Ornament U Ilustratoru

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Hello everyone! Today we are going to draw a simple geometric ornament. In this tutorial, you'll learn that Illustrator has
tons of drawing possibilities. It is with the help of them that we will build an ornament. Yes, there is no particular smell
of drawing here. Only strict calculation and accuracy. It is better to create a new document in a horizontal orientation,
set the units of measurement to px. We will build the ornament on strokes, so before starting work, make sure that the
fill is turned off, and only the stroke is turned on. Take the Line Segment Tool (\) and left-click it anywhere in the
workspace. A window with options will appear. There you need to enter a line length of 50 px and an angle of 90
degrees .
For the resulting line, adjust the stroke through the Stroke panel . Making it a little thicker, I set it to 3 pt . And turn on
rounding for the ends and corners. Then we need the Rotate Tool (R) . Take it, hold and hold Alt , and left-click the
bottom point of the line. The center of rotation will move to this point and options will appear. Set the rotation angle
to 60 degrees and press Copy to copy the line while rotating. Draw another vertical line using the Line Segment Tool
(\) . Make a left click on the extreme point of the copied line and order a line with the same parameters.
Now select the bottom line, right click> Transform> Move (Shift + Ctrl + M) , enter an offset of 50 px up, and
press Copy to copy the object. We have a diamond shape, and now we can reflect it. Select all 4 lines, it is convenient to
do using the Ctrl + A . Take the Reflect Tool (O) , hold down Alt , and left-click on the right side of the diamond. The
options will appear, select there reflection about the vertical axis and press Copy to copy the diamond. Now it looks like
something like an open book. We continue to reflect. Select two lines that form a corner at the top of the book. We take
Reflect Tool (O) , hold Alt , and this time make a left click on the point on the top right. In the reflection options,
set Horizontal and press Copy . Thus, the two lines are copied upward, completing the shape. It turned out to be a
cube. Select all the lines except the two we just copied to the top. It's time to rotate all this with the Rotate Tool
(R) . Take this tool, hold down Alt , and left click on the bottom center point of the cube. The rotation options will
appear, enter an angle of 120 and press Copy . After the first rotation, without removing the selection, immediately
press Ctrl + D
to redo the transformation. And we get the second copy rotated by another 120 degrees. We continue to rotate. Take
the top two lines that we did not touch in the last step. Again with the Rotate Tool (R) with Alt held down, set the center
of rotation, and in the options set it to 60 degrees . Press Copy , and we get the first copy with a rotation. Immediately
after the first turn without removing the allocation from the lines, press Ctrl + D . You will need to press 4 times to
complete the pattern. The pattern is ready, you just need to rotate it a little more. Select all the Ctrl + A . Make a right
click> Transform> Rotate . In the options, set the angle to 30 degrees
and click OK . Then you can customize the pattern to your liking, or add it as a decorative element to the design. As you
can see, the Illustrator allows you to draw a wide variety of geometric patterns very accurately. The main thing is to
correctly design their construction. Novel aka dacascas specially for the blog Notes of a microstock illustrator

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