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CATEGORIES OF COMPUTER AND COMPUTER LANGUAGES Exercise (Page no 15-18) A. Fillinthe blanks with the correct options: 1.Programming 2.Microcomputer 3.Laptop 4. Assembler__-—_S. Gamingconsole B. Write fortrue statement and F for false one: LT LF 3.F at 5.7 C. Application based questions: 1.Asmart watch could fulfil Vikram's requirement. 2. Aditya must go fora microcomputer. 3. Mainframe computer is used to accomplish sucha task by the bank. D. Choose the right option: 1.d) None of these 2.) Allof these 3.d)Allofthese 4 c) High-level language 5.a) Machine language E. Answerin one word ora sentence: 1, Desktop/ Laptop/ Tablet (Note: Students may write any of these examples.) 2. Microwave/ Washing machine/ Dishwasher (Note: Students may write any of these examples.) 3, Machine language 4. Assembler/ Interpreter/ Compiler (Note: Students may write any of these examples.) 5. Natural languages or Fifth generation languages Answer the following questions: 1. The different categories of computers on the basis of size ari : Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframes and Supercomputers. h 2. A low-level language is a type of programming language that contains basic instructions recognised by a computer. The programs written in low-level language are not easily portable to other type of computer. Hence, they are machine dependent. Whereas, a high-level language is a programming language that enables a programmer to write programs that are machine independent. ‘The program written in high-level language are easier to read, write, and maintain as compared to the programs written in low-level language. 3. An embedded system is a microprocessor-based system of hardware and software. It is specifically designed to perform a dedicated function within a larger electrical or mechanical C system. Some devices with an embedded system are: digital camera, dishwasher, gaming console, medical equipment, traffic light controller, and so on. 4, Handheld computers are the computing devices that can easily be held in one's palm. These are portable devices and can easily be carried around in a pocket. Smartphone, smart watches, and PDAare some examples of handheld computers. 5, Microcomputers are small in size. These computers are specifically designed to be used by one person at atime. Therefore, these computers are known as personal computers or PCs. The types of microcomputers are: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, and Handheld computers. 6. Alanguage processor is a software that is used to translate any high-level language program to the machine language. FILE MANAGEMENT- DATA ORGANISATION Exercise (Page no 26-28) A Fill in the blanks with the correct options: 1, Source 2. Word 3, Search Box 4. Wildcard 5. File Extension Write T for true statement and F for false one. LF 2.7 3.1 4 5.F Application based questions: 1. Shaurya can differentiate between the files with the help of file icons 2. Roma can accomplish this task by doing the following i) Right-click on the empty area of desktop. In the shortcut menu, place the pointer on the Sort by option ill) Select Name option in the sub-menu. Choose the right option: 1.) mp3 2. ¢) Both a and b 3. a) Windows Explorer 4.) All of these Answer the following questions: 1. Copying a file/folder means creating an identical copy of it. This action does not affect the original file/folder by any means. Whereas, moving a file/folder refers to shifting a file/folder from its original location to another. 2. Afile extension helps the users in identifying the type offfile. 3. In Windows 7, there are four sorting options using which we can sort the list of files. These are: a Name, Size, Item type, and Date modified. WORD PROCESSOR-TABULAR PRESENTATION Exercise (Page no 43-46) A. Fill in the blanks with the correct options: 1. Columns, Rows 2. Table tools 3. Pencil 4, Cell 5. Quick tables Write T for the true statement and F for the false one: LF 2F 3.1 ae 5.1 C. Application based questions: 1. "Insert Left! option present in the 'Rows & Columns' group on the 'Layout' tab. 2. Sunaina can use 'Merge Cells’ option present in the ‘Merge’ group on the ‘Layout' tab. D. Choose the right option: la.Merge —2..c. Quick Table 3... F9 4.b. Align Center Left 5.¢. Upper-left E, Answer in one word or a sentence: 1, The pre-designed table styles present in the MS Word are called Quick Tables. 2. The Table Selection icon appear on the upper-left corner of the table. 3. Pressing Tab key moves the pointer to the next cell in a table. 4, To select a paragraph in a table, we need to click three times. F. Answer the following questions: 1, Table is an object that consists of columns and rows. Using a table in a Word document helps in displaying data in an organised and systematic manner. 2. In Word 2010, the different ways of creating a table are: a) Grid option b) Insert Table option ) Draw Table option 4) Quick Tables option ) Converting Text to Table The Quick Tables option provides various ready-made table formats with sample data that can easily be replaced with your own data. (Note: Students can explain any one option of their choice.) 3, Splitting a cell refers to dividing a cell of a table into separate smaller cells. Whereas, the term Merging cells means combining several cells into a single larger cell. 4, Table Selection icon is used to select the entire table at once. 5, Borders and Shadings are applied to improve the appearance of a table. C ‘WORD PROCESSOR- MAIL MERGE Exercise (Page no 54-56) ‘A. A.Fillin the blanks with the correct options: 1, Write & Insert Fields 2, Main Document 3. Mailings 4. Mail Merge 5, Merged Document B. Write T for true statement and F for false one: LT 2.7 3.7 ar 5.F C. Application based questions: 1, Roma can accomplish this task using the Mail Merge feature. 2. Ritika can check the merged letters using the 'Preview Results’ command available in the ‘Preview Results’ group on the ‘Mailings’ tab. D. Choose the right option: 1. c. Preview Results 2.4, All of these 3. a. Type New List 4. ¢. My Data Sources E, Answer in one word or a sentence: 1. Mail Merge feature 2. Data Source 3,The ‘Preview Results’ command present in the ‘Preview Results’ group on the ‘Mailings’ tab. ‘Answer the following questions: 1. Mail Merge is an important feature of Word that is used to create and send multiple copies of the common document to different recipients at once. It automatically generates personalised copy for each individual. 2. Mail Merge has three main components, which are Main Document, Data Source, and Merged Documents. 3. The Main Document contains the text of the letter that is to be sent to the recipients. On the other hand, the Merged Document is the final document created by merging the Main Document and Data Source. This document contains a list of letters with text and personal details of each recipient.

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