1278364-Last Christmas - Pregens

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Pete ‘Wildcard’ Mitchum
Fighter pilot, 25

STR 50 CON 60 SIZ 50 DEX 80 INT 40

APP 70 POW 60 EDU 50 SAN 70 HP 11
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 8 MP: 12 Luck: 60

Combat Armour
Fighting (Brawl) 45% Leather jacket 1 point
Pistol 40%
Connection to George
Dodge 40%
Went to college together
Other skills
Charm 45% Language(English) 50% Psychology 15%
Climb 35% Library Use 20% Ride 70%
Credit Rating 40% Listen 20% Science (Astronomy)
Disguise 05% Locksmith 01% 60%
Drive Auto 60% Mech. Repair 30% Science (Physics) 70%
Elec. Repair 60% Medicine 10% Sleight of Hand 10%
Electronics 55% Natural World 10% Spot Hidden 30%
Fast Talk 30% Navigate 30% Stealth 20%
Firearms 40% Occult 05% Swim 45%
First Aid 50% Persuade 35% Throw 25%
Intimidate 45% Pilot (Aircraft) 75% Track 10%
Jump 45% Psychoanalysis 01%

• Description: Mitchum is lean, muscular and boyishly handsome with a winning smile
• Significant People: Barry ‘Phoenix’ Jones, Mitchum’s best friend in the air force. Jones
and Mitchum are as close as brothers
• Traits: Charming and self-assured, Mitchum has a weak spot for women he finds
• Backstory: One of the most accomplished fighter pilots in his squadron, Mitchum is a
risk taker who chases the adrenaline rush of high speed action. He is currently on leave
for the holidays, and is living in a rented room in the centre of the city.

Pistol (1D6 damage), leather jacket, aviator shades


Susan Glass
Bohemian drifter, 22

STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 50 DEX 80 INT 70

APP 60 POW 60 EDU 50 SAN 80 HP 10
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 8 MP: 14 Luck: 80

Combat Armour
Fighting (Brawl) 45% None
Fighting (Knife) 40%
Connection to George
Dodge 40%
Other skills
Charm 70% Jump 45% Persuade 55%
Climb 20% Language(English) 50% Psychoanalysis 10%
Credit Rating 30% Language(Spanish) 45% Psychology 55%
Disguise 60% Library Use 40% Ride 30%
Drive Auto 30% Listen 30% Sleight of Hand 60%
Elec. Repair 10% Locksmith 55% Spot Hidden 50%
Electronics 01% Mech. Repair 10% Stealth 70%
Fast Talk 75% Medicine 30% Swim 45%
Firearms 20% Natural World 10% Throw 15%
First Aid 30% Navigate 10% Track 40%
Intimidate 25% Occult 15%

• Description: Modish and attractive, Glass turns heads wherever she goes
• Significant People: Roberta, Susan’s sister who has gone missing. Susan is desperately
seeking her, which is part of the reason she does not stay in one place for long.
• Traits: Extroverted and carefree to the point of being eccentric. Tries to avoid conflict
wherever possible, but is not above drawing her blade if she finds herself in trouble.
• Backstory: Glass moves from city to city, sleeping on couches and grifting tricks on
unsuspecting locals to eke out a living. A hedonist and ardent fan of pop music, she has
a way of gaining people’s trust, even if she then goes on to take advantage of it. She is
currently staying on a friend’s couch in the downtown district.

Portable cassette player, duffle bag, change of clothes, knife (1D4 damage)


Doctor Ray Venkler

Parapsychologist, 52

STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 50 DEX 60 INT 80

APP 50 POW 70 EDU 70 SAN 60 HP 10
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 8 MP: 14 Luck: 50

Combat Armour
Fighting (Brawl) 25% None
Dodge 30%
Connection to George
Venkler is a good friend of George’s father
Other skills
Appraise 20% History 40% Persuade 25%
Charm 30% Language(English) 50% Psychoanalysis 40%
Climb 20% Language(German) 35% Psychology 55%
Credit Rating 60% Library Use 70% Ride 05%
Disguise 05% Listen 60% Sleight of Hand 10%
Drive Auto 20% Locksmith 15% Spot Hidden 50%
Elec. Repair 60% Mech. Repair 30% Stealth 20%
Electronics 40% Medicine 20% Swim 20%
Fast Talk 05% Natural World 40% Throw 20%
Firearms 20% Navigate 10% Track 40%
First Aid 30% Occult 45%

• Description: Venkler is of medium height and build with thinning grey wiry hair
• Significant People: Daphne, Dr Venkler’s wife whom he met on an all-night ghost hunt
in the seventies and whom he is devoted to
• Traits: Normally quiet and studious, Venkler can however talk for hours about
paranormal phenomena to anyone willing to listen
• Backstory: With two of his close friends of similar interests, Dr Venkler has set up
Spiritbusters, a paranormal investigatory group based in the city. He lives in a modest
home in the academic district of the city.

Voice recorder, electromagnetic field detector, notebook, pen


Ellen Weaver
Survivalist, 32

STR 50 CON 80 SIZ 60 DEX 70 INT 60

APP 50 POW 50 EDU 40 SAN 50 HP 14
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 8 MP: 10 Luck: 40

Combat Armour
Fighting (Brawl) 45% None
Pistol 50%
Connection to George
Dodge 35%
George saved Weaver’s cat from being run over last year
Other skills
Charm 30% Jump 55% Psychoanalysis 10%
Climb 60% Language(English) 40% Psychology 55%
Credit Rating 20% Library Use 25% Ride 30%
Disguise 50% Listen 40% Sleight of Hand 60%
Drive Auto 40% Locksmith 35% Spot Hidden 50%
Elec. Repair 50% Mech. Repair 40% Stealth 70%
Electronics 20% Medicine 50% Swim 45%
Fast Talk 35% Natural World 70% Throw 15%
Firearms 50% Navigate 60% Track 40%
First Aid 50% Occult 05%
Intimidate 45% Persuade 55%

• Description: Broad and well-built, Weaver gives the impression of being always coiled
and ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice.
• Significant People: Smith the cat. Even if her emergency rations ran out, Weaver would
always make sure Smith was fed and cared for, over even her own welfare.
• Traits: Sceptical and mistrustful of strangers, Weaver has few friends, but is fiercely
loyal to those she chooses to spend time with.
• Backstory: Having served in the army, Weaver is convinced that the threat of nuclear
war is real. Discharged for psychological reasons, she now spends most of her time
making sure she is ready for the worst. She lives in a cabin in the hills close to the city.
Pistol (1D6 damage), camouflage gear, flare gun and flares, matches


Francis Mueller
Student slacker, 21

STR 40 CON 50 SIZ 50 DEX 50 INT 80

APP 60 POW 70 EDU 60 SAN 60 HP 10
DB: 0 Build: 0 Move: 8 MP: 14 Luck: 60

Combat Armour
Fighting (Brawl) 25% None
Dodge 25%
Connection to George
Other skills
Charm 65% Jump 35% Psychology 55%
Climb 25% Language(English) 50% Psychoanalysis 15%
Credit Rating 60% Library Use 25% Ride 10%
Disguise 60% Listen 50% Sleight of Hand 40%
Drive Auto 70% Locksmith 35% Spot Hidden 40%
Elec. Repair 20% Mech. Repair 20% Stealth 60%
Electronics 45% Medicine 50% Swim 25%
Fast Talk 70% Natural World 20% Throw 15%
Firearms 20% Navigate 50% Track 20%
First Aid 10% Persuade 65%
Intimidate 25% Occult 05%

• Description: Mueller is tall and slim and has boyish good looks that he uses to try and
win people over to his point of view
• Significant People: Mia Peters, Mueller’s girlfriend, who loves Mueller dearly despite
his somewhat less than reliable behaviour
• Traits: With a fast tongue and a sharp wit, Mueller is often able to persuade people to
do things they would never otherwise dream of doing
• Backstory: With a razor-sharp mind, Mueller has been able to succeed at his studies
with minimal effort and would rather have a good time than hit the books. He currently
lives with his parents in the residential district of the city.
‘Borrowed’ car, father’s credit card

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