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DP Approaches to Learning half-termly target setting.

Your task is to set yourself a target for each of the Approaches to Learning Skills:
 Communication.
 Self-Management.
 Social.
 Thinking.
 Research.

1. Choose a target from the hints that have been given to you in table 1 and write it in table 2.

2. After you have chosen your target you must consider the strategies you need to put into place to achieve your target.
Write them in table 2.

3. At the end of the half-term / term, write your reflection in table 3. You will have the chance to hold mini reflections across the term.
Communication skills.

Table 1: Choose your target from the ideas below.

Explain your understanding of a text or idea to others. Give feedback to peers.
Use of appropriate vocabulary and examples when speaking to different Read and show understanding of different types of texts.
Give an oral presentation without reading from notes. Formulate arguments clearly and coherently.
Monitor and check the quality of your writing. Contribute to discussions.

Table 2: Target and Strategies.


Strategies to achieve this target:

Table 3: Reflection.
What went well in attempting to meet my target?
What do I need to do / change in order to meet my target?
How has my performance in lessons / assessments / work-life
balance changed since I attempted to meet my target?
Research skills.

Table 1: Choose your target from the ideas below.

Use correct citing and referencing. Analyse sources.
Use the MMRC for a homework task Record your search for sources in steps (types of search engines, search
Practice effective online search skills. Show academic honesty through clear acknowledgment of sources.
Reflect on how you determine the quality of a source. Analyse sources.

Table 2: Target and Strategies.


Strategies to achieve this target:

Table 3: Reflection.
What went well in attempting to meet my target?
What do I need to do / change in order to meet my target?
How has my performance in lessons / assessments / work-life
balance changed since I attempted to meet my target?

Self-Management Skills.

Table 1: Choose your target from the ideas below.

Meet deadlines. Respond to feedback.
Require students to revise and improve on work previously submitted. Be well organised regarding use of planner/homework/notes/locker.
Break down a larger task into specific steps. Be punctual.
Practise or discuss strategies to increase concentration. Try different approaches to revising.

Table 2: Target and Strategies.


Strategies to achieve this target:

Table 3: Reflection.
What went well in attempting to meet my target?
What do I need to do / change in order to meet my target?
How has my performance in lessons / assessments / work-life
balance changed since I attempted to meet my target?

Social skills.

Table 1: Choose your target from the ideas below.

Take on different roles in a classroom discussions or activities. Discuss your understanding of a text or idea with peers and come up with a
shared understanding.
Peer assess other people`s work. Analyse the impact of your contribution on the class.
Resolve conflict as a team. Consider alternative points of view or to take the perspective of others.
Reflect on how you worked as a group. Make decisions when working alone and in groups.

Table 2: Target and Strategies.


Strategies to achieve this target:

Table 3: Reflection.
What went well in attempting to meet my target?
What do I need to do / change in order to meet my target?
How has my performance in lessons / assessments / work-life
balance changed since I attempted to meet my target?

Thinking skills.

Table 1: Choose your target from the ideas below.

Formulate reasoned arguments to support opinions. Take an unfamiliar viewpoint into account when formulating arguments.
Think through answers before giving a response. Use of knowledge from a different subject.
Ask open questions. Reflect on work consistently.
Analyse and evaluate different ideas. Create TOK questions.

Table 2: Target and Strategies.


Strategies to achieve this target:

Table 3: Reflection.
What went well in attempting to meet my target?
What do I need to do / change in order to meet my target?
How has my performance in lessons / assessments / work-life
balance changed since I attempted to meet my target?

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