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How to Lasso

By the 6666 Ranch

Getting Started

1. Materials needed
a. Lasso (One can be bought at stores like a tractor supply)
b. A target to lasso (We recommend something heavy and stationary while you are
c. Open space (Most backyards work)

Learning How to Lasso

1. Grab both ropes just below the base of the knot where the loop is created on the end
of the lasso with your dominant hand.

2. You are going to increase the size of the loop you wish to throw until it is large
enough to wrap around the object you are trying to lasso.

3. You will hold the extra rope in your non-dominant hand. Giving enough slack line

How to Lasso
By the 6666 Ranch

between to throw the loop.

4. You will begin to flick your wrist in a rotating direction to spin the loop. Once you get
some speed in the spin you can start doing it over your head to get the lasso to fall
flat on your intended target.

5. Once you are within range of the target, you will let go of the rope and give it a slight
toss while targeting the object you wish to lasso. You will then loosen your grip of the
excess rope to allow the loop to travel the appropriate distance.

6. Once you have successfully landed the loop on your intended target, you will pull the
excess line end. Now you have successfully thrown a lasso and hopefully caught
your target at the same time.

7. Repeat until you feel confident you can increase your range to your target.

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