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Guide to Configuration File Upload/Download using

Web LMT for BTS3900

• About:
This document describes a simple guide about how to:
▪ Upload configuration file from NodeB to the local
▪ Download configuration file from local laptop to

• Requirements:
1. Laptop without any security tools (Firewall, etc)
2. Web LMT matching the same software version
installed in the NodeB.
3. Configuration file (XML) matching the same software
version installed in the NodeB.

• Steps:1242087800
1. Connect the lap to WMPT or UMPT port ,give the lap the
IP and open the WebLMT program ,enter the IP adderss for
the server and after that enter username Admin and
password as usual, using below passwords and IPs:
• If the board is WMPT→ Password is NodeB
A) Lap IP
B) SERVER = Node B

• If the board is UMPT→ Password is hwbs@com

A) Lap IP TO 74
B) SERVER = Node B
2. From the Top Panel choose FTP Tool and install it as


4. After Installation, You will find FTPServer Folder in its

specified directory during the installation; Install
FTP_Server_Certificate as shown below:
5. Open the FTPServer.exe, You will notice that it will result
in a green LED as shown in the task bar
You will be asked to change the default password for the
FTP Server Tool in the 1 login time.

The default password is: hwbs@com

6. Double Click on the Green LED and change the encryption
mode to be Plain Text and authenticate with FTP Password
you have just modified.

7. On the LMT Run SET FTPSCLT and choose Plaintext to

match the FTP Tool:

8. On the LMT, Choose Device Maintenance Tab→ BTS

Maintenance → Data Configuration File Transfer.
9. To transfer the XML File from the site to the laptop, Follow
the steps as shown below:
a. FTP Server IP: Your Laptop IP.
b. User Name: admin (FTP User Name).
c. Destination File Name: Installation Directory for
FTP Tool on your laptop.
d. Password: Modified FTP Password in step 5.
e. Choose upload.

f. After the uploading is completed, you will find the

XML file in the FTP Tool folder installed in step 3 as
shown below:
10. To transfer the XML File from the laptop to the NodeB,
follow the steps as shown below:
a. FTP Server IP: Your Laptop IP
b. User Name: admin (FTP User Name)
c. Destination File Name: save the XML File in the
Installation Directory for FTP Tool on your laptop,
then browse this directory from LMT as shown.
d. Password: Modified FTP Password in step 5.
e. Choose Download.
f. Make Data Configuration File take effect.
g. Reset immediately to reboot the WMPT/UMPT with
the new configuration.

11. Run Command LST CFGFILE to verify that the download

is done successfully by checking Parameter Modify Time:
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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