Brass indaor and auldaar cable gland forall types of Stel Wire Amour Gabi providing envircomerlal etal cn the cable inner & auter sheath, Tha gland alsa Drevides mechanical cable relenon and eleccal contity via armcur wie tominalin, ‘Seal Material» EPP Thomaplastis Elastomer Seal Arca: Inner & Outer Sheath Ingres Protection PS eee = Es pc Pam | DS 2) PES 1) OH THY OS TSG OMIT) ARB OHASDTION 2 mW PGIS AD 25 DB 125 Aug Is) 3 FOMEDNTO2 2 4 PEAT DD BER 17.0 20.2 15498 T04A5DIINS @ 32 6 Pom 1 me 39 229 339 Lazo) S19 toaesattOd 40 14H PG35 15 wD MOH 2RO 44 LeRD | eto 104452105 oS 52 POSS 15 SKM] SRD 47 2.025 BRS ANAASETTNB so 80 Fs PGAZ 15 BEDS BRO SA 2OmS | mr | 1nAasDTO7 Ce ee @ 93 ee 15 HS B59 548 850 25 BT 1aHMSTT00 es 15 57.0 A 5720 721-25 | tLe tOMas2IO %e 7 15 mod 785 84 785 28515 111 TOMMBDITIT o os 15 M2 o4 9A2 ond S18 | 12He — tOMARDITID Dees Materia: Brass (Gable Type: Leait Covered Staal Wire Armour Brass indoor and ouldoor cable land fr al types of Lead Covered SWA Cable, providing envionment seal on the cabie finer & euler sheaths. the gland aia provides mechanical able retention and slectical cantinuly via armour wie tenninalion ard earth bonding of Lead Sheath ‘Soal Material: EPP Themoplacti: Elastomer ‘Seal Area: Innor & Outer Sheath Ingress Protection PS Re Mika Bross (Cable Type: Wire Braid or Steel Taps Armour Brass indoor and outdoor eabe aland forall types of braided or ele! tape armour (S.T.A,) Cables, providing enviranmental sea! on beth the cable ine & outer sheaths. The gland aise provides mechanical cable retention and elects! continuity va wire braid or tape armour termination. ‘Seal Material: EPP Thermoplastic Flastomor Seal Area: nor & Ovtor Shoath ‘044521201 4044521202 soaasat203 souso1204 004521208 sous21908 1044521207 soa4s21208 ots21200 10MB21210 yoeaso214 soaaszi212 4004521213. N x = q a a tr ees i E.P.P-E2X/Z_ -y Material Bass Cable Typa: Lend Covered Wie Braid or Steal Tape Arma Brass indoar and outdoor cable gland for al types cf Lead Covered, brad or steel tape ameur(S:T-A) Cables, proving xvtonmerta seal on both the eabl ire & outer sheaths. he gland als provides mechanisal able @ {otetion and slckicl continu via wie aio tap aumourtxmination and honing cf end aheath ‘Seal Wateral: EPP Thermoplastic Eiastomer Seal Area nar & Outer Sheath as) 20 Peis 1 AT WS 8S) 159 085 288 1944821201 2 PGES HU 125 20 OM = g83 OAs 202 250s PGT O 199. 170 2 125=— aS TOaASn200 2 PG DB 282 229 338 1a SO mag TZOM o 4 Poss 15-220 S21 280 44 eo n4451205 OS 50 MPG 15 a5 381 SEO as7 ta BRS TtaAS 2208, s PGS BSG 4D BBO mA kerr ings 207 Ss PGMS ASAD ag ASB SAS wD A0aMS 1200 Ca ee 15 472 553 546 85315 gar 1naas21208 ms 7S tam 18 Me 81m S70 72418 at taMAsaADTO mB 6 se - 15 581 g7a og 7B USM tngaszi2Tt ome 45 868 705 m2 904 18 © (gad ToaASDADTD CEL Accessories “RANGE. LSH SHROUDS Gi nEnaE» S37 619 2 ToHsstTar @ 48 20 joassso102 2 toe a a5 tomes 40 a 685 BY S127 ToasesoTOR sas SUS Be TAS ANS 245 ToHASAOIOS 59 Si 73-9 aD 30 TOAD TON 83s 65S OD 48 79 TOMAESONOT 53 85 95 9S ad SLB ADAASaDION 758 75S 995 OS a7 85 TOAASSDIOG 75 75 MO 87 Sn 43) tosass0m0 0 on 433482, 6B oY tusasactT4 ‘Material: PC Calor Black EPP manufacture a ange f push on shroud ‘abich are usd te minimise tha kof ct ar foreign substances gathering (On the Cable Giand bey, andor point of cable to gland interface, standard shrouds are produced In Back PVC. rea B 2 an sis Ea 855 3 1s 7 0 B 2 40 as 2 3s e 78 7 9 a5 BS: 8 es or 1s S15. 95: 165 z a a a 2 8 st st 2 5a 1s 9 a Fa a 2 2 a 3 45 roMpswzat romassna02 ro1ass0203 yo1assc204 ro1ds30205 ro1asso706 yo1ass0207 rotas3co08 rotassc209 ro14ssc210 romss0211 rotassor12 Material: PVC colar: Black EPP manufacture a range of push on shroud Ubich are used te minimise the ik of dit or foreign substances gathering fon the Cable Gland bady, and’or point of cable to aland interface, standart shrows are produced in Black PVC. LOCKNUTS” Brass Locknuts are the recommended items used jn securing brass. cable glands to a gland plate coriete equioment. ZnePlaled Mild. Stee) Locknuts a a cost effective alternative to brass lacknats ‘should be used cnly in dry, law Rumity cnctons. EPP can also produce Aluminium locknut which ie used for haetle areas [anti cowecion) ag = crue Mame 5 spunea Emi Miele 3) 8 TaueSte ERMA) Wane 38g TOMAR cpanss wana 4477 1OMASIDS SePkins aa 5g OLS EK. M7R2 8 -toMAsAoING eeianes Marna 4004 —_YoMMS0308 EPPRMS Moe 1201304 toansncera Material Brass Niko! - Hexagonal ocknut wth metic thread, DIN 29 280 Plated Erma 1453000) Mies ‘ousoz Moons) a | a | | somes Mies 96 “0 4 | sosesscacs Nuon 4) & | sesame Méxis 70 % € | somsace09 MateFIBE Gross Nickel - Plated Hexagonal lokrut, with metre thread !s| «Miteial? Grass Nick + Plates Hexagonal locknut, wih PC thread. prance eerirG2t errira%e cerire.2 tousa0et3 fotsa0ats roaasonare 45000"7 2) ie - = = & 4 aa or cer oe | 6s va via 08's Materia: frase EPP Sip on earth tags, installa batwaan the cable sland ane ecuipment, provide an earth bond connection. The following table of faut curr ang rates to EPP Bass Earth Tags Pe re att Pate Peat Pe Piss Pe Pose 98 er fad a 2 vv ‘They armavalable in nickel plates brass Po 269 520 0 150 880 83 223 mo 223 20 280 509 50 roo s00 048520609 s4es20600 oaes20505 ‘4520807 10845205109 “oats20513 focasaost so1as20s20| & ar wn ee ay STOPPING PLUGS Lal ee eee ge EPPAM Is Wes 11S zz 28 | AOHSUEDE PPA | M2ais 84 aT a | taasaneo2 Pum = MK? @ te | HoaseOS Epes | Mae LS 178 al ar | tomassnot repuwas was 2) asst Hatss0608 PAM Gh 18 23 go es | tasanaHS PPM MT 102} aT Th | 144580007 Material? Brass Nickol- Plated SSlopeing and, th mets Uyad ea=Noc> D Soe ea Seurey fen [ren | ao tougeon cH ‘Erase pa |i ae areca foe fT soca 5 bc Gan ee eee een eee Beton | teat | peat foo) a uae ‘Stopping plugs, with long PG thread. PD wats 5S = EPPW20 | M28 | Moms 6S | TOAASBOTOS EPEWN2S | Mamts | Mamie 7 ae | MAdSBO7OS EPPO | Mss |Mexis 9 | 1044590707 Cee ene Matafial! Bass Nickel - Plated Stopping plug, with metic thread D RH we ST Le (a2hbAaE> EPPNPGT PGT . ‘oaassorD9 eppapsa pos peo o4asa0710 ee eee ee ee een EPPAPG IIS PEISS PGISS 65 22 1g4ass0r12 EPPNPG'S PGE PGS SA aasuri8 EPpNpea|pGat Peat 7 a aassora EppnpG29 pG2n PG!) 8 80oaa07IS EPpNPGss pass PGas || 8S auasaoris EPpNPGa2 pCa? pG42 1D ST Baasa717 EPpNpc42 PGss | PG42 10 SH toasaorte Material? Brass Nick - Plated Stoppina plug, wih PO thes. a =i a de | M P G e (Fs ‘CA | Ol) ses Gaps aa LE a5 ray FE ERP-MPOWT | MDS) POT 128 < *o24sz0e0! EWG | Mas | POD 182 e| ois ‘puasa0e Eoiroies wows poo taf 8 cee ae fovea srompciwt | mais | Pat ae 12 8 | 8 4BS 2 A 1ocsHOeng eppmapcaun | wits | PG 188 18 8 | 10 17 32m 1OMSB0R05 EPRMPGIOISE| Mods | PORE 204 16 0G | 71 ARE 22 A tmuscRDONE EWMPGaRES Mids | POTS 204 7/40) 10 28) 8 soaassoeoe EPPMPG2HS | Mioxs| POTE 226 7/40 1 28 t0ssss0e0@ epmpcara | Mias| PCr 228 8 ie ts 4B Youassoent EPDMMPGRIM | MiaNS | PGR 288 S58 ms sa sosssnoei2 EPPMPGIDH | mions| PGI 7 27 «8 | 1G DNS 3D A touasaaAte Epomipcdoos | nazis | eo29 s7 8 ns ne 45 8 tosses EPP-MPGSNO | MaaWs | POI a7 8 /2e 2s 8 tomsmats enwmpcanne | wins | pCa 47 | ia 4 se a assoete EPP-MPGSIMO MDM! S| PGA gt | 4 1 6B 8 tossuDEe Mi ETS) | CS) | tit ness ne Z E 2 Liz enSeerrencom ERP-IPGI 712 PGT 126) Mi2Kis "go/ _— wouteazo EPP IPGM a6 PES 182) torts soms2082) cries | ren fas|Mists| 8 ss ts 22) | toaasaoez EFPIPGM T2520 POISE 204| Mats | OS Gs 17.8 24 26) 1ocessoma EPPIPGM 1620 PONE 228 M218 | 85 BH 175 27 20 | — todaszvene EPPIGWIEZS —-PGIB 08 Namie | BS 78 TRS 8> mae) 1UedssveS ERPIPOMZIZ5 *PO2-285| Maes | 7 75 19 m2 MG) — 104a520R08 EPPIPGMzId2 PGR 28a|MBxis| 7 88 29 3B ae) todasaomT Eppawzua) Ga | Mabets| @ AR ot 48 ab | —_‘toeasavee ERPIPOWIGD POM aT |Maxts| 9 8 23 5s Bo) 10sasa0Re EPPIPGMA262 © -PGAD Gh | MELE | 10 1 5 OB | «= NaessOnN0 eer coy im Material: Brass - Nickel Pited Eniargment adaptor, Nati connection thread. Soro ERM T278 |W 1S Homie wisit wants) 8 ase Sresue anit fonts es aw ERPIMIER® | Mads Mats | 85 86 21 ERP | Mazes | MadAs | 7 8m ERRIMSDR| M soc | MBAS | 9 sit SBR ESB IMalarial! frase - Nickel Plated Eniargament adaptor, PG conection thead, Lg=Screv-in thread length esSnSs=on EPPIPGTIS PGT Pos 10 7/16 ets Eepoon Foo tapos «BF | tes buen FPPIPOWISS POS 152 POTS BS 875 | tr tt EPRIPG HIG POT 186 «POTS 1S Mg 8B M45 tose EPPIPGII21 PGT 18 PG21 1ST sats EIR aa a A ILA EPPIPGISS2 PGIS5 204 GZ 17S BS BB | 21 teas EPPIPO 1821 PO1O 225 PO2} 185. «ASAE ousnOHG Errimoreas Poi an rom tase | 20 mise ErPozwse poz oy Poss «2 «SB [ars ious erpapoawi2 G30 7 Poa] 8s | ttn Pee Ml | EM MAS swaasacot Lao EPPS WABAS. sotsstosz Epp 23 Mamet 346 3 | 22 touassons or EPIM2§ MRIs 8 88 20 25 | 2B tous Lh} Sw EPPING? MSIS 3 4 27 3 35 toatsst005, Era) Mais SS 4s 38 aD | OMARION matic connection twead, a Tn erie EerspO7 POT BS GS 28. 1 19 14 tomassn009 ERPAPGS PGS E228 1 18 | 17 toaassIOND Eerupoi; Past ‘BB 8 8 1 4220. tonenbioty ERPAPOISS POTN 204.75 3 17 0 | 22 toMEMONZ EPPIpGis POISE 7S 3 Te 22 2H towasetots Eepupcat PG21 mS 8 8G Bk 38 31 towasBtOLd errspoa) PG22 7 8 4 WT | 4h Hnmassrbts ERapGas PGI 47 Gs 48 a aT | G1 saUasstOtO ERPupOds POMS STS 8 52 go | SE tawessIOte Material: Brass Nicke| - Plated PG thvead, rn z aay E roy Cc E (o-) Tre ERPaUNPT21a8 20 ONZDIS |B 22 MID B | at HoRMseITOF EPPuUNeTavi2 | 20 «M28 1 aor or ae 19 4/22 toaasarno2 Ernunerasae 3 OM2ets au’ [25a aos ata | os 1048691102 EPouneras! | OAM) aaa a] as a 2h | ml tos Material! Brass Nicka|- Piste Adaptor, metic « NPT sd ri} (Reducer) EPP-Y™M (Adaptor) COTIDEPP oer wide range of Thisad Conversion Adapters and Reducers, for Indust applications, which provide a means af connection between cable entry devices and equipment having ds-siilar, |p tisen axdering Adaptors and Redicrs abvays sate the Mala Wend are fst 1 mere than ne caneerson adapter er redicar sha be used al une tine en ay gon cable ry. @ steeping Pgs sheuld be fitad nto usted ofthe equine and na into an adaptor or reduces @Tho female convection teal ofa Twead conversion Adaetor sha ‘tp! not mots than en'szs! up fem the male connection toad of equal ons ‘size up in the caso of a thread gender chango. ‘Tha range of EPP Admptor and Reducers ace avaiiabia in a vacety of materials and finishes including Brass and Aluminum, with optional Nicke| Plating of Brass components oom Reducer-EPP-XM J saad tod t a teri i (bem lhl | i oS zu | * Gi Bag Be eels: = vor F re ee ea 8 vow eia ulel eis so xs aon ® wl is ma] as fas ws os x BoB 4 ce |i |e] eos fer mt = wow e sl|vizle| a fol ms x wore mi wa| al eof oe 20 u pus ele mle! refa = 7 a Bow 6 ala mlel ref ow we nov ow nla 2fa| oes] | @ u aoe aslo ulo| mele woe x M0 7 slaowlel rapa a no» alaizlal refs ow x av 8 ela ale] rol 2 # aon 8 wie zie] rapa me a noo ® ele ale] raps oe 2» x rr) nie ale] rapa ws a “ ae) ml a2 m|al rasfs wo x0 sp» wla alfa] ora] nm 2 16| 38 1s Dm mila ols | eal |» 2 er) Bow om w/a ols | am [se ae as 8 16/30 ee sla ala] ea fas as 2 ais) Bom ow mia ale] rnp mm 2 e) 0 BoD» os) a | Be) a BoD ow win ze 2 18/40 7 Dw ein zie 2 16/40 vo» ala a| = a o\e| 7 non 8 wo | a | a«/e| [i Bon @ woe ale ania! PEM? a eos» ali ala a mar ee Ow els m|e 2 2| a1 om | 2 | a am) st wee 2m wie me n is| a 2 ms els ale ai) ox mF ala|a|a Boe 4 eu De slim) a 20 | 4 wee Bon sli oale 2 | a0 on Dw ela alu ie) eon» ® woe aie | as ze ms 18 8 ale ale sat | as ve Boe ela mis in| a bw oR» as | a | os sem) a eB oR» sla ale en mls See Mia ale 0 a7 | c8 eo ew ela |e naw) ar oa ms n| a 1s| a “ua MP |e [= | eee ene [eer] en] = [em] [en] e [en] eu a] enn] a] em [ es] [Se] e |e [ene] oe [em] er] er “ua we [pos | me] ear] enamine eee fone) [on] neve er] ann |e] em [Peale ef em ‘a wer |= [=] ==] =] 8] esfe |e] =]ee] ||| eer] ee] | em) | om "pew || rear] ne once eer] [rs] [al a over ee] ma] em] en] |e] [rs] | nee] en ln “14 NPT || rae ts [ees ene [ea] se oe] [rel ron [oe oe re er] es] ane] ee] | our [re ox |r|] ered | {774 nF] es] [feos] a] || | [Fas [re] es] eer [ere] eo] cafe] [es] a [ie |e ms] |e [meee | ‘zener [re] | se] [ose |e meee] en] [ioe [es] cme |e [ome] ee] eel er] [oe [ie [ix [eo | [oe] eo | 2° Wa NPT Fr] or] rere] efor | [par er] ne] orev) sr] esl em) [tr] or fore rr] [perro] tra sve [|] es] Jee [remem a] [an] a [ee] [em] sem] em] [En] |e [ee ew en] cw sue" 6] ean emer enna] cn] [ose ees] ex nae] ces| ez] exe em] on] ones] eve] [em] or] er] ew “a™ |e] en [ever eee] oe] [ion on[en| ae |ser [em] em] er] ar] om] servo |e em len | em] on | ew BY ei eaal zalgle ele dleleslens Cee Baas isisisielsicls Slsiiniteiisiels (=elsieleiisiclss pea) a esetets acetic ete oy ea ieteets aietait miele tsinetsclatlae ae Peele (ciccicirig see Oe Bee e sees omen econ perererers ve eee eects eerie (ae eieeee ite Mf Soo Seee scooped ccc celece Pe eucnchtee cocecuperk ceccbccers Ww SSeRe Gein Pease Seieeieleels aH ei pebieer Feeeeeeels Hereirrerr my Peer E eer (-eeeemeis io reeeerers bal eee tete erates loots a fe) - a = ; ‘ue | a fee | mee) eon] ci em [em] en] [parse [on] can | mre] em] eae] em] [oe a vera lee] ree] cw ] _ | the] [rs] tsa] |p|] a] a] ner] [ae] [ rs] | |r om] el as 5 EUEVEIEls 2|E als}, /e : 2/z\2/2/8/2) /elels/g|-|2/f/a (El. BUR/S/SIFIEIE/RIE/&| [FIRIF IRF LEE] M18 ° a ce ace Pree) to [emo oe eae elSer|em] [fee] Salone pales eeon ea Cori a ry | as |e ele) as | | as |e || cece GASKETS Sn ee Tomasext ces Color: Black ‘Temperature resistance: -30°0 ta 80°C — Imo! appinaty "20 © (a PRON | wis Ne ‘oes 1201 EPPONIG | Migis | 15p 2 toaasaian2 frau | Wamis tes a 2 Teesspio3 EProwas | Mamis Jab 282 toaasatana EProu | Maxie 318 3682 _(toeasaizas ePauay | M4oaS op 482 toaasaizae speowm | Wanss age 6 2 10ed6a1207 EPPoues | MEMS | 628 68 2 soadsnia0e ee Matesal? EPP Thermepiastic Elastomer Colon Bick Temperature resistance: 30°C to 80" Intermittent fo approximately 720 Gonnaction thread gasket for PG cable glares epReGT G7 2 7otass1208 erccs poy ee 2 rowsxi200 creapon ret 8s aes 2 tomeatenh mrorems Pens 9 aA ms 2 sOUasnt2N2 epocie pote | zs 2 toun2T EPRwPcz) Gat a ae 2 buena Benge PG 43683 toSsZNS Rep@pess | Pas a? 3 souasatatg eppgeci = poaz ses 3 OED EPROPG4e Gd GD Ge 8 HMR Application When installed according to the prove use and maintenance Instrtions the cable glands must be able to provide, together wth ‘ances they ave secured ta, he same degee af patecton as the ‘enclosure ill In cede to obtoin the required degree of protection , A may be neseseaty ta use a gaeket according to the autine bola, “The IPSEIRe protection degrees, indicated on the tabi, wore veriied and certified , acconling to EN 60628 Standards. “The IPXS degree of pratactinn careeparde ta a immersion of 50 ‘meters depth for 7 days, ‘The stardavd material ef the gaskots is Wansparentngion suitable for temperatures betwen 40°C and 100°C. when using wth temperatures between -70°C and -£0°C er100%C ‘and 220°G, slicene gaskots are avalable on voquest, Thread | Thread | Thvesd Po Stim cer hl es mines 20125 120 10452730" 20130 t5— outsajanz mas 250 185 imo 106e597902 re ota 185 joeasa}304 ae eo 170 tro 1088531305, rot 30080 tao okays ve piss spo 218 20 tease foie a0 Bs icaaszisaa sw sso 7a 3es —_j0eesa:31) ror ago a gas voaasai3i2 woes Bo Bs Bo toaaosts2 * premmerry as faaaoniat4 rom soars aro 1084531315, toes 500 ans ao ipegs3iat6 rus moe mao Daas? ras mo ara sbaasaiata rin soo 480 seo sowass131e nasa fo ee soo yneas1320 poe ko. seo sosasg1921 cS Pees soo tnaaaeiae eos yao 888 S20 tBeasatazs Pe rent oxo 7 730 sousaisat ‘usa suo ms coo tRd5ana5 a 0s an oaes228| en OA 28 Application (Outdoor or indoor use, For use on Cable Gland enty treads, Materials & Finishes To maintain ingrose protsaton rating at the Enclosure EPP do nat recommend the sealing of plain holes in Enalesurs walls usig tapered threaded ents. EPP only rscommords the useoF parallel throaded setras for ths purpose ‘Avange af bre sealing ashore front M12 to MQ, fron PGT to PAB, from 38" to 3" Calor Ree ca os is0.228 | soz | Pa n o ua au) Ee = u) Fs | = me ”n LW rd co a Oster No taxis Tota Par somes ce Py) soe tes | Youessiaoa os mo 70 tho | tases 140s 1 paws | oo 26 aia | toaaastece wana mo one aso | souasnrai0 ow mo 20 ms | MSA root | 40 200 mes toass iz roe | 0S yo toassiai8 ros | 0 70 0 toaaosata ra > ao 0 0ua531479 roe | so mS so | faasaiaat 2 Pos | roo ms foo | tomgataze re mans mo 786 reo | soaasataaa 82 sos poo | 9aesoraz6 Material» EPP Thermopiatis Flactemer Colon Bick ‘Temperature resistance: 30°C 0 80% Intermittent 10 approximately "20 © single gasket for cone - cable glands. Na 2 hi 7) i © | 7) pees? | PST seuss crson| pon | 9 wes |e louse: PRSRTLS Pars | faa a foaasaisoe errspcz1| poz | a | ase | 8 touasateos sesecza roa | 3% © ur | os 1puMsite07 eersecss) ross | 2 aur | 12 1pasea60@ eresrca | paar | 3 SLT | vd toaasatsog Eprsecds | Pods | a SB TH toaaeatsta ES ay 4 " Lat Br ernrey PGF ‘oawesr80! meres pa owe ie02 Brno pon eee Toaseatens Senos Pons | i wes |b. lonasoteee Errors rote | 18 alto. toesatees mrteon Faz! | 2) as ths loaeatece Ercroas Poe 3 MS Toeo3ie08 mrree Fe® us mia lossotete Matafal: EPP Thermoplastic Fiastomer Color: Black Transparent Temperature resistance: 20°C 1280°C Itamnitentta appeximately 120° Doublo gasket for cono - cable glands, Eee aang Sas EPP EPPA EPP RM 2D epee EPP RAD er) Meas Noes M2008 Mamas. Manes Ment a 0 3a m8 ms a 5 y b 2 4 044501703 spsssa704 084694705 oaas31706 089691707 Natori: EPP Thomapiacti Eiactomer Color Black Temperature resistance: -20°C to 80°C Intermitert to approximately 920 © Universal gasket for metic conecable sands. AE ERPS PGS Mater Color: Black EPP Thermoplastic Elastomer Temperature resistance: 20° to 80°C Intermitent to. approximately “120. © Universal gasket for eonescabie glands. ERP REG HS PCTS EPPRPGTS | PCTS ERPRG PGA EPPRPGS | PG epee Ga 13 14 e Py 6 1068691708 a5] la tout fo a6) tes 6 tomants 40 726) 18 204 7 toaasarriz 43 M8 7 359 3 oaasai7i9 2) M7 a6 tousH7ia 2 | BMT 1 1088691715 see ae eel eT skKemie ora Qi soaabES POW Wax 2 044s 80) EPROM NIoKLS oaasa1 802 Eeov Minis 1h isos touatece EPROM | MBI5 | 18 23) a8 ToMSDIEDN \ EROua Naas | et ca Yoaa63te08 EPROMS) Nobis | 43° 48 08 foaasatec7 FPPOMES Manis | S20) et OB toassaie0e Coe ees Material Stee! Gavanieed ‘washer for mais cone «caba ganas, & Cir Sar ce ae E3055 i= Pare) EPROPG? 44591209 seorcs pop as | a Daas DI Ercrc is Poiss 185 | es OR foaassieta eprorate Pate 8 | (2) OR tousitera ——— eprorcss Pose 38 | SOR esate Eerorae pada | 82 OR oMSDIEI7 “ylasher for cone - cable glands. rs e ESEERSee at EPPAPGT POT 7 ‘os4s400 EPPARG TAS, PETAS BS e/a & 42 20 200 atm towesanioe Eeeurcie Pcie Mo 8 mt ltia 1 4 aaa eo tRoD 1 OR45ADIOS, EPRUPG 26 PG 28 1 Th 225 18 2 388 5 sm loeasacnaT EPPUPGSS PGs 2 ak Moe ae 22 Ber ame oeesuNO Erurce pce BBS Bs 1s mS ses x 2m tOeesADIO8 EPUPGSS | PCa Mob Msiar Moat me i tm TossdoT10 ‘Cable Type: Lraimaurod Materia: Payecpylane, Podyamise (Nylon) (Color: Gray / Black lndcar and culdoor cab gland feral typos of unarmed cablo. ‘Tomporatura rang: -33 0 t 80 © permanent ‘Seal Material: EPP Tharmelastc Flastomar SBIARB Oe Sheatn RALTOO} RALT025 -RALSOOS | RALSUTS RALGOU] RAL.2020 Pc luirelel ane k) «Quick assembly «Not necessary to dismount Ro ese ten tegen acuta ial ~Perfect cable protection Pi oral molt Tapl eco mco nel alee] outer insulation of cables Each fitting can accommodate wide range of cables -Lamellate construction guaranteing equal compression «Trapeze threads o eliminate cross threading « Cap compression asst. PUMA M2KIS 38 ‘ouesanz01 SDeUMan oMORIB MM #7 1B a2 28 tm fon tDasacon eee Cable Type: Unannoured “Malek Piya (yon) Color: Back Indoor ont autdooreable gana fal ype afunarmoured cable Temperature rang 3 to £9 © pamanont ‘Seal Mater: EPP Themelatic Bastomer TRB Osx Seat RAL TOO! RAL7025 RALGUOS RALSOIS RAL 002 RAL 2020 / Neti stopping plug, {or normal apoication. (Material: PSIABS. olor: Liaht Gray Loo PPM | Mims 6 8 tolasaraor Esomits | Mas 8) toessqaan Esewhioy | Manis $2 Naas erpmwas | Maas 8-3 toeesunaoe pny Mats 8 towasaman Espn | Maas Btoedsagans Samm | anes 19S aaron eee Cer ee E.P.P-WPG_ Stopping plug with PG throm, for normal applications. Material PSAs ce ae oaasan3ie Fy Color: Light Gray = SweGT PG? sd Y0aa54000 S erewecn PG! a) 22_Haaascat? Beupens Fats 4ns as T0sasAaTT2 at Erwes2a G28 us oeesaaais a 2h» EPPaN2s M25 ‘adsaosae { } EPROM 52 Me osasdos08 “ s mea Ma Joaasanaoe oe ua i ; y i alr team FieaaSe Cece Material Polypropylene, Poyamide (Nylon) Color: Gray. ettic hexagonal loskrut, Far narmal applicatians. eannz=> erwer PG? | loeessaane | Bruen pert § | ToeasaDdy) H PoruPGt PAB Toast BPrwPGs | Pip | toaaseouse — Metric hexagonal lacknut, Fer nemal agplications. DUST PROTECTION =a Mone |e aasaosi2 ( \ 049540603 \ oaas40so8 . ‘oeasa0sos al i EPe-oPu ie | NEM 2 emmppuzo | Wants 82 erppaas | Mamie 22 eepopum | was 2 epoppusy | Mans 47 «2 ——_—NaSCOG07 EPPoPMas | MSiLE em 2 Sasaos0e Nominat Any eo amirat | oa | ta | orien _ a eerrs pgs 1S toa2 Seeoren ryt 2 TOMS 2 SOPs Fy 185 2 MANE a errr Foie 205 2 sous secre past as > TOMS ere-oprss Pad Sus 2a SD ereorrs Pash a5 2 toot Sropro poate 2 TOMOSD erecorrse Pads 2 TOMATO (Material Poivltyiene eee Golor: Black, Yalow, Red, Blue

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