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Metabolic Solutions Report

Terry Chamberlin, B.Sc., C.N.C., Bioanalyst Nova Scotia, Canada 902-584-3810

Vitamin D for MS Patients

Taking vitamin D supplements may positively influence the immune systems of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to

Although most MS patients have a normal life span, the disease, which causes the immune system to attack the body's own cells as
"foreign," causes vision changes and muscle weakness in its victims. MS may progress steadily, or acute attacks may be followed
by a temporary remission of symptoms.

Vitamin D status affects chemicals that modulate the immune system called cytokines, and these changes may benefit patients with

The researchers drew their conclusions after analyzing samples from 10 MS patients who took a supplement of 25 micrograms
(units) of vitamin D daily for 6 months. The patients showed increased levels of vitamin D in their blood, as well as a change in
cytokine levels. But the investigators note that the study has not been in progress long enough to observe changes in the clinical
symptoms of the participating MS patients.

The results were not completely unexpected as the investigators had seen similar results in an animal model of MS. Doctors should
be aware of the detrimental effects of vitamin D insufficiency for their MS patients and make sure they are vitamin D adequate.

The study findings are supported by the fact that the number of cases of MS is nearly zero near the equator and increases with
latitude in both hemispheres. The increased sunlight near the equator allows the body to produce more vitamin D, and may
theoretically reduce the incidence of MS.

However, Cantorna also pointed out that vitamin D at high doses is toxic. "MS patients should not take large amounts of vitamin D
supplements. They should increase their vitamin D intake under the supervision of their doctors," she warned.

The current recommended dietary allowance for vitamin D is 400 micrograms (units) per day.

Sources of vitamin D include adequate exposure to sunlight and cod liver oil.

Experimental Biology 2001 Conference in Orlando, Florida April 6, 2001



Well this is simple enough. It appears clear that MS patients improved on doses of vitamin D that are 1/8 that of the RDA. It would
seem reasonable to have those with MS have regular sun exposure on their skin so they can produce vitamin D. For most of us
though there is about six months of the year or more when this is not possible.

In these cases, my favorite current source of vitamin D is a whole food product - cod liver oil. No, this is not the same one many
remember as disgusting tasting. That cod liver oil usually tasted bad because it was rancid. Processing of cod liver oil has
improved considerably since those days.

I have not done an exhaustive study of the different brands, but I use Carlson's lemon flavored in my office and personally and I
find that it is well tolerated.

In addition to vitamin D, cod liver oil also has an excellent supply of vitamin A and essential omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA.

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