An Update On Asthma Diagnosis

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An update on asthma diagnosis

Charis Armeftis, Christina Gratziou, Nikolaos Siafakas, Paraskevi

Katsaounou, Zoi Dorothea Pana & Petros Bakakos

To cite this article: Charis Armeftis, Christina Gratziou, Nikolaos Siafakas, Paraskevi
Katsaounou, Zoi Dorothea Pana & Petros Bakakos (2023) An update on asthma diagnosis,
Journal of Asthma, 60:12, 2104-2110, DOI: 10.1080/02770903.2023.2228911

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Published online: 02 Jul 2023.

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Journal of Asthma
2023, VOL. 60, NO. 12, 2104–2110

An update on asthma diagnosis

Charis Armeftis, MDa, Christina Gratziou, MD, PhDb, Nikolaos Siafakas, MD, PhDc, Paraskevi Katsaounou, MD, PhDb,
Zoi Dorothea Pana, MD, MSc, PhDd and Petros Bakakos, MD, PhDb
Pulmonology Unit, Ygeia Hospital, Limassol, Cyprus; bPulmonology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece;

Thoracic Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece; dPediatrics, European University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus


Objective: Asthma imposes a significant health and socioeconomic burden with an average Received 21 May 2023
prevalence impacting 5-10% of the global population. The aim of this narrative review is to Revised 15 June 2023
Accepted 20 June 2023
update the current literature on topics related to asthma diagnosis.
Data Sources: Original research articles were identified from PubMed using the search terms KEYWORDS
"asthma diagnosis" and “asthma misdiagnosis”. Misdiagnosis; phenotype;
Study Selections: Recently published articles (n = 51) detailing the diagnosis, misdiagnosis of endotype; treatable trait;
asthma, and the updated recommendations of the European and international asthma guidelines; Lancet Commission;
guidelines. overdiagnosis; underdiagnosis
Results: Emerging evidence revealed that asthma might represent a rather heterogenous
clinical entity with varying underlying molecular mechanisms. Attempts have been made to
unravel these traits to better provide accurate diagnosis and a more efficient patient-based
management approach. The lack of a gold standard test for asthma diagnosis has contributed
to its over- and underdiagnosis. This is problematic, given that overdiagnosis might lead to
delay of both diagnosis and prompt treatment of other diseases, while underdiagnosis might
substantially impact quality of life due to progression of asthma by increased rate of
exacerbations and airway remodeling. In addition to poor asthma control and potential
patient harm, asthma misdiagnosis is also associated with excessive costs. As a result, current
international guidelines emphasize the need for a standardized approach to diagnosis,
including objective measurements prior to treatment.
Conclusion: Future research is warranted to define the optimal diagnostic and treatable traits
approach especially for patients with severe asthma, as they may benefit from the advent of
newly targeted asthma management.

Introduction approach (8,9). Although lung function with dynamic

tests remains fundamental for asthma diagnosis, evi-
Asthma is the most common chronic respiratory dis-
dence reveals that asthma is inadequately diagnosed
ease affecting millions of people of all ages across the
across the world, triggering an ongoing debate on the
globe (1–6). The average global prevalence ranges optimization of the latest asthma diagnostic guidelines
between 5–10% (2). Traditionally, asthma diagnosis based on objective testing that can improve diagnostic
was based on the history and the response to a trial accuracy (2). Both over- and underdiagnosis could
of various treatments, but emerging evidence shows lead to additional costs, inappropriate treatment, and
that under the umbrella of asthma, several subtypes potential patient harm.
exist with multiple underlying pathophysiological and The aim of the present mini-review is to update
molecular mechanisms, known as endotypes. This the current international literature on topics related
partially explains the phenotypic (interindividual) to asthma diagnosis with a focus on: 1) the
asthma patient variability (7,8). Moreover, the transi- epidemiology-burden of disease, 2) the transition of
tion from the “symptom-based” to the more refined the traditional asthma diagnosis to a more “refined”
“omics-based” asthma approach could contribute to asthma classification, 3) the published literature on
an eventual new era of applying precision medicine asthma misdiagnosis, and 4) a comparison of the
to asthma classification, diagnosis, and treatment current recommendations for asthma diagnosis from

CONTACT Charis Armeftis Pulmonology, Ygeia Hospital, Limassol, Cyprus.

© 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Journal of Asthma 2105

the most recently published European and interna- populations focusing on data accuracy. The direct
tional asthma guidelines. costs of asthma care in the European region have
reached 17.7 billion EUR per year (4). Similarly, as
described in the 2018 report from the Centers for
Methods Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the economic
Data sources: PubMed. Methodology and search strat- burden of asthma in the United States for the period
egy: An initial search was performed in November 2008 to 2013 was $3 billion in losses from missed
2022, with a final update in January 2023, with the work and school days, $29 billion from asthma-related
following search string: ((("asthma diagnosis"[Title/ mortality, and $50.3 billion in medical costs (total
Abstract]) OR "asthma overdiagnosis"[Title/Abstract]) cost $81.9 billion) (5). Based on a computer model
OR "asthma underdiagnosis"[Title/Abstract]) OR projection specifically for uncontrolled asthma, the
"asthma epidemiology"[Title/Abstract]) AND ("asthma estimated financial, humanistic and health burden will
guidelines"[All Fields])). From 51 articles, only orig- be $300 billion in direct and $963 billion in direct
inal studies, reviews, and guidelines were selected. and indirect medical costs by 2040 (6).
Only articles in English were included. The Quality
assessment was performed by the authors, and dis- Asthma pathophysiology and classification: the
agreements were resolved through consensus focusing role of “phenotypes” and “endotypes”
on adult populations and on recently published arti-
cles with a time frame from 2010 to date. Asthma pathophysiology is characterized by the pres-
ence of airway obstruction, hyperresponsiveness, and
inflammation. Cell hyperplasia, subepithelial fibrosis,
Results collagen deposition, mucosal gland hyperplasia,
smooth muscle hypertrophy, changes in the extracel-
The epidemiology and the socioeconomic burden
lular matrix and airway remodeling are the main fac-
of asthma
tors resulting in asthma airway obstruction. These
Asthma is reported to be the most common chronic phenomena are more evident in severe asthma which
respiratory disease and a non-communicable disease is characterized by a greater degree of incompletely
with major public health consequences at a global reversible airflow limitation and a more severe airway
level (1). The 2022 Global Asthma Report ranked remodeling. Among asthmatic patients a heterogeneity
asthma as 24th in the leading causes of years lived of the airway inflammation was also observed. Type
with disability, and 34th among the leading causes of 2 high (T2) inflammation involves mainly the release
burden of disease, as measured by disability adjusted of interleukin (IL)-4, IL-5, IL-13 and the production
life years index (DALYs) (1). A systematic analysis of immunoglobulin E (IgE), while T2 Low inflamma-
for the global burden of disease study stated that in tion involving mainly neutrophilic inflammation
2019, asthma affected approximately 262 million peo- driven by CD4+ T cells, T-helper type 1 and type 17
ple (age-standardized rate of 3416 cases per 100 000 cells, respectively (7,8).
population) with an attributed mortality reaching 455 The “traditional” asthma classification was based
000 deaths (2,3). Future prediction models suggest on allergic (extrinsic) factors with triggers like pollen,
the likelihood that by 2025, an additional 100 million dust, food, air pollution and non-allergic (intrinsic)
people may be affected worldwide (1). factors with respective triggers like stress, exercise and
According to the recently published Organization infections (7). Over time, the asthma definition
for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD evolved to include the combination of characteristic
report entitled, Health at a Glance, Europe 2022, the clinical factors features, such as persistent airflow lim-
average prevalence of asthma accounts for 6% of the itation or exacerbation-prone asthma, together with
EU population, ranging from approximately 2% in pathophysiological factors focusing mainly on airway
Romania and Bulgaria to approximately 8% or more inflammation (7–9). This definition enabled the clus-
in Finland, Germany, and France (4). In most ter stratification into different asthma phenotypes
European countries, the prevalence of asthma has according to demographic, clinical, and pathophysio-
remained stable during the last 10 years, yet it is logical factors. A recently published systematic review
higher among less-educated people as compared to a by Cunha et al. revealed significant variability of
more educated population (4). Further research is asthma phenotypes derived from data-driven methods,
warranted to estimate the actual epidemiological with the most frequently reported phenotypes to be
asthma prevalence over time and among different atopy, gender, and severe disease (9,10). Currently,

four phenotypic clusters were proposed based on large optimal care and/or cure based on the genetic and
multi-center studies: early-onset allergic asthma, pathophysiological endotypes-treatable treats (15,20).
early-onset allergic moderate-severe asthma, late-onset Among other priorities named in the Lancet
non-allergic eosinophilic asthma and late-onset Commission agenda were the need to deconstruct the
non-allergic non-eosinophilic asthma (11). Moreover, airway disease into component parts before planning
based on the Severe Asthma Research Program treatment, with a focus on two dominant identifiable
(SARP) multiple asthma phenotypes focusing on the and treatable traits: risk of attacks associated with
spectrum of asthma severity have been proposed eosinophilic airway inflammation; and symptoms as
(early-onset allergic asthma, late-onset severe asthma, a result of airflow limitation. Going forward, the
and severe asthma with chronic obstructive pulmonary vision is to apply these principles to the non-specialist
disease characteristics) (12,13). care framework (15,20).
The characteristic clinical symptomatology of These recommendations may revolutionize the defi-
asthma is accompanied by objective tests, such as nition of asthma in the near future, and subsequently,
pulmonary function tests and biomarkers, which are the diagnosis and treatment algorithms pathways.
characterized as observable traits (10,14). The clinical Additional research is warranted to define and validate
significance of the use of valid biomarkers is that the optimal treatable traits, especially for patients with
they will be able to predict asthma outcomes and a severe asthma, as they may benefit from the advent
therapeutic response to targeted therapies. However, of newly targeted asthma management. In the future,
currently, their clinical utility in diagnosis, prognosis the definition of a phenotype will require consistent
and therapy is still debatable. Studies are still needed clinical and physiological characteristics, an underlying
to identify the populations most likely to benefit pathobiology with identifiable biomarkers and a pre-
from biomarker-guided treatment adjustments dictable response to general and specific biological
(15–17). therapies, especially for moderate and severe asthma
Emerging evidence shows that this traditional defi- (Figure 1).
nition of asthma might be little more than a descrip-
tive label for a collection of symptoms that
Asthma misdiagnosis: the magnitude and
oversimplifies and overgeneralizes a rather heteroge-
neous clinical entity (11,18). Asthma encompasses
several types with varying underlying molecular mech- There are several reasons indicating that asthma mis-
anisms, known currently as asthma endotypes (7,12). diagnosis is still an existing global problem with sub-
Eventually, these endotypes could explain the pheno- stantial impact on the patient’s health, as well as the
typic and interindividual-patient variability, and to healthcare system (2,13,16,17,22). Asthma remains a
some extent, the differential response to treatment clinical diagnosis based primarily on the history, phys-
(14,19). Given this possibility, the Lancet Commission iological tests, and trials of treatment (13,17). Although
has recommended the use of endotypes of treatable it is difficult to assess the magnitude of asthma mis-
traits as offering a new opportunity for optimal diagnosis worldwide, mainly because of variability in
patient-centered asthma care (15,20). The transition asthma definitions, methodology and patient subsets,
from the “symptom based” to the “omics-based” it is evident that both under- and overdiagnosis are
asthma definition and management could unleash a directly associated with inappropriate treatment and
new era of applying a precision medicine approach patient harm. Overdiagnosis might contribute to delay
to this field. of diagnosis and prompt treatment of other diseases,
The Lancet Commission was a lengthy manuscript while underdiagnosis might substantially impact the
published in 2018 as a self-proclaimed opinion article quality of life, with progression of asthma resulting
meant to identify where progress in understanding from increased rate of exacerbations and airway
asthma has stalled, challenge dogma, and issue a call remodeling (16,22).
to action. The manuscript proposed a more revolu- Major obstacles toward a more straight forward
tionary approach with focus beyond the optimal dis- diagnostic accuracy of this clinical entity include: the
ease control-based principles into prevention- and lack of gold standard tests for the diagnosis of asthma;
cure-based principles (15,20). The main perspective current conflicts among the guidelines for the stan-
was to shift the research and medical community dardized cutoffs of these tests, the issue of false neg-
from the management of a heterogenic chronic respi- ative results in patients who started treatment before
ratory disease into the development of personalized testing, limited test access in primary care settings,
treatment approaches that focus on prevention and and the suboptimal compliance by physicians to the
Journal of Asthma 2107

Figure 1. Overview of asthma diagnosis, phenotypes (12) and treatment (21) with focus on severe asthma.

existing guidelines (2,16,18,22,23). Moreover, challenge methodology and results were reported in a recently
tests can be positive in patients outside the spectrum published study by Armeftis et al., by reexamining a
of asthma, and negative in patients with asthma randomly selected cohort of adult patients in Cyprus
already receiving corticosteroid treatment (2,18,23). with the primary diagnosis of asthma with a bronchial
Finally, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) test- challenge test (BCT) using methacholine (20,26). In
ing—an important type of airway inflammation accordance with those results, a previously published
marker without consensus on cutoffs—and acknowl- study in the UK by Shaw et al. (22,27) revealed that
edging that risk can be influenced by several factors, 30% of patients with asthma diagnosis had normal
such as diet and smoking, are not suggested for diag- spirometry and provocation tests.
nostic purposes (7,24). The European Respiratory Asthma underdiagnosis is a major issue in several
Society (ERS) 2022 guidelines (2) acknowledge the countries (13,17,28). This was evident in an Italian
considerable variation between the tests, the lack of study carried out by De Marco et al. (23,29), in which
test consensus, and test sequence. Furthermore, the 32% of study participants were diagnosed with asthma
guidelines emphasize the need to better diagnose for the first time by reporting symptoms on question-
asthma, plus the need to determine which of the com- naires, and by subsequent performance of a clinical
monly used tests are most helpful. and test set (methacholine challenge testing, skin prick
The issue of overdiagnosis was assessed in a and serum IgE measurement). Similar results were
Canadian cohort study conducted by Aaron et al. presented in a study conducted in Denmark, whereby
(19,25), which focused on reexamining 613 Canadian the group of participants, after completing a ques-
adults with a primary diagnosis of asthma with con- tionnaire for symptoms suggestive of asthma, were
secutive bronchial provocation tests. The participants clinically assessed and received tests for reversible
performed a pre- and post-bronchodilator spirometry, airflow obstruction (24,30). According to their results,
and had subsequent bronchial challenge tests for a 493/10 000 participants aged 14-44 years were diag-
follow-up of one year. Study results showed that after nosed with asthma according to the Global Initiative
one year of follow-up, there were false positive diag- for Asthma (GINA) guidelines, yet 50% did not have
noses in one-third (33%) of the patients. Similar a prior diagnosis and were untreated (24,30).

Discussion Τhe GINA guidelines include international recom-

mendations for the pragmatic diagnostic and thera-
Historically, the first widely disseminated asthma
peutic approaches in low- and middle- income
guidelines were released by the Thoracic Society of
countries and healthcare settings. The 2019 GINA
Australia and New Zealand back in 1989, followed
strategy focused on the prevention of deaths and
by the British Thoracic Society (BTS) and the national
severe exacerbations, and on symptom control by
Canadian report in 1990. In the United States, the
enhancing a more personalized management based on
first guidelines were released by the National Heart,
asthma severity (21,32). The fundamental change was
Lung, and Blood Institute Expert Panel Report in
the discontinuation of recommending the treatment
1992 (8,25–27,31–33). The first global asthma guide-
of adults/adolescents with asthma with short-acting
lines developed by GINA, in conjunction with the
bronchodilators alone. Instead, it was recommended
NHLBI, were published in 1995 (27,33). Since then,
they receive a symptom-driven or a daily
the BTS together with the Scottish Intercollegiate
corticosteroid-containing inhaler to reduce risk of
Guideline Network (SIGN) developed a united guide-
severe exacerbations (21,32). In the asthma diagnosis
line report, with the latest update in 2016 (28,34).
section, and aligning with the NICE guidelines, the
Finally, NICE, BTS and SIGN reported that they are
2019 and the 2021 GINA recommendations include
on progress toward producing the Joint Guideline
both the clinical assessment and the use of objective
for the Diagnosis, Monitoring and Management of
testing (spirometry, bronchodilator reversibility, peak
Chronic Asthma, which is expected to be completed
flow variability and bronchial challenge testing), with-
by 2024 (29,35).
out specifying the most efficient testing sequence
In the UK, a significant contribution toward a more
(21,32,33,38). Moreover, in urgent cases, GINA guide-
cost-effective approach to asthma was initially made
lines encourage the trial of treatment. Finally, both
in 2013 by the National Institute for Health and
the 2019 guidelines and the 2021 update acknowledge
Clinical Excellence (NICE), introducing for the first
the presence of different endotypes or subgroups of
time, the issue of misdiagnosis and health economics.
asthma with the possibility of different therapeutic
Since then, NICE published a comprehensive report
inventions, but without embedding them into different
in November 2017 entitled Asthma: diagnosis, moni-
diagnostic and/or therapeutic algorithms (21,32,33,38).
toring and chronic asthma management, which was
The ERS regularly updates the asthma recommen-
updated on March 2021 (30,31,36,37). The NICE
dations, with the most recent one published in 2022
guidelines supported for the first time the use of com-
(2). From a methodological point of view, the ERS
pulsory objective direct and indirect testing for asthma
task force (TF) tried to systematically review the lit-
diagnosis (with an algorithm for sequential tests)
erature on the diagnostic accuracy of testing using
(30,36). This algorithm is based on tests related to
the Population, Index, Comparator, and Outcome
airflow obstruction (i.e. spirometry), bronchodilator
(PICO) and Grading of Recommendations, Assessment,
reversibility (BDR), airway inflammation, i.e. FeNO,
Development and Evaluation (GRADE) systems. The
and airflow variability, plus bronchial challenge tests
aim was to foster real-life experiences in the diagnosis,
if results are inconclusive (30,31,36,37). As such, the
including the patient’s perspective, and to enhance
current NICE guidelines strongly endorse the utility
the development of an evidence-based pragmatic clin-
of FeNO testing for increasing the accuracy of asthma
ical guideline to determine which tests to use in the
diagnosis. In addition, the use of histamine and
primary and the specialist settings, respectively (2).
methacholine described in recommendations 1.3.11
Specifically, ERS TF recommends in patients suspected
and 1.3.12 of the 2017 NICE guidelines was deemed
of asthma, in whom the diagnosis is not established
off label (30,36).
based on the initial spirometry combined with bron-
The main criticisms of these guidelines are that
chodilator reversibility testing, to perform the FeNO
they are primarily focused on the issue of applicability,
and bronchial challenge test to confirm the diag-
and there is a lack of a single standardized test
nosis (2).
sequence to diagnose asthma with both high sensi-
tivity and specificity. The latest NICE update includes
advice on the personalized action plan of minimizing
indoor air pollution, and reducing exposure to out-
door air pollution, as well as promoting It is evident that over the last two decades, there has
self-management monitoring both for children and been substantial progress in asthma classification and
adults (31,37). diagnosis moving toward a more refined patient-based
Journal of Asthma 2109

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