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Digital Kiosk 12/12/23

Business Case

Project Name: Digital Kiosk

Date: 08/12/2013 Release: Final
Author: Ana Bastos
Filipa Duarte
Rute Fonseca
Tomás Escolástico
Owner: Comenius University

Client: Comenius University

Document Number: BCDKFMUK

Revision History

Date of next revision:

Revision Date Previous Summary of Changes Changes
Revision Date Marked
21/09/2023 - Choice of the project-SMART services in University Done
28/09/2023 21/09/2023 Problem; Reason; Solution Done
12/10/2023 28/09/2023 Timeline; Expected negative consequences Done
9/11/2023 12/10/2023 Installation of MS project tool Done
7/12/2023 9/11/2023 Finalization Done


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Digital Kiosk 8/12/2023 Final

Digital Kiosk 8/12/2023 Final


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University of Comenius Digital Kiosk 8/12/2023 Final

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Business Case Digital Kiosk 12/12/23

Purpose The primary objective of our kiosk project is to optimize campus-wide
communication and facilitate the seamless dissemination of information
between faculty and students. Through the strategic deployment of digital
kiosks across the academic institution, we aspire to establish a centralized
platform for accessing critical information, including faculty details, class
schedules, and campus events. This initiative is designed to systematically
enhance communication channels, augment accessibility to academic
resources, and cultivate a heightened level of engagement and awareness
within the campus community. The overarching aim is to create a sophisticated,
user-centric environment that promotes collaboration, operational efficiency,
and an elevated overall experience for both faculty and students.

Contents Executive Summary...........................................................................3

Business Options................................................................................4
Expected Benefits...............................................................................4
Expected Dis-benefits.........................................................................5
Investment Appraisal..........................................................................7
Major Risks........................................................................................7
Organizational Structure.....................................................................7
Project Plan.........................................................................................7

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Executive Summary
The project aims to simplify student’s life by deploying strategically placed digital
kiosks across our academic institution to consolidate faculty information. Implemented in
phases, the initiative seeks to create a dedicated space for students to effortlessly access key
faculty details, fostering a more efficient and informed campus experience.
The comprehensive budget covers hardware, software development, installation, and
maintenance, with a focus on optimizing financial resources through potential collaborations.
Anticipated benefits include streamlined information access, improved communication, and an
enhanced overall student experience.
The expected return on investment encompasses time savings, increased
engagement, and improved operational efficiency, positioning as a strategic initiative to
enhance campus life and satisfaction.
In order to complement the reason to go further on the project we create a survey
focused on students of Comenius Bratislava University.

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To analyse this situation, we create a survey focused on students of Comenius

Bratislava University. As we can see in the graphics, we can conclude that students have
some difficulties in finding information about their faculties. The students support our project
and think we can solve it with digital kiosks. Furthermore, the biggest difficulties students face
is related to the lack of information, multiple platforms with separate information and language

Figure 1- Students answers

We have detected a lack of information in our faculty. For the other words, we think
that there is no virtual space where we can see all the necessary information about faculty.
For example, if we want to see the schedules, we need to go a different website of the one
where we see the class materials.
For this reason, we decide to create a digital kiosk. This machine will have all the
information in one place. In this way, it will make life easier for students when they need to
see something about university. Furthermore, this machine will have easy access, because
students only need to have an isic/student card and can use it with contactless. It´s also
ERASMUS students friendly because we can choose between Slovak or English language.

Business Options

The purpose of the project is to help all students obtain the information they need
within the school environment. It also aims to solve the problem of currently dispersed
information and bring it together in a single software/device in order to facilitate and simplify
access to it. In this way, the kiosk will present all the information needed by each student in
an objective and quickly accessible way, such as the school timetable, the registered subjects
and their classrooms, information on tuition fees, school menus, school grades and more.

Expected Benefits
One of the primary benefits of digital kiosks is their ability to streamline processes
and enhance efficiency. By providing self-service options, customer can quickly access

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Business Case Digital Kiosk 12/12/23

information, complete transactions, and perform tasks without the need for assistance from
staff members. This reduces waiting times and increases overall operational efficiency.
Furthermore, implementing digital kiosks can lead to significant cost savings for
business. By automating repetitive tasks and reducing the need for manual intervention,
business can optimize their workforce and allocate resources more efficiently. This can result
in a reduced labour costs and improved operational efficiency.

Expected Dis-benefits

While digital kiosks offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider the limitations
and potential challenges that may arise when implementing these devices. Understanding
these limitations can help business make informed decisions and effectively manage their
digital kiosk deployments.
Implementing digital kiosks involves dealing with various technical challenges.
Business need to ensure that the kiosks are properly integrated with their existing systems
and infrastructure. This may require coordination with IT departments, software
customization, and hardware combability checks.
Additionally, business need to consider the maintenance and support of digital kiosks.
Regular updates, troubleshooting, and technical support are essential to ensure the smooth
operation of these devices. Business should have a plan in place to address these technical
challenges and ensure the ongoing functionality of their digital kiosks.


Our project will have a duration of 50 days. The initiation will start on 15nd of
November and it will end on 24th of January.

Figure 2- Timeline


Any new technology implementation project requires careful consideration and

estimation of the various costs involved to ensure financial feasibility and return on
The scope of the project includes design, procurement, installation and
commissioning of a durable, feature-rich touchscreen kiosk to function as an information and
service portal for students and staff on campus. Key components would include an outdoor-
rated structure, large multi-touch display, internal computing system, customized content
management software and network connectivity.
The cost structure has been segmented into three broad categories - employee
expenses, external services and materials. Within each category, itemized line items have
been estimated based on current market rates and quotes from experienced vendors and
skilled labor. Variables like hourly wages, quantity of units and applicable tax rates have also
been prudently factored in the calculations.
A conservative total project cost of 23,870.16€ has been presented with detailed
working notes for transparency.
The cost of employees’ expenses represents 14,425€ of total cost of this project:
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Business Case Digital Kiosk 12/12/23

- Cost of hiring a designer to design the interface and features of the kiosk is estimated
at 520€ for 40 hours of work.
- Cost of procuring materials like the outer structure, screen, internal structure is
estimated at 14,250€.*
- Cost to install electric wiring and connectivity is estimated at 160€ for 16 hours of
- Cost for installation of software and ensuring technical functionality is estimated at
1320€ for 88 hours of work.
- Cost for on-site installation and setup of the kiosk is estimated at 96€ for 16 hours of
- Cost for Project Managers is estimated at 4,368€ for 336 hours of work.
- Cost for head of steering Committee at 96€ for 8 hours of work.
- Cost for financial managers at 416€ for 32 hours of work

The cost to Services:

- Any regulatory approval or inspection fees is estimated at 70€.

- Cost of delivering the assembled kiosk to site is estimated at 150€.

*The cost of material represents

- Outer structure is estimated cost of outer shell at 600€.
- Estimated cost of interactive screen at 800€.
- Cost of inside structure at 100€.
- Cost of custom content management software at 2,250€.

The total estimated cost of implementation is 23870.16 EUR. This does not include
revenue estimation and profit margins. The revenue estimated from the kiosk is 25,000 EUR
with a projected profit of 1,129.84 EUR and 4,73% ROI.

Figure 3- costs per month

The project started on November 15th and ended on January 24th, so there was a higher
cost in December as this was the only full month in which workers were needed and there
was a greater workload for employees. Both November and January saw fewer working
hours, resulting in a lower cost than December.

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Business Case Digital Kiosk 12/12/23

Investment Appraisal

Major Risks
Successfully managing a construction project involves addressing key risks. Budget
overruns may occur due to unforeseen costs like hidden structural issues. To mitigate,
establish a detailed budget, include a contingency fund, and regularly review and adjust.
Timeline delays, caused by supply claim disruptions or construction challenges, can
be addressed by creating a realistic project timeline with buffers. Maintain open
communication with technicians for prompt issue resolution.
Structural problems, like faculty wiring, pose risks. Conduct thorough pre-project
inspection and consider a contingency budget for potential repairs. Proactive risk
management enhances the likelihood of a successful, on-time, and on-budget construction

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Organizational Structure

Project Plan

Figure 4- Organizational Structure

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