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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 412 (2011) 633–637

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Blocking peptides against HBV: PreS1 protein selected from a phage display library
Wei Wang, Yang Liu, Xiangyang Zu, Rui Jin, Gengfu Xiao ⇑
State Key Laboratory of Virology, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The PreS1 protein is present on the outermost part of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) surface and has been
Received 1 August 2011 shown to have a pivotal function in viral infectivity and assembly. The development of reagents with high
Available online 11 August 2011 affinity and specificity for PreS1 is of great significance for early diagnosis and treatment of HBV infection.
A phage display library of dodecapeptide was screened for interactions with purified PreS1 protein. Align-
Keywords: ment of the positive phage clones revealed a putative consensus PreS1 binding motif of HXnHXmHP/R.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Moreover, a peptide named P7 (KHMHWHPPALNT) was highly enriched and occurred with a surprisingly
high frequency of 72%. A thermodynamic study revealed that P7 has a higher binding affinity to PreS1
Phage display
than the other peptides. Furthermore, P7 was able to abrogate the binding of HBV virions to the PreS1
Blocking antibody, suggesting that P7 covers key functional sites on the native PreS1 protein. This newly isolated
peptide may, therefore, be a new therapeutic candidate for the treatment of HBV. The consensus motif
could be modified to deliver imaging, diagnostic, and therapeutic agents to tissues affected by HBV.
! 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction PreS1-interacting peptide would be both a valuable tool for the

study of these processes and a potential therapeutic agent against
Hepatitis B, which is caused by a small DNA virus known as the viral infection.
hepatitis B virus (HBV), is a serious health threat, with chronic and In the present study, a commercial phage display (Ph.D.)-12
acute forms that affect more than 350 million people worldwide peptide library (NEB, Beverly, MA, USA), in which a library of pep-
and result in approximately 600,000 deaths annually [1–3]. The tide variants is expressed on the phage surface as fusions to coat
most commonly used drugs, interferon-a and nucleoside analogs, proteins III [16–18], was used to screen for peptides that bind to
are not HBV-specific, and none of these drugs are capable of com- PreS1. This screening system allows for rapid partitioning based
pletely eradicating the virus [4–6]. Therefore, the investigation and on binding affinity to a given target molecule by an in vitro selec-
identification of targets and inhibitors of HBV is highly desirable. tion process called panning [19]. A major clone named P7 was se-
The attachment of virions to the human hepatocyte membrane lected, and specific binding was confirmed by an inhibition assay.
via the interaction of the viral envelope protein with cell surface Moreover, the scaffold of the binding peptides was determined to
receptors is considered to be the initial step of HBV infection [7]. be HXnHXmHP/R. The information obtained in this study may sup-
The envelope of the HBV virion is formed by virally encoded small port the design of drugs against HBV.
(SHBs), middle (MHBs), and large (LHBs) surface proteins, together
with host-derived phospholipids [8]. These proteins are translated
from distinct initiation codons but share a common reading frame 2. Materials and methods
and stop codon [9]. The SHBs protein contains 226 amino acids and
is the major component of the viral envelope. The MHBs protein 2.1. Preparation of PreS1 protein
has 55 extra amino acids (PreS2) located at the N-terminus of
the SHBs, and the LHBs protein carries an additional 119-amino The sequence coding for the PreS1 protein was amplified by PCR
acid (or 109-amino acid, depending on the viral subtype, PreS1) from pBluescript HBV plasmid [20] using a PreS1-specific forward
N-terminal extension with respect to the MHBs protein. L-protein primer with an NdeI site (50 - GGAATTCCATATGGGAGGTTGGTCTTC-
contains the PreS1, PreS2, and S regions, which are preferentially CAAACCT -30 ) and a reverse primer with an XhoI site (50 -
localized on infectious viral particles. The PreS1 region is the out- CCGCTCGAGGGCCTGAGGATGAGTGTC -30 ). The amplified DNA
ermost part of HBV and has been shown to have a pivotal function fragment was inserted upstream of the His6-Tag sequence in the
in viral infectivity and assembly [10–15]. Therefore, a specific pET!30a(+) expression vector (Novagen, Madison, WI) under the
control of the T7 promoter. The sequence of the constructed plas-
⇑ Corresponding author. Fax: +86 27 87198685. mid was confirmed by restriction digestion and sequencing. The
E-mail address: (G. Xiao). PreS1 protein was purified with Ni-NTA agarose affinity chroma-

0006-291X/$ - see front matter ! 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
634 W. Wang et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 412 (2011) 633–637

tography (Qiagen, Valencia, CA) and desalted with a Waters C18 mined by a reference run were subtracted from the experimental
column. values. Calorimetric data were analyzed using MicroCal ORIGIN
software 5.0. The amount of heat evolved upon the addition
2.2. Library screening of ligand can be represented by the equation
Q ¼ V 0 DHb ½M$t K a ½L$=ðl þ K a ½L$Þ, where V0 is the volume of the
The (Ph.D.)-12 peptide library was used to screen for PreS1 chamber, DHb is the enthalpy of binding per mole of ligand, [M]t
binding peptides by the biopanning procedure according to the is the total macromolecule concentration including bound and free
manufacturer’s protocol. In short, biopanning was carried out by fractions, Ka is the binding constant, and [L] is the free ligand con-
incubating the phage display library (1011 phages/ml), which ex- centration. The enthalpy change for each injection series was cal-
pressed random peptides that were 12 amino acids in length with culated by integrating the area under the recorded peaks for the
the target protein. After washing away the unbound phage, a enthalpy changes and then subtracting the value for the control
bound phage was eluted in Tris-buffered saline (TBS) and amplified titration.
in Escherichia coli ER2738. The amplified phage was titered to
determine the concentration and then subjected to the next round. 2.7. Inhibitory activity of synthetic peptides
After five rounds of biopanning, all 39 plaques from the optimal
titering plate (plate have < 100 plaques) were picked and The inhibition activity of the synthetic peptides was evaluated
amplified. via ELISA (Fig 4A). The detection of PreS1 using a commercial diag-
nostic kit for HBV PreS1 antigen (Kehua Biotech, Shanghai, China)
2.3. DNA sequencing was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Two-fold serial dilutions of the peptides were incubated with the
Single-stranded DNA from selected amplified phage clones was equivalent volume of positive control solution that contained
isolated by denaturing the coat proteins with iodide buffer (10 mM HBV virions at 37 "C for 1 h. The mixture was transferred to micro-
Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, and 4 M NaI, pH 8.0) and precipitating with titer wells coated with an anti-PreS1 monoclonal antibody and
ethanol. DNA was sequenced by Sangon Sequencing (Shanghai, incubated for 30 min at 37 "C. The wells were washed and incu-
China) using the -96 gIII sequencing primer CCCTCATAGTTAGCG- bated with HRP-labeled anti-HBs for 30 min at 37 "C. Color was
TAACG provided by NEB. developed and measured as described above.

2.4. Phage enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)

3. Results
ELISA plate wells (Greiner, Germany) were coated with the
3.1. Expression and purification of PreS1
PreS1 solution (100 lg/ml) in 0.1 M NaHCO3, pH 8.6, overnight at
4 "C and blocked with 250 ll of blocking buffer (5% BSA) for 2 h
PreS1 was found predominantly in the supernatant of the bac-
at 4 "C. An uncoated plate was also blocked to distinguish true tar-
terial lysate, which indicated that PreS1 was soluble. As shown in
get binding from binding to BSA or the plastic support. Four-fold
Fig. 1A, PreS1 could be successfully separated from the lysate mix-
serial dilutions of the selected phages were added to both coated
ture, and a few contaminants were detected by SDS–PAGE analysis.
and uncoated plates starting with 1012 phages in the first well.
HPLC was used to desalt the protein and improve the purity. As
Plates were incubated for 2 h at room temperature and then
shown in Fig. 1B, a major peak eluted at approximately 34 min;
washed 6 times with TBST (TBS containing 0.5% Tween-20). Bound
this peak was identified as PreS1 using SDS–PAGE (data not
phage was then detected with a horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-con-
shown). Peaks eluted at the beginning (4 min) and retention times
jugated anti-M13 antibody (GE Healthcare). Finally, the peroxidase
greater than that of PreS1 (37–43 min) were identified as salt and
activity was developed with substrate solution (0.22 mg/ml azino-
contaminants, respectively. The concentration of purified PreS1,
bis (3-ethylbenzthiazoline sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS)
estimated by the absorbance at 280 nm, was 2 mg/ml.
in 50 mM citric acid, 0.05% H2O2, pH 4.0). The absorbance of the
reaction was determined at 405 nm with a Thermo Multiskan ELI-
SA reader (MA, USA). 3.2. Phage ELISA

2.5. Peptide synthesis After the 5th panning round, a total of 39 phage clones were se-
lected and amplified as described above. As shown in Fig. 2, the
The selected peptides were synthesized as the C-terminus ami- absorbance obtained from each phage combined with the target
dated form by HD Biosciences (Shanghai, China). C-amidation was protein was significantly higher than that of the control (i.e.,
used because the C-terminal residue of the displayed sequence was BSA), and the binding efficiency was concentration-dependent
fused to the phage during panning. A synthetic peptide with a free (data not shown). Because it was hard to obtain a precisely uniform
charged carboxy terminus would introduce a negative charge, phage titer, all of the phages were assayed in the concentration
which would likely completely abolish binding; therefore, the C- range of 1012–1013; therefore, the absorbance values did not corre-
terminal carboxylates of the synthetic peptides were amidated. late with the phage binding affinity. All of the positive clones spe-
The final purity of the peptide was 98%. The peptides were dis- cifically bound to PreS1, but the higher absorbance values might
solved in PBS to obtain a 50 mM stock solution. The stock solution not be indicative of stronger binding.
was stored at !70 "C.
3.3. Sequences analysis of selected phages
2.6. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)
The coding sequences of all 39 positive clones were determined,
ITC measurements were carried out at 25 "C using a VP-ITC and the corresponding peptide sequences were deduced. A total of
titration calorimeter (MicroCal, Northampton, MA). Degassed pep- seven distinct sequences were found (Table 1), and among the 39
tide solutions were added at a concentration of 1 mM into the reac- positive clones, P7 occurred, remarkably, 28 times. An interesting
tion chamber containing PreS1 at a concentration of 20 lM. To feature of these peptides was the frequent presence of histidine
account for the thermal effects of dilution and mixing, heats deter- residues, implying that histidine is a common feature required
W. Wang et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 412 (2011) 633–637 635

A M 1 B
Table 1
Enrichment and analysis of PreS1-specific phages by biopanning.

No. Phage clones Frequency Deduced amino

acid sequences
P1 52, 57, 518 3/39 HWGNHSKSHPQR
P2 56, 58 2/39 HTLHRQVPKHWL
P3 515, 521 2/39 HYQHNTHHPSRW
P6 59, 67 2/39 GHIHSMRHHRPT
15 P7 51, 54, 55, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 28/39
* 516, 517, 519, 520, 523, 524, 525,

10 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 61, 62, 63,

64, 65, 66, 68, 69
Consensus motif HXnHXmHP/R
Fig. 1. Expression and purification of PreS1. (A) SDS–PAGE analysis of PreS1. Lane
M: protein marker (the molecular weight is indicated on the left); Lane 1: PreS1
(13.4 kDa) is indicated with an asterisk. (B) HPLC analysis: fragments were eluted
using a linear water/acetonitrile/0.1% TFA gradient ranging from 5% to 95%
acetonitrile in 60 min.
determined the binding abilities of seven peptides for PreS1
(Fig. 3). The value of Ka obtained from P7 was the highest, indicat-
ing that P7 has the highest affinity for PreS1 among the seven pep-
for PreS1 binding among these peptides. Alignment of the peptides tides. Our experimental results provide evidence of a strong
revealed a putative PreS1 binding consensus motif: HXnHXmHP/R binding interaction between P7 and the PreS1 protein.
(X represents a random amino acid, and n and m may be 1, 2, or 3).
The three histidine residues were highly conserved among the se- 3.5. P7 blocking HBV attachment
ven sequences except in P4. Neutral amino acids, such as trypto-
phan/serine/methionine, were observed next to the first and As the most enriched peptide and having the tightest binding
second histidines. In contrast, the position adjacent to the last his- abilities, P7 was hypothesized to block the attachment of HBV
tidine showed a preference for the basic amino acid arginine or the effectively. This attachment was analyzed by ELISA. As shown in
amide acid proline. Fig. 4A, when preincubated with HBV virions, P7 shielded the key
sites of PreS1 and prevented HBV from binding with the PreS1 anti-
3.4. Thermodynamic characterization of synthetic peptides body. With higher concentrations of P7, more virus was blocked
and absorbance values were lower. As shown in Fig. 4B, treatment
ITC is the most quantitative means available for measuring the with 0.02–25 mM peptide clearly inhibited the binding of HBV to
thermodynamic properties of a protein–protein interaction. This the PreS1 antibody in a dose-dependent manner, which indicated
method detects the heat absorbed or released during the binding that this peptide could effectively block the relevant epitope of
reaction (i.e., the binding enthalpy) [21,22]. In our study, binding PreS1.
equilibrium data were confirmed directly by measuring the heat
evolved upon the association of a ligand peptide with its target 4. Discussion
binding protein. As the ligand concentration increased, the associ-
ation reaction became saturated, and subsequently, less heat was Inhibition of HBV infection of hepatocytes is a rational target for
evolved or absorbed upon further addition of the material under the treatment of hepatitis B. Molecules or ligands that specifically
titration. ITC is a universal method that has been applied to a wide bind to HBV will likely interfere with viral attachment and hence
range of chemical and biochemical binding interactions [23–25]. reduce or block infection. It has been reported that several
Numerous examples of antibody–antigen binding have been preS1-derived lipo-peptides exhibit great inhibitory activity
characterized by ITC. Very tight binding complexes, such as anti- against HBV infection [10,26–30]. However, the lipo-peptides
body–antigen interactions, yield Ka values in the range of 109– interfere with HBV infection via interacting with hepatocyte recep-
1010 M !1, while complexes of strong-to-medium strength give Ka tors, whereas the phage-display-derived peptides interact with the
values in the range of 104–106 M !1, and complexes with low virus directly. Meanwhile, these lipo-peptides, analogs of the preS1
binding affinities yield Ka values of less than 102 M !1 [22]. We fragment, generally contain approximately 40 amino residues with

2.5 PreS1



c1 c3 c5 c7 c9 c11 c13 c15 c17 c19 c21 c23 c25 c27 c29 c31 c33 c35 c37 c39

Fig. 2. Binding capacity of the selected phage against PreS1. Data are expressed as means ± SD.
636 W. Wang et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 412 (2011) 633–637



P1 7081±1693

P2 1433±542.8

P3 532.2±1030

P4 1527 ±1344

P5 3121±117

P6 6437±1342

P7 7.21×104±4.15×104

Fig. 3. ITC profiles of the binding of peptides to PreS1. (A) Ka values of seven peptides, among which the values for P7 was the highest. (B) Top: data obtained from 28
automatic injections of sequential 10 ll aliquots of a 1 mM P7 solution injected into a 20 lM PreS1 solution. Bottom: the integrated curve of enthalpy generation showing
points (squares) and the best fit (line). Plot of the heat evolved per mole of P7 added against the molar ratio of peptide to PreS1.

three histidine residues. The amino acid following the first histi-
A dine was most commonly methionine (M). In some cases, this po-
sition was occupied by amino acids containing a hydroxyl group
(threonine (T), tyrosine (Y) and serine (S)). In the position next to
the second histidine, tryptophan (W) was most frequently ob-
served. Proline was also conserved among the selected peptides,
although a preference for the basic amino acids arginine (R) was
also observed. Proline is more conformationally restricted than
other amino acids. Because its cyclically bonded structure fixes
its conformational degrees of freedom, proline-containing peptides
possess the ability to turn and reorient to produce the required
compact structure in a relatively stable manner [31].
B 120 Among the 39 positive phages, 28 (72%) contained a consensus
Abs (% of positive control)

100 sequence, KHMHWHPPALNT, which implies that this sequence was

highly enriched. Another feature of P7 was its ability to block HBV
virions in addition to blocking the single recombinant protein. The
60 viral particle bears natural and intact conformational immuno-
genic determinants. Thus, viral particles are better for the identifi-
cation of neutralizing inhibitors rather than a single PreS1 protein.
20 The blocking ELISA showed that P7 was able to abrogate the bind-
0 ing of HBV PreS1-positive sera to the antibody of PreS1 suggesting
25.00 12.50 6.25 3.13 1.56 0.78 0.39 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.02 that P7 covered key functional sites of native HBV virions.
P7, mM
Our data showed that P7 could successfully recognize and block
Fig. 4. P7 prevents PreS1 from binding to antibody. (A) Schematic of the inhibition the PreS1 attachment. Furthermore, the conserved motif
ELISA. (B) P7 blocked HBV attachment in a dose-dependent manner. HXnHXmHP/R, which was preferentially selected in the screen,
was identified. Additional modification of this scaffold to facilitate
even higher affinity should allow it to serve as a delivery vehicle for
a molecular weight of approximately 4.5 kDa, making these pep- imaging, diagnostics, and therapeutic agents to tissues affected by
tides more likely to promote an immune response. A group of HBV.
HBV PreS1 binding peptides were identified in this study by
screening a phage display library of random peptides. All of the se- Acknowledgments
lected phages showed PreS1 binding activity in phage ELISA. A
remarkable feature of these peptides was the high frequency of This study was supported by National Key Scientific Program
histidine residues, which may mediate the interaction of proteins (the 973 program, 2010CB530100), the Knowledge Innovation Pro-
with lipid/water interfaces due to this residue’s positive charge. gram of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (KSCX2-YW-R-147), and
Alignment of the peptides led to the discovery of a short consensus China Mega-Project for Infectious Diseases grants (2008ZX10002-
motif, HXnHXmHP/R. The backbone motif structure contained 009).
W. Wang et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 412 (2011) 633–637 637

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