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Instructional Materials Development (e.g., an indigenized/ localized/ contextualized instructional

plan while observing the activities of each phase)
Prepare an instructional material that supports and/or responds to an emerging trend and/or needs
of the existing basic education curriculum in a given context (e.g., plantilla plan, curriculum
web, lesson exemplars, unit plan).

Learning Activities Per Group.

A. The Curriculum Framework, Standards and Competencies
1. Select one grade level, example Grade 1 and from the Grade level select an area of
specialization (e.g. Grade 7, Mathematics).
2. The group will assign one student member to a specific Quarter or one grading period. If
the group is composed of more than 4 members, members can be assign to the same
quarter/grading period but will work separately and each will submit his/her own output.
3. Discuss with your groupmates the Curriculum Framework of your chosen area of
specialization and other parts of the Curriculum Guide (CG) such as the Learning Area
Standards, Key Stage Standards, Content and Performance Standards and Learning
Competencies of the Subject Area (Remember to download the CG)
B. Scope and Sequencing and Writing Objectives
1. Using the CG of the subject area, assign each member one quarter to analyze the scope and
sequence of the content.

C. Designing Learning Experiences that is aligned with the Objectives

1. Retain the group for the scope and sequence.
2. Using the content and learning competencies, plan out a differentiated activity (activities
should cater multiple intelligences, learning style and integration to other subject area)
3. Include ways of how to contextualize (localize or indigenize) the learning activity.

D. Designing Assessment Activities

1. Plan out the performance task of the planned learning experiences.
2. Make sure that the alignment between the competencies, learning experiences and
assessment is evident.
3. Include ways of how to contextualize (localize or indigenize) the learning activity.
Subject Area:
Grade Level

Grading Period: Ist Grading/Ist Quarter

Time Frame: 28

Content: Grade 5 Science

Lesson Title:

Grade Level Standards

Content Standards

Performance Standards

Content Learning Learning Activities Assessmen Learning Curriculum

Lesson Competencies (Differentiated, t Activities Resource Enhanceme
Title: /Objectives contextualize, s nt
Lesson localize) Example:
Code: Example:
# of Days • Perfor Integrating
mance • P21
Task: Framewor
Goal: k
Role: • Core
Audience: Values:
Situation: Makabaya
Product/ n,
Performan Makabans
ce: a,
Standards: Makatao,
• Summa kasan
tive • ICT
Exami enhanced
nation activities
• Full
E. Inter-student/Group Rating
Each group will assign an IM to rate based on the Rubric below. Each member of the group will
be assign a quarter/grading period to assess.

Subject Area:____________________________________
Grade Level: _____________________________________
Quarter/Grading Period:____________________________
Lesson Title_____________________________________
Name of Author/Developer:________________________
Student Teacher Rating
Alignment to standards-20%
The content perfectly matches with institutionally and
nationally prescribed standards

Timeliness to emerging 20%

The design and approach to deliver the content are
responsive to the identified trends and demands in the

Appropriateness to context-25%
The design and approach to deliver the content supports
and/or responds to the identified context – its extent and

Feasibility 25%
The material is workable within available resources –
time, materials, human, etc
Curriculum Enhancement 10%
A curriculum enhancement were included and was
successfully integrated into the lesson plan.

TOTAL 100%


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