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Exploring the problem

I think that the sum of these three angles is 90.

I came in to this conjecture by measuring the angles with a protractor and calculating them
mathematically .After doing this i realized that ø is equal to 18.4(3sf), β is equal to 26.6(3sf)
and α is equal to 45 giving total of 90.

I found this conjecture quite convincing as i checked my final result by measuring with a

protractor the angles in the diagram and doing the math procedures myself (mathematics
calculations down )
Direct proof

The value of α is 45, we can get to know this value by just measuring the angle (α) in the
diagram using a protractor.

To start with, the fact that the addition of these three angles is equal to 90 lets us know that
these three angles are acute angles. Secondly, by knowing that β+ø is equal to 45 we can
easily realize that α is also equal to 45 as the final result is 90.

Hypotenuses lenghts:

ABC: 1.414213562
ABD: 2.236067977
ABE: 3.16227766

Firstly these two triangles are both scalene triangles as each one of their sides are different
between each other. These two triangles also share a side that is AC. In addition these
triangles have the same length of the adjacent side that is 1 in both cases, in triangle ACD
the side CD and in triangle ACE the side CE.

Now we can conclude that both that in CEA, E is equal to 18.4 such as A in CAD that is also
equal to 18.4.
ACB=CAD+ADC because ACB is equal to 45, CAD is equal to 18.4 and ADC is equal to
26.6 meaning that 18.4 + 26.6 is equal to 45, passed to a mathematical operation would look
like this 45=18.4+26.6.

Proof using an auxiliary line

BAC = α because as two of its sides are equal it is an isosceles triangle meaning that apart
from having to equal sides it has to equal angles (in this case A and C, both of 45 degrees).

EAF = ø because

GAC= to β.Considering that GAC and DAB are proportional to each other by knowing that G
is the midpoint of of the whole diagram and AE is equal to 3.16 or the square root of 10
meaning that AG will be equal to the square root of 5. If we change the position of triangle
GAC and place it in the position of DAB we will realize that they are proportional giving as a
result that A in GAC is equal to β.

As said above GAC and ABD are similar as they are proportional triangles, despite sharing
only one of their sides in terms of length and two of their angles they have different length of
the two resting sides. If we place GAC in ABD’s position we will realize the proportion they
have with each other.

Proof using cosine rule

This basically happens because XEY is the exact same triangle as ABD with the only
difference that they are inverted between each other.
AE: 3.16(3sf)
AY: 5.1(1dp)

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