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JJ Jordan

Social Media Plan

17 October 2023

Part 1:
● Facebook
○ Facebook is not very popular among the demographic I would be targeting– high
school students, college students, and young adults– so I would not use Facebook.
● Instagram
○ Instagram is great for short-form videos as well as growing a more personal
relationship with followers, so I would use Instagram to create short blog-type
posts, announcements about what I’m up to currently, and short clips of me
● Twitter
○ Twitter’s format is focused more on short-form text, which is not as helpful to my
goals as a musical content creator, so I would not use Twitter for these purposes.
● Linkedin
○ LinkedIn is more helpful for growing connections with other professional
musicians which, while useful, would not align as well with my goals for this
project, so I would not use it for this purpose.
● YouTube
○ YouTube’s video format would be incredibly useful to me as a musical content
creator, so I would use YouTube to create long-form videos either of
performances I’ve done or of informational content.
● TikTok
○ TikTok is a prevalent platform among the demographics I’m targeting– high
school students, college students, and young adults– so I would use TikTok to
upload fun short-form video content and clips of me performing.
Part 2:

Social Media Plan:

For this project, my goal is to be a music content creator whose main demographics are
high school students, college students, and young adults.

My goal for the Instagram account is to grow a more personal relationship with my
followers. The content here would be a bit more laidback, showing more of my personal life and
blog-style content. I would also use it to promote the YouTube channel and other concerts or
events that I might be involved in. I would post twice a week.
My goal for the YouTube account is to have it be where most of my more “formal”
content comes from. This would include informational videos, videos of performances that I’ve
given, and other general long-form content. I would post a video once a week.
My goal for the TikTok account is for it to have a more light-hearted tone compared to
the other two accounts, while also acting as a good promotional tool to get people to check out
the YouTube page. This would include videos that were more fun and silly in nature, following
certain trends to gain an audience and grow a following that would hopefully ultimately end up
being redirected to the YouTube channel. I would also include clips from videos on the YouTube
channel occasionally. I would post once a week.

Six-Month Plan:
Instagram- Twice a week
YouTube- Once a week
Tik Tok- Once a week

Month General Theme of Content

July Informational videos, vlog-style travel content

August Back-to-School content, tips and tricks on

how to practice, and more general
informational content

September Promotional material for a concert at the end

of the month, vlog-style content about
preparing for the concert

October Focus on Filipino-American musicians as a

part of Filipino-American History Month

November Informational videos focused on auditions

(how to record them, preparing for auditions,

December Holiday-themed content!

Four Week Plan:

This would take place in the last two weeks of July and the first two weeks of August.

Week Description of Media Caption

Week 1, Post 1 Video of me practicing G #100daysofpractice- As a violinist, Hilary Hahn
minor scales and is such an inspiration to me, so I’ve decided to
arpeggios begin the 100 days of practice challenge! I’m
starting out simply with the G minor scale and
arpeggios from Galamian’s first scale book. I
often procrastinate working on my scales, but
they are so so so important to do! We have to
work on our technique, fellow violinists, even if
it can get monotonous sometimes. Ironically I
won’t be able to post to this hashtag for the next
few weeks for reasons that you will soon find out
about, but I’ll be back in the swing of things as
soon as I can! Stay tuned :)

Week 1, Post 2 Pictures of Vienna, A Day in the Life- This past week, I’ve been
pictures of the revisiting one of my favorite places on earth,
Konzerthaus Vienna, Austria! I studied abroad here when I
was a student in college studying music
performance. The highlight today– I saw a
wonderful performance of Shostakovich’s 5th
Symphony at the Wiener Konzerthaus! One of
my favorite symphonies, in one of my favorite
cities <3

Week 2, Post 1 Pictures of coffee and A Day in the Life- Besides the music, there are
food, pictures of so many things to admire about Viennese
buildings I visited culture! One of the things I missed the most
about Vienna when I first came back from
studying abroad was the cafés, so as you can see,
I’ve been very happy to have my favorite
cappuccino and chocolate croissant again. I also
had the most delicious Käsespätzle for dinner
tonight, which I highly recommend trying if you
ever visit! I visited St. Stephen’s Cathedral and
Schönbrunn Palace today as well, which both are
just breathtaking :)

Week 2, Post 2 Pictures of Vienna, A Day in the Life- The highlight of my day
pictures of the Wiener today was seeing Mozart’s The Marriage of
Staatsoper Figaro at the Vienna State Opera House! (AKA
the Wiener Staatsoper) While yes, the seats I had
were up in the nosebleeds, I still had a great time
watching one of Mozart’s operas in his city.
Sadly, I’m leaving tomorrow, but I had a great
time visiting Vienna, and there will be a
YouTube vlog about my trip hopefully sometime
next week! Stay tuned…

Week 3, Post 1 Short clip from the Practice tips for the ADHD musician! Go check
YouTube video out the full video on my YouTube channel! Link
in bio.

Week 3, Post 2 Video of me practicing #100daysofpractice- Oh boy. Getting back into

the swing of things after going on vacation can
be tough, and is definitely one of the biggest
downsides of traveling as a musician. I thought
I’d do a little practice session of just warming
back up to the instrument again (partially so I’m
motivated to not get frustrated with myself!). It’s
important to start with just playing long notes,
and then I like to do some left-hand etudes to get
my dexterity back in order. Happy practicing!

Week 4, Post 1 Pictures of the new Felt like pampering my violin today :) A new set
strings, pictures of me of strings and a bow re-hair is sooooo refreshing
putting the new strings
on, picture of the bow,
short clip of me playing

Week 4, Post 2 Video of me practicing #100daysofpractice- Today I’m practicing a

section of Jessie Montgomery’s “Rhapsody No.
1” for solo violin. I did post a video of myself
performing this a couple weeks ago, but I will
also be performing this at a concert in
September, so it’s important to keep those skills
sharp! Here’s a segment from the very
chord-heavy passage.


Week Title Script

Week 1 Carbon Fiber vs. Wood Bows Hey everyone! It’s JJ back with another video.
Something you might be thinking about as a
violinist is whether or not you want to purchase a
wood bow or a carbon fiber bow. In this video,
I’ll give you a quick rundown of the differences
between the two, and advice on what you should
Wood bows are, of course, very traditional
amongst violinists, and for good reason. Most
high quality wood bows are made from
pernambuco wood, which gives the bow just the
right amount of balance and weight to create a
beautifully warm and rich sound. However, these
bows can be quite costly, especially if you are a
more advanced player. Wood bows are also a bit
more difficult to maintain, as they can warp and
have a lot more variety in quality due to the
natural materials used.

As for carbon fiber, ever since I started playing

the violin, I’ve noticed that there tends to be quite
a stigma against carbon fiber bows in the strings
community. However, a good-quality carbon fiber
bow can be just as good as a good-quality wood
bow. They’re a lot more durable, and if you’re a
musician who travels a lot, the consistency a
durability might be something that you’re looking
for. High-quality wood bows are also made from
the endangered pernambuco tree, which if you’re
passionate about the environment can be quite a

However, many people swear by the sound that a

wood bow gives you. There is just something
about a fantastic wood bow that can speak to a
violinist’s heart– although it can be quite costly.
They are traditional, and they are quite beautiful,
and they can be right for you! Try both types, and
keep an open mind! You might find that you like
a type of bow that you didn’t think you would

Ultimately, the decision is up to you! Your bow

is, in the end your bow. One bow might work
better for you than it would for another person,
and that’s totally okay! Trust yourself, trust your
body, and trust your ear! No matter what you end
up choosing, remember to have fun with it.

Let me know what you think in the comments.

What type of bow do you use? Thanks for
watching! See you in the next one.
Week 2 Rhapsody No. 1- Jessie *Video of myself performing Rhapsody No. 1 by
Montgomery, Performed by J. Jessie Montgomery.*

Week 3 Practice Tips for the ADHD Hi everyone! It’s JJ back with another video.
musician! Something that I’ve never mentioned on this
channel is the fact that I have ADHD, or
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is
a common chronic neurodevelopmental disorder
that includes difficulty in attention, hyperactivity,
and impulsiveness. I’m no expert on all the
scientific lingo, but if you’re interested in
learning more about the condition itself, I’ve
linked a useful video here! *Information bubble
pops up with a link* Living with ADHD is tough,
and it affects pretty much every aspect of my life,
and it’s especially tough when it affects how I
practice. However, after living with it through the
ups and downs of college, I’ve found a lot of
ways to cope in a healthy way. As the summer is
coming to a close, and maybe some of you are
starting school again, this can be a great time to
start implementing some of these ideas into your
daily routines! Whether you have ADHD or not, I
hope these tips will help you find a more
consisten practicing schedule.

One of the most helpful pieces of advice I’ve

gotten for consistent motivation to practice is to
think of practicing less like doing my homework
and more like brushing my teeth every day. I
think too often, we think of practicing as this
huge scary task to accomplish, and for those of us
with ADHD, that mindset can really harm our
motivation. However, for me personally, thinking
of it more like a daily task has really helped me
keep a consistent schedule. You know how
Duolingo has a streak that you have to keep up?
That’s kind of the idea.

A tip my violin professor gave me is that, if you

really aren’t feeling like practicing that day, just
tell yourself to practice for 10 minutes. For me,
that little bit of time usually turns into a full
practice session anyways, because I’ll gain the
motivation as I continue on. And hey, if you
really can’t find it in you to practice more than 10
minutes, at least you practiced for 10 minutes!

Sometimes, it’s not that I don’t have the

motivation to practice, it’s just that when I get in
the practice room, I feel completely disorganized
and end up leaving feeling like I just jumped
around playing random sections without actually
focusing my energy on something specific. If you
can relate to this, you might benefit from using a
timer during practice sessions to split up your
time in the practice room. For example, if I have
a new set of fingerings in a passage that I need to
implement, but I just can’t find the ability to
focus for long enough to solidify it, I will
sometimes set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes where I
will only allow myself to practice that section.
This often helps my brain organize my thoughts,
and it helps my practice sessions get a lot more

I hope that these quick tips are useful to you!

Please let me know what you thought in the
comments, thanks for watching, and I’ll see you
in the next one.

Week 4 My July Trip to Vienna Hi everyone, it’s JJ! As you may know from if
you follow my Instagram, I spent part of July
visiting Vienna, Austria with some of my best
friends as a little vacation. We all once studied
abroad there, and we wanted to revisit such an
influential and meaningful place to us! Vienna, as
you may know, is a city very rich in musical
culture, so I figured it might be entertaining for
you all if I made a video vlogging my adventures.
Maybe if you ever decide to visit, you can take
notes from what we did. Let me know what you
think in the comments below! Let’s get into that

*Vlog edited together of various places visited,

food eaten, concerts attended, and more. There
will be occasional voiceovers where I may have
forgotten to describe something in the moment.*

Tik Tok:

Caption Script

Week 1 For our hopeless romantics *Various aesthetic shots with

out there! Borodin dedicated the piece playing in the
this quartet to his wife :) background. This includes a
(Classical Music Recs walk around outside in a park,
Mondays: String Quartet No. shots of nature, etc.*
2 in D major: I. Allegro
moderato by Borodin)

Week 2 Some beautiful shots of *Various short clips of Vienna

Vienna this week :) spliced together to music*

Week 3 This makes me want to sit *Various aesthetic shots with

down and read a book by the the piece playing in the
fireplace (Classical Music background. This includes a
Recs Mondays: Nocturne in shot of me lighting a candle,
B-Flat Minor, Op. 9 No.1 by pouring a cup of tea, etc.*

Week 4 I know it’s only August but *Video of me and others

fall is on the horizon just let dancing to an excerpt of
me get hyped for Halloween “Danse Macabre”*
in peace (but really, this piece
is FIRE) (Classical Music
Recs Mondays: Danse
Macabre by Saint-Saëns)

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