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BSE511 Lighting Engineering

Week 7 Tutorial

H = 3.2 – 1.2 = 2m

X = (10/2)H = 5H Y = (8/2)H = 4H
Uncorrected UGR by interpolation = 12.3 + (12.5 – 12.3)/4 = 12.35

X = (8/2)H = 4H Y = (10/2)H = 5H
Uncorrected UGR by interpolation = (13.9 + 14.2)/2 = 14.05

Endwise UGR is larger.

 2 × 3600 
Correction = 8 log  = 6.86
 1000 
UGR = 14.05 + 6.86 = 20.91 ≈ 20.9

Lb = = 47.75 cd/m2
Area of each luminous surface = π×0.12 = 0.0314 m2

To find Ls2ω/p2 for each luminaire, find their coordinates first (due to symmetry, only four
luminaires need to be considered):
As the luminaire is uniformly diffused following a cosine distribution, Ls is constant (same at
all angles of view):
Ls = max 2 = 15915.5 cd/m2
π × 0.1
R T H T/R H/R γ π × 0.12 × cos γ p ω
R2 + T 2 + H 2 p2
1 0 1.5 0 1.5 33.7° 0.00804 13.15 0.0000465
3 0 1.5 0 0.5 63.4° 0.00125 2.86 0.0001528
1 2 1.5 2 1.5 56.1° 0.00242 12.85 0.0000147
3 2 1.5 0.667 0.5 67.4° 0.00079 3.23 0.0000757

Note: the calculation of the angle γ is not necessary. ω can be calculated using
π × 0.12 × H π × 0.12 × 1.5
ω= 2 =
(R + T + H )
2 2 1.5 2
( R + T + 1.5 )
2 2 1.5

0.25 ×15915.5 2
UGR = 8 log (0.0000465 + 0.0001528 + 2 × (0.0000147 + 0.0000757) ) = 21.5
The UGR is just below the limiting UGR of 22 for reception areas for office specified in ISO,
CIE and CIBSE codes.
250 × 80 × 0.8
= 42π =
Ls = = 6484.6 cd/m2
Aapp πr 4π × π × 0.25 2
Lb = = 47.75 cd/m2
R = 20; T = 0; H = 2
π × 0.25 2
ω= 2 = 0.000486
20 + 0 2 + 2 2
T/R=0; H/R=0.1; p = 1.26
0.25 × 6484.6 2 × 0.000486
UGR = 8 log = 14.6
47.75 × 1.26 2
R = 5; T = 0; H = 2
π × 0.25 2
ω= 2 = 0.005763
5 + 02 + 22
T/R=0; H/R=0.4; p = 2.35
0.25 × 6484.6 2 × 0.005763
UGR = 8 log = 18.9
47.75 × 2.35 2

Diameter doubled
1 1
⇒ Ls reduced by a factor of =
22 4
and ω increased by a factor of 22 = 4
Lb and p remain unchanged.
Change in UGR is
 1 2 
∆UGR = 8 log   × 4  = −4.8
 4  
 
i.e. If the diameter of the globe is doubled, the UGR will decrease by 4.8.
(i) UGR = 14.6 - 4.8 = 9.8
(ii) UGR = 18.9 – 4.8 = 14.1

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