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Arqum Farrukh

Varistha Persad


November 25, 2019

Unit 4 Summative

Soldiers endure many hardships while at war, both physical and mental

side effects. The mentality to become a hero is what leads most soldiers to their

downfall. In the novel, The Wars by Timothy Findley, he brings forth a soldier

who is the main character and ultimately, he makes a judgment mistake which

leads to his destruction. The author lets the audience decide whether Robert

Ross, the main character is the protagonist or antagonist due to his actions.

Robert is analogous to many other personalities such as George Lucas in star

wars, Oedipus in Oedipus Rex and Romeo from Romeo and Juliet to name a


Robert is presented as a tragic hero who has to be a savior, mental issues and

making a judgmental mistake.

A hero is someone who displays bravery. “I'd argue it's the willingness to

make a personal sacrifice for the benefit of others.” (What Makes A Hero, 2010)

This definition helps pin point exactly what society expects a hero to be. Robert

displayed this attribute when he enlisted in the military at the young age of 19.

Enlisting into the military is the ultimate personal sacrifice one can make because

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of the huge risk that comes along with doing such. They are willing to give it all

so that other people can live a better life. Robert gave away his life so that other

members of society have the chance to live a peaceful and better life. However,

one cannot ignore that Robert has had some setbacks in his time of being a

hero. “This person is fated by the Gods or by some supernatural force to doom

and destruction or at least to great suffering.”(Tragic Hero Definition) From this

definition it is evident that Robert Ross has had great suffering throughout his

life. In the novel, Robert had been tasked with killing a horse with a broken leg.

Robert “drew himself into a ball” (Findley, 60) this was his reaction to having to

kill an animal. The horse had a broken leg and was in sever pain but by killing it,

Robert would have aided it. Roberts’s morals and values played a big part and

stopped him from killing the animal because he knew it would be wrong to kill a

living animal. The amount of respect that Robert held for life was high so killing

an animal would go against that mind set and would be impossible for Robert to

do such a task. This incident showed how he was struggling to defeat his inner

morals to protect a life. This struggle is a type of suffering because no side was

right for his decision. On one side he could take the life of the horse and stop it’s

suffering but that would ruin his morals and his views on how all life should be

protected. Then if he let the horse live, he would be protecting his morals but

would put the horse in lifelong pain as the broken leg was hurting the horse. The

mental stigma lives on for Ross for which ever choice he makes.

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A person that has to take physical and mental pain for an extended time is

classified as a tragic hero. Throughout his life Robert Ross had a hard time. His

father was not present, his mother was a crack and his sister was disabled.

Robert’s mother was an alcoholic who was not supportive for her children and

caused them stress, as she was drunk most of the time. Rowena Ross was

Robert’s sister who he loved dearly. When she passed away, Robert went into a

state of disbelief and stress. He blamed himself for not being able to save her or

her pet rabbits. “It wasn’t Stuart’s fault. It was Robert’s fault.” (Findley, 18) Robert

felt like he couldn’t save his sister and this was a burden that he held onto for his

life. He is always thinking about what he could have done to change the

outcome, which unfortunately occurred. Robert’s mother was no help either in

the grieving process because she was insensitive and rude to him because of

her drinking problem. This just added onto the pain and suffering that Robert had

occurred. Robert accepted his suffering when he burned the picture of Rowena.

“Robert burned it in the middle of the floor” (Findley, 204). The fact that he

burned his sister’s picture shows he is moving on from the grieving process and

accepting fate and understanding what has happened. The mental issues that

Robert has faced as helped shape him into the tragic hero in the novel.

The decisions that Robert Ross classifies him as Tragic Hero. He thinks

that he will do the correct thing, but often times the opposite occurs. “The term

hero is derived from a Greek word that means a person who faces adversity, or

demonstrates courage, in the face of danger. However, sometimes he faces

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downfall as well. When a hero confronts downfall, he is recognized as a tragic

hero” (Literary Devices, 2017). It is evident that Robert wants to save lives,

which is why he enrolled in the military. His bad decision comes from how he

wants to save animals lives as well. Animals are similar to humans but there is a

large difference between the death of an animal and the death of a person.

While away at war Robert is faced with a situation that brings out this flaw. Near

the trenches, there is a barn filled with horses. The captain has told Robert do

not save them and focus on the objective at hand. Robert disobeys his captain

because his morals overvalue him and he goes to set the horses free. These

horses are badly injured and some of them are dead. “Robert shot him between

the eyes.”(Findley, 184) Robert felt that the Captain was the reason why the

horses were in the condition that they were in. He felt the only way to make it fair

and get justice for the horses was to kill the person responsible for their death

who he thought was the Captain. This was a bad decision, as Robert did not

think about the consequences of his actions. His punishment was severe as he

was kicked out of the army and placed under arrest for the murder, which he

caused. This was a bad decision that had the opposite effect from what Robert

anticipated. Robert thought he was getting justice for the animals but instead he

murdered a person who wanted to protect Robert’s life as releasing the animals

could have gotten him killed. He demonstrated courage by attempting to free the

animals but his downfall came when he killed the captain. By understanding

what Robert has done it is easy to classify him as a tragic hero.

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The novel that Timothy Findley has written called The Wars develops and

presents and excellent example of a tragic hero. Robert Ross is the ideal

example of a tragic hero due to the suffering and pain, which he had to endure.

Ross was shown as a savior to the readers at multiple times. He had a terrible

time growing up and went through immense suffering. Lastly, it is shown that

Robert made some choices that were not ideal and ultimately brought him to his

downfall. Since Robert Ross fits the criteria so well for a tragic hero, he is an

example for all authors to adapt and advance upon.

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Work Used

• Findley, Timothy. The Wars. Harmondsworth, England: Penguin, 1978

• “Tragic Hero - Examples and Definition of Tragic Hero.” Literary Devices,

7 May 2017,

• “What Makes A Hero.” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 19 Sept.



“Tragic Hero - Examples and Definition of Tragic Hero.” Literary Devices, 7 May


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