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Dr. Rashid Mab All about Malaria “Est comnon no aiprum maa Plast Via, “ENost common malaria in county fa Parad Vine “E velgnan een malar caured byt Patmos apa “Seri trian maar our) caused by Ey orden $ Ouarunimaara 72nauts Jeauses by gj Pasmadium Malice -£ quod mattis caused by ca Pasmodim fatcparum, “E Guotdan sonal Haigent Terton “Eimminociramatagraohe psi tests Plamadom Fakiparm Antigens “00¢ for Non Faleparum Matra charodine “$00¢ toi ypronator nj Prague “Erimagulne of DOC Tor Pvvax ans? ole “E00¢ To Cerebro bay avtesunate “ENeriog.ine a Propo agent nares of Mule Dr Restant “$Conatadaton in Pregnemy Lysramcthe;Doqyelne Contaversisl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashi Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh Rx oso Trias Alveolar Gas Equation ‘Asa level PCa mig, .02 level willbe A. 200mg 8 3sonmig © sommigv ©. éommhe ‘According to Alveolar Gas Equation Paco ear P20 = 05 Pome Pa (oe Fry one t ae a a Saree For atmospheric pressure equation will become P10 150- P4003 08 =150-48/08 50-60 ones Contaverssl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashi Mahmood Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan Rx Physiology Section Which organ has highest arteriovenous difference a.Heart v b. Lungs c.Liver d. Kidney Explanation: Heart draws maximum oxygen fram blood creating highest AV difference. So Heart has highest difference while Kidney has least. concestincsetasr settyDctasievannns LD Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/Csperesh Rx 905017747688" BCQs of Malaria 1. A patent had totam in COD uth WHO uneoncousness. fs Nah aade fever and Ak clores UineTor doy examination remarkable coenas. B Pyamesinglts| (CEhcenatls Bicarebra Naoroy 2. cht presented to OPO with 106 fer for last & days. He has ean passing cola cured urine for the leteone cay He has been on antmatarale ang he LFTs Are deranged wh meraseed uncoqugsted brn Dagnoss: ‘og induced unde B biscenaeer sever {Barossa nocural hemoglbnaria Bitemeltc uremic syndrome Ecroy Espanaton: SOP on tever ana cola colored urine th oer Spmotome ementned slacks fever caved oy ak por SE they menton fever ad tl you that the gt wae ‘Goon antral god ten eee fa cores trons thars Gee anemia 3.Ebiely Patenthashistr of ih aad fever of 105F ‘and dark urn, rom lat 4 days ten Me mer Galapsrd On abe, He Hb woe Sg” What ite ingni? en gs Blears Naoroy 4. Quaran malaria cused? AP var CPovale Dpsrae enone Sudan malin cnsody 7? BPratcpaime CPovle Exglanaion: Quan also called Malignant tan ‘Malganattartan malarais oused by 2? abuse Sipratepaiumy 2 tensan mata ecausea by 22 ABs BP rateparium Corals Devi None xara. “Quan everday spikes with no pttern (Sorean verge esry Shove SGuaranteverg avery 72 hoy Contaversisl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashi Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Trias Rx Bowen vs Actinic 1. Which of the following has high chances of developing into cancer? A. Lymphocytoma 8 Pseudacancerous tatraepithelial news D.Bowen disease w” 2 Most common predisposing factor for squamous cell carcinoma of Face ? ‘A. Mariolin ulcer Actinic keratosis v C Bowan's disease D.None 3. Most common predisposing factor which predisposes to squamous cell carcinoma ‘A Bowen diseasey” 3B. Leukoplakia C Lupus vulgaris D.Marjotin ulcer E. Senile keratasis, Explanation ch Bath Actinic keratosis and Bowen's disease leads to squamous cal carcinoma of, ‘kin but conversion rate of Bowen's disease is greater than Actinic keratosis, sf Bowen is common in penile regan. se Actinic keratosis on face, ips area, Contaverssl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashi Mahmood Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh Rx oso Travan Rx CNS Tumors ore common toetoma liom Bena ad Glaras> Eoendymanas agrant aj Medillebostars Ependymames Epeneymeman son be malignant sr Seige DAstoyiona ales) B.Penengioma, best Mule Biependymana 1. Mast common CNS tamer in ad B.erengiama CGlobastma MutFermey” 1 Ependymame 2.Msteommen €NS tar in chen i retrcyama lemaey B.enenaioma Gaby stoma multiforme Bitpendyman 3 MappityofacultCnStumere ate 2 Supratentonai Buta B.ependynamay” Srremangebastame Contaversial MCQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashid Mehmood Join uson Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperash oso Travan In aduts Hort Com men il MetostaticLonss, Thyra dress te Pr conn a iatoromsNtome Maligrant aj Gbtaioma Mutts 5 Ragaten induce bran tuner A astacyema B'Merengianay” CGlobestoma Muthoene Deependymana ‘clStumar when haste best reonee 4 Placyate stecrtoma 8 Mecubiasome Pict astrcytome 50% Medllblastoms 80% 10st aos tomer te cS 2. Gonainatoms B-cranopharmanms Cramster som BiMeculaome act atasenstive umorsin nods Dyeserminome > brmph noe» semham > sama > Latina SulGes cumnpany = eH NODE, SEHINOIN, Glioma, CRANIOPHARYNGIOMA Defecation reflex Defecationis Mainy Carried Out8y? A. Mass movement B Sacral Parasympathetic W" Mainly caried out by Parasympathetic Initiated by & Mass movement. 1. The defecation reflex starts when the muscles in the colon contract to move stool toward the rectum which fs called “Mass movement” The myenteric defecation reflex is responsible for increasing perstalss and propelling stool toward the rectum, This eventually signals the internal anal phineter to relax and reduce sphincter constriction. 2 When enough stool moves to the rectum, the amount of stool causes the tissues in the rectum to stretch or distend Most important reflex is Rectoanalinhibitery reflex is an involuntary internal anal sphincter relaxation in respence to rectal dstertion 3. inside these tssues are special stretch receptors that signal the brain when they are stretched, The reflex triggers the two main sphincters around the anal canal. Firsts the internal anal sphincter whichis involuntary. Second isthe external anal sphincter which relat vely voluntary The defecation reflex occurs when the internal anal sphincter relaxes andthe external anal sphincter contract, The Second type of defecation reflex s the parasympathetic defecation reflex, a person can voluntarily centrol the parasympathetic defecation reflex, but they cant contro. the mmyentericone Alter the defecation reflexis triggered, you can either delay or defecate Controversial MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr. Rashid Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQ of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan Physiology Section 1. Highest diffusing capacity across respiratory membrane and in body fluids is A. Helium B. Carbon monooxide C. Carbon dioxidew™ D. Nitrogen E. Oxygen (Diffusing capacity is in this order CO2 (aj O2 kaj CO) 2. Gas used to measure diffusing capacity A. Helium B. Carbon monooxidew™ C. Carbon dioxide D. Nitrogen E, Oxygen Controversial MCQs of CPSP solved by Dr. Rashid Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan Changes in Electrolytes Extreme Repeats bly permagnesemia {sj Decreased Excitability -GMild Hypomagnesemia [5 Increased Neuronal Excitability sleHypomagnesemia [aj Decreased Excitability pityperkalemia aj Hyperexcitability of Neurons -GHypokalemia a Decreased Excitability of Neurons GHy ponatremia fj Small Peak of Action Potential deHypernatremia aj Large/Heighted Peak af Action Potential Hy permagnesemia causes ij Hypocalcemia ($4 Competes with Ce for absorption in nephrons) Mild hypomagesenia causes ba Hypercalcemia {il hypomagnesemia cause PTH to relaese) -fsSevere hypomagnesemia causes lj Hypacalcemia (severe hypomagnesemia inhibits PTH) sbAcidosis is usually associated with Hyperkalemia except in case of Renal Tubular Acidosis ie, RTA type 1 &2 is associated with acidols with hypokalemia “fAlkalosis is usually associated with Hypokalemia, (Hygrogen ions are exchanged with Intracellular K when H¢ ions are or decresed) Cantor MCQs of CPSP wivedby Dr Rs Mahmood ous on Teerom fo: Conroe Qe of PP Shaun ige ineteggpest ‘asov Tiara Rx Epithelial Cell Junctions 1. The EcH and the cytastleten communicate ecous the cell membrane through whieh ofthe flowing? A Prteelycans Binearnsy” EGanenne 0 Intermediate amen E Meroabutes, Which structure nds eM ECR 8 Intermediate Raments Canter no aaa a 5. calle of simple columnar epthaium ate anneced by 5 Tiot uncon, Achering unetons, cap ncn Bight jure, cap june, Desmasomes v taht jnetion ani 5 Besmseomes ony ‘Which srucurecomects two epee? 2 thtjaneucn €Gapjncton D-tahtineton CContaverssl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashi Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan 2, The regions between tao adjacent cll that ae Dhysealy ated et acre loeatone along the ‘ombrane separsted by about 20 ren with « derse ‘Tieumuiason ef peten tre cytoplasm urate oF Sshmembrane te ier soamesone 8. ddherng inet Cbermeromey ETghtinetin tla dosnenre 8 erg con BiFapjuncton Ectightjunein ‘fect cell adhesion cadherin ‘Beal tocall Desmesones ‘Beal to sasament erbran ej Hemidesmesomes ‘Peat ocewagintgrn Flow to eco Bl ntemedinte Filaments hie termediate mont pecan ‘Pinteszneryme/muscle connective calls mewn ‘Ph musete ig bes Sera Sinton evetape a amin Pathology Section Common cause of fatty liver in our country A) Malnutrition W B) Alcohol C) Obesity D) HTN Malnutrition gd inc fatty food [gj obesity Controversial MCQs of CPSP solved by Dr. Rashid Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan Physiology Section 1. 5rd space fluid loss should be replaced by A. Blood plasma 8, 10%dextrose C Ringers lactate v D.typertonic saline E. Normal saline 2, 10-15% blood loss should be replaced by ‘A. Whole blood B, Three times normal saline Ringers lactatew D.Stedextrose E. Normal saline Explanation: 1 15 percent blood lossis tolerable and replace with ringer, 1 Less than 10 % no need of iv fluids as veins has reservior, Moreover, Ringer is prefered aver Normal saline because constituents of ringersis similar to blood. Contaverssl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashid Mahmood QD Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh Rx oso Travan Forces in Membrane 1. Integral proteins in cell membrane are joined by A.Covalent 8. lonic C. Covalent + Hydrophobic D.Hydrogent Hydrophobic w™ 2, What kind of bond present between protein and lipids in a membrane ‘A Hydrophobic only 8. Hydrogen bond ony Covalent and hydrophobic 1. Hydrogen and hydrophobic bondsw 3. integral proteins in cell membrane are joined to lipids of membrane by ? ‘A. Covalent and Hydrophobic bonds B Covalent bonds onic bonds Hydrophobic bonds Contaverssl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashi Mahmood Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh Rx oso Travan Gastrectomy ‘fp Partial Gastrectomy [sj Iron deficiency anemia oh Total Gastrectomy sj Pernicious anemia f If only Gastrectomy mentioned jj Perniciuous anemia ‘ Gastrectomy with less than 6 months [aj Iron Deficiency Anemia Explanation:There us marked decrease in the production of gastric acid. This acid is necessary to convert dietary iron to a form that is more readily absorbed in the duodenum, ‘ Gastrectomy with greater than 6 months [gj Perniciuous anemia Explanation: Vit b12 stores take time to b defficient in body Comores MOQ of CPSP sted Dr: Resi Mahmood ins on Tlegram group: ControvetsleL MQ of CPSP Sra inc imefepspersh ‘asov Tiara Rx GFR RENAL PHYSIOLOGY 1.For a substance X GFR 125 mg/ml, Tm 125 mg/min , plasma conc is 200mg/100ml, what will be the filtration, resroption and excretion of substance X ? A) 250 filtration , 125 reabsorption , and 125 excretion 8) 125 filtration, 125 reabsorption , and 0 excretion v™ )200 filtration, 125 reabsorption , and 75 excretion Explanation: GFR means Filteration Sj 125 ‘Tm means Maximum Absorption Capacity fj 125 As Flteration is equal to Absorption so Excretion [aj 0 Comore NCQ 3? sted fatniimoas SD ions Incinepspcsn Rx oso Travan Physiology Section 1. Best way to measure GFR? a: inulin’ b: Creatinine C: Creatinine Clearance 2. Best way to measure GFR Clinically? a: PAH bsinulin : Creatinine Clearancew” 3, Best way to estimate GFR? : Creatinine Clearance” b: PAH CsInulin 4, Best way to measure renal plasma/blood flow a: Creatinine b: PAH W Comore NCQ 3? sted fatniimoas SD (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan Biochemistry Section Hypoglycemia increases? A.Ssk B, Somatostatin C. Gastrinw” D.VIP E. Secretin Explanation.. Glucagon is chief hormone of starvation or hypoglycemic state Where as insulin is hormone of feed or hyperglycemia state, Gastrin stimulate glucagon secretion where as secretin inhibits glucagon secretion. Controversial MCQs of CPSP solved by Dr. Rashid Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan Golgi vs Spindle 1 Receptors in muscles which prevent theirlenath to go beyond limits are ‘A. Golgi tendon organ B. Messener's corpuscles (C Musclespindles w” .Pacinian corpuscles E.Ruffin's end argan 2 Discharge from muscle spindles decrease when? ‘A. Muscle contract” B. When muscl spindle’s stretched 3.ln vigorous muscle cantraction damage to the muscle Is protected by ‘A: Muscle spindley” B: Merkel aise Golgi tendon organs 4, Book picked up some books in hand after adding one mace book to his hand the boy's hhand suddenly dropped all the books this is because of 2, Withdrawal reflex bilaverse stretch reflex” . Crossed extensor eflex 5, Clasp knife reflexis due to ‘A Exaggerated response of muscle spindle B. Qversensitive Golgi tendon organsv” Muscle spindles senses Change n museelength uzee spindles esuest ay Mula ontacion (iin verse Stetenretien) {alg tenson args ence Change muse Tension ‘alg tendon ergane cause] Murclalaaton D:Pacinian (ein Pstalarretee) Golg Tendon -T is contuols Torson” of muscle Muslespina've alitcontiols Length of mute Contaverssl MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr Rashid Mahmood Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQs of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh Rx oso Travan A to Z Heart 4 Left Posterior Art sinus Left Covanary Artery 4 anterior Aarti Sinus ig Rt Coronary Artery 4p fight Posterior Aortic Sinus Movers 4 Coronary sinus drain {12/3 venous loos 4p Artarior ada Vein pers tong Right Atrium 4 verae corals minmae opens tag AL chambers 4 Heat muscle works synctium Ej ntercalatad ic impute travels ap junctions oe iterate isc meds up of Desmasomes 4 Conducting system sub endocartum ‘knee Subepicard am ea node endocadm {Fastest conduction Parkin 4 Slowest conductontay AV node 4 border ight atrium 4 border oe erie 4 lofrion borer Right entice 4 On way beret a IO trum lus SC 4 Stornacostal Antero) surfae ight venice ‘ isshrepmaticsurtace aj lat ventricle oe Base (Postrlorlagteteatriam Cone Dominant heart se Most of theconducting system af heart supplied bad WA th exception of fp Snose, Av nade RCA Sp Bune of ts Purkinje system IRCA sieae a ica SRUBBLCA RCA anterior 2/3atinterentcu septum LAD ‘Sp Posteri 1/Sofiterver cular septur POA se picatdium blood supply Sp Peencium bcos ump) Coronary arary ericaidaphenic ma branen of RA LEX ranch eFLCA hr Anteror wal g] LAD branch ofA ‘starr wall bj POA branch of FCA ‘Apex ij LAD branch of Lc sfeifeier al Sp Lateral all se Moana van in Ratt vente ‘ Brutil pacemoker is laced Inj Madero bandpresentin Rae vente Ein 70% peal PORIS given by RC Ea Agh dominant “Fin 1% pease: POA sven by Lea Let cominare “6 120% both 8k and Les form POR By C2- Dom nant Heart Controversial MOQs of CPSP solved by Dr. Rashid Mahmood. Join us on Telegram group: Controversial MCQ of CPSP (Group link Tme/cpsperesh oso Travan

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