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Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28


Numerical Solver of A(alpha)-stable for Stiff

Ordinary Differential Equations
Rahimah Jusoh, Saufianim J. Aksah, Member, IAENG, Nooraini Zainuddin and Zarina B. Ibrahim

investigating a linear system of first-order stiff ODEs,

Abstract— In this paper, a numerical solver for stiff represented by the form
ordinary differential equations (ODEs) known as the Extended
Singly Diagonally Implicit Block Backward Differentiation y '( x) = f ( x, y ), y (a ) = , x  [a, b], (1)
Formulas (ESDIBDDF) is developed. Objectives of this study
are to analyse the A( ) − stability of the ESDIBBDF method
and enhance its accuracy by employing a strategy that where yT = ( y1 , y2 , , ym ) , f T = ( f1 , f 2 , , fm ) and
minimizes the error norm to optimize the values of free
 = (1 , 2 ,
, m ) . Equation (1) satisfies the condition of
parameters. In addition to that, accuracy of the method is to be
enhanced by approximating solutions by implementing extra linearity if f ( x, y ) = A( x ) y + ( x) where A( x) is a constant
functions to be evaluated. The formula is specifically designed
m  m matrix and ( x) is an m − dimensional vector.
in a lower triangular form with equal diagonal coefficients,
enabling faster computation of numerical solutions. Numerical In order to ensure the reliability of the predicted solutions
experiments are conducted to assess the efficiency of this for the given differential equations and their initial
method as a solver for stiff ODEs, comparing it with existing conditions, it is necessary to establish the existence and
methods. The A( ) − stability analysis is verified and uniqueness of the solution, which can be achieved by
conditions for convergence are discussed. The conclusive works verifying the satisfaction of the Lipschitz condition, as
efficiently as an alternate solver for stiff ODEs. The research stated in the following theorem.
recommended extended application of the developed method to
solve applied problems.
Theorem 1. Let f ( x, y ( x )) defined and continuous for all
Index Terms— singly diagonally implicit, block multistep points ( x, y ( x )) in a domain D defined by a  x  b ,
method, A( ) − stable, stiff ODEs y  (−, ) , a and b are finite, and that f ( x, y ( x ))
satisfies Lipschitz condition. Then for any given number  ,
there exists a unique solution y ( x) of (1), where for all
( x, y ( x))  D , y ( x) is continuous and differentiable.
N UMEROUS physical systems give rise to equations
that are expressed in terms of unknown quantities, with
their derivatives being referred to as differential Throughout the centuries, the scientific literature has
equations (DEs). When these derivatives are taken with presented numerous concepts and understandings of
respect to a single independent variable, the system is stiffness. Based on the research by [1], the following
classified as ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and the definition of stiffness should be considered for the
magnitudes of their eigenvalues can vary significantly. development of the proposed solver.
Many of these systems exhibit a challenging characteristic
known as stiffness. This phenomenon is encountered in Definition 1. Linear system (1) is said to be stiff if
various applications such as the analysis of biological i. Re( i )  0 , i = 1, 2, , m and
sciences, mechanical systems, diffusion, electric circuits, ii. max | Re( i ) | min | Re( i ) | , where i are the
i i
and chemical kinetics. The focus of this research is on
eigenvalues of A and the ratio
S = max | Re( i ) | min | Re( i ) | is called the stiffness
i i
Manuscript received August 24, 2022; revised August 13, 2023. ratio.
This research was funded by the National Collaborative Research Fund
between Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS and Universiti Malaysia Pahang
with cost centre 015MC0-036. Due to the limitations of analytical methods in accurately
R. Jusoh is a senior lecturer at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, computing solutions for most differential equations, the
Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. utilization of numerical methods becomes necessary.
S. J. Aksah is a senior lecturer at the Centre of Foundation Studies, Numerical methods for approximating solutions of ODEs
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Selangor, Kampus Dengkil, 43800 are commonly classified into two categories: one-step
Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia. (Corresponding author’s e-mail: methods, such as Euler and Runge-Kutta (RK) methods, and multistep methods, including backward differentiation
N. Zainuddin is a lecturer at the Department of Fundamental and
Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 36210 Bandar Seri formulas (BDF) and Adams method. The objective of this
Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia. (e-mail: study is to introduce a novel extended numerical hybrid-like
Z. B. Ibrahim is a professor of Department of Mathematics, Faculty of formula, referred to as Extended Singly Diagonally Implicit
Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Block Backward Differentiation Formulas (ESDIBDDF).
Malaysia. (e-mail:
The development of this method considers both one-step

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

and multistep methods, while addressing the stability II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
behavior associated with stiffness. Among the active First, the general linear multistep method (LMM) for
research related to the idea are elaborated in [2] and [3] first-order ODEs is examined in the following manner.
which show different approaches in “hybriding” methods
from two different backgrounds. Meanwhile, studies on the k k
A( ) − stability properties of numerical methods, 
j =0
j yn + j = h  j y 'n + j ,
j =0
specifically the RK methods, by [4] show that those
methods are able to solve problems of stiffness efficiently.
The Singly Diagonally Implicit RK (SDIRK) was first where  j and  j are constants by assuming that not both
proposed by [5] which emphasized the requirement of  0 and  0 are zero, with  k  0 . k is the order of the
identical diagonal coefficients, aii =  . This condition
method and h is the step size.
ensures that the linear system, when solved using Newton Subsequently, the linear difference operator is formulated
iteration, adopts the form of I − hJ . As a result, the for the A( ) − Extended Singly Diagonally Implicit BBDF
computational cost of predicting solutions is reduced, as the
system is solved with the same matrix for each time step, as ( A( ) − ESDIBBDF) method, incorporating additional
mentioned in [6]. Besides, the singly diagonally implicit function evaluation, as demonstrated below.
approach overcomes certain limitations encountered by both
k + s −1 k + s −1
fully implicit and explicit RK methods, as discussed in [7].
In [8], the Block BDF (BBDF) method demonstrated Ls ( y ( x); h) : 
j =0
s, j −2 yn + j − 2 = h   s , k + j − 2 f n + j − 2
j =3
better performance compared to the classical BDF method
in solving stiff problems, achieving improved accuracy and
execution time. Instead of estimating solutions individually, where k = 3 ; s = 1, 2, 3 for yn +1 , yn + 2 and yn + 3
the method employs a block-wise approach by utilizing the respectively.
previous block of backvalues. To enhance the accuracy of In order to establish a singly diagonally implicit behavior,
the BBDF method, [9] introduced the Block Extended BDF the diagonal elements of the method are set as  i ,i =  and
(BEBDF) method, which includes additional function i ,i =  . Then, we expand (4) to get
The relevance of a method in solving stiff problems is
demonstrated by its stability properties. According to [10], L1 ( y ( x); h) = 1, −2 yn − 2 + 1, −1 yn −1 + 1,0 yn + yn +1 − hf n +1
the proposed method must be at least almost A − stable to L2 ( y ( x); h) =  2, −2 yn − 2 +  2, −1 yn −1 +  2,0 yn +  2,1 yn +1 +
solve stiff problems. Meanwhile, [11] introduced a method
with L( ) − stability which is the requirement for numerical yn + 2 − h ( 2,4 f n +1 + f n + 2 )
integration for stiff initial value problems. The Singly L3 ( y ( x); h) =  3, −2 yn − 2 + 3, −1 yn −1 + 3,0 yn + 3,1 yn +1 +
Diagonally Implicit BBDF (SDIBBDF) method developed  3,2 yn + 2 + yn + 3 − h ( 3,4 f n +1 + 3,5 f n + 2 +  f n + 3 )
in [3], offers enhanced A − stability and effectively
estimates solutions for stiff problems compared to other (5)
existing solvers. Additionally, [12] introduces the A()
Equation (5) is arranged in matrix form, and each column
Stable BBDF with fixed coefficients, emphasizing its ability
matrix is let as A j and B j as follows:
to efficiently solve stiff ODEs while maintaining stability.
Furthermore, this research will examine the error norm
minimization technique proposed by [13] to attain a specific A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
order of accuracy. This technique involves selecting free  1, −2 1, −1 1,0   yn − 2    0 0   yn +1 
parameters of the principal error norm of the method, as     
expressed by the following equation.   2, −2  2, −1  2,0   yn −1  +   2,1  0   yn + 2  =
  3, −2  3, −1  3,0   yn   3,1 3,2    yn +3 

n p +1 (6)
B3 B4 B5
( p +1 j )2
A( p +1) =|| ( p +1) ||2 = (2)
j =1   0 0   f n +1 
 
h 2,4  0   f n + 2 
Therefore, the objective is to develop the 3,4
 3,5    f n + 3 
A( ) − ESDIBDDF method that is capable to solve stiff
ODEs efficiently.
The structure of the paper is as follows: The subsequent Taylor series expansion about x = xn is applied to the
section provides the derivation of the proposed method, approximate relations of (5), and the y ' terms are collected
while the following sections focus on the analysis of which yields
convergence and stability. Section V delves into the
implementation of the method, while Section VI discusses Ls ( y ( x); h) = C0 y ( x) + C1 y '( x) + + Cq y q ( x ) + , (7)
the numerical simulations conducted. Finally, the overall
findings of the research are concluded in Section VII.

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

k +2 The values obtained are then substituted into (5), and by

C0 =  Aj , rearranging the equations, the following general corrector
j =0
k +2 w
formula of A( ) − ESDIBBDF method is obtained.
C1 =  jAj −  B j , (8)
j =0 j =0 2 9 18 6
yn +1 = yn − 2 − yn −1 + yn + hf n(+p1) ,
1 5 1 5
Cq =  j q A j −  j q −1 B j , q = 2,3, . 11 11 11 11
q ! j =0 (q − 1)! j =3 1 1 36 169 3 6 ( p)
yn + 2 = yn − 2 + yn −1 − yn + yn +1 + hf n(+p1) + hf n + 2 ,
55 10 55 110 55 11
Equation (8) is expanded up to q = 3 to develop a third
order method. The corresponding C 0 , C1 , C 2 and C 3 will 3 11 163 9 137
yn + 3 = − yn − 2 + yn −1 − yn + yn +1 + yn + 2 +
result in 12 variables and 5 free parameters. By 11 10 110 2 110
C0 = C1 = C2 = C3 = 0 simultaneously in terms of free 3 ( p) 3 ( p) 6 ( p)
hf n +1 + hf n + 2 + hf n + 3 .
parameters, we get 55 55 11
1 3 1
1, −2 = − , 1, −1 = , 1,0 = −3,  2, −2 = −  2,3 , Since the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method is of implicit
3 2 3
3 1 3 nature, an explicit method, is necessary to estimate the
 2, −1 = 2,3 − ,  2,0 = −3 2,3 + , solutions, denoted as yn + s , for the corrector. The predicted
2 3 2
11 1 1 3 3 value serves as an initial approximation for yn(0)+ s . To derive
 2,1 = 2,3 − 3,  3, −2 = −  3,1 + 3,3 − 3,4 + , the predictor formula for the method, Lagrange interpolation
6 4 8 4 8
1 8 3 is employed to obtain
 3, −1 =  3,1 − 3,3 + 3,4 − ,
3 3 2
yn( +p1) = 4 yn − 6 yn −1 + 4 yn − 2 − yn −3 ,
3 1 23
 3,0 = −  3,1 − 3,3 − 33,4 + , yn( +p )2 = 10 yn − 20 yn −1 + 15 yn − 2 − 4 yn −3 ,
2 4 12
1 11 13 21 11 yn( +p 3) = 20 yn − 45 yn −1 + 36 yn − 2 − 10 yn − 3 .
 3,2 = −  3,1 + 3,3 + 3,4 − ,  = .
4 24 12 8 6
(9) The A( ) − ESDIBBDF method runs by the PECE mode,
where P indicate an application of the predictor, C is the
The error condition of the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method is corrector, and E is an evaluation of f . Following [14],
considered as
Definition 2. The linear difference operator (4) is said to be
 1  of order p if
 −  
 
C0 = C1 = = C p = 0, C p +1  0.
C4 =  .
1 1
− 2,3 − 
 4 4 
 
− 1  + 5  −  + 1  Non-zero coefficients, C p +1 , is called the error constant.
 4 8 
3,1 3,3 3,4
The A( ) − ESDIBBDF method has been proven to be of
By implementing the strategy of minimizing the error norm order 3, as its error constant is C4  0 .
as discussed in [9], through elimination technique, we
1 1 3
choose  = , 2,3 = 3,3 = 3,4 = and 3,1 = − .
Thus, the principal error norm (2) of the proposed method is
Convergence refers to the capability of a method to
A(4) = 0.23936 .
approximate the solution of differential equations with the
The free parameters chosen are then substituted into (9) to desired level of accuracy, as emphasized in [15]. It is an
get the following coefficients. essential property that must be considered during the
development of a new method since a non-convergent
1 3 3 1
1, −2 = − , 1, −1 = , 1,0 = − ,  2, −2 = − , method is likely to give increasingly meaningless
30 20 10 300 approximations as the computational cost escalates due to
11 3 169 1 the use of smaller step sizes. The following theorem stated
 2, −1 = − ,  2,0 = ,  2,1 = − ,  3, −2 = , the necessary conditions for convergence.
600 25 600 20
121 163 137 11
3, −1 = − ,  3,0 = , 3,2 = − , = . Theorem 2. An LMM is convergent if and only if it is zero
600 600 600 60 stable and consistent.

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

The subsequent statement shown is a standard definition  1 

of convergence that is widely known among numerical  10 
 
researchers in the literature.
11 
100 
Definition 3. An LMM is said to be convergent if for all  
 3 
IVPs satisfying the conditions of uniqueness, the following  25 
holds for every x  [ a, b] , and for each solution y n of the
difference equation satisfying the starting conditions  1     1 
y =  (h) for which lim  (h) =  ,  = 0,1, , k − 1 .  10   0     10 
h →0     0  
 1  +  1  +  0  =  11 

 B j = B3 + B4 + B5 =
100   10    100 
Given that convergence conditions relate to the   11  
j =3
   
consistency of a method, the following definition of  1   1   60   3 
 
consistency is provided. 100  100   25 

Definition 4. An LMM is said to be consistent if it has order By satisfying condition (11), the A( ) − ESDIBBDF
p 1. method confirms its consistency. Consequently, it can be
verified that the method meets the second condition for
Since the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method satisfies Definition 4 convergence, which is zero stability that can be defined as
as it is of order 3 thus, the method is consistent.
From (8), Definition 6. An LMM is said to be zero stable if no root of
the first stability polynomial, p ( ) , has modulus greater
Definition 5. A block method is consistent if and only if than one, and if every root with modulus one is simple.

k The stability polynomial, also known as the characteristic

(i ) A
j =0
j = 0, polynomial in certain literature, is described as follows:
k k
(ii ) j =0
jAj =  B j ,
j =0
Definition 7. The characteristic polynomial of LMM in
Equation (1) assumes

where A j , B j are r  r matrices and the linear difference (r , h ) = (r ) − h(r ) = 0 ,

operator of the method is

where H = h and  = is complex.
k k y
L[ y ( x); h] =  Aj y ( x + jh) − hB j y '( x + jh) .
j =0 j =0
Hence, the stability polynomial of A( ) − ESDIBBDF
Applying Definition 5 with the values of A j and B j as method is written as
given in (6), condition (11) of the method is
18 3 3516 2 108 3 15516 2 3051
R( H ) = t 3 − t H− t + t H− t H− t−
5 11 6655 121 6655 6655
(i ) A j = A0 + A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 ,
216 3 3 216 2 2 648 8
j =0 t H + t H − tH −
 1   3   3   11   
1331 605 1331 605
 − 30   20   − 10   60   0    (12)
          0 Upon solving R ( H ) = 0 , the roots of the stability
1   11   3   169   11   
= − + − + + − + + 0
 300   600   25   600   60    polynomial of the method are obtained as t = −0.4, 0 and 1 .
           11 
 1   − 121   − 163   − 3   − 137   60  Based on Definition 6, it can be concluded that the
 
 20   600   600   40   600  A( ) − ESDIBBDF method exhibits zero stability. As the
=0 method satisfies both necessary conditions outlined in
Theorem 2, it is therefore considered convergent. The
(ii )  jA
j =0
j = A1 + 2 A2 + 3 A3 + 4 A4 + 5 A5 , subsequent section provides a detailed explanation of the
method's stability.
 3   3   11   
 20   − 10   60   0   
        0
 11   3   169   11    IV. STABILITY ANALYSIS
= − +2 +3 − +4 +5 0 
 600   25   600   60  Applied problems often involve systems of equations
       137   11 
 − 121   − 163  − 3  −    where the solutions consist of elements with significantly
 600   600   40   600   60  different rates of change. In such cases, the numerical
process is governed by the property of stability. Therefore, a
method is deemed valuable when it possesses a region of
absolute stability.

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

Definition 8. The LMM in (1) is said to be absolutely stable In order to effectively solve stiff ODEs, a method must
in a region R for a given H if and only if for that H , all possess an A( ) − stability, which is an essential property
the roots, rs = rs H of the stability polynomial of the linear associated with stiffness. However, the following theorem
k − step method, (r , H ) = ( r ) − H ( r ) , satisfy | rs | 1 , by [14] revealed that
ks = 1, 2, , k where H = h and (r ) and (r ) are the
Theorem 3. (i) An explicit LMM cannot be A− stable. (ii)
first and second characteristic polynomials respectively. The order of an A− stable implicit LMM cannot exceeded
Otherwise, the method is said to be absolutely unstable. two. (iii) The second order A− stable implicit LMM with
smallest error constant is the Trapezoidal rule.
Fig. 1 illustrates the region of absolute stability for LMM
as referred to [12]. The figure shows that the region of
Due to the fact that the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method is an
absolute stability is on the left part and half of the plane as
stated in Definition 9. order 3, achieving A− stability is not possible.
In view of this, two alternative stability properties, as
defined by [17], which are more practical and suitable for
the solutions of many problems are presented here.

Definition 10. A method is stiffly stable with stiffness

abscissa D if the stability region includes all complex
numbers z such that Re( z )  − D .

Definition 11. A numerical algorithm is said to be

 
A( ) − stable for some    0,  if the region of absolute
 2
stability includes the infinite wedge

S = {H :| Arg (− H ) | , H  0} . (13)

Fig. 1. The region of absolute stability for LMM. The stability graph of the method is generated using
Maple software. Therefore, the stability region of the
Definition 9. A numerical method is said to be A− stable if A( ) − ESDIBBDF method is given as the unshaded region
its region of absolute stability contains the whole left-hand of Fig. 2 with D = 0.56 and  = 65 .
half-plane, Re(h)  0 .

Fig. 2. The region of stiffly and A() − stability of A() − ESDIBBDF.

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

Definition 12. Let ( yi )t be the t th component of estimated

solution and ( y ( xi ))t is the t th component of the exact
In this section, Newton's iteration is applied to linearize
solution at xi of (10) respectively. Then, the absolute error
formula (10) at every integration step.
Let is given by
F1 = yn +1 − hf n +1 − 1 , ((error)i )t =| ( yi )t − ( y ( xi ))t | .
6 169 3
F2 = yn + 2 − hf n + 2 − yn +1 − hf n +1 −  2 , Maximum error of the method is computed as
11 110 55
6 137 3 9 3
F3 = yn + 3 − hf n + 3 − yn + 2 − hf n + 2 − yn +1 − hf n +1 −  3 . MAXE = max(max(error)i )t ,
11 110 55 2 55 1 i T 1 i  N

with 1,2,3 are the backvalues. Then, notation i is where T is the total number of steps whereas N is the
number of equations.
introduced to specify the iteration as follows:
Table 1 to 4 represent the numerical results obtained from
en(i++11) = yn(i++11) − yn(i+)1 , en(i++21) = yn(i++21) − yn(i+)2 , en(i++31) = yn(i++31) − yn(i+)3 the derived method in comparison to existing solvers. The
subsequent notations have been employed:
where y ( i +1) denotes the (i + 1)th iterative values of
yn +1, n + 2, n + 3 , and e ( i +1)
denotes the differences between A( ) − ESDIBBDF : A( ) − Extended Singly
n +1, n + 2, n + 3
Diagonally Implicit BBDF
the (i )th and (i + 1)th iterative values of yn +1, n + 2, n + 3 . BBDF(3) − : Block Backward Differentiation
Thus, the Newton iteration takes the form:  − Formulas of order 3 by [18]
FI3BBDF : Fully Implicit 3-Point Block
( i +1) F ( y (i ) ) Backward Differentiation
y n +1 =y (i )
n +1 − 1 n(i+)1 ,
F1( yn +1 ) Formulas by [8]
ode15s : Variable step variable order solver
( i +1) F ( y (i ) )
y n+2 =y (i )
n+2 − 2 n(i+) 2 , based on the numerical
F2( yn + 2 ) differentiation formulas by
F3 ( yn( i+)3 ) MATLAB
yn( i++31) = yn( i+)3 − . ode23s : Modified Rosenbrock formula of
F3( yn( i+)3 ) order 2 by MATLAB
h : Step size
The following matrix shows the computational MAXE : Maximum error
arrangements conducted to obtain the approximations: AVE : Average error
TIME : Computational time
 6 f n +1 
 1− h 0 0 
 11 yn +1  e( i +1) 
 169 3 f n +1 6 f n + 2   n( i++11)  Test Problem 1 (Linear equation):
− − h 1− h 0  en + 2  y ' = −10 y + 10
 110 55 yn +1 11 yn + 2  e( i +1)  with initial condition of y (0) = 2 for the interval of
6 f  
 9 3 f n+3 
137 3 f n + 2 0  x  10 .
 − − h n +1 − − h 1 − h n+3 
 2 55 yn +1 110 55 yn + 2 11 yn + 3  Exact solution: y ( x) = 1 + e −10 x
Eigenvalue:  = −10
  6  Source: Artificial problem.
 −1  11 0 0
0 0  (i )
  yn +1     f n +1   1 
(i )
 Test Problem 2 (System of linear equation):
 (i )   
= 0  yn + 2  + h  0   f n(+i )2  +  2 
169  3 6
−1 1
110  (i )  55 11  y1 = 9 y1 + 24 y2 + 5cos x − sin x,,
 9 137   yn + 3     f (i )    
3 6   n+3   3  3
 −1 3 1
 2 110   55 55 11  y2 = −24 y1 − 51y2 − 9 cos x + sin x,
4 2
with initial conditions of y (0) =  ,  over x   0,10  .
This section focuses on performing numerical experiments 1
Exact solution: y1 ( x) = 2e −3 x − e −39 x + cos x,
involving linear and system of nonlinear stiff problems to 3
assess the efficiency of the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method in 1
y2 ( x) = −e −3 x + 2e −39 x − cos x
terms of maximum error and computational time. 3
Eigenvalues: 1 = −3,  2 = −39
Source: [19].

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

Test Problem 3 (System of nonlinear equation): TABLE 3

y1 = −1002 y1 + 1000 y22 ,
y2 = y1 − y2 (1 + y2 ),
with initial conditions of y (0) = (1,1) over x   0, 20  . 10-2 A() − ESDIBBDF 1.99039e-02 2.00350e-02
−2 x
ode15s 5.20000e-03 8.71630e-04
Exact solution: y1 ( x) = e ,
ode23s 1.10000e-03 3.36260e-04
y2 ( x ) = e 10 -4
A() − ESDIBBDF 7.42129e-08 1.29827e-07
Eigenvalues: 1 = −1,  2 = −2 ode15s 8.55060e-05 1.51720e-05
Source: [20]. ode23s 2.82340e-05 1.37830e-05
10-6 A() − ESDIBBDF 2.60030e-11 1.82370e-11
Test Problem 4 (Chemistry problem by Robertson):
y1 = −0.04 y1 + 10 4 y2 y3 , ode15s 1.07900e-06 1.27240e-07
ode23s 5.76920e-07 6.71150e-07
y2 = 0.04 y1 − 104 y2 y3 − 3  107 y 22 ,
y3 = 3  107 y 22 , TABLE 4
with initial conditions y (0) = (1, 0, 0) at the interval of NUMERICAL RESULTS FOR TEST PROBLEM 4

0  x  10 . h METHOD y1 y2 y3
Eigenvalue:   −2000 10-2 A() − ESDIBBDF 3.39132e+02 4.73979e+00 2.86203e+01
Source: [21]. ode15s 1.74768e-02 1.75038e-07 4.45546e-03
ode23s 1.74566e-02 1.74705e-07 4.46974e-03
Table 1 and 2 represent numerical results when
the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method is solving linear stiff ODEs A() − ESDIBBDF
10 1.46530e-06 5.34398e-09 6.33550e-07

problems with different step sizes. The results are compared ode15s 1.74840e-02 1.75169e-07 4.45557e-03
with compatible existing methods in terms of accuracy ode23s 1.74723e-02 1.75240e-07 4.45215e-03
(MAXE) and computational time (TIME). The numerical 10-6 A() − ESDIBBDF 7.04146e-07 1.99246e-11 1.27377e-07
results presented are illustrated as accuracy curves in Figure
ode15s 1.74950e-02 1.75599e-07 4.44233e-03
3 and 5, and as efficiency curves in Figure 4 and 6.
ode23s 1.74877e-02 1.75097e-07 4.44364e-03
Based on the results, the proposed method has better
h METHOD MAXE TIME accuracy than the comparing methods. Accuracy of the
10-2 A() − ESDIBBDF 1.57520e-02 5.74144e-06 solutions is getting better when smaller step sizes are used
BBDF(3) − 2.66015e-02 3.01573e-05
as analysed in Figure 3 and 5. This is due to the higher
number of function evaluations which contributes to better
FI3BBDF 7.46115e-02 6.20203e-05
accuracy. By observing the efficiency curves in Figure 4 and
10-4 A() − ESDIBBDF 1.77907e-06 5.06323e-05 6, the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method is able to compute
BBDF(3) − 1.47613e-05 2.54289e-04 solutions more efficiently compared to the existing methods.
FI3BBDF 1.10060e-03 5.93956e-04 This is explained by the nature of the method which is in the
10-6 A() − ESDIBBDF 1.78097e-10 3.97866e-03 singly diagonally implicit form instead of fully implicit.
BBDF(3) − 1.64619e-09 2.18970e-02
Meanwhile, for the numerical results in Table 3 and 4, the
methods are tested with a system of nonlinear problem and
FI3BBDF 1.10361e-05 5.90466e-02 the well-known Chemistry problem by Robertson which has
a highly stiff behaviour that models the kinetics of a
TABLE 2 chemical reaction. By referring to [22], the problem has only
NUMERICAL RESULTS FOR TEST PROBLEM 2 a single stiff eigenvalue which is almost to −2000 . These
h METHOD MAXE TIME problems are the ideal indicators to measure the
performance of a method as a stiff solver. Therefore, for
10-2 A() − ESDIBBDF 2.88653e-01 4.71617e-05
these experiments, the proposed method is compared with
BBDF(3) − 1.57000e-01 5.93021e-04 ode15s and ode23s, the MATLAB solvers for stiff
FI3BBDF 1.22995e-01 8.90275e-04 problems. Since the program for A( ) − ESDIBBDF
10 -4
A() − ESDIBBDF 5.37948e-05 6.12751e-04 method is running using a C++ software, thus the TIME
BBDF(3) − 1.40000e-03 1.83490e-03 between the two Mathematical software will not be
FI3BBDF 8.45420e-03 4.88259e-03 considered as it is not a fair comparison.
By referring to Table 3 and 4, it can be analysed that the
10-6 A() − ESDIBBDF 5.40211e-09 7.25020e-02
ode15s and ode23s have comparable accuracy. These results
BBDF(3) − 1.45000e-07 1.83291e-01 can be clearly observed in the accuracy curves of the
FI3BBDF 8.54545e-05 4.68624e-01 numerical results presented in Figure 7 and 9. When solving
for the highly stiff problem as shown in Table 4, both
solvers are able to compute the solutions better than the
proposed method when a bigger step size of h = − 0.01 is

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

Fig. 3. Accuracy curves for Test Problem 1 Fig. 5. Accuracy curves for Test Problem 2

Fig. 4. Efficiency curves for Test Problem 1 Fig. 6. Efficiency curves for Test Problem 2

Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

Engineering Letters, 31:4, EL_31_4_28

Fig. 7. Accuracy curves for Test Problem 3 Fig. 9. Accuracy curves for Test Problem 4

The two necessary conditions for the convergence of the

method, consistency and zero stability, are analysed in this
study. The stability graph of the method verified that the
method does not fulfil the A( ) − stable property. Though, it
is satisfying the stiffly stable and A( ) − stable properties to
ensure that the method is capable to solve for stiff problems.
The numerical results obtained justified the capability of
the derived method to efficiently solve linear, nonlinear, and
highly stiff ODEs as it produced better accuracy within a
shorter time compared to the existing methods, and are able
to compete well with the Mathematical software.
In conclusion, the A( ) − ESDIBBDF method presents
itself as a viable alternative solver for stiff ODEs.
To extend the research, one could apply the method for
solving applied problems with stiff behaviour, to develop
the method in higher order nature or with variable a step

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Volume 31, Issue 4: December 2023

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