PPG q2 Week7

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School Grade Level 11/12


Department of Education Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 7 Quarter QUARTER 2

Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:

A. Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of citizenship

B. Performance Standards Propose a project on political engagement and youth empowerment.

C. Learning
*Explain issues and programs related to political engagement and youth empowerment.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
a. Ask students to recall their previous
lesson on citizenship and its
importance in Philippine politics and Begin the lesson by asking the students
1. Reviewing previous lesson or governance. about their knowledge and understanding Review and recall the lessons ready for
Recall the previous lesson
presenting the new lesson b. Ask students if they have any prior of political engagement and youth the assessment.
knowledge or experience on political empowerment.
engagement and youth
a. Explain the importance of political
engagement and youth
empowerment in the Philippine The purpose of this lesson is to enable
2. Establishing the purpose of the society. the students to determine programs that
lesson b. Inform students that the purpose of address the issues related to political
the lesson is to identify issues related engagement and youth empowerment.
to political engagement and youth
3. Presenting examples/instances of a. Present current events and issues that a. Present examples of issues related to
the new lesson involve political engagement and political engagement and youth
youth empowerment in the empowerment such as the lack of
Philippines. youth representation in politics, low
b. Examples include youth involvement voter turnout among the youth, and
in the electoral process, youth limited access to information about
participation in advocacy groups, government programs and services.
and the role of social media in b. Discuss how these issues can affect
promoting political awareness the country's political and social
among the youth. progress.
a. Discuss various government
programs and initiatives that address
a. Explain the concept of political
issues related to political
engagement and its importance in
engagement and youth
democratic societies.
b. Ask students to give examples of
b. Highlight the importance of these
4. Discussing new concepts and political engagement activities they
programs in encouraging youth
practicing new skills #1 know or have participated in.
participation in politics and
c. Discuss the role of the youth in
decision-making processes.
political engagement and how they
c. Ask the students to identify the
can contribute to the development of
strengths and weaknesses of these
the country.
programs and how they can be
a. Present non-government programs
that address issues related to
political engagement and youth
empowerment, such as youth-led
a. Explain the concept of youth
organizations, civic engagement
empowerment and how it can affect
programs, and community service
political engagement.
b. Ask students to give examples of
b. Discuss how these programs can
5. Discussing new concepts and youth empowerment activities they
empower the youth and help them
practicing new skills #2 know or have participated in.
become active and responsible
c. Discuss the benefits of youth
empowerment in promoting political
c. Ask the students to identify other
engagement and national
non-government programs that they
know of and how these programs
can contribute to addressing issues
related to political engagement and
youth empowerment.
a. Divide the class into small groups
and ask them to identify issues
related to political engagement and
youth empowerment in their
6. Developing Mastery b. Instruct the groups to discuss and
come up with possible solutions to
the identified issues.
c. After the group activity, ask each
group to present their findings and
solutions to the class.
7. Finding practical applications of a. Ask students to reflect on the group a. Ask the students to reflect on how
the programs they presented can be
activity and how they can apply the applied in their daily lives as
concepts and skills learned in their citizens.
daily lives. a. Encourage them to think of ways to
concepts and skills in daily living b. Encourage students to initiate or contribute to these programs or
participate in activities that promote develop their own initiatives to
political engagement and youth address issues related to political
empowerment in their community. engagement and youth
Ask students to generalize and abstract
the lesson by answering the following
● Why is political engagement a. Facilitate a discussion on the lessons
important in a democratic learned from the presentations and
society? the activity.
8. Generalizing and abstractions a. Ask the students to share their
about the lesson ● How can youth empowerment
insights on the importance of
contribute to national political engagement and youth
development? empowerment and how they can
● What can you do to promote contribute to nation-building.
political engagement and youth
empowerment in your
Administer a quiz to assess the learnings
of the students. Make sure that the quiz
9. Evaluating Learning
covers all the topics discussed for the
whole week.
a. Assign students to write a reflection
paper on their personal experiences
and insights on political engagement
10. Additional Activities for and youth empowerment.
Application or Remediation b. Encourage students to initiate or
participate in activities that promote
political engagement and youth
empowerment in their community.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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