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The Evolution of Process and Machine Controls in High Pressure Die Casting

During the late 90’s an acquaintance thumbwheel solid state “Eagle” timers of choice for the industry and new
commented about his company, “We’re that plugged in to the same socket. machines were built with “charged
kicking heck out of the 60’s”. Of course Hydraulic controls for pressure, and inlets”, that is, the pumps were moved
what he was referring to was the fact flow were all mechanically adjusted. down near the floor so that the pump
that the company was employing There was an occasional “Sequence” inlet was gravity charged. This was
mostly 1960’s technology in an attempt valve control that required a great deal necessary due to the weight of the
to meet 1995 quality standards. of knowledge in order to set correctly. water based hydraulic fluids. Older
If you visit most die casting facili- Some of these operated a “Pre-fill” machines that switched over to water
ties that have been in business for a valve. That’s another word you won’t glycol simply burned up more pumps.
few decades, it will be like visiting hear very often today. The pump manufacturers probably
an industrial museum. You will need Hydraulic pumps were mounted sent flowers to the insurance compa-
to look closely to see the numerous on top of the reservoirs. That was nies that mandated the new fluids.
levels of technology that die casting OK then because most companies Shot process monitoring was still on
machines have experienced. Some of were using some form of petroleum the distant horizon for most people.
the technical innovations were very based hydraulic fluid that only The only instrument available was a
effective; others created a vacuum required a low level of vacuum to HoneywellTM “Visi-corderTM”. The cost
of technical expertise that was not reach the pump inlet. PCB’s were of this instrument was as comparable
readily available at the time they not yet a household word. to that of a new 3 bedroom home and
were introduced. Progress in the 1970’s dictated that was about half the price of a small die
Where have we been and where relays should be replaced with “Solid casting machine. Only the big com-
will this take us? state” “logic” controls. Early versions panies such as GM Central Foundry,
Most of us hold more computing of these were “hard-wired” panels that Hydramatic, Ford Sheffield and
power in our cell phones than was had plug-in single function “logic” Chrysler Kokomo could afford them.
available even a short time ago in boards. Troubleshooting was done Needless to say, there were not a lot of
our die casting machines. with the aid of a multi-meter and lots them in use. Shot velocity, acceleration
Typical 1960’s die casting machines of patience. We learned the language and pressure rise time were abstract
were operated by mechanical relays. of logic which used terms such as; ideas and concepts that we discussed
We learned the terms “N.O.” for “AND”, “IF”, “NAND”, “NOT” and and hoped to accomplish but had no
normally open and “N.C.” for nor- “NOR”. “Digital Electronic Controls,” concrete method of validating.
mally closed. Aside from those two also known as “DEC” was a major sup- In the 1980’s Programmable Logic
steps, the only other options were plier of solid state panel controls during Controls (PLC’s) started to show up.
the timers. Timer functions were that period. Some timers were included There were several companies that
controlled by the “Eagle” motor- in the solid state boards although we were among the early entries that
ized timer(s). They were convenient often saw “hybrid” systems that were have since disappeared. Some are still
in that when they failed, they could solid state but continued to use various household names although not in
be unplugged and replaced with- levels of the “Eagle” timers. the field of PLC controls. Program-
out opening the control panel door. Hydraulic controls during this time ming and troubleshooting was a labor
“High-tech” timers meant the had not changed much yet except intensive project using a dedicated ter-
motorized timers were replaced with that water glycol became the fluid minal or a handheld keypad. Timers

Who’s Dr. Die Cast? Bob McClintic & Associates rmcclintic@ameritech.net

Robert P. McClintic 2544 Almar St www.drdiecast.com
Die Casting Consultant Jenison, MI 49428-9108 (616) 669-2932

16/DIE CASTING ENGINEER 1May 2011 www.diecasting.org/dce

might be either integral or external speeds, pressures, rise time, etc. Once important than ever to interpret and
similar to the Eagle timer syndrome. again technical support and hydraulic react to the volumes of data that is
Some attempts were made to control fluid maintenance remained the major generated by a plant wide system.
the shot speed using servo valves with obstacle to success. In the late 1990’s and early
PLC interfaces. Early Servo valves Die cast process monitoring became 2000’s, machine builders began to
were primarily Moog servo valves more affordable as many companies integrate PLC’s and PC comput-
and they were extremely sensitive to adopted at least a portable monitor- ers. Systems could now program
dirt. Most die casting machines were ing system that could be rolled from and monitor. MMI (Man Machine
not equipped with the type of filtra- machine to machine with the neces- Interface) became more common
tion system necessary to reach the 5 sary cables, a “string pot” and a pres- as touch screens and “Panel-views”
to 10 Micron filtration levels needed sure transducer. Process validation was became more commonplace. On-
by the Moog valves. The result was primarily asking, “What has changed screen programming and monitor-
most people who owned one of these since I last checked?” Monitoring ing becomes more intuitive and
machines experienced excessive down was labor intensive at best as moving graphic. Automation integration
time and frustration and many simply the string pot and transducer(s) from becomes easier and more reliable
gave up and returned to mechanically machine to machine could be difficult as ancillary equipment such as fur-
adjusted directional valves. and in some cases they were competing naces, ladles, sprayers, and robotic
PLC’s became the standard in the for space with the furnace operators extractors communicate with the
1980’s. Competition helped advance and material handlers. Effectiveness PLC or PC.
the controls and capabilities. PC’s were was dependant on the experience and As of this writing, fully-inte-
just starting to arrive in the offices and expertise of the process technician/ grated machines are in operation
it would be a while before they arrived engineer. The frequency of his checks throughout the world. They are
to the shop floor in any form. was limited by his ability to move fully programmable and monitor-
In the early 1980’s an oilfield engi- quickly from one machine to another. ing includes alarm limits deciding
neer in Texas came to work in the In the 1990’s PLC’s were standard, the disposition of the casting.
die casting industry. He noticed that although we still saw some manufac- Plant-wide monitoring systems
there was very little instrumentation turers with redundant systems. Some can collect and archive data includ-
on the process. He decided to adapt would have PLC’s running mechani- ing the shot profile.
a memory trace oscilloscope to mea- cal relays! Digital displays, data-liners Castings can be serial numbered
sure speeds and pressures. It was only and a few panel-views are around. using a dot matrix system as they
capable of displaying the last event. Casting models are no longer 2D leave the machine for full traceabil-
Printing it out would take a few more drawings or physical wooden replicas ity. The part is traceable to the date
years! This was the predecessor of our but begin to arrive in full 3D as we and machine cycle number that
modern process monitoring. adapt to Catia, Pro-E, SDRC, etc. produced it.
One of the benefits of the informa- (The term models used to describe the Vision systems are being used
tion gathered from the early process contents of a CAD file confused a lot to monitor castings as they are
monitoring equipment was the of die makers that were accustomed extracted from the machine to
identification of events that previously to receiving wooden models. Even as insure that there are no miss-
were only theoretical discussions. recently as 1997 I received a call from ing overflows or pieces that could
One of those was the hydraulic inertia an angry toolmaker wondering when damage the tool.
“pressure spike” at the end of the high he was going to receive his (wooden/ Handheld Thermal imaging
speed or fast shot. Accumulators had solid) model. CAD files were trans- cameras are being used to spot check
nearly always been located near the mitted via dial up FTP programs or die temperature profiles. These can
pump(s) on the closing end of the delivered overnight on a CD-ROM. be compared to a master to identify
machine. This resulted in several yards Die Casting Tool shops had to learn plugged or disabled heating/cooling
of high pressure plumbing between a new skill, auditing for missing radii lines. The data can also be compared
the accumulator and the shot cylinder. and incomplete lines. to the thermal simulation to validate
The inertia impact created a significant Die casting flow and solidification operating conditions.
hydraulic pressure spike. This caused modeling begins to parallel the devel- In summary, it is a great time to be
a lot of flash and was also destructive opment of the full 3D casting models. in the die casting industry. We have
to seals and valves. Machine design- We learn new names such as Pro- never before had so many tools at our
ers started relocating the accumulator Cast, Magma, and EKK and wonder
disposal to assist us in our quest to
bottles nearer the shot cylinder in order who will prevail. As with shop-floor
make the best parts better than they
to reduce the inertia impact of the fluid die casting process, the expertise of
have ever been made before.
in motion. They were initially referred the computer simulation operator and
We must continue to develop and
to as “low impact” or “low mass” shot reviewer will determine the success or
train our people to assume owner-
ends. This was the most noticeable failure of most analysis.
ship of the systems that are available.
benefit of the design change. PC based plant wide process
Only then will we climb our way
In the mid 1980’s some machine monitoring systems are no longer a
back to levels where we are admired
manufacturers made the leap to a fully pipe dream but several are imple-
and envied by our competition
servo and proportional valve controlled mented throughout North America
throughout the world.
machines with a PLC controlling and and are yielding results. The process
monitoring the entire machine process, technician’s expertise is more

www.diecasting.org/dce May 2011 1DIE CASTING ENGINEER/ 17

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