Factors Related To Microimplant Assisted Rapid Pal

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Factors related to microimplant-assisted

rapid palatal expansion in teenagers and
young adults: A cone-beam computed
tomography study
Fang Yi, Ou-Sheng Liu, Lei Lei, Si-Ling Liu, Yue Wang, Yan-Hao Chu, Ling-Ling Zhang, Cheng-Ri Li,
Jun-Jie Chen, and Yan-Qin Lu
Changsha, Hunan, China

Introduction: For patients with maxillary transverse deficiency, selecting an appropriate therapeutic method
is important for the treatment effect and prognosis. Our study aimed to explore factors related to
microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE) in teenagers and young adults using cone-beam
computed tomography. Methods: Twenty-five patients who underwent MARPE were included in this retro-
spective study from February 2014 to June 2019. Midpalatal suture density (MPSD) ratio, midpalatal suture
maturation (MPSM), bone effect, dentoalveolar effect, and dental effect in maxillary first molar were evalu-
ated using cone-beam computed tomography. Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the
correlation between the MPSD ratio, MPSM, age, and the expansion amount generated by MARPE.
Results: Twenty-five patients (mean age, 19.84 6 3.96 years; range, 15-29 years) with maxillary transverse
deficiency were analyzed. Age was negatively correlated with bone expansion, alveolar expansion, and
alveolar change (all P \0.05). There was a negative correlation between MPSM and nasal cavity variation,
bone expansion, and alveolar change (all P \0.05). The bone expansion was negatively correlated with
MPSD ratio 3 (r 5 0.417; P \0.05) and MPSD ratio 4 (all P \0.05). Conclusions: Age, MPSM, and
MPSD ratio were significantly related to the MARPE effect. Age, MPSM, and MPSD ratio should be consid-
ered when choosing MARPE. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2023;163:475-82)

axillary transverse deficiency is a common
From the Hunan Key Laboratory of Oral Health Research and Hunan 3D Printing malocclusion, with an occurrence rate of
Engineering Research Center of Oral Care and Hunan Clinical Research Center of 21% and 10% in children and adults.1 It can
Oral Major Diseases and Oral Health and Xiangya Stomatological Hospital, and cause masticatory speech disorder and jaw function dis-
Xiangya School of Stomatology, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan,
China. order and affect facial beauty.2 Rapid maxillary expan-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- sion (RME) is a usual therapeutic method for
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. improving the transverse difference of maxillary narrow-
All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accor-
dance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research ing. However, for teenagers or adults with no growth po-
committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or tential, ameliorating maxillary narrowing using
comparable ethical standards. The study was approved by the Medical Ethics traditional RME is rarely successful and even harmful
Committee of Xiangya Stomatological Hospital, Central South University (no.
2014003). as sutures begin to fuse and arch resistance increases.3
This work was supported by the China Hunan Provincial Science and Technology Therefore, most scholars suggest that RME should be
Department (no. 201974), Changsha Municipal Natural Science Foundation (no. performed before puberty.1,4 Another method,
kq2014214), and Research Start-up Fund for Young Teachers of Xiangya Stoma-
tological Hospital, Central South University (No 2020YQ01). surgically-assisted rapid palatal expansion (SARPE), is
Address correspondence to: Yan-Qin Lu, Department of Orthodontics, Xiangya recommended for adult patients.5 However, because of
Stomatological Hospital, Central South University, No 72, Xiangya Rd, Kaifu Dis- the limitations of SARPE, such as high cost, severe surgi-
trict, Changsha, 410000 Hunan, China; e-mail, xiangyalyq@163.com.
Submitted, September 2021; revised and accepted, January 2022. cal trauma, and general anesthesia, most patients are
0889-5406 reluctant to receive this therapeutic method.6,7 In recent
Ó 2022 by the American Association of Orthodontists. This is an open access years, microimplant-assisted rapid palatal expansion
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by-nc-nd/4.0/). (MARPE) has been used in teenagers and adults, which
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2022.01.013 reduces the risk of SARPE and the side effects of
476 Yi et al

traditional RME, such as eliminating unwanted dental patients with good oral hygiene and periodontal condi-
tipping.8 MARPE appliance is beneficial for adults with tion, and (3) teenagers and adults without growth po-
more resistance to skeletal expansion.9 It has been re- tential. The exclusion criteria were (1) patients with a
ported that the success rate of MARPE in adults was history of orthodontic therapy, maxillofacial trauma,
about 84.2%-87.0%.8,10 However, if MARPE fails, the surgery, or respiratory therapy, (2) patients with systemic
treatment methods must be changed to SARPE, which disease or pathologic injury of the jaw bone, (3) patients
is more traumatic. In addition, the time point to shift with maxillofacial deformities, such as cleft lip and pal-
from MARPE to SARPE is not clear enough, especially ate; (4) patients who take long-term of drugs affecting
for young adults.11 Hence, it has great clinical signifi- bone metabolism, such as glucocorticoids, antiepileptic
cance to determine the valid predictors of MARPE in drugs, antituberculosis drugs, thyroid hormones, hepa-
young people. rin, and so on; (5) patients cannot rotate the reamer
Midpalatal suture resistance is one of the main obsta- on time, and the implanted screw falls off repeatedly;
cles to midpalatal expansion, and the increase in midpala- and (6) patients without preexpansion or postexpansion
tal suture fusion will reduce the possibility of successful imaging data.
expansion.12 Because of the gradual fusion of midpalatal The CBCT ProMax 3D device (Planmeca, Helsinki,
sutures and other craniofacial sutures from adolescence to Finland) was set to capture images with 360 rotation
adulthood, the risk of RME failure increased.13,14 Howev- at the following settings: 10.0 mA, 96 kV, and a pulsed
er, some studies have shown that the relationship between scan time of 12 seconds. CBCT images obtained with a
the time of palatal suture fusion and age was not abso- voxel size of 0.3 mm, axial slice thickness of 0.3 mm,
lute, such as patients aged 32-71 years can still have no and scanning area of 15 mm 3 15 mm. All patients
fusion.15,16 Therefore, it is speculated that age may not were positioned upright, seated, with their heads stabi-
be a reliable indicator of palatal suture fusion. lized against a headrest. During scanning, the patients
Angelieri et al17 has reported that the midpalatal suture maintained the teeth in occlusal contact maximumly,
stage is a predictor of midpalatal suture maturation and their lips and tongues were relaxed without swal-
(MPSM). Nevertheless, Gr€ unheid et al. denied the relation- lowing. CBCT was performed by the same technician 3
ship between the midpalatal suture stage and RME and months after the completion of the expansion.
found a correlation between the midpalatal suture density Implant screws (length 3 diameter: 8 mm 3 1.4 mm
(MPSD) ratio and RME.18 Cone-beam computed tomog- or 12 mm 3 1.6 mm; Vector TAS; Ormco, Glendora,
raphy (CBCT) has more advantages than traditional Calif) were implanted between the maxillary apex and
2-dimensional imaging in orthodontic treatment, which maxillary first premolars, the maxillary second premo-
can clearly show the anatomic structure of the midpalate lars, and the first premolars at the midpalatal margin
suture by orienting axial slices without overlapping other to the third part of the midpalatal suture. The 4 implant
structures.19,20 This advantage allows an accurate evalua- screws should be placed in relatively parallel and, as far
tion of MPSM, thus helping us to determine whether con- as possible dispersed positions. After the operation, the
ventional or surgically-assisted maxillary expansion is C-expander was employed (Fig 1, B). The patients were
more appropriate.21 asked to activate the expander every 2 days for an
This study aimed to ascertain factors related to expansion of 0.25 mm per time and continuously
MARPE by analyzing the correlations between the age, expanded for 14 days until the expansion was achieved
MPSM, MPSD ratio of different regions and bone effect, to 7 mm. In addition, patients were asked to apply force
dentoalveolar effect, and dental effects using CBCT in simultaneously, with an interval of 12 hours for each
patients without growth potential. It is expected to pro- extension.
vide a basis for the orthodontic design of patients with Before CBCT, the head position shall be corrected to
maxillary transverse deficiency. standardize the measurement head position.22 Thus, the
expansion, MPSD ratio, and MPSM were measured.
Table I shows all measurement indexes were
measured on the basis of CBCT data and analyzed with
Patients who underwent MARPE from February 2014 Dolphin 3D Imaging software (version 11.9; Dolphin Im-
to June 2019 were included in this retrospective study. aging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, Calif).
This study was approved by the ethics committees of All measurement indexes were measured 3 times before
Xiangya Stomatological Hospital, and all patients or and after arch expansion, and the average value of the 3
guardians provided written informed consent. times was calculated.
Inclusion criteria were (1) patients with maxillary The maxillary first molar was measured by Dolphin
transverse deficiency requiring bone expansion, (2) Imaging software with molars as measurement plane

April 2023  Vol 163  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
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Fig 1. The expander and the position of microimplants: A, CBCT image of C-expander in place; B, The
position of implant screws and image of the expander

Planmeca Romexis Viewer) measured gray density

Table I. Definition of measurement index (thickness of 0.4 mm). A representative region of
Index Description 4 3 4 mm was selected for each indicator, each indicator
NLW Linear distance (mm) between the outermost was measured 3 times, and the average value was calcu-
points of the outer edge of the nasal cavity lated. According to the method described previously by
NF Linear distance (mm) that crosses crosswise Gr€unheid et al.18 Computed tomography data of the
through the base of the nasal cavity and is
midpalatal suture area, soft palate area, and midpalatal
tangent to it
MW Midpalatal width bone area were measured. The measurement indexes
HP A straight line transverse to the base of the hard are shown in Figure 3, B. The definitions of the measure-
palate and tangent to it, linear distance (mm) ment indexes are shown in Table II. The average gray
between the line and the left and right density values were used to calculate the MPSD ratio
intersection of the lateral margin of the maxilla
by the following equation: MPSD ratio 5 (GDs
HP 5 A line 5 mm under the hard palate parallel to the
nasal floor tangent GDsp)/(GDppm GDsp). The MPSD ratio could range
BC Linear distance (mm) between buccal tips of the from 0 to 1, with lower values indicating less calcifica-
same teeth on both sides tion and higher values indicating greater calcification.18
DBC The total expansion Gr€
unheid el al’s method was used to position the
DMW Bone expansion
plane by Planmeca Romexis Viewer software.18 The
DHP5-DMW Dentoalveolar expansion
DBC-DHP5 Dental expansion sagittal and coronal planes were adjusted so that the
DHP5 Dentoalveolar change cross-section passed through the center of the hard pal-
ate and was parallel to the hard palate (Fig 4). All mea-
NLW, nasal lateral width; NF, nasal floor; MW, midpalatal width;
HP, hard palate; HP5, 5 mm below the hard palate; BC, buccal cusp.
surements were made on a cross-section.
Palate suture images in CBCT were divided into
stages A-E by Angelieri et al.17 According to their
(Fig. 2). The expansion effect includes bone, dentoalveo- method, midpalatal sutures were staged before MARPE
lar, and dental effects and dentoalveolar change repre- and evaluated by an experienced orthodontist. The eval-
senting the difference of each index before and after uation criteria were reported in a previous study.
arch expansion.15
Statistical analysis
According to the midpalatal anatomy, the midpalatal
suture was divided into the anterior, middle, and poste- The sample size was estimated using a 2-sided paired
rior (Fig 3, A). CBCT random software (version 3.0.1.R; z-test, with an a level of 0.05, a 96% power, and a mean

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics April 2023  Vol 163  Issue 4
478 Yi et al

Fig 2. The reference plane for the expansion measurement. The coronal plane was located at the level
of bifurcation of the root of the homonymous tooth, adjusting the direction of the cross-section so that
the shape of the crown and palatal root could be seen completely in the coronal plane.

Fig 3. Midpalatal suture zone and bone density measurement site: A, Midpalatal suture division; B,
Measurement of MPSD in different areas.

of paired differences of 0.6 6 0.9. Considering these pa- analyze the correlation between arch expansion and
rameters, a sample size of at least 25 patients was neces- age, MPSM, and MPSD ratio. Statistical significance
sary. Intraexaminer reliability was assessed using was set at P \0.05.
intraclass correlation coefficients, with a value .0.75
considered good reliability. All statistical analyses were RESULTS
performed using SPSS (version 22.0; IBM, Armonk, A total of 25 patients (mean age, 19.84 6 3.96 years;
NY). Quantitative data were expressed as means 6 stan- range, 15-29 years) with maxillary transverse deficiency
dard deviations. A t test was used for the data conform- were enrolled in this retrospective study. Table III shows
ing to the normal distribution, and a nonparametric test the baseline characteristics for all patients, including 15
was performed for the data not conforming to normal (60.0%) patients with MPSM stage C and 7 (28.0%) pa-
distribution. Spearman correlation analysis was used to tients with MPSM stage D.

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Although microimplants are not supposed to move in

Table II. Definition of MPSD ratio measurement index
bone, alveolar bending is inevitable with MARPE
Index Description because of the rotation of the 2 halves of the
GDs Average gray density values for defined regions of the maxilla.23,24 Lin et al25 also reported that the bone-
suture borne expanders (C-expander) produced buccal tipping
GDppm Average gray density values for defined regions of the
of the alveolar bone and crown expansion. Therefore,
palatal process of the maxilla
GDsp Average gray density values for defined regions of the soft the dental effects could still be observed in MARPE.
palate The fusion of the midpalatal suture presents obvious
GDs0 Average gray density values for defined regions of the variability with the age of the patient, and the degree of
midpalatal suture fusion increases with age.17 However, more and more
GDs1 Average gray density values for defined regions of the
research has demonstrated no direct correlation between
anterior midpalatal suture
GDs2 Average gray density values for anterior central segment age and the time of palatal suture fusion. Patients aged
of midpalatal suture 32, 54, and 71 years may still have unfused midpalatal
GDs3 Average gray density values for posterior middle segment sutures.10,11,15 Histologic and computed tomography
of midpalatal suture have also shown that age is unreliable for palatal suture
GDs4 Average gray density values for posterior midpalatal
fusion.11 Therefore, the actual age of patients is not a
characteristic indicator of true midpalatal maturity.26
Interestingly, our result showed a significant negative
correlation between DMW, DHP5, and DHP5-DMW
Intraclass correlation coefficient values of the mea- and age after MARPE. The arch expansion resistance
surements (MW, NF, HP, HP5, BC, and NLW) caused by other maxillary suture fusion increases with
were .0.92, indicating excellent intraexaminer reli- age for adolescents or adults without growth poten-
ability. As shown in Table IV, MW, NF, HP, HP5, BC, den- tial.27 Thus, we speculate that this is the primary reason
toalveolar expansion, and dental expansion were for the discrepancy between the previous study and ours.
significantly increased after MARPE (all P \0.05), indi- Based on previous studies and our results, we hypothe-
cating that the maxillary base bone was expanded after sized that age could be considered a contributing predic-
MARPE. tor of MARPE outcome.
Intraexaminer reliability was .0.75 for all of the gray MPSM can also be used as a predictor of the MARPE
density value measurements. Spearman correlation effect. Kukemeyer28 found that MPSM was negatively
analysis (Table V) showed that MPSM were negatively correlated with midpalatal suture expansion. At the
correlated with DNLW (r 5 0.409; P \0.05), DMW same time, our study also confirmed the negative corre-
(r 5 0.620; P \0.01), and DHP5 (r 5 0.469; lation between MPSM and DMW, DHP5, and DNLW,
P \0.05). Age was negatively correlated with DMW which verified Kukemeyer’s results. MPSD ratio refers
(Fig 5, A; r 5 0.495, P \0.05), DHP5 (Fig 5, B; r 5 to the gray density value of the midpalatal suture to
0.696, P \0.01), and DHP5-DMW (Fig. 5, C; r 5 the gray density of the hard lateral palate.24 The applica-
0.521, P \0.01). In addition, DMW were negatively tion of the MPSD ratio is a robust clinical diagnostic
correlated with MPSD ratio 3 (Fig 5, D; r 5 0.417; parameter of MARPE.29,30 Previous studies showed
P \0.05) and MPSD ratio 4 (Fig 5 E; r 5 0.465; that the mean MPSD ratio negatively correlated with
P \0.05). In summary, MPSM, age, and MPSD ratio the maxillary extension width in patients receiving
were correlated to the expansion effect and might be RME treatment.18 Similarly, this study verified that
used as the estimated indexes of MARPE. MPSD ratios (3 and 4) were negatively correlated with
bone expansion. However, this study found no link be-
DISCUSSION tween the mean MPSD ratio and the amount of MARPE;
This study explored factors related to MARPE by the MPSD ratio of the midposterior part and the poste-
analyzing the correlations between the age, MPSM, rior part were negatively correlated with the changes in
MPSD ratio of different regions and bone effect, den- the alveolar bone of MARPE. Because the midpalatal su-
toalveolar effect, and dental effects using CBCT in pa- ture fusion begins at the posterior part and fuses forward
tients without growth potential. The results revealed from the posterior palatal bone to the maxilla along the
that age, MPSM, and MPSD ratio were significantly midpalatal suture10; therefore, there is a significant dif-
correlated with the MARPE effect. ference in the anterior and posterior MPSD ratio be-
MARPE is a microimplant implanted into the palatal tween adolescents without growth potential and adult
jackscrew to ensure expansion of the underlying basal patients. According to Gr€ unheid et al,18 patients who
bone, minimizing dentoalveolar tipping and expansion. received RME treatment are still in the growth and

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics April 2023  Vol 163  Issue 4
480 Yi et al

Fig 4. The judgment plane of palatal suture staging. The sagittal and coronal planes were adjusted so
that the cross-section passed through the center of the hard palate and was parallel to the hard palate.

Table III. Baseline characteristics of patients Table IV. The changes in dilation amount after
Characteristics Patients (n 5 25)
Gender, n (%) Dilation
Male 4 (16.0) amount Pretreatment Posttreatment DPost-Pre P value
Female 21 (84.0) MW (mm) 0.04 6 0.11 1.32 6 0.69 1.27 6 0.69 \0.001
Age (y), mean 6 SD (range) 19.84 6 3.96 (15.0-29.0) NF (mm) 65.60 6 5.96 67.32 6 6.22 1.72 6 1.42 \0.001
MPSD ratio, mean 6 SD (range) HP (mm) 63.86 6 5.64 65.67 6 5.85 1.81 6 1.23 \0.001
0 0.625 6 0.132 (0.362-0.861) HP 5 (mm) 60.40 6 4.34 62.32 6 4.40 1.92 6 1.16 \0.001
1 0.653 6 0.150 (0.320-0.929) BC (mm) 53.02 6 4.34 56.71 6 4.30 3.69 6 2.18 \0.001
2 0.710 6 0.128 (0.496-0.944) Dentoalveolar 0.63 6 0.86
3 0.571 6 0.170 (0.267-0.878) expansion
4 0.668 6 0.137 (0.316-0.870) Dental 1.70 6 2.05
MPSM stage, n (%) expansion
B 2 (8.0)
C 15 (60.0) MW, midpalatal width; NF, nasal floor; HP, hard palate; HP 5, 5 mm
D 7 (28.0) below the hard palate; BC, buccal cusp; Dentoalveolar expansion,
E 1 (4.0) DHP5-DMW (mm); Dental expansion, DBC-DHP5 (mm).

SD, standard deviation.

development stage (age 12.9 6 2.1 years). Most patients

have nonobvious midpalatal suture fusion with low bone expansion, thereby reducing unnecessary surgically-
density of the anterior, middle, and posterior parts. Our assisted maxillary expansion. Taken together, the
research showed a significant difference in bone mineral MPSD ratio with the midposterior and posterior parts
density between the anterior, middle, and posterior could be used as a mature predictor to forecast the effec-
palatal sutures in patients with nongrowth (age 19.95 tiveness of MARPE.
6 4.39 years). The posterior MPSD ratio is one of the In conclusion, age, MPSM, and the MPSD ratio with
limiting factors of whether the palatal suture could be the midposterior and posterior parts might be used to
expanded. Therefore, it is consistent with the growth predict the effectiveness of MARPE expansion.
law to evaluate the MPSD ratio of microimplant-
assisted rapid palatal expansion along the long axis of AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
adolescent or adult patients without growth potential. Fang Yi contributed to conception and design, mate-
The MPSD ratio of the middle posterior and posterior rials and samples, data collection and collation, and data
part can become a useful clinical predictor for of midpa- analysis and interpretation; Ou-Sheng Liu contributed
latal suture maturity. It also can be used to determine to project administration; Lei Lei contributed to mate-
whether patients could receive routine RME treatment rials and samples; Si-Ling Liu contributed to materials
and whether adolescent and adult patients without and samples; Yue Wang contributed to materials and
growth potential could use the MARPE for maxillary samples; Yan-Hao Chu contributed to data analysis

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Yi et al 481

Table V. The correlation between MPSM, age, MPSD ratio, and arch expansion
MPSM 0.409* 0.620** 0.469* 0.038 0.220 0.093
Age 0.248 0.495* 0.696** 0.521** 0.055 0.401
MPSD ratio 0 0.064 0.209 0.094 0.109 0.020 0.021
MPSD ratio 1 0.178 0.257 0.348 0.207 0.115 0.225
MPSD ratio 2 0.010 0.126 0.085 0.001 0.075 0.039
MPSD ratio 3 0.039 0.417* 0.108 0.212 0.102 0.077
MPSD ratio 4 0.158 0.465* 0.077 0.188 0.013 0.051

DNLW, nasal cavity variation; DMW, bone expansion; DHP5-DMW, dentoalveolar expansion; DBC-DHP5, dental expansion; DBC, total expan-
sion; DHP5, dentoalveolar change.
*P \0.05; **P \0.01; ***P \0.001.

Fig 5. Correlations between the arch expansion and age and MPSD ratio. Best-fit lines are shown on
each plot with the least-squares linear regression equation.

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April 2023  Vol 163  Issue 4 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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