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Thank you, Hello everyone. Good evening, A warm welcome from my end. My name
is Subash, and I belong to Software Product Management Team, responsible for
driving IoT topics related to Industry.

So, Today I will be discussing with you about Insights Plus, a MCC based IoT
application targeting the Industry Customers, to support them in their digital
transformation journey for power distribution systems.

I would like to give you a short disclaimer before we jump into the presentation.

We are currently in the process of developing the wireframes for Insights plus
application. The screens that are being displayed right now are subject to change
based on MoSAiC definition and guidelines.

Insights plus is only a working title for the proposed IoT application.

And the initial release of the IoT application may only have limited feature sets to
start with.

With Insights plus, we intend to address the Industry segment by offering digital
solutions for MCC’s in combination with Power Distribution Boards by offering
connectivity to SIRIUS devices like Simocodes, Softstarters over PROFINET and third-
party devices for monitoring non-electrical parameters in addition to SENTRON
We have categorized the proposed feature sets in to four different master use cases
starting with Fleet management, Energy management, Asset management and
Maintenance management.

We shall have a detailed look at the individual Master Use Cases and feature sets in
the subsequent slides.

This slide visualizes the application flow starting with a high-level overview of
multiple plant locations on map view followed by the Plant view displaying the panel
locations and an overview tab displaying the Key Performance Indicators of the plant.
The customer can further drill down to Panel view or SLD view of an individual panel
from the plant view.
Widgets associated with the devices can be accessed from the Panel view or SLD view
to get additional info of the operating states and measured values.
Widgets associated with Energy management, Asset Management and Maintenance
management master use cases can be monitored with Plant view.

Fleet Management

Moving ahead, With Fleet Management, customers will be able to gain transparency
of the assets installed at multiple locations catering to the requirements of Energy
Manager, Maintenance Manager persona.
In Fleet Management, we have four different views to give an overview of the fleet.
Map View
Map view provides an overview of the customer plant locations on the map similar to
the one already existing in Powermind, however we will also have some additional
features like displaying of Total energy costs and Asset overview for the location with
markers indicating the asset status / energy status. Green markers indicate healthy
status of feeders. Amber and Red markers indicate warnings and alarms.
Plant View
With Plant view, customers can identify the panel locations on the plant image with
markers displaying the asset status and energy status.
We will also have an additional tab displaying the Key Performance indicators of the
plant for the Management Team to get a quick overview on performance of the plant
Panel View
With Panel view we will be offering digital twin representation of panel with quick
info of operating parameters and status of assets.
Also. by scanning the QR code pasted on the panel, customers can get direct access
to the panel view on their mobile devices.
SLD View
With Single Line Diagram view customers can view the operating parameters and
status of assets on the Single Line Diagram of the panel.

Energy Management
With Energy Management, we plan to offer data driven insights to customers tailored
to meet the evolving trends in industry and help them in achieving cost efficiency and
de-carbonization targets.
In Energy management, we plan to have additional widgets for monitoring electrical
energy with POC3000.
We will also have widgets to display the total energy cost, Time of day consumption,
Shift wise consumption, Bi-directional Sankey view and Electrical Energy mix for the
plant. We will also have widgets to monitor CO2 footprint.
We will also full fill the longtime demand of Industry customers to monitor non-
electrical parameters.
we will also offer widgets to monitor the performance of critical equipment’s such as
Transformers, Air Compressors and Motors as a part of energy management.
These are some of the Sample widgets for your reference.

Asset Management
With Asset management, we intend to address the jobs to be done by Maintenance
Managers by offering customizable widgets to monitor the entire Power distribution
network and enhance operational reliability and avoid unforeseen disruptions.
With Asset Management, we will offer connectivity to SIRIUS devices over PROFINET
and third-party device integration to POC3000.
The customers will get an overview of all the connected assets.
With Simocode and Soft starter widgets, customers can monitor the operational
status, control status, warnings, alarms, and Statistical information like operating
hours of motors.
With “Time to Trip” pop-up warning feature, customers can be alerted in advance of
any overload trip to take necessary corrective actions before the motor feeder trips.
We also plan to offer diagnostic support to enable troubleshooting of Simocode / Soft
starters / 3WA ACB without requiring a laptop.
With thermal sensing feature, customers will be able to detect hotspots and generate
alarms by monitoring the temperature rise at ACB terminations and Power cable
terminations by installing SEM3T Temperature Sensors or any third-party device for
measuring the temperature rise.
With the launch of next Gen Simocode, Motor Current Signature Analytics will be
made available for condition monitoring of Low Voltage Motors and detect Stator
Winding failure / Broken Rotor bars etc. in advance.

Maintenance Management
With Maintenance Management, Customers will be able to effectively maintain the
assets ensuring Safety, Reliability, and Improved performance of equipment’s thereby
avoiding un-planned downtimes and at the same time enhance the life span of the
With maintenance management, the maintenance managers can schedule the
Preventive Maintenance activities for Air Circuit Breakers and Motors and monitor
the adherence to the PM schedule.
We will also have the option to record the maintenance history of critical
equipment’s using the History Card widget.
We also plan to store all critical documentation like Wiring diagrams / manuals /
Video links for quick access to the maintenance engineers for troubleshooting.
Remote Service support can be offered by the experts sitting at a remote location to
the technicians at site by remotely connecting to POC3000 and offering audio/visual
diagnostic support.
In future customers will also be able to test the ETU’s of 3WA ACB and 3VA MCCB
using POC300 and store the test results for further records.
With Centralized back-up management system, customers should be able to maintain
a single back up of all the connected devices and maintain periodical backup at
regular intervals on the cloud and POC3k.

So, That brings me to the end of the presentation. Thank you.

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