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Topic: "I really wonder what gives us the right to wreck this poor planet of ours''

In a world filled with wonders and curiosities, it is puzzling why some people are
indifferent to the fate of our planet. As we navigate the complexities of modern
life, the relevance of environmental issues often takes a back seat. Understanding
the reasons for this indifference and finding proactive solutions is key to
preserving our Earth for future generations.

One of the reasons for apathy towards the Earth is the disconnection from nature.
With urbanization and the dominance of technology in our lives, many people find
themselves disconnected from the natural world. The concrete jungle in which we
live creates a sense of alienation, preventing us from appreciating the intricacy of
life that sustains us. To remedy this situation, we must foster a reconnection with
nature through education and immersion. Schools, communities, and families can
play a critical role in fostering a sense of wonder and environmental responsibility.

Another hurdle is the misconception that individual actions are unimportant. Faced
with enormous global challenges, individuals may feel powerless and prefer
inaction. However, collective efforts begin with individual choices. Simple
changes, such as reducing the use of single-use plastic or conserving water,
accumulate and become a powerful force for positive change. Overcoming this
obstacle can be accomplished by allowing individuals to realize the consequences
of their actions.

In addition, economic considerations often prioritize profit over the planet.

Industry based on unsustainable practices contributes significantly to
environmental degradation. Governments and businesses need to implement
environmentally sound policies and practices. Environmentàl regulation,
promotion of sustainable practices and information campaigns can change the
direction of industry towards a more harmonious relationship with the Earth.

Environmental organizations play a critical role in bridging the gap between

awareness and action. Non-profit organizations such as Greenpeace, the World
Wildlife Fund, and the Sierra Club are tireless advocates for the protection of
ecosystems and wildlife. These organizations engage in research, education, and
advocacy to push for policy change and inspire people to become stewards of the
environment. Supporting and participating in these organizations can strengthen
our collective impact.
In the face of the challenges facing the Earth, barriers to environmental
stewardship must be removed. Reconnecting with nature is a critical step in this
direction. By creating a global mindset that prioritizes the health of our planet, we
can turn apathy into action. Together with concerned organizations, we can become
the stewards that the Earth so desperately needs. Now is the time to embrace our
role as stewards of this beautiful planet and ensure its viability for generations to
The text under analysis is an extract “THE QUEEN AND I” by SUE TOWNSEND
The text presents the author thoughts about THE SIMPLE LIFE OF ROYAL FAMILY.
The text belongs to belles-lettres functional style. Within the text the reader is to find the
realization of 2 functions. The first gives the reader a feeling of pleasure. The second provides a
reader with information necessary for that.
It is possible to point out that text refers to the substyle of emotive prose with the use the
language of verse and drama.
The text under analysis belongs to the written variety of the language. The emotional tone of
the text is sarcastic as the author gives the reader a chance to reflect on the freedom and
possibility to enjoy the life without enormous duties.
The author shows several challenges of adapting to a changed and seemingly less regal lifestyle.
The narration on the whole looks like the Queen's transition to a modest home, highlighting the
stark contrast with her previous regal life. The description of the inhospitable house and curious
neighbors sets the stage for the challenges and humor in her adjustment to a simpler existence.
The composition of the text may be divided to 3 parts:
1. Arrival of the Queen
2. Interaction with the Removal Driver
3. Arrival of Grandchildren and Closing Scene
In the first part the author narrates how the Queen arrives at number nine Chemeritskaya Street,
taking a critical look at her inhospitable residence. The neighboring Tredgolds, Beverly and
Tony, are openly eyeing her arrival.
In this part the author used several stylistic devices:
In the second part the author shows The Queen, getting out of the cargo van, enters into a
conversation with the driver, who likes the title "gentleman". Humorous revelations about
political affiliation follow, when the queen shares a joke about someone in her house supporting
An next part of the text describes second van arriving with the Queen's grandchildren, signaling
a change. Prince Charles and Diana, dressed simply, mark the beginning of a new stage in the
Queen's domestic journey.
To sum up the analysis one should notice the unity of various groups of stylistic devices
such as lexical(epithets,metaphors,similies)lexico-grammatical
( anticlimax,allusion,repetition,anthithesis
Syntactical (……..)
“The light that failed” by Rudyard Kipling is a powerful and fascinating story. I like how
the writer exposes the inner world of his characters with the use of different stylistic
devices. I am deeply impressed by the manner he narrates about the facts of life through

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