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What Is the World Wide Web?

Definition: The WWW is "wide-area hypermedia information retrieval
initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of
o wide-area: The World Wide Web spans the whole globe.
o hypermedia: It contains various types of media (text, pictures, sound,
movies ...) and hyperlinks that connect pages to one another.
o information retrieval: Viewing a WWW document (Web page) is very
easy. Web browsers allow page retrieval by clicking links, or entering
o universal access: It doesn't matter what type of computer you have, or
what type of computer the page you want is stored on - your Web
browser allows you to connect seamlessly to many different systems.
o large universe of documents: Anyone can publish a Web page
• The World Wide Web (WWW) is most often called the Web.
=> a network of computers able to exchange text, graphics, and
multimedia information via the Internet. It is a collection of information
stored on the networked computers over the world.
• proposed in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN.
• This is a world-wide system of interconnected
computers cooperating with each other to
exchange data using a common software
standard through telephone lines and satellite
• All the computers in the Internet can
communicate with each other.
• These computers use a communication standard
called HTTP.
• Decentralized design that there is no centralized
body controls how the Internet functions.
What's the relationship between the
WWW and the Internet?
• The World Wide Web is just one of the many
services that the Internet provides. Some
other services provided by the Internet are
email, FTP, gopher, telnet and usenet.
Note: Almost every protocol type available on
the Internet is accessible on the web including
the following components: Email, FTP, Telnet,
User news, HTTP
Features of WWW
• has its own protocol i.e. HTTP
• creates a convenient and user friendly environment
• fastest components of Internet ; gathers together all the protocols
into a single system.
• It relies on the hypertext as means of Information retrieval.
• It has the ability to work with multimedia and advanced
programming languages i.e. text, graphics, video and audio.
• delivery medium, content provider and subject matter.
• It connects users to almost any part of the Internet.
• used to explore intellectual, verbal knowledge and effective learning.
• It contains complex virtual web of connections and consist of files.
• It provides real-time collaboration, interactive pages and automatic
push of information to client computers.
Internet Terminology
• Client
– Any computer on the network that requests services from
another computer on the network.
• Server
– Any computer that receives requests from client
computers, processes and sends the output.
• Web Page
– Any page that is hosted on the Internet.
• Web Development
– The process of creating, modifying web pages.

Introduction to Internet 6

Web Server
• It is a program that waits for requests from the web
• It provides four major functions
– Serving web pages
– Running gateway programs (CGI) and returning output
– Controlling access to the server
– Monitoring and logging all access
• E.g. Apache, IIS, Netscape Web server, …

Introduction to Internet 7

Web connection

Introduction to Internet 8

How does the Web work?
• The web information is stored in the Web pages.
– In HTML format.
• The web pages are stored in the computers called
Web servers.
– In the Web server file system.
• The computer reading the pages is called web
clients with specific web browser.
• The web server waits for the request from the
web clients over the Internet.
– Internet Information Server (IIS) or Apache.

Introduction to Internet 9

The HTTP Request/Response Model

HTML Codes

Request </html>

Client Server

Program /

Introduction to Internet 10

Valid HTTP Request/Response mesgs

• Provides additional information

GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.0 200 OK

Host: Last-Modified: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 …

Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2002 …
User-Agent : Mozilla/4.5 [en] (WinNT; I)
Status: 200
Accept : image/gif, image/jpeg, */*
Content-Type: text/html
Accept-language : en
Servlet-Engine: Tomcat Web Server
Accept-charset : iso-8859-1, *, utf-8 Content-Length: 59


Introduction to Internet 11
• HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
– protocol used to access data on the WWW.
– uses one TCP connection on well-known port 80.
– two types of http messages: Request, Response
– transfer data in the form of plain text, hypertext,
audio, video, and so on.

Introduction to Internet 12



Introduction to Internet 13

Who defines the Web standards?
• The Web standards are not defined or setup
by the browser companies or Microsoft, but
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
• The specifications form the Web standards.

Introduction to Internet 14

• Quoted from W3C
– W3C's long term goals for the Web are:
1. Universal Access: To make the Web accessible to all by
promoting technologies that take into account the vast
differences in culture, languages, education, ability,
material resources, and physical limitations of users on all
2. Semantic Web : To develop a software environment that
permits each user to make the best use of the resources
available on the Web;
3. Web of Trust : To guide the Web's development with
careful consideration for the novel legal, commercial, and
social issues raised by this technology.

Introduction to Internet 15

Client-Side and Server-side
• Client-side code
– ECMAScript
• JavaScript, JScript – Microsoft
– VBScript – Microsoft
– Embedded in <script> elements and execute in the browser, provides
immediate feedback to the user.
– Reduces the load on a server, reduces network traffic.
• Server-side code
– Execute on the server
– CGI/Perl, ASP, PHP, ColdFusion, JSP
– The code remains hidden from users, and browser independent.
• Can be combined with good results.
 A standardized version of JavaScript (ECMAScript) is defined by the
European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA, at Netscape turned JavaScript over to ECMA in an
attempt to stabilize the language and make it more widely accessible
to other developers.

Introduction to Internet 16

Client-side & Server-side

Client-Side Server-Side


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) PHP
Scripting languages ColdFusion
- JavaScript, VBScript Scripting Languages
Java Applets - Server-side JavaScript
ActiveX controls - ASP, JSP, Java Servlets
Plug-ins and Helpers application ISAPI/NSAPI programs

Introduction to Internet 17

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