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Immune System Support Protocol


The information, including but not limited to text, images, and other material continued in
this PDF file and on my Twitter page is for informational purposes ONLY. No content on
this PDF file is intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or
treatment. Always seek the care of your physician or other qualified health care providers
with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition or its
treatment before undertaking a new health care regimen. NEVER disregard professional
medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read in this PDF file.

With those with COVID, Long COVID, and/or gene therapy side effects that I've worked with
thus far, I've noted the primary factors typically include mitochondrial dysfunction, systemic and
neuroinflammation, nutritional depletion across the board, immune system
dysfunction/autoimmunity, and iron toxicity or ferritinemia. The best protection against the gene
therapy itself is not getting it whatsoever and relying on your own innate/adaptive immunity with
optimal health and additional support, but the following will be of great help in managing
symptoms and/or resolving them altogether.
To begin to address these factors and resume your normal daily life again, these factors MUST
be addressed for the body to begin to repair itself.
There are three to four stages or scenarios involved here:
• 1.) Natural ACE2 blockers (mentioned below) to prevent spike proteins from
entering/infecting cells
• 2.) Post-gene therapy recovery treatment/management
• 3.) Protect yourself and others from naive shedders
• 4.) Prep for the next fake lockdown in December or later
For diet, you will to eliminate ALL SIMPLE CARBS for this duration and stick purely to
complex carbs with the fiber, micronutrient, and active constituent factors included. Except for
FIBER. LIGNAN fiber specifically is the key, from ground/soaked flax and chia and rice bran,
carrots, and peeled/deseeded cucumbers, but not really available from other sources. Small
amounts of some high fiber root foods can be extra helpful like beets, ginger (useful for any
nausea, though oral cannabis oil is as well), and astragalus. You will also want to eliminate the
following to reset inflammatory levels to a baseline:
• Refined sucrose, and artificial sweeteners such as sucralose, aspartame, and saccharin
• Soy, in all of its forms
• Corn, in all of its forms (essentially all refined/processed foods that come in a package)
• Grains (gluten/bread/pasta/pastries, legumes/beans, nuts included, legumes, seeds, beans,
and nuts only if soaked/sprouted if applicable)
• Industrialized vegetable/seed oils
• Low-quality commercial animals and dairy
• Alcohol
• Caffeine
• Smoke
These dietary/lifestyle factors inhibit proper immune system function. You would also do well to
resolve metabolic dysfunction or leptin/insulin resistance if present with a low carb diet, regular
resistance exercise, daily sunlight exposure especially sunrise and sunset, magnesium saturation,
inositol, and black seed oil. Chromium, vanadium, and berberine may also be of use here in
resensitizing insulin metabolism. The common advice of a nutrient-dense whole foods-based diet
is more important in this context than ever. Focus first on protein and fat intake to ensure
sufficient protein every day, then consume complex carbs to satiation after the protein and fats
have been accounted for. You can use the Cronometer or similar app to get an idea for your
general macro- and micronutrient intake and make adjustments/include supplements where
necessary to fill any gaps, especially if your appetite is suffering.

As for supplement factors, I've noted the following to be effective in this situation... (as always,
start slow and low to gauge your response and work your way up as you find you tolerate them,
meaning low dose to start)
• Melatonin: focus on sunrise, midday, and sunset direct sunlight exposure first and
foremost, but start with up to 5mg on day one upon onset of symptoms, day two: up to
20mg with 16mg at night before sleep and 4mg during the daytime, if there is no
improvement by day three: 50mg melatonin with 40mg at night before bed and 10mg
during the daytime, and day four: 80mg with 60mg taken at night before bed and 20mg
during the daytime). Continue at this dosage until resolution. This is useful for its
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pro-mitochondria function properties. See bottom
links for more info.
• Niacin: Must be in the form of nicotinic acid, up to 3000mg per day. Start with a low
dose of 25-100mg and begin to work your way up gradually as you find you tolerate it.
This is best paired with trimethylglycine/betaine at a 1:1 ratio and/or methylcobalamin to
maintain methyl stores and avoid methyl depletion/liver damage. An activated B complex
wouldn't hurt either. This is useful for shifting the biological environment from pro-
inflammatory to anti-inflammatory, as well as protecting energy metabolism and
mitochondrial function.
• Thiamine: Thiamine is completely non-toxic, but you will want to begin at a low dosage
of 10-25mg to gauge your response in case of refeeding syndrome. You can safely
increase to 3000-5000mg of thiamine hydrochloride, 300-600mg benfotiamine, or 100-
500mg thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD). Start with thiamine HCL to play it
safe initially. This should also be paired with an activated B complex, and you will want
to maintain high magnesium and potassium intake as these factors may be depleted with
the increased energy metabolism. This is useful for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
and pro-energy metabolism and mitochondria properties, as well as protecting the
autonomic nervous system/gut function that can be a common issue in these situations.
• Special note: Riboflavin up to 400mg. Start low at 5-25mg. This is useful for its
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pro-energy metabolism and mitochondria properties.
• Myoinositol trispyrophosphate (ITPP): This improves oxygen uptake and availability, as
well as energy metabolism by supplying phosphorus. Consume recommended dosage on
• Lysine: Up to 16000mg (16g). This is necessary for immune system function and all cell
wall membranes, thus essential for survival. Kefir and yogurt are the highest food sources
for this amino acid. Start at 1000-2000mg to begin with.
• Magnesium: High concentration saturation from multiple forms and routes of
administration is preferable here. If serious relief is needed or seizures are present, up to
1-3 tbsp can be dissolved in a glass of water and drank. For seizure prevention, SOAK
the back of the skull, entire neck, and full upper body and follow up with 2000mg l-
theanine dissolved under the tongue and/or in a glass of water. Have 1/4-1 tsp per liter of
water of the magnesium chloride and other forms (glycinate, malate, taurate/acetyl
taurate, and threonate to bowel tolerance, which will be individual based on deficiency
severity, transporter function, gut status, thiamine/sodium status, and weight/activity
level). Start with 400-800mg to begin with.
• Myo-inositol and Inositol hexaphosphate: Up to 6 tbsp of raw powder of each can be
consumed in times of serious health recovery. This provides the raw building blocks for
ATP development (energy metabolism/mitochondria function) while being potently
antioxidant in every tissue of the body, similarly to melatonin. Best in combination for
full benefit. The Inositol hexaphosphate/IP6 is the key to inhibiting hydroxy radical
formation and beginning to eliminate excessive ferritin. This is best paired with milk
thistle and a lignan fiber source mentioned above, or another binding agent such as
activated charcoal, zeolite, bentonite clay, etc. dissolved in water. You will be cleansing
the ferritin/unbound iron via the biliary route/bile and it must be bound for proper
elimination from the body. Visit a doctor/hospital/ER/Urgent Care for blood donation if
ferritinemia is dangerously high. (DO NOT CONSUME BINDING AGENTS
WITHOUT DISSOLVING). Start with 1000-3000mg for Myoinositol and 50-500mg for
Inositol hexaphosphate to begin with.
• Zinc: Start with 25-50mg, may be increased to 100-150mg if necessary and serum
copper/zinc levels are monitored. Get blood test first before increasing: a 1:1 ratio
between the two minerals is optimal for immune system function, mitochondrial function,
systemic inflammation levels, and much more. Zinc is necessary for the production of
glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and metallothionein, which are necessary for redox
function and the clearance of that unbound iron/ferritin. It can be paired with quercetin,
Cinchona bark, and other zinc ionophores for better cellular penetration.
DAILY SUNLIGHT EXPOSURE IS CRUCIAL. It was utilized during the Spanish Flu to
recovery patients, and now it is being totally ignored. Aside from vitamin D production (which if
you're experiencing these related symptoms and/or have low vitamin D levels, supplementation
can be useful here paired with magnesium, riboflavin, vitamin A/retinol, sunlight exposure,
proper gut microbiome health, cellular hydration, and low inflammation to properly convert into
its active form, please confirm with blood test before supplementing), sunlight exposure is
crucial to energizing your T CELL FUNCTION. Read more here.
"When a T cell is exposed to a foreign pathogen, it extends a signaling device or ‘antenna'
known as a vitamin D receptor. It then searches for vitamin D. If there is an inadequate vitamin
D level, they won't begin to mobilize. In order for T cells to become active members of the
body's immune system, they must transition from naive T cells into either killer cells or helper
cells (which then remember specific invaders). If vitamin D is not around, the T cells do not
make that crucial transition. This requirement might seem like a handicap to the immune system,
but the additional step involving the vitamin D receptor serves an important evolutionary
function: keeping T cells from ravaging healthy tissue. T cells are capable of explosive
proliferation and can help trigger a cytokine storm. The lag phase imposed by the vitamin D
receptor step diminishes the risk of unwanted immunopathology. Creating a more orderly
response." - Dr. Urso, @richardursomd on Twitter
You can get your T cell function measured here.
Increasing vitamin D levels is dependent on cellular hydration. If you are spending all day inside
and on technology/screens, your cells will be dehydrated via isolated artificial blue light and
non-native EMF. This also includes if you live near any nnEMF/RF (cell/radio/TV) towers. This
is why some people are unable to increase their vitamin D levels even with D3 and K2 megadose
supplementation. You can measure cellular hydration with the BUN/creatinine ratio levels,
where if it is above 15 to 1, you require serious lifestyle changes immediately.
With that said, you must reduce your isolated artificial blue light and nnEMF exposure to the
greatest extent possible in your individual context and spending as much time as you can in the
sun with as much skin exposure as possible in your individual context on a daily basis. Sunlight
itself has antiviral, antimicrobial, etc. properties that can be utilized in situations like this. Daily
DHA/iodine intake is crucial to absorbing and utilizing the full sunlight spectrum into the eyes,
brain, and nervous system, thus setting all peripheral circadian CLOCK genes in every organ
system. Raw seafood, roe, and shellfish are best, animal brains if you are allergic. Cooked
seafood, shellfish, and crustaceans are better than no DHA/iodine whatsoever,

Quoted from my Immune System Support protocol on Patreon...

• Astragalus membranaceus (immunomodulatory, antiviral)
• Uncaria tomentosa (Peruvian Cat's claw) (immunostimulant, increases WBCs, antiviral)
• Nigella sativa (black seed) oil (immunomodulatory, bronchodilatory, anti-inflammatory,
protects against spike protein, antiviral, pro-mitochondria via redox)
• Cinchona officinalis/succiruba bark (quinine) (immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory,
kills off anything non-human in the body, protects against spike protein, antiviral, pro-
mitochondria via redox)
• Andrographis paniculata (immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, kills off anything non-
human in the body, protects against spike protein, antiviral, major genetic regulation
enabling apoptosis)
• Pine needle in tea or essential oil/terpenes are what we're looking at here (protection
against spike protein shedding)
Special mentions: White and red peony (Paeonia lactiflora and Paeonia suffruticosa),
Rehmannia glutinosa (prepared root), Jujube date, Sophora flavescens (Ku shen)
The addition of Andrographis paniculata and multiform quinine/quinone sources are crucial keys
for genetic regulation and all detox functions/chemistry.
Andrographis preparation: Make infusion in 1-liter jar, put in ½-1 oz Andrographis, fill jar with
boiled water, put lid on tight and let sit overnight, then take 1 shooter glass of it up to 4 times a
day for serious issues).
Cinchona preparation: For person with sickness, 2 grams of Cinchona bark powder for 1-liter
boiled water, Consume 100-250ml of tea up to 4 times a day. Also has been tested for good
effect to make liter of tea and put into steam diffuser in bedroom where the rest and sleep occurs.
This gets direct to lungs to clear them of mucus. That also sterilizes the room as the mist gets
onto every surface. The people attending to the sick person should have 1g powder daily for
prevention to ensure they cannot contract COVID. And best to ensure that all involved in sick
care maintain daily consumption of zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D for immune support.
Eliminate all simple carb consumption till recovery is complete.
(Check for interactions if on medications or recreational drugs)

DON'T forget the quinones to support redox status:

Thymoquinone from Black seed oil
Coenzyme-Q10 (CoQ-10, Ubiquinol or MitoQ if you can afford it)
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
Vitamin K2 MK4/MK7 (menaquinone)
Cinchona bark (quinine)
Aloe-emodin/emodin from Aloe
Emodin from Japanese knotweed and Fo-ti
Selenium isn’t a quinone, but certainly supports redox
(Preferably all of the above, if possible, they are necessary for supporting redox status aside from
daily sunlight exposure and isolated blue light/nnEMF exposure especially after sunset, and
nutritional intake to surplus, or your body's ability to deal with stress and inflammation/oxidative
stress. Many of these molecules protect against the spike protein as well)

Vitamin D/sunlight exposure, vitamin K2, curcumin/turmeric, quercetin, ECGC/green tea

extract, berberine, ginseng, etc. can help to inhibit ACE2.
Decrease blue/artificial light and EMF exposure. If you are able to, step outside in nature and
ground with sole and hands to earth. Leave phones at home or on airplane mode, at the very
least. Unplug WiFi connection before sleep. Do this on a daily basis.
Stress management is vital here. Disengage from media if stressed. The fear induction feeds into
immune system suppression. Start focusing on prevention."

In addition to this protocol, please review the Unbound Iron Detox protocol, Immune System
Support protocol, and the Tryptophan-kynurenine Immune System articles on my Patreon for
additional explanation and information related to recovery. You may also feel free to ask any
questions if you have any or require further clarification. Stay safe everyone, please share with
friends and family. Stock up on all of the necessary ingredients as you find you are able to. I will
include cited research papers as I find the time to do so, and the PDF file will be updated as I do

Additional notes:
What to do when “Oh no! My daughter or family member got the gene therapy yesterday! She spent the
night in the hospital with a temperature of 104 with an IV in her hand!”
Write down and record as an even more severe medical reaction than it is and then next week, get a
lawyer for future exemption.
The FIRST option is to obviously take your family member to the hospital, ER, or Urgent Care if their
life is at risk or if something as serious as high fever persists.
Bathe them in ½-1 lb magnesium chloride to regulate the temperature and internal biological processes. It
can also be applied topically to the back of the head, entire neck, and full upper body twice a day on a
daily basis until symptom resolution occurs. You can make your own topical solution at home with 100-
300g Magnesium chloride dissolved in ½-1 liter distilled water in a glass spray bottle for easy application.
Massage the topical magnesium in a clockwise circular motion, and drink the warm water solution
mentioned below.
Myoinositol/IP3, Inositol hexaphosphate/IP6, and magnesium chloride can also be put in warm water for
the family member to drink. It is important relief for regulating brain activity and inflammation.
Magnesium glycinate is also important here as the glycine is the rate limiting factor for glutathione
production (involved in redox status), and can be included to the warm water drink if dosages are adjusted
for. The amounts will be dependent on severity of symptoms, but as always, start slow and low to gauge
their response. The bowel flush cleanse can be useful in this context, but don’t overdo it too severely so as
to dehydrate your family member.
Black seed oil orally, and Polygala tenuifolia and Pau D’arco in tea is helpful here. Black seed oil is
important to keep genetic expression within the body regulated while dealing with gene therapy
excipients and the viral genetic assault. Lightly massaging the oil towards the organs from the furthest
extremities can also be utilized to move the lymph within the lymphatic system. Black seed oil can be
utilized to facilitate glutathione and related antioxidant enzymes (detox/redox), and is also demonstrating
to regenerate the entire endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Polygala tenuifolia is important for helping
to control genetic expression during any biological assault by providing genetic intelligence to build their
immune system. Pau D’arco can be made into a strong tea and even added to the magnesium chloride
bath. It should help to kill almost anything non-human in the human body. It helps to protect the brain
from getting infected, prevents most any infection, and even clears most any infection. Andrographis, Cinchona bark, and blue lotus,
which includes a natural source of quercetin, would make excellent protective additions to Pau D’arco
You may take 1 oz of the Pau D’arco bark and put it in a 1-gallon pot, fill with water, and boil it down to
½ gallon. This can be used to include to the bath water, but make sure it is temperature friendly before
including. The same goes for blue lotus, an excellent natural source of quercetin, can also be included to
tea and bath. For bath, boil 1 liter of water in teapot or French press ideally, include 1 oz blue lotus
flower, and let steep for 20 minutes before it is ready for use.
These ingredients very easily pass the blood brain barrier when included to the bath, and the back of the
head anc neck is soaked.
Chlorella can be another useful addition to what is mentioned with Inositol hexaphosphate/IP6, milk
thistle, and lignan fiber/binding agent mentioned above in the supplement recommendation section. It is
useful for immunity, regulating genetic expression, and cleanse heavy metals and unbound iron from the
body. Guduchi is another useful addition specific to unbound iron and heavy metals, as well as being an
excellent nootropic herb. Shatavari (Asparagus racemous) can be utilized to facilitate brain waste
clearance (glymphatic system function) and enhances genetic expression.
Goat kefir is crucial for the immune system and viral immunity, as shown in recent studies. You need lots
of l-lysine for viral immunity. Lysine is needed in the body for it to produce its own endogenous GHK-
cu, one of the healing repair peptides within the human body. Astragalus root powder can be stirred or
blended into the goat kefir with a bit of goat milk to make a tasty, healhy drink to support the immune
system. If you can afford it, high vitamin butter oil/emu oil and cod liver oil or canned cod liver in its own
oil are crucial for brain development and protection, as well as proper iron utilization in regards to the cod
liver. The butter oil and emu oil are some of the highest dietary sources I’ve come across for vitamin K2
MK4 (quinone molecule).

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