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Specific JEEPGY Observed Justice and Peace

Narrative of Observation Human Trafficking

Critical Analysis (DIRECTLY)
Human Trafficking is a type of modern-day slavery that entails the illegal transportation
of people by force for the purpose of labor, sexual exploitation, or other acts from
which others profit financially. It is a highly profitable crime and can happen to anyone.
It is a violation of the following Catholic Social Teachings:
 The Dignity of the Human Person
We are all given human dignity ever since we came into this world because of
God. Human. Anything that violates the dignity of a person, including inhumane
living conditions, deportation, slavery, prostitution, the sale of women and
children, as well as despicable workplaces where men are treated more like
slaves than as free, morally responsible adults, is truly a disgrace in our society.
Since we are human beings, we are worthy of respect.
 Rights and Responsibilities
Human trafficking hinders society from achieving a healthy community. This is
possible if responsibility is upheld and human rights are respected. I believe that
the government has a particular responsibility to ensure that people are able to
enjoy their rights. Both the government and the citizens should contribute to the
betterment of the society
 Solidarity
Solidarity is recognizing others as our brothers and sisters and actively fighting for
their welfare. Human trafficking has been an issue for quite some time now.
Although there have been movements that try to fight for it, legal frameworks
are inadequate, law enforcement procedures are weak and, prosecution of
perpetrators are rare.
The main persons directly involved in human trafficking are the victims and traffickers.
The victims of human trafficking are mostly powerless and can happen to anyone.
Traffickers mostly come from gangs and criminal networks, pimps, and etc. What keeps
this business going is because of the high profits and low risk. The people who are
immensely affected by this social issue are the poor. An example might be a widow or
single mother who is struggling to provide for her children because she is desperate to
meet basic needs and is in a vulnerable position. A trafficker can offer her a job that
allows her to support her children. If that seems like her only option, she is willing and
able to accept and do whatever the trafficker asks of her.
Critical Analysis (INDIRECTLY)
The impacts of trafficking are felt both in the countries from which people are
trafficked, and the countries to which they are trafficked. Unfortunately, region seven
is one of the areas with a high number of cases of trafficking. The authorities have
already rescued 22 individuals who were victims of human trafficking in the region from
January to June 2022. Although it isn’t true (According to SunStar Cebu), there has
been a fast spread of kidnapping and human trafficking rumors in Cebu which has led
the people to be afraid to go out of their homes. This not only violates the CST principle:
Rights and Responsibilities, but it also hinders us from achieving the Common Good. All
individuals are affected, we don’t want to live in a world where we don’t feel safe to
be in. This can result to us not developing in all aspects of life and exercising our rights.


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