Behavioral System Model

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BEHAVIORAL SYSTEM MODEL Diagnosis, expected client outcomes, Nursing

Interventions, and Evaluation.

So now we will discuss about Dorothy Johnson’s
Behavioral System Theory. Dorothy Johnson a. to assist patient whose behavior is
may not be familiar for us unlike Florence proportional (corresponding – same amount or
Nightingale, but her theory contributed a lot in value) to social needs
terms of nursing health care.
b. to assist patient who is able to change his/her
Dorothy Johnson was an American Nurse, behavior that justifies biological imperatives
Researcher, Author, and Theorist. She was born (biological imperatives – things or processes
on August 21, 1919 in Savannah, Georgia. She that living organisms need to live and survive)
was the youngest among seven children.
c. to help the patient who has the greatest
She finished her associates degree at Armstrong benefit or chance to be healed from a doctor's
Junior College in Savannah, Georgia on 1938. skills and knowledge when they are ill.
After that, she took a year of from school due to
d. to assist the patient whose behavior does not
The Great Depression and became a teacher of
give evidence of unnecessary trauma that can
two children in Miami, Florida. This is a
lead to illness. Example, mood swings, feeling
significant moment for Johnson because she
numb, increased heart rate, etc.
realized her love for children, nursing, and
education. SUBSYSTEMS
She finished her Bachelors of Science in Nursing 1. ingestion – intake of needs such as oxygen,
at Vanderbilt on 1942. She was the top student food, and medications (when, how, what, how
in her class. After that, she received her much dosage, and under what conditions we
Master’s Degree in Public Health from Harvard eat)
University in Boston Massachusetts on 1948
2. eliminative – dumping of wastes that may
Johnson focused on teaching while she was a have several ways to eliminate. Exp. Sewage
Staff Nurse at Chatham-Savannah Health treatment, sewage sludge treatment, fecal
Council. Between 1955-1956 she was already an matter, composting, and fecal sludge and fecal
Assistant Professor in Pediatric Nursing later sludge management
became an Associate Professor in Nursing.
3. affiliative – maintenance of a strong social
In 1965, She became the Chairperson on the bond. Basis for all social organizations. It
Committee of the California Nurses Association. provides security, assurance, and survival.
She proposed Behavioral System theory in 1968. 4. dependency – it promotes helping behavior
Her career expanded for over 29 years until she that calls for a nurturing response. (Approval,
retired on 1978. She died at the age of 80 on attention/recognition, and physical assistance. It
February 4, 1999. develops dependency from almost having
dependency to others to being an independent
The model advocates, meaning that they are
that is essential for surviving social groups
promoting, and nurturing desirable and
effective behavioral functioning, it is the actions 5. sexual – it is a social and biological factor that
that you can observe from the patient to affects behavior. It can be procreation, gender
prevent illness. identity and sex-roles behaviors.
She defined humans as a system; a behavioral 6. aggressive-protective – it is like self-defense,
system that is composed of seven subsystems. building shields of protection when they feel a
The nurse’s role is to help the patient to threat. People in this kind of behavior needs to
maintain and stabilize the patient’s self-balance. be respected and protected
(katinuan). She also noted that this theory is an
adaptive response (makapag adjust) to stimuli (a 7. achievement – it kind of manipulates the
thing or event that might trigger the patient) to environment to control or mastery an aspect of
maintain stability and comfort. This System self to some standard of excellence. For
includes Nursing Care Plan, Assessment, example, intellectual, physical, creative, and
social skills.

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