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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)


Teacher: Mr. Apple D. Docasao Grade Grade 9

Learning Area: TLE9 - Cookery Date: November 15, 2023

Learning competency: LO1 – Perform Mise ‘en Quarter 2nd

LO2 - Prepare Variety of Salads and Dressings
Topic: Classification of Salads According to
Ingredients Used

Objectives At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Identify the Ingredients and Components of Salad

2. Explain the Important factors to consider in Salad


3. Execute the factors to consider in Salad Preparation

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding in knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required in preparing salad and dressing.

Performance Standard The learners independently prepare salad and dressing.

Content Lesson 1– Perform Mise ‘en Place

Learning Resources
• Quarter 2 (Module 3) TLE-Cookery 9 pages 22-26.
• Curriculum Guide for Grade 9 page 17.

Additional Materials • PowerPoint Presentation

from Learning
• Laptop
Resource (LR) Portal.
• Smart TV

I. Introductory Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

1. Opening prayer

Before we begin to our discussion, let us ask the

(Everyone will bow their heads and pray.)
guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten
our mind to completely understand our lesson
for today.

Thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you provide for us

all. For your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we about to learn.

As we go on through our lessons,

May you make us instruments to do good
things. Please enlighten our minds and give us
strength to participate in this subject today.

2. Greetings

Ok class before you take your sit, please pick The students will properly arrange their seats
up some piece of trash under your chairs. and dispose any pieces of trash they may find.
Good job, class!
Students will be seated properly.

You can now take your sir, good afternoon (Good afternoon po! We are fine Sir.)
class! How is your day?

Great! You all must do in my class is to listen

and participate, I do not like any noise from Students: Yes Sir!
your mouth and body movement, all you
need to do is just listen to our lesson. Do you
understand class?

3. Checking of Attendance

Who is the secretary? The secretary will raise his/her hand (I am the
secretary sir)
Okay, do we have any absentees for today?

None so far po sir.

Very Good! I am so glad that everyone is
present for today.
II. Review of the Preview Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

What are the last topics that have been

discussed? Student: Sir, it was all about the Classification of
Salads according to Ingredients Used.
Very Good!
What are those classification can you give some
of them? Student: Green salads Sir.
Yes, Very Good! What else?

Student: Fruit Salad Sir.

Very Good.

Thank you very much class all your answers

were correct, it only means that the lesson we
discussed last time retains in your mind. All Students: Thank you Sir

Are you all ready to listen?

All Students: Yes, Sir.
III. Motivational

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Before we start our main topic for today let

us have first our short ice breaker which will
be called as
“Guess Me”

Direction: Guess the correct word out of
those jumbled letters.

1. E N I O R T P Correct Answer:
Very Good. How about this one?
1. The students will answer PROTEIN.
2. A S R C H T S E
Very good. How about this one? 2. The students will answer STARCHES.

3. S O U S L E M A I C L N E

Very Good. Congratulations you have guess

all the correct words.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

What have you noticed with those words?

Student: Sir, those words are related to foods.
Very Good.

Do you have any idea what will be our topic

Student: I think the topic today is all about
Very Good. ingredients of salad.

So, those mentioned word in your game was all

about the ingredients of salad and dressings.
Are you all ready to listen?
Student: Yes, Sir.
V. Abstraction

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

The students will read together.

Everybody please read what is on the screen.
Ingredients of Salads
- Freshness and variety of
ingredients are essential for high
Thank you! quality salads.

So what does the first sentence means?

Student: In making salad,
ingredients must be fresh.
Very Good! Very well said.

In addition, all ingredients that is used in

preparing salad must be fresh, it is essential
because ingredients its freshness gives
expensive appearance to the eye of customer.
1. Salad Greens – Iceberg lettuce,
Please read the next slide.
Romaine lettuce, Boston lettuce,
Biff or limestone lettuce, Chinese
cabbage, spinach, sprouts.
Thank you.

-Salad greens are group of Leafy

This salad greens are group of ____? vegetables that is use in Preparing
Vegetable Salad.
Very Good!

Please read the next slide.

2. Vegetables (Raw) - avocado,
bean sprouts, broccoli, cabbage,
carrots, cauliflower, celery,
cucumber, mushrooms, onions,
peppers, radish, tomatoes.

Are familiar with those Vegetables?

-Students: Yes Sir.
Very Good!

3. Vegetables (cooked, pickled,

Everybody read what is on the screen.
and canned) – asparagus, beets,
carrots, cauliflower, corn,
pimientos, olives, peppers,
Thank you!

4. Starches – dried beans,

potatoes, macaroni products,
grains, bread (croutons).

Are you familiar with crouton? Students: No Sir.

A crouton is also a bread. Offlay cut in cube
added with seasonings to have flavor and these
croutons can be added in some salads
particularly in Caesar salad.

-Is that clear? Students: Yes Sir.

5. Fruits (fresh, cooked, canned or

frozen) – apple, banana, berries,
coconut, melons, oranges, papaya,
peaches, pears, mangoes
Are you familiar with those mentioned fruits?
Students: Yes, Sir.

Very Good.
6. Protein foods – meat (beef,
ham), poultry, fish and shellfish,
salami, luncheon meat, bacon,
eggs (hard cooked), cheese,
cottage cheese (aged or cured

-Students will answer: Those

ingredients are used in
garnishing salad.

7. Miscellaneous – gelatin, nuts

If you are confused of Miscellaneous means

That is all for the Ingredients of Salad.
Again, what are the Ingredients of Salad?
The students will answer:
• Salad Green
• Vegetables (Raw)
• Vegetables (cooked,
pickled, and canned)
• Starches
• Fruits
Very Good! • Proteins
Before we proceed to the next topic do you have • Miscellaneous
any questions or clarifications about the
Ingredients of Salad?
Students: None so far Sir.
Thank you, Good!
The next topic that we will discuss is about
Components of Salad. Plated salad has four parts:
1. Base or Foundation
2. Body
3. Garnish
4. Dressing

Garnish is also known as _______?

1. Base or Under liner - a cup-

shaped leaves of iceberg or
Boston lettuce make attractive
bases. They give height to salad.
2. Body – main part of the salad.
3. Garnish - an edible decorative
item that is added to salad to give
eye appeal and adds flavor as
well. It should harmonize with the
rest of the salad ingredients.
-The student will answer
4. Dressing – a seasoned liquid or
semi liquid added to the body of
the salad to give added flavor,
tartness, spiciness, and moistness.
Dressing may be added at service
time, served separately for the
customer to add, or mixed with
the ingredients ahead of time.
Please give some ingredients of dressing when
preparing salad. The students will answer:
• Mayonnaise
• Condense Milk
• Cream

Very Good!

Why is it that salad must have dressing? Student: Salad must have dressing
to make it more Flavorful.
Very Good!
What are the 4 components of Salad?
The 4 components of Salad are:
✓ Base
✓ Body
✓ Garnish
✓ Dressing

Very Good!

Do you have any question in component of

Student: None so far Sir.

Let’s proceed to the last topic the Important

Factors to consider in Salad Preparation

In your own idea what are the things you must

consider when preparing salad? Student: Sir, washing and
sanitizing hand as well as the
tools that is used in preparing
Very Good! Very well said

Kindly Read what is on the screen. Important Factors to consider

in Salad Preparation
1. Quality of ingredients – salad is
as good as the quality of its
ingredients, so you must use
ingredients that are fresh, ripe
and in season.
How can you make a salad with an expensive
look or with good quality? -Sir, to have an expensive look or
good-looking salad the
Very Good ingredients that must be use is
fresh and clean.

2. Eye Appeal – it should be

attractive, appetizing, creatively
What will you do to make your salad more presented.
appealing? -Sir, make is simple with elegance.

Very Good.
3. Simplicity – make it simple not
How can you maintain the simplicity look of overcrowded.
your salad?
-Sir, avoid putting tons of
Very Good. decoration or garnish.

4. Neatness – keep salad neatly

Why do we need to maintain neatness? placed in a plate.
-Sir, to avoid getting germs and
Very Good. bacteria.

5. Contrast and Harmony of colors

– contrast in color for
your garnishing can accentuate
the appearance of the salad.
Salad makes sense if there is a contrast and
harmony of colors. If you want to achieve the
contrast and harmony of specific salad much
better if you use Variety of greens particularly in
base part.
6. Proper Food combinations –
choose combination of
ingredients carefully. Pineapples
and coconut go well with chicken
but not compatible with tuna.
What would happen if you mixed food that are -Sir, it will have a worst taste.
not compatible to each other?

Very Good. Apart from it, improper food

combination might cause diarrhea or

7. Foods should be recognizable –

taste of the food that you are
using as a base should be
identifiable when you taste the
salad. The dressing should
Salad must be recognized from its_____? dominate the taste.
-Sir, salad must be recognized
from its taste.
Very Good. In salad, the flavor must be
recognizable because it is one of the elements
that keep food or salad pleasurable.
8. Keep foods properly chilled but
not ice-cold.
What does it mean? -Sir, foods must maintain chilled
not freeze.
Very Good.

What will happen if you store the food in -The food will lose its flavor and
the texture will be damage.
Very Good insight!

You must serve it according to its type. Example 9. Serve hot foods while hot and
if you are serving Soup, you must serve it hot cold foods cold.
and if you serve salad, you must serve it cold.
Is that clear?
Student: Yes Sir.

10. Keep it clean and crispy – this

is done by washing greens in large
quantity of water and drain well
and removing the green from the
water to allow the dirt to settle to
Why do we need to keep the ingredients of salad the bottom of the container.
clean and crisp?
-Sir, to have a good quality of
How can you keep it clean? salad.
-Wash it with clean water, drain
and store I chiller or crisper.
Very well said.
11. Flavorful - tempting and
stimulating if prepared and
What will you do to have a flavorful dressing in presented properly.
salad? -Sir, use appropriate ingredients
for dressing.
Why is it that flavor is important?
-To enjoy the food Sir.
Very Good.
12. Drain all the ingredients well -
water or excess juices will weaken
dressings and will make your
What tool will you use to drain or to remove salad look messy.
excess water in leafy vegetable?
-Sir, Salad spinner.
Very Good.

13. Do not overcook food – food

and ingredients when overcooked
eliminates the color and its
vitamins and minerals as well.
How can you prevent food from overcook?
-Cook food at the right
temperature Sir.
Very Good.

Do you have any questions or clarifications?

Student: None Sir.
VI. Application

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Let’s Apply
Can you identify what kind of salad is this? Student: It is a Composed Salad because the elements
How can you say that it is a composed salad? or the ingredients was arrange and not mixed.

VII. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Can you summarize the topic we discussed

today? Student: Quality of salad has a significant impact on
consumers. To achieve an outstanding salad result,
fresh ingredients must be used in the production of
the salad. Following those salad components also
helps to improve presentation, and finally,
implementing all of the important variables in salad
preparation would benefit us in keeping the
cleanliness, safe, and hygienic process of salad
preparation. Aside from it, those aspects help us
decide what to do and what to avoid.

Very Good Alexa! Very well said.

Do you have any clarifications?

Students: None sir.

VIII. Assessment

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

The students will start to answer

Part 1: Identify the following what is asked in
each statement. Write your answer on a sheet the Part 1 of the assessment.
of paper.
1. There are ____ components of salad.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 2 1. B
2. Meat, poultry, fish, and egg are examples of 2. C
3. A
a. Miscellaneous b. Starches c. Protein d.
Vegetables 4. B
3. _____ is the main part of salad. 5. D
a. Body b. Dressing c. Garnish d. Base
4. Dried beans, potatoes, macaroni products,
grains, bread (Croutons are example of)?
a. Protein b. Starches c. Miscellaneous d.
5. The following are examples of Important
factor in salad preparation EXCEPT ONE.
a. Neatness
c. Flavorful
d. Balance

Part 2: Enumerate the following. ANSWERS:

✓ 1-3
1-3 Give at least 3 Ingredients of Salad
• Salad Green
4-7 Give the Components of Salad • Proteins
8-10 Give at least 3 of Important Factors in • Starches
Salad Preparation • Miscellaneous
• Fruits
• Vegetables (Raw)
• Vegetables (cooked, canned,
and pickled)
✓ 4-7
• Base
• Body
• Garnish
• Dressing
✓ 7-10
• Quality of Ingredients
• Neatness
• Simplicity
• Flavorful
• Contrast and Harmony of
• Proper food combination
• Eye Appeal
• Keep clean and crisp

Are you done?

Students: Yes Sir.
Exchange your paper with your seatmate.
Student who got perfect will raise
Who got perfect?
Very Good. their hand.

Okay, pass your papers to the front.

IX. Assignment

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Have an advance reading about the Ingredients

of Salad Dressing.

Is that clear? Students: Yes Sir.

Do you have any questions or clarification? Students: None Sir.

Since you do not have any questions and

clarification. I would like to impart one quote.
That is all for today. Goodbye class.
Students: Goodbye sir.

Do not forget your assignment.

“Yes sir”

Prepared by: Checked by:

Mr. Apple D. Docasao Mr. April Ace L. Gabriel

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

School: Technological University of the Philippines - Taguig Campus

Division: Taguig City

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