Đề Thi Olympic 30-4 Lớp 10

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LỚP 10

ĐỀ 1
A. Pick out the words whose underline part is pronounced differently from those of others.
1. A. ginger B. ginseng C. gipsy D. girl
2. A. uncle B. bugle C. huge D. latitude
3. A. bargain B. complain C. ascertain D. campaign
4. A. evasion B. evasive C. desuetude D. desultory
5. A. trays B. says C. bays D. days
6. A. emblem B. electrification C. exact D. entire
7. A. chick B. chic C. cheat D. machismo
8. A. brood B. naughty C. foolscap D. brooch
9. A. slaughter B. naughty C. draught D. plaudit
10. A. fathom B. feather C. anthem D. within
A. Supply the correct form of the word in the parentheses.

1. You cannot enter the country without the documents. (require)

2. The old man collapsed after doing some exercises. (strain)
3. The of water is necessary. (pure)
4. She is training to be a . (beautiful)
5. This houses the largest telescope in the country. (observe)
6. Many beliefs of a culture are represented in rituals. (symbol)
7. I've never known such a person. (quarrel)
8. Thank you for your generosity; we shall always be to you. (debt)
9. Professor Smith has joined the company in an capacity. (advise)
10. Please our letter of the 10th. We have not had a reply. (know)
B. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
11. I can't bear the thought of you (go) home without someone (accompany) you.
12. I'd rather (live) in ancient Greece.
13. He insisted that the new baby (name) after his grandfather.
14. There (be) no further business, I declare the meeting closed.
15. The uneaten breakfast was still on the table. She (call) away in a hurry.
16. I (write) photographs every week, I promise, and I (try) to make them legible.
17. Were I (know) answer, I'd tell you right away.
18. It's no use crying over (spill) milk.

A. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets.
1. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.
The last .................................................................................................................

2. Sam didn't celebrate until he received the prize.

It was not ..............................................................................................................

3. Nobody expected her to lose, but she did.

Against .................................................................................................................

4. You'll learn the basic rules. Then you'll find it easy to play.
Once ....................................................................................................................

5. If nothing unfortunate happens, I'll see you next week.

All being ................................................................................................................

6. The government have been reviewing their education policies recently.

The government's .................................................................................................

7. When a policeman appeared at the door, I was pretty taken aback.

Imagine ................................................................................................................

8. My protests were ignored.

Nobody .................................................................................................................

9. It's what people eat that betrays their social background, not their table manners.
What gives ...........................................................................................................

10. The chances are a hundred to one against you.

It's most ...............................................................................................................

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets.
11. Tasteful furniture made your room more attractive. (GRACED)

12. The train is 5 minutes late in leaving. (DUE)


13. We had a long discussion about the problem but we couldn’t solve it. (LENGTH)

14. The river Volta overflowed last year. (BURST)


15. You didn't think carefully enough before you decided. (OUGHT)

16. I think you should try and be optimistic as you can. (SIDE)

17. Don't misquote: I never said I hated ballet. (MOUTH)


18. While they were on leave, the sailors exploited their freedom fully. (MOST)

19. He shouldn't have told her such things. (UNWISE)


20. Teaching doesn't suit her (CUT)


ĐỀ 2


A. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others.
1. A. hasty B. nasty C. tasty D. wastage
2. A. chooses B. houses C. rises D. horses
3. A. homonym B. dishonesty C. honorable D. hourly
4. A. slaughter B. draught C. naughty D. plaudit
5. A. whistle B. thirst C. skirt D. reptile
6. A. adventure B. advantage C. advertise D. addition
7. A. chain B. entertain C. bargain D. complain
8. A. naked B. coughed C. hatred D. sacred
9. A. pleased B. closed C. raised D. embarrassed
10. A. assist B. must C. island D. mist

B. Group the following words into columns according to their stress patterns.

create jeopardize preferential invalid guarantee

extravagant diametre elasticity misunderstand economics
accidental coincide recipe communism nevertheless
tuberculosis geneticist tattoo politics cinematographer

1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable 4th syllable


Supply the correct form of the word in the parentheses.

1. I (end) wrote letters of application, but got no reply.

2. The thing I hate about John is his (rely) .
3. Barter, however, was a very (satisfy) system.
4. Although he was not (enthusiasm) about helping with the washing up, he did so all the
5. In some areas water has to be boiled to (pure) it.
6. There was a heavy (pour) yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the church
garden party.
7. The man was found guilty of fraud and sentenced to 3-year (prison) .
8. Some people claim to be able (tell) to the future.
9. While walking in the mountains in North Wales, we came across a (use) quarry.
10. Thank you for your (time) delivery of the parcel.
A. Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
 I would rather (1. not be) absent from class yesterday.
 An eyewitness described how ten people (2. kill) in the fire.
 Scarcely they (3. move) into the house when their friends (4. come) in.
 Trade has gone from bad to worse and staff (5. lay) off now.
 He became addicted to (6. smoke) . He really regretted (7. not take) his
father's advise.
 It is crucial that Dido (8. stop) using Quang Ha.
 She (9. not allow) anybody (10. read) her diary but yesterday she (11. find)
her Mum (12. read) it; she couldn't but (13. ignore) the incident.
 On the first of next month, he (14. be) in prison for five years.
 I (15. look) through my old photograph album. It's full of photos of people whose names I
completely (16. forget) . I wonder what (17. happen) to them all.
 He died of lung cancer. He (18. smoke) a lot.
 The last time he (19. see) in the public, he (20. wear) a gray suit.


A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning as
the first one.
1. Everyone was surprised that the singer had very little money when he died.
The singer .............................................................................................................

2. John has not had his hair cut for over six months.
The last ................................................................................................................

3. Although both his legs were broken in the crash, he managed to get out of the car before it
Despite .................................................................................................................

4. She got down to writing the report as soon as she returned from her walk.
No sooner .............................................................................................................

5. They were all arrested because of his incompetence.

Had ......................................................................................................................

6. I don't really like her even though I admire her achievement.

Much ....................................................................................................................

7. When they told the Minister about the strike, he was very angry.
On ........................................................................................................................

8. The patient recovered more rapidly than expected.

The patient ...........................................................................................................
9. Keeping cairn is the secret of passing your driving test.
As long as .............................................................................................................

10. It's extremely difficult for us to make ends meet these days.
We find ................................................................................................................

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets
11. I just can't decide where to go on holiday. (MIND)

12. You could always stay with us for a few days, if necessary. (PUT)

13. It won't help if you worry about it. (POINT)

14. He's really keen to start his new job. (FORWARD)

15. Everyone who comes to the city notices the beauty of its architecture (FAILS)

16. She was so beautiful that I couldn't stop looking at her (EYES)

17. I've lost interest in going to the same place all the time (FED UP)

18. Lucas is just working here temporarily. (BEING)


19. Everyone is sure that he will win the election (BOUND)


20. Ann was afraid the neighbours would despise her for not having a washing machine. (LOOK)



Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those of the others.
1. A. preferable B. prejudice C. premises D. preconception
2. A. significant B. cellar C. muscle D. cease
3. A. wicked B. sacred C. helped D. beloved
4. A. launch B. digestion C. pronunciation D. suggestion
5. A. donkey B. monkey C. tough D. hiccough
6. A. naval B. canal C. fatal D. mammal
7. A. subtle B. climb C. rib D. lamb
8. A. complain B. bargain C. ascertain D. campaign
9. A. laugh B. plough C. enough D. cough
10. A. honorable B. honesty C. historic D. heir

Group the following words into columns according to their stress patterns.

communism lemonade tuberculosis finite ingenuity

admirable police employee although tattoo

1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable 4th syllable

A. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. He's very generous and everyone admires his (self) .
2. Librarians spend a lot of their time (class) books.
3. There is an increasing (courage) to motorcycle racing.
4. We have a bed ready in the spare room in case visitors arrive (expect)
5. There was a heavy (pour) yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the garden party.
6. The manager handed in his (resign) after being accused of dishonesty.
7. She lost the case because of her (admit) evidence.
8. He completely went to pieces after the (break) of his marriage.
9. Nicotine is responsible for the (behave) effects of smoking.
10. Although the police suspected him of the crime, since they had no definite (prove) that he wa
involved, they could not arrest him.
B. Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
 On their next anniversary, Doris and Fred (1. be) married for forty years.
 Sorry. I didn't mean (2. step) on your foot.
 His greatest ambition is (3. choose, take) part in the Olympics.
 If Linda (4. not stay) up late last night, she (5. not be) tired now.
 How about your holiday? It was all right, but I’d rather (6. go) to Da Lat.
 He always talks as though he (7. address) a public meeting.
 Hardly he (8. pick) up the book when the phone (9. ring) .
 Do you feel like (10. walk) or shall we take a taxi?
 It's essential that she (11. arrive) before 6 o'clock.
 (12. Write) the letter, she put it in an envelope.
 A man answered the phone. I suppose it was her husband.
It (13. not be) her husband. He has been dead for ages.
 He will go to Ho Chi Minh City with a view to (14. give) a chance of promotion.
 I'm likely to pass the exam, (15. be) I?
 This time tomorrow, we (16. lie) on a beach.
 I think your garden needs (17. weed) , and you'd better have it (18. do) tomorrow
 The news about the earthquake in the Philippines (19. already broadcast) on radio
several times so far.


A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning as
the first one.
1. Unless she's really hungry, she never eats snacks between meals.
Only .............................................................................................................................

2. I can't believe that she was the winner.

I find ............................................................................................................................

3. He must pass his English examination, which is obligatory.

It .................................................................................................................................

4. Not until the body was found did the police believe her.
It was only.....................................................................................................................

5. She never seems to succeed even though she studies much.

Much ..........................................................................................................................
6. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.
My French friend isn't ....................................................................................................

7. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister.
Had it ............................................................................................................................

8. She is proud of being such a good cook.

She prides ....................................................................................................................

9. Betty is very happy to look after handicapped people.

Betty is devoted ............................................................................................................

10. Winning the football pools meant we could buy a new car
Winning the football pools enabled .................................................................................

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets.
11. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes. (VAIN)

12. The crops were badly affected by the storm. (EFFECT)


13. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us. (BEYOND)

14. The project received unanimous approval of the committee. (FAVOUR)


15. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn't tell anyone that he had been in prison.

16. I had lost his phone number, so I could not contact him before. (TOUCH)

17. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car. (GETAWAY)

18. I enjoy being the boss of a small company. (FISH)

19. The success of our local theatre has made our city famous. (MAP)

20. She is not upset; she is only pretending. (ACT)



ĐỀ 3
Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the others.

1. A. devotion B. question C. nation D. tradition E. action

2. A. betrays B. says C. plays D. pays E. lays
3. A. measure B. treasure C. dreadful D. breathe E. breakfast
4. A. garment B. geezer C. giggle D. genuine E. getaway
5. A. measure B. pleasure C. nasal D. television E. decision
6. A. naked B. sacred C. kicked D. wicked E. beloved
7. A. carriage B. voyage C. message D. massage E. dosage
8. A. south B. booth C. myth D. truth E. southern
9. A. extraordinary B. extreme C. exemplify D. expertise E. exaggeration
10. A. absorb B. debt C. comb D. bomb E. tomb

Group the following words into columns according to their stress patterns.

personnel marmalade ingenuity psychological patriotism

geneticist coincide experimental prerequisite infamous

1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable

A. Choose the best answer

1. This ring is only made of plastic, so it is quite .

A. valuable B. invaluable C. priceless D. valueless

2. Robert is completely in his new book on photography.

A. absorbed B. interested C. exhausted D. occupied

3. It is difficult for museums to find funds to protect the nation's .

A. inheritance B. heritage C. possessions D. legacy
4. There is a constant of visitors to this important historic site.
A. current B. tide C. wave D. stream

5. You shouldn't have criticized him in front of his friends. It was extremely of you.
A. unfortunate B. insensitive C. insensible D. unconscious

6. The of living goes up and up. It'll never go down.
A. price B. value C. expense D. cost

7. Even after you move to New York, we'd really appreciate it if you would take the time to
with us.
A. keep in touch B. keep in mind C. drop a line D. stop over

8. To be a good short story writer one needs, among other things, a very imagination.
A. vivid B. living C. bright D. sparkling

9. We've got a very teacher who doesn't mind if we are a bit late.
A. broad-minded B. open-minded C. easy-going D. absent-minded

10. Stop about the bush, James! Just tell me exactly what the problem is.
A. rushing B. hiding C. beating D. moving
B. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.

11. We can't depend on him; he's a very (rely) person.

12. I have no excuses. My actions were (explain) .

13. Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of (organize)
their diet.
14. The cat looked at the new type of food on its plate (suspect) .

15. He suffered from constant (sleep) .

16. The doctor gave him an injection to (death) the pain.

17. The people whose houses are to be demolished when the new road is built will be (house)

18. Although the splitting of the atom was one of the greatest scientific (break)
of this century, there are many people who don't welcome it.
19. Many parents today have their infants (vaccine) against hepatitis B.

20. My sister is very (know) about gardening but I'm afraid I don't know the first thing about it.
A. Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.
 Were she (1. know) the truth, she would tell you about it.
 My boss is very angry with me. I didn't do all the work that I (2. do) last week.
 It looks as if this light (3. burn) all night. I (4. forget) (5. switch) it
off before I went to bed last night.
 I visit new countries every year. By the time I (6. be) sixty, I (7. visit) all
the most interesting countries in the world.
 Congress has decreed that gasoline tax (8. abolish) .
 I didn't see anyone but I felt as though I (9. watch) .
 If I'd taken his advice, I (10. still, not do) the same job.

B. Fill in each blank with one appropriate preposition.

 She's always (1) the go. I don't know where she gets her energy from.
 Samples will be provided (2) request.
 We have to go by car (3) account (4) the bus strike.
 This pullover is a bargain (5) $20.50.
 The case was dismissed (6) the absence (7) any definite proof.
 It is (8) the law to leave your car here.
 They can only cure him (9) his illness if they operate on him.
 His name is Nicholas, but we call him Nick (10) short.


There are fifteen mistakes in the following passage. Find and correct them.
1 Dreams have usually fascinated human beings. The idea of dreams provides us with useful
2 informations about our life goes back thousands of years. For the greater part of human
3 history which was taken for granted that the sleeping mind was in touch with the super
4 natural world and dreams were to be interpreted as messages with prophetic or healing
5 functions. In the nineteen century, it was a widespread reaction against this way of thinking
6 and dreaming were widely dismissed as being very little more than jumbles fantasy about
7 memories of the next day.
8 It was not at the end of the nineteenth century that an Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud,
9 pointed out that people who has similar experiences on the day, and who are then subjected
10 by the same stimuli when they are asleep, produces different dreams. Freud went on to
11 develop the theory of the dream process which might enable him to interpret dreams as clue
12 to the conflicts taking place within the personality. It is by no means an exaggeration to say
13 that hardly any other theories have had such great an influence on subsequent thought.


A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning as
the first one.
1. "That's a lovely new dress, Jean," said her mother.
Jean's mother complimented ...........................................................................................

2. Under no circumstances should you phone the police.

The last ..........................................................................................................................

3. I wasn't a bit surprised to hear that Karen had changed her job.
It came ..........................................................................................................................

4. The cost of living has gone up considerably in the last few years.
There .............................................................................................................................

5. I'm absolutely sure he took the money on purpose.

He couldn't possibly ........................................................................................................

6. He had no idea how difficult the task would be until he was half-way through it.
Only ...............................................................................................................................

7. They had such a fierce dog that nobody would visit them.

8. His disabilities didn't prevent him from sailing around the world.
Although .........................................................................................................................

9. The presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
So many .........................................................................................................................

10. You can use it as long as you like, and it won't wear out.
No matter .......................................................................................................................

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets.
11. Will you please stay with me for a while? (COMPANY)

12. You shouldn't take his help for granted. (ASSUME)


13. Jenny didn't feel like going to the party. (MOOD)

14. We delayed our departure because of the bad weather. (ACCOUNT)

15. He is certainly not a reliable witness. (MEANS)


16. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution. (BLAME)

17. There's no way we can agree to this solution. (QUESTION)


18. I can nearly remember his name. (TONGUE)


19. I William tried to remain impartial in the quarrel between his two cousins. (SIDES)

20. Final year students don't have to attend lectures. (OPTIONAL)



ĐỀ 4

A. Pick out the word whose bold part is pronounced differently from those of the others.
1. A. liquor B. choke C. chord D. chaos
2. A. raised B. hatred C. sacred D. naked
3. A. food B. look C. took D. good
4. A. releases B. faces C. places D. advises
5. A. nature B. change C. gravity D. basis
6. A. exist B. exhibit C. exhibition D. exactly
7. A. enough B. cough C. though D. rough
8. A. geisha B. giraffe C. gin D. ginger
9. A. resign B. resound C. resonant D. resource
10. A. anchor B. uncle C. thankful D. anything

B. Group the following words into columns according to their stress patterns.

geologist ordinary contributory ingenuity understand

competent tuberculosis naive necessary guarantee

1st syllable 2nd syllable 3rd syllable 4th syllable

Choose the best answer.

1. Enough money has been raised to the hospital's survival.

A. ensure B. endow C. enable D. empower

2. , the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.
A. by and large B. Altogether C. To a degree D. Virtually

3. Physics and mathematics interest him almost .

A. equally B. the same C. emptiness D. limit

4. I admit I suffer from a of patience with such people.

A. shortage B. lack C. similarly D. alike
5. You haven't heard all the facts so don't to conclusions.
A. dash B. jump C. spring D. fly

6. The student's hard work was with success in his degree examination.
A. rewarded B. thanked C. awarded D. presented

7. He on the bed staring at the ceilings wondering what to do next.

A. laid B. lay C. lain D. lied

8. The between the rich and the poor countries of the world is increasing.
A. space B. gap C. distance D. interval

9. Picasso was a (n) cubist painter.

A. artistic B. celebrated C. colorful D. knowledgeable

10. Because of the dominance of retail chain-stores, most shopping centres show the same bland
and no imagination.
A. similarity B. likeness C. equality D. uniformity
A. Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.

1. Mary isn't here but she (not, take) the car because there's no petrol in it.
2. Hardly they (move) into the house when their friends came.
3. Trade has gone from bad to worse and staff (lay) off now.
4. Would they not rather you (seek) new sponsors?
5. By the time we get there now, I'm afraid the meeting (end) .
6. Jean, I'm so glad you've got here at last. I (expect) you all day.
7. None of the people (invite) to the party can come.
8. His demand was that his son (acquit) at once.
9. Had they not invented satellites, we (not, watch) live programmes on TV.
10. What a pity! If only I (listen) to my parents.
B. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. The (electrify) of the agriculture in our country is very necessary.

2. She is training to be a (beauty) .

3. It's (character) of him to lose his temper like that he's usually very calm.

4. Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to (different)
between the two.
5. It is (material) to me whether she stays or leaves.

6. I didn't believe him. His story was very (convince) .

7. We (vary) go to the pub before lunch on Sunday.

8. His disappearance is very strange, in fact, quite (explain) .

9. The new (pass) has certainly made things a lot easier in the town centre since it
has taken away all the through traffic.
10. The low wages and poor working conditions caused great (satisfy) among the workers.


A. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same meaning as
the first one.
1. I only realized what I had missed when they told me about it later.
Not until ........................................................................................................................

2. My parents let me go abroad alone for the first time.

I was ............................................................................................................................

3. You're asking questions because you didn't pay enough attention.

Had it ...........................................................................................................................

4. It's sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.

Sad ..............................................................................................................................
5. She asked us to leave quietly so that we wouldn't disturb her.
So as ............................................................................................................................

B. Rewrite the following sentences with the given words in such a way that the second sentence has
the same meaning as the first one. Do not change the form of the words in brackets.
6. I think you should try and be as optimistic as you can. (SIDE)

7. Local residents said they were against the new traffic scheme. (DISAPPROVAL)

8. Fish for breakfast doesn't appeal to everyone. (TASTE)


9. We agreed that each of us would do the washing up on alternative days. (TURNS)


10. Jack and Rose never agree on how to bring up their children. (EYE)


Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each
1. A. massage B. carriage C. voyage D. dosage
2. A. dimension B. expansion C. confusion D. tension
3. A. increase B. ink C. pink D. thank
4. A. apology B. classify C. testify D. verify
5. A. beloved B. naked C. ploughed D. learned
Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question.
6. A. obvious B. notorious C. credulous D. numerous
7. A. dialect B. diagram C. diagonal D. diamond
8. A. Europe B. monument C. province D. minority
9. A. obsolete B. complete C. compete D. deplete
10. A. consent B. obstinacy C. condolence D. equality
A. Choose the best answer

11. She loved tennis and could watch it till the came home.
A. she B. everyone C. horses D. cows

12. Could you close the window? There is a bit of a.

A. current B. wind C. draught D. breeze

13. Thousands of steel were used as the framework of the new office block.
A. beams B. girders C. stakes D. piles

14. The ceiling fans were on, but unfortunately they only the hot, humid air.
A. stirred up B. poured through C. turned into D. cut back
15. He set one alarm-clock for five o'clock and the other for five past so as to that
he did not oversleep.
A. nut B. ensure C. insure D. reassure

16. When Tim was eating a cherry, he accidentally swallowed the

A. assure B. stone C. seed D. core

17. It was only he told me his surname that I realized that we had been to the same school.
A. then B. until C. as soon as D. when

18. He got an excellent grade in his examination the fact that he had not worked
particularly hard.
A. on account of B. because C. in spite of D. although

19. Their eventual choice of house was by the time Peter would take to get to the office.
A. related B. consequent C. determined D. dependent

20. It turned out that we rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several
A. hadn't B. should have C. mustn't D. needn't have


A. Supply the correct form of the word provided in brackets in cook sentence.

1. His busy schedule made him completely (access) to his students.

2. He works for UNESCO in a purely (advice) role.
3. The sun and the moon are often (person) in poetry.
4. I've never known such a (quarrel) person.
5. I don't care if you had had too much to drink. Your behavior last night was (defend) .

B. Supply the correct tense of the verb in brackets.

 You must tell me the truth. I insist on (1. tell) the truth.

 (2. Thompson catch) the ball, we would have won the game.

 Don't worry. We (3. finish) the report by 11 o'clock.

 Fred was pleased (4. admit) to the college.

 There were some people (5. row) on the river.

 Alex has a test tomorrow that he needs to study for. He (6. not watch) TV right now,

 Were I (7. know) the answer, I (8. tell) you right away.
 By the end of last year he (10. read) four Shakespeare plays and by next year he
(10. read) two more.
A. Finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed
before it.
1.Tim insisted on being told the complete story.
→ Nothing but ..................................................................................................................

2.She never seems to succeed, even though she works hard.

→ However .......................................................................................................................

3.Andrew is the most generous person I have ever met.

→ I've yet .........................................................................................................................

4. She never seems to succeed even though she studies much.

→ Much .............................................................................................................................

5.I never thought that I would win a prize It had

→ .....................................................................................................................................

B. Write a new sentence using the word given.

1.I don't think the television's likely to blow up at any minute. Likelihood
→ .....................................................................................................................................

2.This car only cost me five hundred pounds. Picked

→ .....................................................................................................................................

3.Someone paid five thousands pounds for the painting. Went

→ .....................................................................................................................................

4. We have made neither a profit nor a loss this year. Even

→ ......................................................................................................................................

5.In 1967 programs began to be transmitted in color. Advent

→ .....................................................................................................................................


ĐỀ 5

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from those the others of the group.
1. A. pizza B. lizard C. puzzle D. muzzle
2. A. devotion B. congestion C. suggestion D. question
3. A. comfortable B. intimacy C. apprehension D. disappointed
4. A. garbage B. massage C. language D. sewage
5. A. cement B. movement C. comment D. momentum
hoose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the ground.
6. A. superstitious B. melancholy C. obstacle D. sanguineness
7. A. regional B. respondent C. reservoir D. register
8. A. Aborigine B. appearance C. emergency D. contribute
9. A. triangle B. refugee C. commerce D. opportune
10. A. academic B. amphibian C. apartheid D. aquarium


Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence.

11. During the rush hour the traffic in the city centre is terrible.
A. condensation B. congestion C. accumulation D. concentration

12. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention

A. limit B. duration C. span D. time

13. This is a example of what not to do.

A. critical B. pure C. simple D. prime
14. , the people who come to this club are in their twenties and thirties.
A. By and large B. Altogether C. To a degree D. Virtually

15. The little boy was left in of his grandmother during his parents' absence.
A. charge for B. the charge of C. care for D. care

16. I am afraid a rise in salary is just now.

A. out of sight B. out of control C. out of date D. out of question

17. Some people feel that television should give less really to sport.
A. programs B. coverage C. concern D. involvement

18. Those campers are really . They have no idea how to set up a tent.
A. blue B. black C. green D. white

19. You're too old to carry on working. It's time you called it a .
A. year B. month C. week D. day

20. How could you just abandon me in the middle of London with no money and leave me and dry.
A. cold B. out C. low D. high
Choose the option that best fits the blank of the sentence.
21. The play was not what we had expected.
A. just B. absolutely C. at all D. very

22. I'll be kind to her she decides to leave me.

A. in case B. so that C. for fear that D. lest

23. I don't suppose there is anyone there, ?

A. is there B. isn't there C. do I D. don't I

24. , I would give a party.

A. Were she to come next month B. She were to come next month
C. If she comes next month D. Should she come next month

25. The parcel I sent you by now.

A. is supposed to arrive C. should have arrived
B. should arrive D. would arrive

26. On the battle field .

A. the tanks lay B. did the tanks lie C. lay the tanks D. lied the tanks

27. Mr. Gump supposes, that he will retire at 60.

A. like most people did C. like most people do
B. as most of people D. as do most people

28. Ludwig Van Beethoven is considered one of the greatest composers

A. to live B. when living C. who ever lived D. while he was living

29. , the catfish is prized for its taste.

A. With ugly look B. As ugly looking
C. Ugly looking as it is D. As it is ugly looking
30. 'If it is a girl, she is going to be called Etheldreda.
"What name to give girl!"
A. Ø/ the B. a/a C. the / the D. the /Ø
A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1. It's when people won't believe things that are obviously true. FURY

2. This statue the soldiers who died in the war. MEMORY

3. The world champion was by a younger Russian challenger. THRONE

4. , we could still win, but it's not very likely. THEORY

5. Newts, frogs and toads are animals. AMPHIBIAN

6. They never dare to leave their only child for even a moment. ATTEND

7. The place where you can wash your clothes with coin-operated washing machines is called

8. They live in a remote area, except by car. ACCESS

9. He was taken to court for . PAY

10. Many countries have agreed on the treaty. ARM

Rewrite the sentence with the given word or the given beginning so that the new sentence has the same
meaning as the previous one.
1.I'll be thinking of you and hoping that you have good luck on the day of your interview.
→ .....................................................................................................................................

2.2. He maintained his position against his adversary. (ground)

→ .....................................................................................................................................

3.3. I left without saying goodbye as I didn't want to disturb the meeting.
→ Rather ..........................................................................................................................

4.Doris tiptoed up the stairs because she didn't want to wake the baby up. (lest)
→ .....................................................................................................................................

5.Public opinion was so strong that the Prime Minister had to resign.
→ Such..............................................................................................................................

6.The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked. (light)
→ .....................................................................................................................................

7.Andrew doesn’t claim to have a lot of musical talent. (pretense)

→ .....................................................................................................................................

8.The book interestingly describes the life of Marx as a young man. (account)
→ The book.....................................................................................as a young man.

9. The local council have considered mass tourism the cause of the environmental problems. (put)
→ .....................................................................................................................................
10. Don't conclude that learning English is easy. (come)→
ĐỀ 6
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three

1. A. blessed B. curried C. crooked D. kicked

2. A. horrific B. horrible C. horizontal D. complex
3. A. pizza B. sizzle C. drizzle D. muzzle
4. A. layer B. prayer C. betrayer D. sprayer
5. A. decoy B. perishable C. benzene D. supreme

Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.

6. A. condolence B. obstinacy C. communism D. painstakingly

7. A. Aborigine B. aerobics C. theatergoer D. caretaker
8. A. Arabic B. agriculture C. lunatic D. politics
9. A. intimacy B. commentary C. preferable D. amphibian
10. A. volunteer B. absentee C. committee D. employee


Use the correct forms /tenses of the given words.
 What a shame! I'd rather you (1. not/dismiss) like that.
 When I noticed the blank stare he (2. give) me, I (3. realize) that he didn't understand
 Would you be so kind as (4. switch off) the lights when leaving?
 Just inside the outer later of the earth's atmosphere (5. be) the elements necessary
to protect it from ultraviolet rays, extreme temperatures, and threatening foreign substances.
 The Swedish scientist, Alfred B. Nobel, left money (6. award) to people who have done
something important to help humankind.
 I didn't see anyone but I (7. watch)
 It's imperative that the wildlife program (8. broadcast) tomorrow.
 The President (9. deliver) a speech, but in the end he (10. change) his mind.
 He has five outstanding students, each (11. deserve) (12. give) a scholarship.
 I can't understand why he (13.be) so selfish. He isn't usually like that. I hope you don't
mind my mentioning this but some rumors (14. circulate) about your engagement to a banker.
 I'm sorry I wasn't in when you came round. I would like (15. see) you.


A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.

1. The brochures displayed very tempting photographs of the tourist attractions in Sweden. They were
so that it was hard for viewers to resist booking that tour immediately. (MOUTH)
2. What must be avoided at all costs is the suppression of anger, as feelings of resentment can lead a
relationship to break down . (RETRIEVE)
3. She is so that she won't let anything stand in her way of her ambition. (MIND)

4. Tourists can see many views of the ocean and mountain. (PANORAMA)

5. Though they are students, their made a good impression on the local audience. (THEATER)

6. The islands have been by the growth of tourism. (WEST)

7. Dolphins, species, sometimes jump above the surface of the water. (MAMMAL)
8. We like Mary. She's very nice and . (LADY)

9. The Vietnamese people are happy to talk about their past and show an amazing resilience and

10. He is a bad manager in that factory and everyone is in an attempt to him. (FAME)
Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.

1 In US, industries that generate hazardous wastes want to dispose of them as cheap as
2 possible. Private companies hiring to dispose of this waste compete with each other to offer
3 the lowest prices to these industries. The government does not get involved, beyond setting
4 minimum safety standards.
5 Unfortunately, the goal of companies that generates and disposes of waste to save money,
6 not to guarantee safety. These companies usually send waste to landfills so this is cheaper
7 than recycling or incineration. Disposal firms who want to increase their business must cut
8 corners to lower costs and gain customer. At the same time, relatively little was done to
9 reduce the number of waste generated, because disposal costs remain relatively modest.
10 Things are different from Denmark. There the government participates in the waste
11 disposal process beginning in the front end. Together with industry, the government formed
12 a corporation to establish and operate waste disposal facilities. This company, called
13 Kommunichem, has a monopoly on waste disposal. Generators of hazardous waste must
14 ship their waste to one of Kommunichem's disposal facilities. In this system, there is no
15 price competition in the waste disposal business.


Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain
1.Most of the students ignored what the teacher was saying.
→ Few ...............................................................................................................................

2.He delayed writing the book until he had done a lot of research.
→ Only when ....................................................................................................................

3.We shall not announce the decision formally.

→ No formal .....................................................................................................................
4.I'd be grateful if you could have a look at these figures. (CAST)
→ .....................................................................................................................................

5.You have said exactly the right thing. (NAIL)

→ .....................................................................................................................................
6.It is not certain that Jones will get the job.
→ It is open ......................................................................................................................

7.She furiously threw the book across the room.

→ Such .............................................................................................................................

8.You'll feel much healthier if you have a relaxing break. (DO)

→ .....................................................................................................................................

9.I didn't realize how much she was influenced by her mother. (EXTENT)
→ .....................................................................................................................................

10. He owed his rescue to a passer-by. (INDEBTED)

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.
1. A. rhinoceros B. vehicle C. whale D. uninhabitable
2. A. unconcernedly B. ragged C. sacred D. hiccupped
3. A. archaic B. archive C. choir D. archery
4. A. suggestion B. congestion C. digestion D. devotion
C 5. A. dairy B. lair C. fair D. gait
hoose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.
6. A. credulous B. acropolis C. dialect D. obsolete
7. A. ecotourism B. compromise C. disposal D. neighborhood
8. A. beneficial B. detrimental C. understanding D. magnificent
9. A. zoology B. cement C. conquest D. duet
10. A. argumentative B. psychological C. contributory D. hypersensitive


Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct forms.
1. He (go) to the last meeting, but he didn't.
2. By the time you come here again, this palace (build) .
3. The yesterday accident is thought (cause) by human error.
4. We (cook) all day for the party that evening and by 8 o'clock we still weren't ready.
5. It is highly desirable that every effort (make) to reduce expenditure.
6. (There, be) any errors, let me know.
7. His (take) ill was quite unexpected.
8. In 20 hours' time, I (relax) on my yacht.
9. It was a boring show. I would rather (not go) there.
10. It was a close call. We (kill) .
A. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1. His (speak) annoys some members of the committee because he is always expressing his ideas
2. George is very disorganized and not very (business) .
3. She was fully aware of her own (short)
4. Low income and little administrative support make teachers (heart) with their profession.
5. A film about the (reptile) ancestors is available in the library.
6. There are people whose (mortal) begins from the moment of their death.
7. It's undeniable that the (diagnose) of the local incompetent healer was responsible for her
sudden death.
8. As the sole (benefit) of his uncle's will, he inherited a huge fortune.
9. This (repair) faulty washing machine should be returned to the manufacturer.
10. The first time I tried out my new bike I (balance) and fell off.
Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.

1 Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbered 27 in all, between the
2 age of 35 and 65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would response to
3 conditions resembling those on the space shuttle. Carefully selected from many applicants,
4 the women were volunteers and pay was barely above the minimum wage. They weren't
5 allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each
6 other's company at closed quarters for the entire period. Among other things, they had to
7 stand pressure three times of the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks
8 while exhausted from strenuous physical exercises. At the end of ten days, they had to spend
9 a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during that time they suffered backaches
10 and discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women
11 were especially subject to pains due to a light calcium loss. Results of the tests suggest that
12 women have significant advantages on men in space. They need less food and less oxygen
13 and they stand up to radiation well. Men's advantages in terms of strength and stamina,
14 meanwhile, are virtually wiped out by the zero-gravity condition in space.


Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain unchanged.
1.The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended it.
→ Had it ...........................................................................................................................

2.Government guidelines really do emphasize the importance of starting education early.

→ A lot of emphasis ..........................................................................................................

3.The trip was so amazing that we will never forget it.

→ It's too .........................................................................................................................

4.Your silly questions distracted me.

→ You drove .....................................................................................................................

5.She was so disgusted at the way her friend behaved that she refused to speak to him.
→ Such .............................................................................................................................

6. Mike is never reluctant to make tough decisions as a manager. (SHRINKS)

→ ....................................................................................................................................
7.The film is similar to Shakespeare's Hamlet in a number of ways. (RESEMBLANCE)
→ The film ........................................................................................................................

8.He is determined to become a doctor. (HEART)

→ .....................................................................................................................................

9.Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. (VIEW)
→ Alison bought ................................................................................................................

10. We feel uncomfortable in the house. (FISH)

→ .....................................................................................................................................


Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest

1. A. ban B. inflation C. endangered D. landscapes

2. A. within B. fathom C. anthem D. with
3. A. brood B. broomstick C. foolscap D. brooch
4. A. contribute B. syndrome C. home D. microphone
5. A. mosaic B. conserve C. reserve D. poison
Choose the word that is stressed differently from the others in the list.
6. A. diversity B. amphibians C. ecotourist D. courageous
7. A. control B. severe C. install D. moonlight
8. A. hurriedly B. apartheid C. preparatory D. determine
9. A. humpback B. strengthen C. reduce D. rescue
10. A. mysterious B. preferential C. modernity D. historical


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

11. People in financial difficulties sometimes fall to unscrupulous money lenders.

A. prey B. fool C. scapegoat D. sacrifice
12. He was caught using forged bank notes to pay for goods and charged with .
A. deception B. fraud C. embezzlement D. theft

13. Don't stick your elbows out when you eat. them in by your sides.
A. Bend B. Place C. Tuck D. Turn

14. I was in no way prepared for the of criticism my play received.

A. onslaught B. onset C. offensive D. assault

15. She affection from her children but they neglected her shamefully.
A. yearned B. craved C. hungered D. desired

16. I've got such a headache that I can't concentrate on the lecture.
A. beating B. drumming C. hammering D. throbbing

17. Race relations in this country are unlikely to improve until people overcome their
feelings of hostility towards foreigners.
A. interior B. internal C. inverted D. innate
18. I utterly your argument. In my opinion, you have distorted the facts.
A. confound B. refute C. dispute D. decline

19. I offer you my most apologies for offending you as I did.

A. repentant B. servile C. abject D. candid

20. When facing problems, it is important to keep a sense of .

A. proportion B. introspection C. relativity D. comparison

21. All the way along the winding street .

A. he came B. came he C. did he come D. comes he

22. , before, his first performance for the amateur dramatic group was a success.
A. Though having never acted C. As he had never acted
B. Despite he had never acted D. In spite of his never having acted

23. There's no point in telephoning him. He's certain by now.

A. to leave B. to have left C. left D. having left

24. The bank is reported in the local newspaper in broad daylight.

A. to be robbed B. robbed C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed

25. "Eric is really upset about losing his job." "Well, once myself, I can understand."
A. having been fired B. Fired C. having fired D. being fired

26. Clothing made of plastic fibers has certain advantages over made of natural fibers like cotton,
wool, or silk.
A. what B. the one C. that D. which

27. I'm not by a particularly ambitious man.

A. inclination B. habit C. character D. tendency

28. The government would be forced to use its emergency powers further rioting to occur.
A. should B. did C. were D. had

29. It is essential to be on the for any signs of movement in the undergrowth since there are
poisonous snakes in the area.
A. guard B. care C. alarm D. alert

30. , he remained optimistic.

A. Though badly wounded he was C. As he was badly wounded
B. Badly wounded as he was D. As badly wounded he was


A. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. My daughter left a half orange on the table. (EAT)

2. Most people who work feel that they are . (PAY)
3. The teacher warned the children that if they again, they would be punished. (BEHAVE)
4. Are all those they put in food really necessary? (ADD)
5. The manager handed in his after being accused of dishonesty. (RESIGN)
6. A damage was caused by the earthquake. (WIDE)
7. Phil was sentenced to seven-year for his part in the armed robbery. (PRISON)
8. I was late because I how much lime I will need. (ESTIMATE)
9. How can you the fact that some people live in mansions while others live in slums? (JUST)
10. Site is so that she won't let anything stand in the way of her ambition. (MIND)


Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition(s) or particle(s).

1. Although Mark said that he'd be there at 8. 00, he didn't turn until 10.30.
2. She takes her father; she has the same gestures and mannerisms.
3. He said he would make me a rich man, but I saw him immediately.
4. We've run coffee. Could you go and buy some?
5. We put a sum of money each month for our summer holidays.
6. He looks his older brother and follows his example in everything.
7. She had to cancel her holiday when she went the flu.
8. I don't know if she'll get her husband's death.
9. He was told to cut sugar and fats or he would suffer serious health problems.
10. We don't know yet how we'll solve the problem but I'm sure someone will come a solution


Identify 10 errors in the following passage and correct them.

1 Quotations and sayings are part of our language and our way of life. As the poet Emerson
2 says, we use them by necessity, to remind ourselves to look before we leap or avoid crossing
3 our bridges before we come to them. We use them in habit, often not realize we are doing
4 so, and we all love to use an apt quotation to live conversation or score a point in an
5 argument. This booklet contains over a thousand quotations, proverbs and sayings.
6 Altogether, they offer a great deal of information, advice, amusement and comfort. Emerson
7 writes "I hate quotations" so it is undoubtful that he would have used this book – but we
8 hope that you will, That you use it to improve your knowledge, as an aid to solve crossword
9 puzzles, to enrich your own speech or simple for idle reading, in your spare time, it will put
10 you on touch with some of the cleverest minds of the past and present. Happy reading and
11 happy quoting!


Rewrite the sentences with the given words or beginning in such a way that their meanings remain unchanged.
1.The government shouldn't let this situation get worse.
→ This state .....................................................................................................................

2.The completion of the work was scheduled for last week.

→ The work was ...............................................................................................................

3.She is now leading a normal life as a result of all the support she received from social workers. –
→ Had ..............................................................................................................................
4.Just thinking about his face at that moment makes me laugh.
→ The very .......................................................................................................................
5.He declared his disapproval of the behavior of some of his supporters.
→ He let ...........................................................................................................................

6.Everybody wants Pauline as an after-dinner speaker. (DEMAND)

→ .....................................................................................................................................
7.I don't think you mean what you say about helping me. (EARNEST)
→ .....................................................................................................................................
8.At first the new computer made me feel a bit afraid. (AWE)
→ .....................................................................................................................................
9.William decided that an actor's life was not for him. (CUT)
→ .....................................................................................................................................
10. I felt vaguely that something was wrong, but what was it? (BACK)
→ .....................................................................................................................................


ĐỀ 7


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three.

1. A. canal B. casino C. canary D. canon

2. A. teenage B. dosage C. voyage D. carriage
3. A. ecosystem B. knowledge C. technology D. commodity
4. A. counterfeit B. courtesy C. drought D. ouster
5. A. danger B. landscape C. hand D. nature
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.
6. A. prerequisite B. necessity C. European D. synonymous
7. A. compromise B. correspond C. dominate D. educate
8. A. metropolis B. descendant C. impetus D. perpetuate
9. A. vigorous B. scandalous C. victorious D. dangerous
10. A. necessary B. infamous C. automobile D. technique


Choose the best answer

11. He tries to himself with everyone by paying them compliments.

A. gratify B. please C. ingratiate D. commend

12. Assembly lines are useful for producing a large of identical products.
A. quality B. quantity C. quandary D. qualification

13. Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have any solutions.
A. thought over B. come up with C. looked into D. got round to
14. Mr. Nixon refused to answer the questions on the that the matter was confidential.
A. reasons B. excuses C. grounds D. foundations

15. The VCTV tries to for all tastes with its 4 national programs.
A. cater B. suit C. furnish D. regard

16. When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for 15 minutes.
A. other B. others C. another D. the others
17. Every woman who has enough criteria can join the beauty contest irrespective of their background.
A. regardless of B. can have gone C. must have been D. was

18. , dolphins have no sense of smell.

A. As known as far B. As far as is known
C. It is known as far D. Known as far as it is

19. “Another cup of coffee?" – "No, but thanks “

A. not at all B. for all C. all the same D. you for all

20. I've told him not to go out with those people, but he wouldn't listen. Just let him face the
music now.
A. Many a time B. Many the time C. Quite a time D. For a time

21. Most crimes that are committed are no more than theft.
A. slight B. small C. unimportant D. petty

22. This is the most difficult job I've ever had to do.
A. by heart B. by chance C. by far D. by myself

23. No matter how angry he was, he would never to violence.

A. resolve B. recourse C. exert D. resort

24. He had to retire from the match suffering from a ligament.

A. torn B. broken C. slipped D. sprained

25. , he felt so unhappy and lonely.

A. Despite of his riches C. Rich though he was
B. Rich as was he D. Despite of the fact that he was rich

26. as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell
A. That we refer to B. What we refer to
C. To which we refer D. What do we refer to

27. The police a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration.
A. came in for B. brought about C. back out D. back up

28. Paul's been in Alice's bad ever since he offended her at the party.
A. eyes B. books C. likes D. treats

29. The photocopier in our office needs a complete . These copies are terrible.
A. maintenance B. repair C. overhaul D. renovation

30. The burglar's presence was betrayed by a floorboard.

A. crackling B. crunching C. groaning D. creaking
A. Supply the correct forms or tenses of the verbs given.
1. If there aren't any tickets left when we reach the front of the queue, we (wait) all
the time for nothing.
2. I haven't decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second hand one. But I (think) about it.
3. There (be) any errors, let me know.
4. We have just got to the top in time. The sun (rise) in a minute.
5. By midnight he (be) unconscious for forty-eight hours.
6. It (not be) Anna who cooked that food. She was out all day yesterday.
7. It is highly desirable that from every product in regular production, samples (withdraw)
8. The portrait is widely known (paint) by an Italian.
9. Can you keep calm for a moment? You (always make) noise in class.
10. You (visit) Aunt Mary while you were in Paris.
A. Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the words given
1. It's undeniable that the of the local incompetent healer was responsible for her sudden
death (DIAGNOSE)
2. A few jokes can up a lecture. (LIFE)

3. He is late for meetings. He is always on time. (VARY)

4. Nothing wrong will happen to you as long as you follow the strict set by the inspector.
5. I'm thinking of giving Anna and Mathew a vase for her silver wedding. (CRYSTAL)

6. A renewable resource is one that may be replaced overtime by natural process or is

7. It is said that the problem of rapid climate change has been caused by too drastic (FOREST)

8. The mother of the child hurried to her neighborhood drugstore. (BREATH)

9. The workers who were during the recession badly need help from the government.
10. His performance in the match today his reputation as a great player. (LIE)


1. Bruce said that the situation at work was like a family argument. (LIKENED)
→ .....................................................................................................................................

2. When she sold the jewelry at such a low price, she was cheated. (RIDE)
→ .....................................................................................................................................

3. Suppose she make no changes at all for the time being?

→ What ............................................................................................................................

4. It's rumored that we will have a new manager.

→ Rumor has ....................................................................................................................

5. They arrived at their destination alive and kicking. (SOUND)

→ .....................................................................................................................................
6. At this moment I only have time to think about my university thesis. (PREOCCUPIED)
→ .....................................................................................................................................

7. Do you any have idea about how Jack made enough money to buy his new house? (LIGHT)
→ Can you............................................................Jack made enough money to buy his new house?

8. My salary is half what I would be in the job I was offered in January.

→ If .................................................................................................................................

9. Our boss is absolutely determined not to give us that pay rise. (INTENT)
→ Our boss...........................................................the pay rise.

10. The value of sterling has fallen considerably in the past week.
→ There ............................................................................................................................

ĐỀ 8


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. choreograph B. christianity C. archaic D. chivalry
2. A. slaughter B. borough C. drought D. laughter
3. A. humane B. locate C. strategy D. rabies
4. A. wretched B. blessed C. allegedly D. knackered
5. A. realm B. cleanse C. heather D. meager

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three.
6. A. architecture B. comparison C. championship D. communism
7. A. propaganda B. influential C. mediocre D. obligatory
8. A. addressee B. referee C. employee D. nominee
9. A. malice B. leopard C. phenom D. cohort
10. A. unaffected B. unanimous C. unaccountable D. unambiguous


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

11. When I finish writing this composition, I'm going to and go to bed.
A. make time B. hit the hay C. hit the big time D. call it a day

12. Mary usually buys her clothes . It's cheaper than going to a dressmaker.
A. in public B. on the shelf C. off the peg D. on the house

13. You are at to do what you like

A. freedom B. odds C. disposal D. liberty

14. Without written evidence, we don't have a on.

A. leg to stand B. foot to stand C. leg to lean D. foot to lean

15. It was very strange but I had a(n) that the plane would crash.
A. intuition B. omen C. premonition D. prediction
16. Although he spoke slowly, I found it difficult at times to follow the of his argument.
A. spool B. track C. thread D. path

17. I intend to an official complaint to the Director.

A. write B. lodge C. place D. take
18. The transport strikes a real , which will make it very difficult for me to get to work.
A. pain in the back B. nuisance C. last straw D. frustration

19. benefits include a new car and free health insurance.

A. Well B. Fringe C. Edge D. Verge

20. Mind that the baby shouldn't touch the knife; it's as sharp as a .
A. blade B. sword C. cut D. razor
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

21. He prefers to attend Economics University rather than .

A. going to Polytechnic C. studying Polytechnic
B. to be accepted to Polytechnic D. to attend Polytechnic

22. It pays some professional advice before you make a decision.

A. get B. getting C. to getting D. to get

23. It able to finish it in an hour.

A. can't have been too hard if you had been C. couldn't be too hard if you are
B. can't have been too hard if you were D. couldn't be too hard if you had been

24. It could have been a lot worse there.

A. when he had not been C. had he not been
B. for he had not been D. whether or not he had been

25. believed to be over 300 species of trees in El Yunque rain forest in Puerto Rico.
A. There are B. They are C. It is D. Is has been

26. classified as a carnivore, the North American Grizzly bear eats berries and even grass.
A. Just as B. Because of C. Although D. Either

27. I'm my brother is.

A. nothing near as ambitious B. nothing as ambitious than
C. nowhere like so ambitious D. nowhere near as ambitious as

28. On the island the only representation of the Indians' handicraft.

A. does it remain B. did it remain C. remains D. remains it

29. It is advised that not only Tam but also his friends punctual.
A. be B. are C. is D. were

30. Many a boy come up with many new ideas.

A. have B. have been C. has D. has been
31. If you pay the restaurant bill with your credit card, I'll with you later.
A. settle down B. pay back C. settle up D. pay up

32. Demand for the products is expected to peak 5 years from now and then to .
A. taper off B. fall down C. set back D. drift away
33. It was an embarrassing situation, but she managed to .
A. laugh at it B. laugh on it C. laugh it off D. laugh it out

34. The police a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration.
A. came in for B. brought about
C. went down with D. opened up

35. The rain was simply down on the deserted street.

A. pelting B. spraying C. showering D. dripping

36. As we were waiting on the pavement, a black Mercedes beside us.

A. pulled up B. pulled down C. pulled off D. pulled through

37. I was the impression that you liked Indian food.

A. on B. with C. over D. under

38. Ms. Dung, your form teacher, as a very sympathetic person. She can be a shoulder to cry on.
A. comes out B. comes at C. comes over D. comes about

39. She brought the deal even though nobody thought she was capable of doing it.
A. in B. off C. out D. down

40. It took the parents a long time to their children's games.

A. catch with B. catch up C. catch on to D. catch out
A. Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. This involved some dealings with the chief of the police. (HAND)
2. Ensure your screen colors are not causing eye strain. Avoid fluorescent screens.
3. You can travel from one end of the park to the other on a railway. (MINIMIZE)
4. Mr. Madill stated that the against him were unfounded. (ALLEGE)
5. The lingering war in the country has brought about nothing but the effects of poverty and
squalor. (HUMAN)
6. The between blacks and whites are more and more common. (MARRY)
7. I don't think Tom's getting too much sleep lately. His eyes are terribly . (BLEED)
8. He has unwavering belief in something unreal such as forces. (NORMALITY)
9. can be dangerously close to racism. (NATION)
10. The world champion was by a younger Russian challenger. (THRONE)
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. This liver condition is common among those who drink a lot.

→ This liver condition............................................................................................drinkers.
2. "I think the whole idea is ridiculous," he said.
→ He dismissed ..................................................................................................................

3. He threatened the officers with violence.

→ He made ........................................................................................................................
4. It shouldn't have surprised me that my children didn't like the new, cheaper ice- cream.
→ I might ............................................................................................................................

5. Her lateness made the boss angry. (BANANAS)

→ It was because she .........................................................................................................

6. She wore headphones in order not to disturb anyone.

→ She wore headphones lest ...............................................................................................

7. She is not very good at arranging flowers. (FLAIR)

→ .......................................................................................................................................

8. Bill changed his ways when he came out of prison. (LEAF)

→ Bill has ...........................................................................................................................

9. You must not, I repeat not, open this box until Christmas Day. (TO)
→ Under...................................................................................opened until Christmas Day.

10. Her early success has made her very conceited. (HEAD)
→ .......................................................................................................................................

ĐỀ 9


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. wretchedly B. ruggedly C. confusedly D. determinedly

2. A. slumber B. doubter C. dumbly D. debtor
3. A. expansion B. conversion C. precision D. explosion
4. A. athlete B. ethnic C. asthma D. breath
5. A. finale B. machete C. facsimile D. denote

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three.

6. A. magnifier B. preferable C. interpolate D. jeopardy

7. A. horizontal B. adolescent C. panorama D. infrastructure
8. A. photography B. advantageous C. proverbial D. magnificent
9. A. lunatic B. nomadic C. aroma D. heroic
10. A. constituency B. constitution C. presentiment D. subsidiary


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

11. The news of his death was like a bolt

A. from the red B. from the blue C. from the black D. from the white

12. Environmental groups are locked in with the council over the proposed new bypass
through parts of Charmy Wood.
A. argument B. battle C. endowed D. controversy

13. He was with an extraordinary ability.

A. entrusted B. ensured C. debate D. entreated

14. "There is no further treatment we can give", said Dr. John. “We must let the disease take its
A. end B. term C. way D. course

15. What on earth made you risk your life and by driving that fast?
A. death B. health C. limb D. liberty

16. During the evening football match, the stadium was illuminated by .
A. flashlights B. floodlights C. highlights D. spotlights

17. Tom admitted that he couldn't concentrate on his work due to this irritating noise.
A. in all B. the bit least C. in the least D. at the least

18. You can buy fake designer clothes much more cheaply than the articles.
A. exact B. real C. true D. genuine

19. Could I pick your on the subject before the meeting?

A. brains B. mind C. head D. intellect

20. Four people drowned when the yacht in a sudden storm.

A. inverted B. overflowed C. upset D. capsized
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

21. Everything looks very positive for the company, the current investors do not default on
their agreements.
A. assuming that B. whether C. whereas D. as if

22. came as the injured cat was so weak.

A. Afterwards/dying B. Death/X C. Soon/death D. Then/to die

23. Probably no man had more effect on the daily lives of most people in the United States
A. as Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
B. rather than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
C. than did Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
D. more than Henry Ford, a pioneer in automobile production.
24. The picking of the fruit, takes about a week.
A. whose work they receive no money
B. as they receive no money for that work
C. for which work they receive no money
D. they receive no money for it
25. It was not until they sent me the invitation how meaningful| was to them.
A. that I realized B. I realized C. did I realize D. had I realized

26. I would rather my holiday in Egypt than in Turkey. I really couldn't stand the food.
A. take B had taken C. to have taken D. have taken

27. that we decided to cancel the polo match.

A. Such was a weather C. So terrible a weather was it
B. Such terrible weather was it D. The weather was such

28. Why didn't you tell me you needed help? I you.

A. must have helped C. could help
B. could have helped D. was able to help

29. , he remained optimistic.

A. Though badly wounded he was C. As he was badly wounded
B. As he was Badly wounded D. As badly wounded he was
30. Mark Twain began his career on a newspaper and to be a journalist.
A. long considering himself C. long considered himself
B. himself long considered D. was long himself considered
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

31. I can't come to your birthday party because something has .

A. done away with B. come off C. dropped off D. cropped up

32. Many students couldn't , but the teacher the problem by going into a detailed
A. catch up/cleared away B. catch up with/cleared off
C. catch on/cleared up D. catch at/clear out

33. The robbers packed diamonds into a suitcase and in a van that waited for them in the
A. put through B. rolled over C. carried away D. made off

34. It is not surprising that he became a writer because he always longed to see his name .
A. in type B. in print C. in letters D. in edition

35. At first they refused but I managed to them round to my way of thinking.
A. put B. force C. push D. bring

36. We put his rude manner ignorance of our British customs.

A. off at B. up with C. up to D. down to

37. Bert is a bit down in the . He was sacked yesterday.

A. dumps B. sad C. low D. bad

38. Thanks to her regular workouts and sensible diet, she certainly strikes me as in the
A. blue B. green C. pink D. red

39. What's all this crying ?

A. without the aid of B. with the aid of C. in aid of D. within the aid of

40. Could you reach me that vase from the top shelf?
A. down B. for C. forward D. up for
A. Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.

1. The sports stadium is the pride of the city. (FUTURE)

2. She is one of those people who never get angry or upset. (PERTURB)
3. Nadal has defeated his Ferrer in the quarter final. (PATRIOTISM)
4. Salt water has more than fresh water. (BUOY)
5. His injury put him out of contention for the championship. (CAPACITY)
6. She the things we need to buy sugar, tea and sandwiches. (NUMBER)
7. , we should stay in a hostel instead of a hotel. (BUDGET)
8. The new BMW has a more powerful engine than its . (PRECEDE)
9. She herself, left the farm and moved to London. (ROOT)
10. Many fish protect their eggs from predators. (GENIUS)
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

11. Richard only took over the family business because his father decided to retire early.
→ Had ................................................................................................................................

12. We would always take great care when flying at night. (WITS)
→ We always used ..............................................................................................................

13. There haven't been such long queues at the cinema since the release of the last blockbuster.
→ Not .................................................................................................................................

14. I will only be satisfied if the manager apologizes fully.

→ Nothing short ..................................................................................................................

15. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in. (WRAPPED)
→ She was so .....................................................................................................................

16. The price of the house has been reduced as much as possible because the owner needs some money.
→ The house .......................................................................................................................

17. The permit expires at the end of the month.

→ The permit is not..............................................................................................................

18. The first sign of the disease is blurred vision. (ONSET)

→ .......................................................................................................................................

19. Don't say anything negative about her hair because she's very sensitive and might be offended by your
remarks. (OFFENCE)
→ .......................................................................................................................................

20. The new teacher was so nervous that the class reacted mischievously. (REACTION)
→ The new teacher's ............................................................................................................

ĐỀ 10


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. epoch B. lichen C. archipelago D. chemise

2. A. hatred B. allegedly C. deluged D. dogged
3. A. complacent B. preface C. menace D. palace
4. A. convalescence B. crescendo C. effervescent D. scenic
5. A. massage B. pilgrimage C. pillage D. dosage

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three.

6. A. commentator B. salbutamol C. netiquette D. predecessor

7. A. procrastinate B. jeopardize C. hibernate D. frivolous
8. A. hermaphrodite B. telepathy C. kaleidoscope D. nevertheless
9. A. discrepancy B. convivial C. gimmickry D. naturalistic
10. A. conscientious B. officialese C. consanguinity D. irrevocable


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

21. All his hard work in great success.

A. accounted B. culminated C. merged D. succumbed

22. She's certainly a writer; she has written quite a few books this year.
A. fruitful B. prolific C. fertile D. successful

23. The contemporary dialogue for me struck a slightly note.

A. disembodied B. discordant C. dismissive D. disconcerting

24. We decided to celebrate by going out and painting the town .

A. red B. purple C. gold D. brown.

25. Not being able to find my phone number is a pretty excuse for not contacting me.
A. fragile B. frail C. feeble D. faint

26. The new airport was constructed in the of fierce opposition from environmentalists.
A. face B. teeth C. tooth and nail D. fangs

27. According to the of the contract, tenants must give six months' notice if they intend to live.
A. laws B. rules C. terms D. details
28. She wasn't allowed into the country, because her parents aren't in order.
A. subsequently B. presumably C. admittedly D. paradoxically

29. Both of the jobs I've been offered are fantastic opportunities - I'm in such .
A. a dwelling B. a grudge C. an array D. a quandary

30. The Red Cross is an international aid organization.

A. intriguingly B. intrusively C. intrinsically D. intrepidly
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

31. Up , and the people cheered.

A. went the balloon C. had the balloon
B. did the balloon go gone D. the balloon went

32. Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than
A. man B. the man C. the one of the man’s D. that of man

33. He seems for the experience.

A. none worse B. none the worse
C. none worse at all D. none the worst

34. The university's programs .

A. only comes second after Harvard
B. are second only to those of Harvard
C. are first except for Harvard's
D. are second place from that of Harvard
35. You promised to have a day off and go camping with us and you were at work until midnight this
Sunday. I would rather you your word.
A. keep B. would have kept C. had kept D. kept

36. Business has been thriving for the past few years. Long it continue to do so.
A. could B. does C. may D. might

37. All the way from Leeds .

A. he came B. came he C. did he come D. comes he

38. The first people to live in Hawaii were the Polynesians, who sailed there in large canoes from other
Pacific Islands about 2,000 years ago.
A. now where is B. what is now C. the place is now D. now this is

39. It was asked that the traffic laws strictly.

A. must be observed C. be observed
B. had to be observed D. were observed

40. Nobody understands what the strange man has said, ?

A. do they B. don't they C. doesn't he D. does he

41. It that the mayor had bribed several councilors to vote.

A. broke out B. pointed at C. came round D. turned out

42. They are two a kind, talkative and lazy.

A. for B. with C. in D. of

43. I wish you'd telling me what to do all the time.

A. lay off B. let out C. take in D. go with

44. When the professor advanced his theory at a medical conference a couple of years ago, everyone was
skeptical about its validity. However, the latest research has it
A. borne / out B. carried / out C. stood / for D. cleared / at

45. The Russians treat him suspiciously, so he the Russian fortress in order to return to
the mountains.
A. gets away with B. breaks out of C. cracks down on D. holds out for

46. Creative writers are largely endowed the gift of writing.

A. with B. of C. on D. at

47. There's been a bomb scare and the police have the area.
A. made out B. put down C. rambled on D. cordoned off

48. hindsight, it would have been better to wait.

A. On B. For C. From D. In

49. He tried to the country's deep-seated problems.

A. paper over B. pencil in C. screen off D. box in

50. He was very upset when the boss passed him and promoted a newcomer to the
assistant’s job.
A. by B. up C. over D. aside


A. Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. She became well-known as a consistent of slavery. (OPPOSE)
2. is a list of errors in a printed work as a separate page of corrections, known as an errata page.
3. Many scientists argue that dinosaurs developed extensive passages with membranes to
cool their skin surfaces. (NOSE)
4. Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to of the experiment. (VALID)
5. He became in his opposition in the plan. He gave up viewpoints after his boss criticized.
6. He was returned to prison in 1977 for a police officer. (PERSON)
7. The soldiers have been ordered to from firing the guns. (INSIST)
8. I lingered in San Francisco, myself after the hardships of the cruise, spending money,
regretting it, continually promising departure for the morrow. (DAMAGE)
9. One of the cars involved in the accident was a complete . (WRITE)
10. The work is marred by a number of typing and spelling errors, and would have benefited from stricter of
the before submission. (READ)
The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.

1 The weight and pressure of icy accumulation causes glacier movement. Glaciers move out
2 from under them, via plastic deformation and basal slippage. First, the internal flow of ice
3 crystals begins to spread outward and downward from the thickened snow pack also known
4 as the zone of accumulation. Next, the ice along the ground surface begins to slip on the
5 same direction. Seasonal thawing at the basis of the glacier helps facilitating this slippage.
6 The middle of a glacier moves faster than the sides and bottom because there was no rock
7 to cause any friction. The above part of a glacier rides on the ice below. As a glacier moves
8 it carves out a U-shape valley to a riverbed, but with much steeper walls and flat bottom.
9 Beside the extraordinary rivers of ice, glacial erosion creates other unique physical features
10 in the landscape such as horns, fjords, hanging valleys and cirques.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. He really upset everyone when he told them his secret. (PIGEONS)

→ He ................................................................................................................................

2. Your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. (LEAF)

→ You will ........................................................................................................................

3. You will you are talented but horses will always show you are not. (PEG)
→ No matter .....................................................................................................................

4. I avoided mentioning Jack's demotion as I realized that it might upset him. (SLEEPING)
→ Realizing........................................................................................................................
5. Susan is far superior to me in terms of technical knowledge. (MATCH)
→ When it comes

6. It is important that we have to get the team to comply with the rules. (LINE)
→ It is of ..........................................................................................................................
7. Winning the prize has made him very conceited. (HEAD)
→ Winning ........................................................................................................................

8. Prompt action from the police helped to reduce the number of people killed and injured in the fighting.
→ Were it..............................................................................................................casualties.

9. His efforts to find a solution didn't deserve such a savage criticism.

→ He..................................................................................................................to find a solution.

10. He did not succeed in reaching the top of the highest mountain in this area.
→ In vain ..........................................................................................................................

ĐỀ 11


Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. decoy B. perishable C. benzene D. supreme

2. A. mayor B. quay C. prayer D. layer
3. A. mahout B. foul C. poultry D. drought
4. A. hombre B. hauteur C. heirloom D. haulage
5. A. simile B. anemone C. acne D. acquiesce

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the other three.

6. A. xenophobia B. salmonberry C. palindrome D. moderator

7. A. horoscope B. mahogany C. deplorable D. prerequisite
8. A. interchange B. infamous C. contributory D. undercurrent
9. A. culminate B. negligence C. diplomat D. intriguing
10. A. viticulture B. concertina C. preferential D. misbegotten
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

11. Because of the unfortunate , your order was not dispatched by the date requested.
A. hindrance B. oversight C. negligence D. transgression

12. Failing to submit the proposal on time was for Tom.

A. a nail in the coffin B. a real kick in the pants
C. a shot in the dark D. an open and shut case

13. Be careful not to your finger with that needle.

A. prick B. bite C. scratch D. sting

14. The jury her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject.
A. paid B. gave C. made D. said

15. His new yacht is certainly an display of his wealth.

A. ostentatious B. ossified C. intuitive D. elusive

16. I don't need any medicine. I'm as right as

A. clouds B. rays C. rain D. a haze
17. They continued fighting despite all the they met with.
A. amenities B. properties C. liabilities D. adversities

18. I appealed to all people to support me and I was successful.

A. same-minded B. thought-sharing C. familiar-thinking D. like-minded

19. He seemed very quiet, but it would be a mistake to his intelligence.

A. devalue B. deprecate C. underrate D. minimize

20. With all respect, I think your comments are very short-sighted.
A. anticipated B. due C. limited D. firm
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

21. Your ideas, , seem unusual to me.

A. as hers B. like hers C. similar as hers D. different than hers

22. It is moved that the campaign funds at once.

A. to raise / be launched B. raise / to be launched
C. raise / launched D. to raise / is launched

23. A new generation of performers, to those who by now had become a household name,
honed their skills before following the same path onto television.
A. no less talented than C. together with talented as funds at once.
B. along with talented as D. having more talented than

24. , he remained optimistic.

A. Though badly wounded he was C. As he was badly wounded
B. Badly wounded as he was D. As badly wounded he was

25. At the deep bottom of Atlantic .

A. lied the Titanic C. lay the Titanic
B. did the Titanic lie D. had the Titanic lain

26. He finally agreed, reluctantly, to help us.

A. albeit B. nonetheless C. somehow or other D. in all likelihood

27. Charlie a speech at the end of the last term, but he didn't.
A. were to give B. is to give C. was to be giver D. was to have given

28. circling the globe faster than Jules Verne's fictional Phileas Fogg.
A. A pioneer journalist, Nellie Bly's exploits included
B. Also included in the exploits of Nellie Bly, a pioneer journalist, was
C. The exploits of Nellie Bly, a pioneer journalist, included
D. The pioneer journalist's exploits of Nellie Bly included
29. He paused, afraid lest he too much.
A. didn't say B. say C. has said D. hadn't been saying

30. We you the money you needed but you didn't tell us.
A. could have lent B. should have lent C. could lend D. were able to
A. Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. He is for his charitable activities than for his business in the steel industry. (KNOW)
2. Our bodies are naturally by our organs of elimination- the skin, lungs, intestines, kidneys
and liver. (TOXIC)
3. He's such a/an who always pretends to know everything. (INTELLECT)
4. She should take these drugs to treat her state. (DEPRESS)
5. The audience was mesmerized by her clear and voice. (SOUND)
6. A number of local church leaders have acted as with the people in the vicinity. (GO)
7. The ban on firecrackers was introduced to reduce the number of accidents. (EXPRESS)
8. He sold the car to a/an who paid with a worthless stolen cheque. (TRICK)
9. It was for a new band to be offered such a deal. (HEAR)
10. John was arrested for smuggling . (BAN)
The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.
1 Blue whales, the world's largest animals, have been sighted again in British waters for the
2 first time in at least twenty years. Indications that a population of blue whales was inhabiting
3 the waters west of Scotland came for the first time from the United States Navy, which
4 surveillance system picked up the songs of a lot of different whales. American zoologists
5 later subsequently certified the blue whale song among them. Now mariner biologist, Carol
6 Booker, has actually seen a blue whale there herself. She has no doubt about what she saw,
7 because they have distinctive fins which are very small for their size. She says, “Worldwide
8 they were mostly extinct and it seemed they had completely vanished from North Atlantic,
9 so you can imagine how I felt actually seeing ones! However, it is certainly too soon to say
10 if it is an indication of a populous recovery." She goes on to say, "What it does show is the
11 importance of this area of the ocean for whales, and how essential it is to control pollution
12 of the seas." Bigger than any dinosaur known to man, blue whales are the largest animals
13 ever to have lived on earth. A blue whale is more than six meters long at birth and, when
14 completely grown, its heart is the same height as a tall man and weighs as much as a horse
15 is.


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

11. He was too frightened to admit that he had broken the window. (OWN)
→ So ...................................................................................................................................

12. I wish he would stop criticizing my work. (FAULT)

→ I'd sooner ........................................................................................................................

13. Zoe always makes spontaneous decisions concerning her travel plans. (ACTS)
→ Zoe always ......................................................................................................................

14. He really disappointed me when breaking the promise to help me out. (TEETH)
→ He really .........................................................................................................................
15. If her father hadn't retired, she wouldn't have taken over his work. (STEPPED)
→ But for ............................................................................................................................

16. His efforts to find a solution didn't deserve such savage criticism.
→ He shouldn't ....................................................................................................................

17. People became aware of the damage to the ozone layer when an enormous hole was discovered over the
South Pole.
→ It was the .......................................................................................................................

18. When I grow up, I'm going to be really important. (CAT)

→ .......................................................................................................................................

19. I thought very hard but couldn't remember the answer. (RACKED)
→ I .....................................................................................................................................

20. Alex grimaced as he swallowed the foul-tasting medicine. (PULLED)

→ Alex ................................................................................................................................


ĐỀ 12


Choose the best options (A, B, C, or D) that best complete the following sentences.

1. The local authority expressed regret as US drone strike has killed innocent hostages.
A. incongruously B. vehemently C. inadvertently D. graciously

2. These days the castle is swamped with of tourists.

A. mobs B. throngs C. shoals D. cliques

3. He left the meeting early on the unlikely that he had a sick friend to visit.
A. excuse B. pretext C. motive D. claim

4. He decided to withdraw from the powerboat race as he could see a(n) of danger.
A. prediction B. foreboding C. omen D. dearth

5. I slipped briefly back into sleep and emerged when breakfast was being served outside in a(n)
A. whimsical B. extravagant C. extortionate D. enchanting

6. He had a momentary of concentration and before he knew it the car had spun out of control.
A. lapse B. loss C. slip D. mistake

7. In the hands of a careless driver, a car becomes a weapon.

A. fatal B. mortal C. lethal D. venal

8. He glanced at Juliet accusingly and she looked abashed.

A. completely B. absolutely C. utterly D. suitably

9. We were sorted out into groups according to the types of honors and quite a long wait
A. ensued B. eventuated C. supervened D. transpired

10. The Prime Minister will decide whether to release the prisoner or not; that's his .
A. derogatory B. abdication C. prerogative D. humanity
11. His new play is not only interesting but also unique. It is really off the beaten
A. road B. path C. route D. track

12. That Peter was born and brought up in a rich family is as clear as the
A. nose on his face B. tip of his tongue
C. back of his hand D. hair on his head
13. I will try to finish the job to the best of my .
A. knowledge B. ability C. means D. command

14. Tim said the meal was , so we didn't have to worry about the price.
A. on the house B. on his expense C. for him D. for his money

15. Let Hercules himself do what he may, for a cat will mew and a dog will have his
A. day B. time C. month D. year

16. Breaking his leg a blow to his chances of becoming a professional footballer.
A. brought B. caused C. dealt D. struck

17. In the acting career, the moment one first cut his will be the most memorable with
embarrassment and pride bubbling up inside.
A. nails B. teeth C. fingers D. hair

18. His French is roughly with my Japanese, so communication was rather difficult.
A. in harmony B. on a par C. on equal term D. on good terms

19. Max has been my ears all night about his new job.
A. bending B. deafening C. rolling D. biting

20. The fighting has stopped, so to , the war is over.

A. all pins and needles C. all prim and proper
B. all chop and change D. all intents and purposes

21. We would sooner Mr. Tram us the urgent information the other night.
A. would have sent B. had sent C. sent D. had been sent

22. Would you be my letter while I am away?

A. too good as to forward B. so good as to forward
C. as good as to forward D. so good as forwarding

23. He us on the last day of the congress, so his presence at the opening ceremony was something of
a surprise.
A. could have joined B. was about to join C. had to join D. was to join

24. You could have done inviting Sam to the party.

A. better or worse than B. a lot worse than
C. much better as D. nothing as worse as

25. He works until nine o'clock every evening, and that's quite the work he does over the
A. except for B. apart from C. without D. but for

26. I would rather go skiing picnicking this weekend.

A. than going B. than to going C. than to go D. than go

27. It is mandatory that smoking in public .

A. is prohibited B. must be prohibited C. prohibiting D. be prohibited
28. In geometry, an ellipse may be defined as the locus of all points distances from two fixed
points is constant.
A. the sum of whose B. of which the sum C. whose sum of D. which the sum of

29. Tony gripped his brother's arm lest he by the mob.

A. would be trampled B. were trampled
C. be trampled D. could have been trampled

30. The mini dress was , but now it is making a comeback.

A. a fad once thought to be finished C. thought a fad to be finished once
B. once thought a fad to be finishing D. once thought to be a finishing fad

31. If you never put oil into your car engine, one day it will .
A. flake out B. shut down C. seize up D. run off with

32. If you pay the restaurant bill with your credit card, it will with you later.
A. settle down B. settle up C. pay back D. pay off

33. In those days, doctors ladled antibiotics to patients.

A. with B. on C. in D. out

34. Let's find a place where we can the storm.

A. wait out B. wear off C. wind down D. shrug off

35. The schoolboy winced the sight of the cane in the headmaster's hand.
A. at B. for C. by D. of

36. I was completely bowled their warm reception.

A. with B. up C. off D. over

37. I am not liberty to tell you anything about his private life.
A. in B. at C. by D. on

38. The figure is more 200, I think.

A. of B. at C. like D. with

39. Their performances are really compare. How amazing!

A. out of B. over C. within D. beyond

40. The party was full swing when I arrived. Everyone was singing and dancing.
A. in B. on C. about D. with


A. Supply the correct forms of the words given.

1. To the , most computer systems seem complex and difficult to understand. (INITIATIVE)
2. The pieces of evidence fell into place with the precision of a well-made jigsaw puzzle.
3. Parents have deep about allowing business values to be used in schools. (GIVE)
4. For many people, social networking offers them a feeling of from the real world. (ESCAPE)
5. Not sick. Mai guessed, but probably now that she drank a lot at the party last night. (HANG)
6. The boats surrounded the whales, drove them into nets, where they became and
were rendered helpless by harpoon thrusts. (MESH)
7. "P" is a consonant. (LIP)
8. Perhaps , recent computer modeling studies predict fewer tropical cyclones if the ocean
heats up further as a result of global warming. (INTUITION)
9. New immigrants have been successfully into the community. (SIMILAR)
10. We have to learn good examples, to look at our behavior and to stop being . (RIGHT)
Identify 10 mistakes in this passage and suggest corrections.

1 Preserving organisms in museums is one way of retaining them for posterity, but almost of
2 people agree that it would be nice to keep a few of them live in the wild, too. At the moment,
3 which species survive, which decline to threatened or even status and which succumb for
4 extinction is something of a lottery. WORLDMAP is an easy-to-use software that identified
5 geographical patterns in diversity, rarity and conservation priorities. It can perform a range
6 specialist biological analysis infinitely countless numbers of species, with a view to provide
7 biodiversity data for research purposes. The program divides the surface area of the world
8 into cells, usually arranging in a rectangular grid. WORLDMAP can also predict the likelihood
9 of a hitherto unobserved species found in an area on the basis of theirs known distribution.
10 Given the patchiness of most records, which is a useful trick. Furthermore, it can select
11 complementary areas for preservation. Those are not necessarily cells with the highest
12 individual biodiversity, but for those which, together, maximize what is preserved by picking
13 places with the least overlapping species.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

1. Linda was very nervous, which made her look like a bashful girl. (CAME)
→ Such ..............................................................................................................................

2. As soon as the funds ran out, they had to abandon the scheme. (PETERED)
→ The instant .....................................................................................................................

3. Why did you reveal my plan to Kathy? (BREATHED)

→ I’d .................................................................................................................................

4. David was responsible for the family business as soon as his father retired. (CHARGE)
→ Scarcely .........................................................................................................................

5. Your encouragement helped to make things less grievous after such a heavy loss. (CUSHION)
→ It was ............................................................................................................................
6. Tina was crazy about stamps, so she spends lots of money on them every month. (SPLASHED)
→ Had it .............................................................................................................................

7. He tried hard but couldn't compensate for what he had done. (AMENDS)
→ Try ................................................................................................................................

8. Experts think that all dogs evolved from wolves. (DESCENDED)

→ All dogs.........................................................................................................................experts.

9. We didn't learn he still managed to live with very little money as a waiter until later. (EKED)
→ Not until .........................................................................................................................

10. Nobody is certain if the project will be permitted to continue. (GO-AHEAD)

→ It's still touch.................................................................................................................or not

ĐỀ 13


Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
1. happy in the new school, he missed his old friends.
A. Usually B. Although C. Being D. Even

2. we leave at 3:00, we should get there by 5:30.

A. Assuming B. Having assumed C. To assume D. Assumed

3. I am sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you long.

A. are not waiting B. don’t wait C. haven’t waited D. haven’t been waiting

4. It's about time you the balcony. It's covered in leaves and dust.
A. cleaned B. had cleaned C. to be cleaned D. to have cleaned

5. Don't be silly! That possibly be David Beckham!

A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. won't D. can't

6. “I locked myself out of my apartment. I didn't know what to do.” “You

your roommate.”
A. could have called B. may have called
C. would have called D. must have called

7. “Did the principal of the school answer you yet?”

“No, but I hear from him by 5pm, I’ll let you know.”
A. might B. could C. would D. should

8. help me make this decision. I’m just so unsure of which direction to take for my future.
A. I’d sooner you will B. I wish you will
C. If only you could D. I’d rather you

9. we have enough money, where would you like to travel this summer?
A. So that B. Provided that
C. Despite the fact that D. Unless
10. Twenty people were arrested during the demonstration, of four were charged with
A. who B. whom C. which D. them
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.
11. She was very appreciative all the support she got from her friends.
A. of B. for C. on D. with
12. Her latest novel is coming in paperback soon.
A. across B. off C. out D. about
13. As you’ve arrived late, you’ll have to the time you have lost.
A. make up to B. do up to C. do up for D. make up for

14. Mary is jealous her sister because she is much more popular.
A. on B. of C. for D. with

15. Your skirt needs taking ; it's too large.

A. up B. on C. over D. in

16. Can you make the meaning of this passage?

A. out B. for C. up D. into

17. He’s such a hard man to as he’s always flitting from one site to another.
A. pin in B. lock in C. narrow down D. nail down

18. Don't be put by his manner. He always acts that way.

A. on B. away C. off D. down

19. His proposal met total opposition from the committee.

A. about B. by C. for D. with

20. You ought to stand your little brother when the others tease him.
A. over with B. by for C. about with D. up for
Choose the best options to complete the following sentences.

21. It is possible to out of the pension scheme if you do not wish to participate.
A. back B. charge C. opt D. break

22. She always gets what she wants because she knows how to the rules.
A. circumvent B. desert C. slack D. elicit

23. Anthropologists have spent years studying the social system of this .
A. breed B. caste C. tribe D. sect

24. I tried to catch the mouse, but it was too .

A. intentional B. obsolete C. uncommon D. elusive
25. I have no appetite and I am lethargic. I've been feeling under for ages.
A. pair B. stress C. par D. threat

26. Peter does everything himself because he doesn’t like to control.

A. extinguish B. relinquish C. vanish D. elicit

27. I don't know how I can up the courage to tell him the awful news.
A. pick B. pluck C. store D. set

28. I need to study more for the test. I don’t have a very good of the material.
A. abstract B. grasp C. hint D. gist
29. The weekend is over, so tomorrow morning it's back to the .
A. grind B. labour C. drudgery D. toil

30. We could hear the monkey long before we reached their cage.
A. chatting B. chattering C. prattling D. babbling

31. Bob is so short-tempered; he should try to his anger.

A. monitor B curb C temper D stunt

32. The police the woods looking for the lost child.
A. scoured B. integrated C. traced D. encountered

33. Don't mention work to Ray, as it's a sore with him at the moment.
A. finger B. point C. place D. nail

34. The couple under the umbrella to keep dry.

A. enclosed B. muffled C. huddled D. augmented

35. A long, green snake through the grass and disappeared.

A. strutted B. slunk C. slithered D. scampered

36. This schedule isn’t final. It’s only .

A. tentative B. sporadic C. contemporary D. subsequent

37. My new pullover to half its previous size when I washed it.
A. shrank B. reduced C. diminished D. dwindled

38. The new accounting system all my work useless.

A. transformed B. rendered C. transposed D. converted

39. Martin just loves to his teeth into a really challenging crossword.
A. grind B. get C. put D. sink

40. The doctor said that sweets should be eaten in .

A. compulsion B. restriction C. moderation D. qualification


A. Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. They were in search of archaeological remains. (DATE)
2. He always gets aggressive when he’s drunk. (RESTRAIN)
3. The drop in share prices in March was a of the financial crash that followed in June. (RUN)
4. She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse . (COMPANY)
5. I really didn't mean to offend her - I just said it . (THINK)
6. They were accused of in their treatment of the hostages. (HUMAN)
7. Alcohol is a factor in 10% of all road accidents. (CONTRIBUTE)
8. He had to face up to his own as a father. (ADEQUATE)
9. It was a step in the right direction. (QUESTION)
10. Hospital beds were scarce and medicines were practically . (EXIST)
The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.
1 Vitamins are good for our health, aren't they? Perhaps not. New research suggests that rather
2 than ward off disease, high doses of certain vitamins may make more harm than good and
3 could even put you in an early grave. Some recent studies suggest that far from improving
4 health, these vitamins, when taken at very high doses, may actually increase the risks of
5 cancer and a range of debilitating diseases, a discovery that has sent the medicinal world into
6 a spin. Scientists are unsure as to when vitamins, so essential to health, can be toxic in high
7 doses. The most likely explanation is that the body is only equipped to deal with the levels
8 found naturally in the environment. If the intake is too far for the normal range, then the
9 body's internal chemistry must be shunted out of alignment. What this means is that the
10 commercially sold vitamins and those provided by nature is not always compatible. The
11 commercial forms may interfere with the body's internal chemistry by “crowding out” the most
12 natural and beneficial forms of the nutrients. The vitamins obtained in food are also allied with
13 a host of other substances which may moderate or augment its activity in the body. The latest
14 advice is to eat a balance diet to ensure you get all the nutrients you need, and if you must
15 take supplements make sure you take the lowest recommended dose and follow the
Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.

11. People know more about my novels than the plays I write. (BETTER)
I'm ................................................................................................................................

12. The staff hated his new policies intensely and so went on strike. (HATRED)
So intense ....................................................................................................................

13. Your attitude to life would be greatly improved by regular exercise. (WONDERS)
Regular exercise would ..................................................................................................

14. There is someone in the office twenty-four hours a day. (STAFFED)

The office ......................................................................................................................

15. Do you think her grandmother was offended by what I said? (EXCEPTION)
Do you think……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..?

16. His behavior at the conference gave him the bad reputation he now has. (CONDUCTED)
The way .......................................................................................................................

17. Unless we can obtain more information, we can't process your claim. (FORTHCOMING)
Unless further ...............................................................................................................

18. Our teacher thinks it would be better to get on as quickly as possible. (MUCH)
Our teacher would prefer us ..........................................................................................
19. I had to wait for the manager for almost an hour before he would see me. (BEST)
The manager kept .........................................................................................................

20. They remain close friends despite having had many arguments. (FALL)
Frequently as ................................................................................................................

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