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Today, I wanna share a little bit about the English

language and the English variety in India. English came

to India in the 1600s through the British of course. And it
was around the 1830s that they started to incorporate
English instruction in schools. So, now English is a
lingua franca which means that English is used as a
transaction language between people who don’t speak
the same language. In light of, you might be under the
impression that English is widely spoken in India. De
facto, you will be surprised to know that only about 15%
of Indians speak Engllish. So, there’s quite a bit of
disparity between what the world thinks and what is the
reality of English in India.
However, Indian English is a legitimate variety of the
English language and it’s because what is called contact
linguistics interacting with all of the different languages
in India. Today, I’d tell a couple of different things about
what makes Indian English unique. So, Let’s start with
the t sounds. T sounds something like this “tur”, not “tar”,
“tur”, so your tongue is actually further back in your
mouth. So for example if you want to say “but”, in Indian
accent, it’s “butt”. Let’s try “don’t”, it’s not

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