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The track for this racing event was designed so that riders jump off the slope at 30deg from a height of 1m. During a race, it was observed that
the rider remained in mid-air for 1.5 sec. Determine the speed at which he was travelling of the ramp, the horizontal distance he travels before
striking the ground, and the maximum height he attains.


The ball at A is kicked with a speed of 80ft/s and at an angle of 30deg. Determine the point (x,-y) where it strikes the ground. Assume the
ground has the shape of a parabola as shown.


The angular acceleration of a pulley which will rotate from rest is increased uniformly from zero to 12 rad/s^2 during 4sec, and then uniformly
decreased to 4rad/s^2 during the next 3 sec.

a. Compute the angular velocity at the end of 4sec.

b. Compute the angular displacement at the end of 4sec.
c. Compute the number of revolutions through which the pulley will rotate from the rest at the end of 3 sec.


The rotation of a pulley is defined by the relation θ = 2t^4 – 30t^2 + 6 where θ is measured in radians and t in seconds. Compute a.) angular
displacement, b. angular velocity and c. angular acceleration at the instant of t=4sec.

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