Perisse Kamoun 1987 Trends in Urban and Rural Food Consumption and Implications For Food Policies in Tunisia

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Trends in urban and rural food consumption and

implications for food policies in Tunisia

J. Périssé and A. Kamoun

This study of the evolution of food consumption among Population trends

urban and rural populations in Tunisia is based on the
results of household consumption and budget surveys. For the purposes of the present study, we have divided
To make sure that any differences observed in such a urban areas into two groups: one (U) comprising small
sutdy actually reflect the consequences of urbanization and medium-sized cities with their own town councils,
and are not attributable to mere chance, it is essential that and another (C) comprising the major cities with over
the surveys should meet a number of criteria: 90,000 inhabitants, such as Tunis, Bizerta, Sousse, Sfax,
and, since 1985, Gabès. The rural areas (R) consist of
-- They should have a national sampling framework villages, hamlets without any administrative structure,
that ensures a proper distribution of households, and scattered dwellings.
taking into account both seasonal variations and
geographical differences. The evolution of the Tunisian population from 1975
to 1985 is shown in table 1 (based on the 1966, 1975,
-- Recording of household budgets, showing the and 1984 censuses). The national population increased
amounts of money spent on foods, goods, and by 28% between 1975 and 1985 and is now above 7.2
services, should be supplemented by actual weighing million, as against 5.6 million 10 years ago. During that
of food commodities on various days, particularly time the population of the urban centres, including both
in those countries where home-produced, home- the smaller and the major cities (U + C), rose by 46% and
consumed foods are an important part of the diet. that of the rural areas by only 12%.
-- For any study of the evolution of consumption over For the first five years of the period under review, the
time, the methods of data collection, the concepts rural population showed only a slight yearly rate of growth
followed, and the way of expressing the results (0.8%) as the consequence of a marked exodus to the
should be identical from one survey to the next, cities (and to foreign countries). The cities, on the other
lest distortions be introduced that might appear to hand, had an annual growth rate of 4.6%. Tunisian cities
reflect behavioural differences. are thus becoming overpopulated, and in 1980 contained
TABLE 1. Urban and rural population and growth rates in the majority of the overall population: 52%, compared
Tunisia,1975-1985 with 47% in 1975. Because employment opportunities
Population (1,000s) Average annual
in the cities have become scarcer, movement from the
growth rate (%) rural areas has somewhat abated since 1980: the rural
population has tended to remain settled and increased
1975 1980 1985 1975-80 1980-85
twice as fast between 1980 and 1985 as during the five
Urban 2,656 3,325 3,880 4.6 3.1 previous years (1.5% versus 0.8%). As a result, the
Rural 2,932 3,044 3,274 0.8 1.5 growth of urban population slowed down (3.1 % versus
Total 5,588 6,369 7,155 2.7 2.4 4.6% as previously).
Tunisia is one of the very few countries to have carried
out four such national surveys between 1965 and 1985. Food-consumption patterns
Of the four surveys (in 1965-1968, 1975, 1980, and 1985), The traditional Tunisian diet is dictated by the ecology
conducted under the auspices of the National Institute of of the Mediterranean basin. it is characterized by a
Statistics and funded by the government, the last three high consumption of durum wheat and olive oil, with
met the criteria listed above. This article compares them a moderate and uneven intake of animal products
and comments on their results. (mutton, eggs, milk), and is very diversified with regard
to vegetables and fruits. This pattern, however, is not

Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 4 © 1987, The United Nations University. 1
2 Trends in urban and rural food consumption

static but is undergoing changes under the influence of A change that is clearly taking place is a strong
economic development and the gradual urbanization increase in the consumption of imported soft wheat
of households. flour in the form of bakery bread, whereas the use of the
The urbanization process entails deep changes in same imported flour at home is being discontinued. This
the composition of the diet. These changes become increased use of soft wheat is far from making up for the
significant with time (table 2) and influence the levels drop in consumption of durum, so that the level of cereal
of energy and nutrient intake (table 3). In 1975 the intake is diminishing notably as the population becomes
consumption of locally grown durum wheat products urbanized.
in the smaller cities was half as much as in rural areas, Other commodities such as sugar and blended oils
and in the larger cities it was only one-fourth as much. show some increase in consumption, although only
A sharp decrease has been noted in the consumption of to a moderate extent. Because these have already been
couscous, semolina, and traditional pancakes that are strongly integrated into traditional recipes and beverages
usually prepared at home in rural areas. Similarly, the (green tea) for some considerable time, their use is not
customary consumption of barley (that of maize and altered by increases in income. The consumption of
sorghum being negligible) has fallen rapidly as a result olive oil is higher in the smaller cities, where most of the
of urbanization, and the grain has become a cultural relic owner-producers live.
without any nutritional significance. Urbanization is, however, followed by sharp increases
TABLE 2. Food-consumption patterns (kilograms per in the consumption of meat (mutton and beef), poultry,
person per year) in relation to urbanization in Tunisia, 1975 fish, fresh or reconstituted milk, and yoghurt. Typically,
and 1985 when settling in a city, Tunisians diversify and improve
the palatability of their diet by eating fewer staple foods
1975 1985
and more animal products. With regard to legumes,
R U C R U C vegetables, and fruit, such changes are less pronounced,
Durum 129.0 65.6 33.7 126.4 49.7 29.9 and rather take the form of consumption of more exotic
wheat varieties to the detriment of home-produced vegetables
Barley 15.2 2.6 1.8 11.7 4.4 1.8 and fruit or the yield from gatherings.
Flour 10.9 5.4 1.6 6.6 4.4 3.0 The results given by the different surveys are
Bread 20.4 73.7 99.4 32.4 84.1 100.8 remarkably consistent. In general, the decreasing trend
noted in 1975 with regard to traditional staple foods and
Pulses 5.2 6.2 5.7 3.6 4.7 4.8
the increasing trends for complementary foods were
Potatoes 12.6 21.0 21.0 14.3 22.3 23.1 confirmed in 1980 and 1985. A minimum threshold of
Olive oil 6.0 8.5 3.6 4.8 8.7 4.8 about 30 kg per capita seems to have been reached for
Blended 11.8 11.6 14.8 14.0 13.3 17.9 durum wheat in the larger cities and a maximum peak
oil for bread of about 100 kg. For a few commodities, such
Sugar 13.9 13.5 16.7 15.3 15.6 19.7 as milk in urban (1975) and rural (1980) areas, and
poultry in all three areas (1985), a number of seemingly
Meat 9.8 13.5 18.5 8.2 15.6 24.0
accountable decreases have occurred. They are discussed
Poultry 2.2 2.1 2.1 3.4 3.9 6.9 later in relation to changes in income because they seem
Fish 2.1 7.5 9.5 1.4 6.5 10.2 to be the consequences of policy decisions and not just
Eggs 1.3 2.2 3.2 1.9 4.3 6.5 inconsistencies in the survey records.
Milk 36.3 19.8 54.8 26.4 37.7 55.3
Yoghurt 0.2 0.6 3.3 1.3 3.2 5.5
R = rural; U = small and medium-sized cities: C = major cities (see Text)

TABLE 3. Levels of energy and nutrient intake per person per day in relation to urbanization in Tunisia, 1975-1985.

1975 1980 1985

Calories 2,474 2,228 2,122 2,452 2,274 2,232 2,424 2,128 2,189
Carbohydrates (g) 398 336 307 401 348 325 411 311 323
Total net protein (g) - - - - - - 68.7 59.4 63.8
J. Périssé et al. 3

Vegetable protein (g) 67.7 52.6 44.8 68.2 54.0 47.5 - - -

Iron (mg) 21.2 14.9 13.2 14.1 13.8 13.4 15.1 12.9 14.2
Thiamine (mg) 1.73 1.33 1.28 1.69 1.36 1.23 1.58 1.31 1.32
Niacin (mg) 17.2 13.2 11.6 16.2 13.8 12.8 15.9 12.5 13.2
Animal protein (g) 7.0 8.9 14.1 8.8 15.3 18.9 - - -
Lipides (g) 64.9 71.1 72.9 68.1 73.2 79.3 61.4 66.4 74.2
Retinol (µg) 485 658 690 552 779 763 568 731 865
Vitamin C (mg) 61 83 90 66.0 86.8 88.8 74 93 117
Calcium (mg) 438 391 501 451 477 527 394 440 568
Riboflavin (mg) 0.84 0.75 0.86 0.82 0.86 0.91 0.81 0.80 0.98

Nutrient intake (niacin); the final result depends on the predominance of

one trend over the other. Thus, in 1975 deficiencies in
The above changes have obviously affected the energy, calcium and riboflavin were most marked in the smaller
nutrient, vitamin, and mineral content of the average urban areas. The positive changes in nutrient content
diet. Table 3 shows the changes in per capita consumption observed in 1975 in relation to urbanization occurred to
of various nutrients in relationship to the level of a larger extent in 1980 and 1985.
urbanization. Intake of energy, fat, vegetable protein, iron,
and thiamine is greatest in the rural areas and decreases
with urbanization. This decrease is attributable to lower Consumption and income
consumption of cereals, which, in rural areas, are by far The budget servey makes it possible to determine total
the principal source of calories, protein, calcium, iron, cash expenditures and cash expenditures on food per
and water soluble vitamins, and the second source of fats. capita per year, to which should be added the value of
In addition, the rapid replacement of traditional durum home-produced, home-consumed commodities, and
wheat by soft wheat (poorer in protein and industrially gifts at current market prices. The total expenditure may
milled with a high extraction rate) accelerates the loss of be taken as an approximation of income, as income per se
nutrients even further. In the case of iron, however, it is is not determined. Table 4 and figure 1 show the changes
probable that urban intake, although lower in quantity, in total and food expenditures in diners per capita per
is definitely more easily assimilated because of its higher year from 1965 to 1985.
content of iron of animal origin.
Over the past 20 years, income (in current dinars) has
Conversely, animal protein intake increases with increased more than 51/2 times in rural areas and almost
urbanization through the consumption of meat, fish, six times in the larger cities. While the gap between the
milk, and eggs. Fat intake is also on the increase because two sectors has not noticeably widened, food expenditure
of a higher consumption of imported vegetable oils and in the major centres, which alone was equal to the overall
some animal fats. The intake of vitamin A is increasing per capita income in the rural areas in 1965-1968, in
because of a higher consumption of leafy vegetables, 1985 was still very close to that in the smaller cities. As
peppers (harissa), and, above all, offal, eggs, and milk in the case of the consumption levels shown in table 2,
products. With respect to vitamin C, the gap is noticeable the smallercity dwellers were in an intermediate position
between rural populations and the inhabitants of smaller from the point of view of income.
cities because of the higher consumption of vegetables
In 1965-1968 the average per capita income in the
and citrus fruits in the latter.
small and medium-sized cities was barely higher than
In the case of calcium and riboflavin, and also thiamine in the rural areas. In 1975, however, those same urban
and niacin, the effects of urbanization are generally areas were in a particularly unfavourable position with
positive, although not quite as markedly as for other regard to intake of animal products (noticeably milk
nutrients because they are the result of two contradictory products) in spite of improved and higher incomes
trends. On the one hand the drop in cereal consumption (table 2). This can be explained by the fact that, thanks
lowers the levels of these elements significantly, and on to home production and consumption in the rural areas,
the other hand they are raised by higher consumption of and to the use of reconstituted milk in the major centres,
milk (calcium), eggs, milk, and offal (riboflavin), and meat milk consumption was higher than in the smaller urban
4 Trends in urban and rural food consumption

areas, which probably experienced supply difficulties. In 2). This is illustrated in table 3 by an increase in intake of
nutritional terms, this results in a drop in calcium and riboflavin and calcium, as well as vitamin A, the intake of
riboflavin intake (table 3). which in retinol equivalent exceeds the levels recorded in
This situation, which could have had serious the major cities.
consequences for the vulnerable population, was Between 1980 and 1985 the rate of household income
entirely resolved by 1980. This is explained by the fact fell very slightly in the smaller urban areas, remained
that during the oil boom of 1975-1980 a large number unchanged in relation to the previous period in the major
of agricultural development projects were undertaken, centres, and went up sharply in the rural areas (figure
creating jobs in the rural areas, but this seems mainly to 1). It should be noted that 1985 was a good crop year in
have benefited the population of the smaller cities, where most agricultural areas. The increase in cash expenditure
landowners and traders are concentrated. Moreover, was reflected in a sharp increase in the consumption of
on the suggestion of the World Bank, the government bread and blended oils, prestige commodities for people
decided in 1977 to liberalize public transportation and with modest budgets. No parallel increase was observed
to encourage its growth through investments in road in the consumption of animal products - status symbols
development and maintenance, which contributed to too, but far more expensive ones. Conversely, the
better market organization and generated income. consumption of poultry, which had doubled during the
Income having grown (in current dinars) at a higher previous prioed, fell; that of fish, which was already low,
rate in the smaller urban areas than in the other sectors, decreased still further, as was also the case for milk (table
the income levels there became noticeably closer to those 2). (The number of households surveyed in April 1985
in the major cities (figure 1). Food expenditure went up was unusually low. Because the supply and consumption
in the same proportion; as a result the consumption of home- produced milk usually reaches one of its peaks
of meat increased by 20%, that of eggs and fresh milk at that time of year, it is likely that the average level may
doubled, and that of poultry and yoghurt trebled (table have been underestimated, but this alone would not
seem to account for the overall drop in consumption.)

FIG. 1. Changes in total expenditures and food expenditures in relation to urbanization

J. Périssé et al. 5

TABLE 4. Changes in total expenditures and food members. These in turn influence the level of per capita
expenditures (dinars per person per year) in relation to income. The average number of persons per household is
urbanization highest in populations at the bottom of the income scale
Total expenditure Food expenditure and decreases steadily as per capita income increases.
Statistically, large families have a high probability of
having a low income, which is not surprising. When
1965-1968 53 66 125 30 34 52 we divide total income by the number of members,
1975 104 148 208 50 62 85 households with few active individuals and many young
1980 157 284 392 77 117 140 children are most likely to have a low total income and,
1985 294 501 748 134 196 258 consequently, a modest per capita income. High-income
households are those with more working members, and
The position was roughly the same in urban areas. per capita income is proportionately higher as there are
Intake of oils and sugar increased, but that of poultry, fewer children and dependents.
meat, fish, and eggs dropped. Examination of the data
Given equal income, the number of individuals per
by region shows that nutritional levels deteriorated in
household is slightly higher in the large cities than in
the north-eastern and particularly in the southern areas,
urban or rural areas, suggesting that the dependency
whereas they remained stable or even improved in the
coefficient increases with population density.
other areas in comparison with 1980. The closing of the
Libyan border in 1984, followed in 1985 by the return
of expatriated workers, very probably accounts for this Income, energy requirements, and energy
regional degradation (less remittances from workers intake
abroad, less border trade, more workless members in Households in the same per capita income group are,
households). to some extent, similar with respect to age of members,
Let us consider whether inequalities in the distribution sex distribution, and anthropornetric features. This
of income within each population group changed over the affects the calculation of energy requirements. Indeed,
time of the surveys. (A presentation of the data by deciles the 1975 data showed that the average per capita energy
of population could help, but these are not available yet.) requirements increased as household income rose [1).
The 1975 survey showed that 33% of the rural population, The same pattern was shown, although less distinctly, by
18% of the population in the smaller cities, and only 3% the results of the 1980 and 1985 surveys.
in the larger cities fell in the lowest income classes (below For all urban and rural groups, the average per capita
D 60 per year). Four per cent of the rural population, energy intake grows faster than requirements when the
9% in the smaller cities, and 21 % of the inhabitants of household income increases. In both affluent and poor
the major centres were in the highest two income classes households, the gap is always wider in rural than in
(over D 300 per year). The limits of the income categories urban areas. Similarly, when a deficit occurs, it is lower
were readjusted upward in successive surveys to take in rural groups.
into account both depreciation of-the dinar and the rise
in income resulting from economic development, but If one compares minimum energy requirements and
the arbitrariness of the choice of those limits precludes intake for each household in each income category of the
any valid comparison of income distribution patterns. three strata, one can identify the families that are at risk
To find out whether income disparities increased or of suffering from an energy deficiency. The probability
decreased, Gini’s coefficient, which indicates the degree of undernourishment is higher for urban families than
of concentration (or dispersion) of overall income in the for rural ones. This analysis, already partly published
various population groups, was used (table 5). All three [1], is based on the results of the 1975 survey (table 6).
surveys showed that disparities in income distribution A comparison of household intake and requirement
increased with the degree of urbanization: incomes were distribution on the basis of the 1980 and 1985 surveys
more evenly distributed in rural areas than in the cities. gives the same results. That is, the percentage of
But no clear trend emerged from one survey to the next, households suffering from energy deficiency is higher
save that Gini’s coefficient remained stable for the whole in the two urban groups than in the rural ones. This
of Tunisia between 1975 and 1985. normally should be reflected in the physiological
condition of urban con- sumers. We will see later
The level of food intake and per capita income are whether this assumption is confirmed by facts.
related and depend on the age and sex of household
6 Trends in urban and rural food consumption

TABLE 5. Gini’s coefficient values in relation to income distribution

R U C Total
1985 0.37 0.40 0.42 0.43
1980 0.37 0.37 0.40 0.43
1975 0.39 0.40 0.43 0.44
TABLE 6. Food expenditure, energy intake, and cost of calories by per capita income level in relation to urbanization, 1975

Income(diners/ Food expenditure Energy intake Cost of energy

persons year) (dinars/person/year) (kcal/person/day) (millimesa/1,000 kcal)
>400 155.2 132.5 162.2 3,126 2,899 2,469 136 125 180
300-400 118.7 120.6 112.6 3,013 2,883 2,518 108 115 122
200-300 106.5 92.4 95.4 3,065 2,569 2,219 95 99 118
160-200 77.2 76.7 83.2 2,837 2,381 2,218 75 88 103
120-160 66.8 63.9 61.1 2,702 2,302 2,223 68 76 75
100-120 52.5 55.4 56.3 2,569 2,217 1,913 56 69 81
80- 100 47.2 48.2 48.0 2,437 2,200 1,854 53 60 71
60-80 39.7 38.4 38.2 2,431 1,981 1,829 45 53 57
30-60 27.6 28.7 29.0 2,168 1,809 1,429 35 44 56
<30 14.1 14.4 11.9 1,920 1,415 1,077 20 28 30
Totals 49.9 60.2 76.6 2,474 2,228 2,122 55 74 99
a. 1 millime = 0.001 dinar.

TABLE 7. Cost of energy by food group and income level, in relation to urbanization, 1975

Income Millimes per 1,000 kcal

(dinars/ Cereals Sugar Oils and fats Animal Total diet
Person/ year) products
U &C R U &C R U &C R U &C R U &C R
>400 45.7 50.0 82.5 95.2 85.5 94.3 360 352 157 136
300-400 37.5 39.6 73.8 83.0 68.7 77.8 309 319 120 107
200-300 37.3 29.7 80.3 61.2 56.9 67.8 310 338 110 95.2
160-200 34.1 25.5 77.3 63.3 48.1 52.0 334 334 95.2 74.6
120-160 28.7 25.9 58.1 63.1 43.9 51.9 328 296 75.7 67.7
100-120 30.3 19.6 58.1 63.9 44.3 49.9 304 265 74.7 56.0
80-100 27.9 20.0 55.3 55.6 36.3 44.0 294 246 65.5 53.1
60-80 24.1 16.3 54.7 50.7 29.8 41.1 303 240 54.8 44.7
30-60 23.4 13.9 43.0 46.0 26.3 33.7 279 209 45.7 34.9
<30 14.6 9.3 51.0 39.4 19.5 23.8 269 175 27.9 20.1
Totals 31.0 19.9 64.2 56.1 48.1 47.2 309 271 85.7 55.2
1 millime = 0.001 diner.

Contrary to expectations, the budget data for those than in rural environments, and one might expect rural
same families showed that, for the same income level, populations to use a larger part of their income to enjoy
the proportion of income spent on food was virtually a qualitatively better diet like their urban counterparts. It
the same in rural and urban areas. Yet expenditure on would seem, however, that such is not the case.
goods and services other than food was greater in urban
J. Périssé et al. 7

As is shown in table 7, the cost of 1,000 calories more plentiful and less inclusive diet (more cereals but
in each food group increases with the income of less oil, fewer animal products, and fewer vegetables
the consumers. Cereals, sugar products, and animal and fruits) that meets their energy requirements, which
products are cheaper in rural areas; only oils and fats are is essential to their continuing productive activities. In
cheaper for the urbanized populations because of the other words, for the same income, whether high or low,
greater use of subsidized blended oil, Given the same the cost of 1,000 calories is lower in the rural areas, and
income, rural dwellers could try to diversify their diet for the same amount of money rural dwellers can eat
like their urban counterparts; however, they prefer a more (figs. 2 and 3).

FIG. 2. Composition of diets by food groups ( Percentage of total energy intake per person), and cost of calories, by income
level in urban areas (U and C), 1975
The cost of those 1,000 calories increases very quickly This fact, observed under conditions of constant
with changes in consumption patterns from one income income levels, cannot be accounted for entirely by
category to the next, but the difference between urban economic considerations. For a large part, physiological
and rural areas remains unchanged all along the income needs constitute the reason rural dwellers find themselves
scale. One may therefore consider that for the same compelled to adopt less expensive consumption patterns
income, urban life, with its better market supply, offers for the same income than urban dwellers. To summarize,
greater possibilities for diet diversification because it changes in diet are imposed by income (in the present
does not demand the same degree of energy expenditure. case, the amount spent on food), and energy intake is
For the same amount spent on food, the savings realized dictated by the degree of urbanization.
in expenditure can be used by urban dwellers to diversify
their diet and increase its palatability. This, in our view, is
a specific effect of urbanization.
8 Trends in urban and rural food consumption

FIG. 3. Composition of diets by food groups, and cost of calories, by income level in rural areas, 1975
Figures 2 and 3 show that, for very low income levels This leads us to the question of food subsidies. Table
in both rural and urban areas, consumers have little if 8 gives estimates of the percentage of the population
any scope for changing consumption patterns to lower too poor to meet their minimum energy needs, based
the cost of their diet further. They cannot significantly on the poverty-line method suggested by the World
reduce their consumption of expensive calories (meat, Bank and data from the three surveys [2]. No critical
fish, milk) and fruit, because they are already eating analysis of the method and the appropriateness of the
minimum amounts of these items compatible with a income level selected as the threshold point will be
palatable diet. They are therefore extremely vulnerable attempted here. The decision made by the government
to increases in the price of cereal products. A limited to help the disadvantaged population with incomes
increase may create a temporary inconvenience for below the selected threshold seems important enough
middle-class households, who can adjust their budgets by to be reported. In 1986 the government created a
cutting down on less essential items without any serious Solidarity Fund to distribute a fixed amount of money
effect on their nutrition. The same increase becomes a by household. The National Institute of Statistics (NIS)
nightmare for the poorer population, not only because was asked to determine from the survey data and
their budgets are weaker but also because it affects a the socio-professional profile of the heads of families
larger proportion of their total diet, and there is danger the number of families in each administrative region
of its causing energy and nutrient deficiencies. who were statistically at risk (profession, family size).
TABLE 8. Minimum acceptable levels of income and
The government requested the provincial governors
percentage of the population below those levels to work with local authorities to identify and list the
critically poor. About 120,000 households had been
Poverty line Population at listed locally when the NIS calculated that there were
(diners/person/year) risk (%) 230,000 rural and 325,000 urban persons-about 100,000
U&C R households-at risk.
1975 87 43 22
1980 120 60 13
1985 190 95 8
J. Périssé et al. 9

Subsidies achieved, as subsidies are of greater benefit to urban than

to rural populations, and to middle- and upper-income
A subsidy system was instituted in 1970 to stabilize the
groups than to poorer ones.
prices of staple commodities and to keep the cost of
certain items down. Those subsidies, which rose from Subsidies represent a not inconsiderable part of the
D 1.3 million in 1970 to D 262 million in 1985, have total budget of the poor: about 7%. If this bonus were
become a burden on the national budget. The General eliminated, it would lead to a shortage of about 150
Equalization Fund (Caisse générale de compensation) calories per day for each individual concerned. At the
intervenes at the production level by subsidizing the other end of the income scale, subsidies involve an
prices of some items {fertilizers, fuel, animal feeds), and inadmissible waste of certain commodities such as bread.
at the consumption level by making up for the difference Any sudden decision implying a return to more realistic
between the cost price and the selling price of staple price levels could very well result in the kind of explosive
goods (semolina, flour, bread, blended oils, milk and situation among urban populations that Tunisia and
milk products, sugar, tea, coffee), which are then sold at other countries have already experienced, unless it were
fixed prices. supported by compensatory measures of public aid to
the target groups. To avail themselves of those subsidies,
The results of the 1985 survey were used as a basis to
the rural populations have given up a thousand-year-old
assess the redistribution effect of subsidies on household
system of home production and home consumption in
budgets 13, 4]. Properly used and focused on the needy,
the course of a decade (table 9).
such subsidies ought to apply first and foremost to those
commodities whose consumption is reduced as income TABLE 9. The importance of home-produced, home-
increases. Thus, the consumption of barley, durum consumed durum wheat (kilograms per person per Year) in
rural areas
wheat, and wheat flour for making bread decreases with
urbanization at the same time that household incomes Bought from Home-produced, Total
rise. Barley, which is essentially home grown and home market home-consumed
consumed, is only a negligible component of the diet.
The consumption of flour for bread making is on the 1975 67.8 61.2 129
wane, but this is because commercially baked bread is 1980 101.9 24.1 126
increasingly popular. Logically, subsidies should apply 1985 121.7 4.3 126
only to processed durum wheat (semolina, noodles). As This dramatic change has benefited the rural
income rises, the consumption of the other subsidized population and partially contributed to the rapid
commodities increases moderately (sugar, wheat), fairly progression of the cereal subsidies (D 20 million, 34%
sharply (blended oils), or sharply (milk, eggs, meat}, of the total, in 1975; D 158 million, 60% of the total, in
with the result that subsidies on these commodities are 1985). Nevertheless, one of the brighter aspects of this
of greater benefit to the urban than the rural population. process so costly to the state has been the integration of
The 1985 survey showed that wheat consumption the rural population into a market economy. With less
increased at the same rate as income for all population food stored at home, however, they will, like the urban
groups, even in the larger centres. A saturation point was populations, react more sharply to measures that might
reached only in the second- and third highest income be taken toward a return to more realistic price levels in
categories (D 350-500 and D 500-800), and consumption an effort to set the Equalization Fund on its feet again.
decreased slightly for the highest income category only
(over D 800). It is therefore unavoidable that the richer
Body measurements
populations derive far greater benefit from this policy
than the poorer ones. The 1980 and 1985 surveys recorded data on the weight,
In 1980 “the least-favoured fourth of the population height, and age of consumers to provide a means of
only account[ed] for 12.5% of the total subsidies, evaluating energy and protein requirements. These data
whereas the uppermost fourth enjoy[ed], three times that were collected from samples of 8,520 males and 8,890
amount, i.e., 37.3%” 141. In 1985 the least favoured one- females in 1980, and 7,940 males and 8,100 females in
fourth received 14%, the most affluent one-fourth 35%. 1985, classified according to place of residence as rural
“Between 1980 and 1985, the rate of subsidies increased (R) or urban (U and C). So far, only the median height
by 26% while annual private consumption only went up and weight data according to age and sex are available
by 1396 in current dinars” [3]. The cost to the national for 1980; they have been compared with those for 1985.
budget, however, is higher than the social transfer thus To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time it has
been possible both to study household consumption
10 Trends in urban and rural food consumption

levels and the body measurements of the individuals The more favourable position of the urban population
concerned simultaneously and to follow their evolution contradicts what would be expected on the basis of the
over a period of five years on the basis of a national consumption data, which consistently show a lower
sample. The anthropometrical study is not a longitudinal energy intake for this group. It is quite unlikely that
one, however. urban consumption was underestimated and/or rural
In 1980 the average weights of males up to five years consumption overestimated at all income levels. The
old and females up to eight years old were not different only explanation is that, in the absence of specific data on
for rural and urban groups. The two curves then spread time budgets, the energy requirements of the more active
out slightly but steadily for adolescents in favour of the occupations were underestimated. This underestimation
urban group and separated more distinctly for adults would lead to a mistaken conclusion that energy intake
(fig. 4). The maximum difference in weight is observed levels are more satisfactory in the rural areas. It seems, in
in females 45 years old. fact, that the urban diet, which is lower in calories but far
more diversified and richer in nutrients, results in better
growth of body weight.

FIG. 4. Differences in body weights between urban and rural populations, by sex, 1980 (provisional)
J. Périssé et al. 11

FIG. 5. Changes in male body weights between 1980 and 1985 (provisional)

FIG. 6. Changes in female body weights between 1980 and 1985 (provisional)
12 Trends in urban and rural food consumption

In the period between the two surveys, the weight First, appropriate data are more convincing than
curves of the population groups changed (figs. 5 and 6). qualitative judgements. This was so well understood by
By 1985 the weight of young rural males and females up the Tunisian government that in 1975 the Council of
to 11 years old had caught up with, and even exceeded, Ministers decided to repeat the survey every five years.
that of their 1980 urban counterparts, coinciding with The results are consistent and comprehensive, and are
the 1985 curve of urban dwellers. The latter gained 2 sufficiently accurate to permit an assessment of the
to 3 kg at each age level between the ages of 4 and 11. changes that occurred during that period. Such surveys
Rural adolescent males (between 12 and 18 years old) have shown that it is possible to evaluate ex post facto
and females (between 12 and 16 years old) were heavier the size of the population below the poverty line and to
than those surveyed in 1980, and were on the 1980 define their socio-professional profile. They have been
weight curve of their urban counterparts. They did not, used to quantify the economic and social impact of
however, catch up with the latter, who during the same food subsidy policies, and the nutritional and economic
period gained 2 kg (males) and 4 kg (females) at each age effects on the diet of regional development projects.
level. Adult males, both rural and urban, lost 2 kg at age Furthermore, survey results enabled the Service of
25 in relation to those of 1980, regained them at age 30, Agricultural Planning to project a model of food demand
and at age 45 were on the 1980 curve. divided into two distinct types of diets, urban and rural,
They gained additional weight beyond age 55 in with specific income elasticities for each. This model is
relation to their elders, but the difference between urban far better and more sensitive than the previous one based
and rural populations persisted. on food balance sheets.
Between the ages of 20 and 80 years, rural females Second, the data on heights and body weights cast
kept just above ( + 1 kg) their 1980 curve. Among all new light on the results of the household-consumption
groups, they were the only ones not to have increased in survey. On the condition that such data are not limited
weight. On the other hand, urban women from age 45, to children between birth and six years of age, as is
gained 2, then 4 kg in relation to those surveyed in 1980. now the case in many countries, weight and height
distribution patterns may provide inexpensive and
In five years, except for males between 20 and 45
objective indicators of changes in the food situation.
years of age, all age and sex groups gained from 1 to 4
Such surveys are inexpensive, provided they are not
kg. Unless an analysis of weight distribution for each
conducted independently but are combined with food-
age group shows a shartp increase in the numbers of
consumption and budget surveys.
overweight people, it may be assumed for the time being
that the body growth patterns of all three groups changed Finally, the use of energy-requirement data as a
for the better in Tunisia. The change was greatest in the basis for qualitative assessment of nutritional intake
urban population. leads to inconsistencies in the results and does not give
researchers the expected outcomes. More sophisticated
The contradiction noted between consumption data
algorithms using variables depicting the profile of
and the body-weight curve of the 1980 survey reappeared
each consumer, household by household, need to be
in 1985. Indeed, food intake did not change significantly
applied. In this way the variability of requirements
between the surveys. The higher weight increase is
could be increased and brought closer to actual living
attributable to the urban diet, which is poorer in energy,
conditions. The variables now available (age, height, and
more diversified in nutrients, and richer in fats and high-
weight) in relation to basal metabolism are adequate for
quality proteins. These considerations fail to explain why
evaluating maintenance requirements, as suggested in
the rural groups went beyond the 1980 median curve
the 1985 report.
on a diet that, except for retinol, was slightly less rich in
nutrients. Obviously, the 1985 survey is only one point Food policies
on the trend and cannot provide all the information on
what was happening during the period under review. Paraphrasing a famous remark, one might say that
urbanization is far too serious to be entrusted to
urbanists. In fact, the future of the cities is in the hands of
Conclusions the rural dwellers. Urban over-population is the result of
Technical considerations their feeling of frustration. Because small and medium-
sized towns constitute an intermediate stage in the
The survey on household consumption and budgets is a
process of rural exodus, it seems appropriate to maintain
very useful tool for the decision-makers responsible for
the distinction between their populations and those of
food supply and nutritional planning. It is effective for
large cities in future surveys. It is on those intermediate-
several reasons.
J. Périssé et al. 13

stage cities that effort should be focused in order to stem (easier to store) are essential for the lowest-income
migration toward the larger centres. Results of the 1980 groups, who cannot afford to buy meat. At the lower
survey showed that the measures taken to liberalize end of the income distribution it is not uncommon to
transportation services and develop exchanges in and find households with many children, often headed by
with the rural areas had a favourable impact on the widows or divorced women with jobless or handicapped
diet of these medium-sized towns. This policy should dependents. Such individuals are nutritionally at risk.
be encouraged. Subsidized commodities provide help, but a food-stamp
Possible alternatives to a policy of food subsidies are programme would be far more efficient. The recent effort
discussed elsewhere. Any policy, however, that accelerates made by local authorities to identify those living below
the trend toward the substitution of soft wheat for durum the poverty level is a good start in that direction.
wheat would run counter to the nutritional interests of One of the good features of the Mediterranean diet is
the poor and of the rural producers. If this substitution its moderate fat content from good-quality oil. The calorie
proves to be unavoidable and is justified by economic content of the blended oil, however, is very close to that
exigencies, it should be accompanied by measures to of cereal products, so that its use results in high calorie
revise the extraction rate of industrial cereal products. intake in the urban low-income groups. It is not desirable
Data on physical activity are dramatically missing. to encourage consumption of this oil beyond the present
New surveys of the Tunisian type will need to include a limits, lest it should lead, as in Malta and probably also
component on the time budgets of household members if in Libya, and for the same reasons, to a proliferation of
the complexity of the various family conditions and their nutritional overweight with a concomitant upsurge of
working capacities are to be reflected with any realism, cardiovascular diseases.
and if hasty and unfounded conclusions are to be avoided Each family has its own unique characteristics and acts
in comparing requirements with consumption data. The as best it can to reconcile two contradictory requirements:
experience gained with surveys in Côte d’Ivoire and securing a maximum calorie intake at a minimum cost,
Rwanda is very useful in this respect. Such data could while diversifying the diet to enhance its palatability
be used to improve our understanding of whether some within the limits of available income. In doing so, the
specific age and sex groups have additional working people depend on the instinct for survival rather than
capacities before new development projects are proposed. a knowledge of physiology; solidarity takes the place of
Instead of subsidizing all types of bread, it might be economic accounting. For the time being, Tunisians are
possible to enforce the production and sale at a controlled doing well, but the patterns of consumption of urban
price of another type of bread that alone would be taken dwellers are accelerating behavioural changes, and such
into account for the calculation of the cost-of-living index, changes are exposing these persons to nutritional risks.
as is done in Italy for bread rolls (ciriolo). In Tunisia, This has to be watched. Tunis has proved here to be well
such a bread might be made from subsidized flour. To equipped for that purpose.
preclude this flour’s being mixed with bleached flour
and used for other purposes, its extraction rate would be References
lower; it would then be less white and therefore richer in
1. Périssé J. Kamoun A. The price of satiety: a study of
proteins, vitamins, and minerals. The end product would household consumption and budgets in Tunisia. FAD Food
be a typically shaped loaf, but less attractive because of its and Nutrition 1981;7(2).
brownish colour. Affluent households would neglect this 2. Fourati H. Identification des populations vulnérables:
humble loaf for the baguette, made from whiter flour and méthodologie et étude de cas de la Tunisie. In: Les
therefore more enjoyable, but more expensive because consommation et les politiques alimentaires au Maghreb.
it is non-subsidized. In five years, a new survey should Séminaire international FAO-IMA. Tunis, 1986.
make it possible to determine the degree of acceptance 3. Kamoun A. L’incidence de la Caisse générale de
of this brown bread in the various population groups, compensation sur la distribution des revenue et
as well as the income categories of persons by whom l’équilibre de la ration alimentaire. In: Les consummation
it is consumed. et les politiques alimentaires au Meghreb. Séminaire
international FAO-IAM. Tunis, 1986.
If some animal products have to be deleted from the
list of subsidized commodities, milk products [except 4. Belhaouane K. Compensation, prix et revenue en Tunisie.
In: Les consummation et les politiques alimentaires au
butter) should be maintained. Eggs can be bought
Maghreb. Séminaire international FAO-IAM. Tunis, 1986.
one by one and therefore are accessible to persons
on a small budget. Milk and acidified milk products

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