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Comprehensive Test for Commercial Correspondence students

I. Fill the gaps with appropriate words: Event,Integrity,Digital

media ,
Storytelling, Journalist, social media, media(3) , campaign

1. The __ Journalist interviewed the celebrity to get exclusive insights for their entertainment
2. The advertising campaign went viral on __ social media _, reaching millions of users within a
few hours.
3. The documentary filmmaker aimed to provide a nuanced perspective on the subject, highlighting
the power of visual _ Storytelling.
4. The public relations team carefully crafted a press release to manage the company's image and
disseminate information to the _ media __.
5. Digital media literacy is essential in the modern age, helping individuals critically evaluate
information shared on various media platforms.
6. The graphic designer utilized innovative techniques to create eye-catching visuals for the
company's latest _ campaign.
7. The media studies class explored the cultural implications of new _ Digital media
technologies on society.
8. The newspaper faced criticism for sensationalizing stories to attract more readers, raising
questions about journalistic Integrity _.
9. The podcast host organized a live __ Event _ to connect with the audience and answer their
questions in real-time.
10. Media researchers conducted a comprehensive study on the impact of social _ media __ on
political discourse.

II. Decide which of the expressions are formal and which are informal.

• I’d like to come by and see you when you have time INFORMAL

• I would like to set up an appointment with you … FORMAL

• We wish to inform you … FORMAL

• I just want to let you know that… INFORMAL

• Looking forward to hearing from you soon … INFORMAL

• We look forward to your reply … FORMAL

• Yours sincerely … FORMAL

• All my best … INFORMAL

• Dear Sir / madam… FORMAL

• Dear Mr / Mrs Smith … FORMAL

• Dear Carol … INFORMAL

• Dear all … FORMAL

• I am writing to enquire about … FORMAL

• I’d like to ask you about… INFORMAL

• I’m sending you… INFORMAL

• Enclosed / attached you will find… FORMAL

II. Write 2 e-mails: a formal one and an informal one. Use the expressions from task 2 and
previous seminars.

Good Luck!!!

Formal Email:



Subject: Appointment Request

Dear madam,

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a meeting with you to discuss
the cosmetic line. I believe your insights and guidance will be invaluable in approaching the creation of a
new product catalog.

I am available on weekdays between 10:00 and 14:00 and I would appreciate it if we could meet
as soon as possible. Please let me know a time that works for you and I will make sure to adjust my
schedule accordingly.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to the opportunity to meet and discuss.

Yours sincerely,

Ella Sour

Informal Email:

Subject: Quick Question

Dear Carol ,

Hope you're doing well! Just wanted to drop you a quick note to see if we could catch up sometime
soon. I've got a few ideas about new song, and I'd love to get your thoughts on them.

How about grabbing a coffee or finding a time to chat this week? Let me know when works for you, and
I'll make sure to be available.

Thanks a bunch! Looking forward to hearing from you.

All my best ,


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