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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)


Teacher: Mr. Apple D. Docasao Grade Grade 9

Learning Area: TLE9 - Cookery Date: October 16, 2023

Learning competency: LO4 – Store Appetizers Quarter 1st

4.2 keep appetizers in appropriate conditions to
maintain their freshness, quality, and taste
Topic: Store Appetizers

Objectives At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

1. Utilize quality trimmings

2. Select appropriate containers for storing appetizers

3. Keep appetizers in appropriate conditions to maintain

their freshness, quality, and taste

4. Follow workplace safety procedures

Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding the knowledge, skills, and attitudes
required in preparing appetizers.

Performance Standard The learners independently prepare appetizers.

Content Lesson 6 – Store Appetizers

Learning Resources COOKERY

Store Appetizers Quarter 1

Additional Materials • PowerPoint Presentation

from Learning
• Laptop
Resource (LR) Portal.
• Picture

I. Introductory Activity

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

1. Opening prayer

Before we begin to our discussion, let us ask the

(Everyone will bow their heads and pray.)
guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten
our mind to completely understand our lesson
for today.

Thank you for today.

Thank you for ways in which you provide for us

all. For your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we about to learn.

As we go on through our lessons,

May you make us instruments to do good
things. Please enlighten our minds and give us
strength to participate in this subject today.

2. Greetings

Ok class before you take your sit, please pick The students will properly arrange their seats
up some piece of trash under your chairs. and dispose any pieces of trash they may find.
Good job, class!
Students will be seated properly.

You can now take your sit, good afternoon (Good afternoon po! We are fine Sir.)
class! How is your day?

Great! You all must do in my class is to listen

and participate, I don’t like any noise from Students: Yes Sir!
your mouth and body movement, all you
need to do is just listen to our lesson. Do you
understand class?

3. Checking of Attendance
The secretary will raise his/her hand (I am the
Who is the secretary? secretary sir)

Okay, do we have any absentees for today?

None so far po sir.
Very Good! I am so glad that everyone is
present for today.
II. Review of the Preview Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Last meeting, what did we do?

Anyone? Student answer: We discussed the fundamentals of

plating sir.

Yes exactly, very good!

What did you learn about the discussion last

Anyone? Student answer: Sir, we learned the basic
principles of platter presentation and design the
Very good!

What are the types of designing the platter that

I’ve discussed give me one? And give the definition. Student Answer: Plan ahead. Make a sketch by
dividing the tray into six or eight sections. This will
help you lay out a balance and symmetrical design.
The sketch should indicate the centerpiece, slices of
Great, so today we are going to discuss our foods and garnishes.
topic about store appetizers

Are you ready to listen?

Student answer: Yes sir.

III. Motivational

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Before we proceed to our lesson:

We will be having an activity, and this is what

we call “SCRAMBLE ME”

Read each statement or question below
carefully and arrange the words.
Are you ready?
Students expected answer:
Yes sir.

Is a large container which is kept cool inside,

usually by electricity, so that the food and Correct Answer:
drink in it stays fresh.

The process of preserving the food by means
of refrigeration.

To refrigerate to reduce the temperature of


Referred to is any potential problem which CHILLING

may endanger the safety of the consumer of


Congratulations! I`m so glad that all of you


Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Do you find the activity difficult? (Mixed answers)

Do you have any idea what is the topic all

about? Student answer: I think this are all about
storing foods for safety.
Okay very good!

Why is it important to know the techniques

in storing appetizers? Student answer: it so important sir because
chilling or storing can prevent food from spoiling.

Very good!
V. Abstraction

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

For this lesson we will be discussing about

Lesson 6 – Store Appetizers

Are you ready to listen?

All students: Yes sir.

Great! Now let us procced to the Store


Principle and Techniques in Storing


When the appetizers have been prepared, then

they need to be stored. The storing techniques
for appetizers depend on the type of food or on
the method on how they are prepared: Is it
raw? Is it cooked?

If it is raw, then it needs to be stored and

separated from the cooked. Never let the two
of them mix. All prepared foods should be kept
chilled or stored in a 4 degree Celsius or less
temperature until you are ready to serve.
Fresh foods should not be kept for longer than
3-5 days. Some have longer life than others.
Three days is preferable.

In storing garnishes and accompaniments,

like any other foods, their storage
requirements need to be considered. High risk
food needs to be kept chilled below 4 degrees
Celsius for more than three days.
Garnishes like “crisped breads” that do not
require cold storage can be stored in sealed
containers at room temperature. Care needs to
be taken with the time being stored as flavour
and texture can be changed due to absorption
of moisture in the air. Fruits that are being
used for garnish should be fresh or need to be
produced on the day. Herbs are the best used
on the day or possibly the next day. To keep
moist, it should be kept in containers with
absorbent paper.
Again, class how many degrees Celsius are
needed for prepared foods?
Students expected answer: 4 degrees Celsius sir.

Storing Techniques

Storing foods could be done through the

following techniques:
1. Refrigerate – to keep the food cold or cool 2.
Cold storage – the process of preserving the
food by means of refrigeration.
3. Chilling – to refrigerate to reduce the
temperature of food.

What are the storing techniques again class?

Student answer: Sir, the
storing techniques are
Cold Storage
Very good class!

Next: Safety and Hygienic Practices

To ensure the freshness and quality of

appetizers including its garnishes and
accompaniments, the following safety and
hygienic practices should be followed.

1. All perishables should be kept at 4 degrees

Celsius or below. Food stored in this
temperature is protected from contamination
if stored and labelled securely.
2. Dry goods need to be kept in a secure
environment to eliminate the possibility of
3. Store in appropriate containers:
• It should be clean and must be suitable
for the food to be stored.
• Liquid should not pass through so as
not to compromise the food inside.
4. All stored appetizers need to be labelled
with the following information.
• Name of the product stored
• Date of preparation
• Use by or best before date
• Name of the person who made the
product Special requirements for the
food being stored.
5. Produce or prepare appetizers not more
than you can store securely.
6. Handle the food properly to prevent
spoilage and contamination.
7. Wash utensils and equipment thoroughly. 8.
Keep off hand to a minimum contact to
ingredients and food.
9. Keep away from food when you are ill.
10. Store foods and ingredients properly.
11. Safeguard the food during distribution and
• Chill to refrigerate or to reduce the
temperature of food.
• Place it to cold storage like refrigerator
to preserve perishable food.

HACCP Analysis and Safety

HACCP stands for Hazard Controls and Critical

Point Analysis. It is a food safety management
system that provides identification and
assessment of the hazards and risks associated
with food operation. It also provides prevention
strategies on known food hazards that
endanger the health of humans.

The hazards referred to is any potential

problem which may endanger the safety of the
consumer of food. Among such hazards include:
a. Biochemical changes
b. Chemicals and pesticides found in food
c. Foreign bodies
d. Glass and metals e. Insects
f. Parasites and tapeworms
g. Salmonella toxin
h. Toxins, histamine
i. Viruses

The critical point refers to a problem

that could be a real risk to the consumer which
may result in a hazardous (dangerous) food
being consumed.
The controls needed pertain to the
elimination of potential hazard or their
reduction to an acceptable level.
Any food manufactured together with
the tools, equipment, and the place they are
produced should pass the HACCP.
VI. Application

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Let’s Apply
Let’s see how much you’ve leaned, are you
Students answer: Yes Sir!

In 1 to 2 sentences, answer each question. Write

your answers in your notebook or extra sheet of
1. How will you store raw and cooked appetizers?
2. What would you do if the workplace is
hazardous to your health?
3. How can you contribute in making your
workplace safe and hazard free?
4. What is HACCP?
5. How does HACCP safeguard the health and
safety of the workers in the workplace?

Your answer shall be assessed by using the

rubrics below.

VII. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

What did you learn on our lesson for today?

Raise your hands if you want to answer…

Students: raising their hands

Choose one student

Student answer: Sir, I learn about the storing
techniques and Hygienic Practices

Very good!
Very well said, thank you class for your
attentive listening to our discussions, and
thank you for your participations.

Do you have questions, concerns, or

Students: None po sir.

VIII. Assessment

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

Now since you understand our topic are you

ready for a short quiz?
Students: Yes, we are!

Tell whether the following practices are

applicable for occupational health and safety
procedures. On your ¼ sheet of paper answer
the questions YES or NO.

Correct Answer:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. No
IX. Assignment

Teacher’s Activity Students’ activity

For your assignment!

Instructions: Check and analyze if occupational

health and safety practices are followed or
observed in your own kitchen most especially in
the working areas and food preparation. Write
down your answer in your notebook and share
your work in class.

That’s all for today. Goodbye class. Students: Goodbye sir.

Don’t forget your assignment. “Yes sir”

Prepared by: Checked by:

Mr. Apple D. Docasao Mr. April Ace L. Gabriel

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

School: Technological University of the Philippines - Taguig Campus

Division: Taguig City

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