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Yna Kosugi PROE8 – Facilitating Learning

BSED 2-1 Dr. Andres Z. Taguiam

Midterm Examination
1. Discuss the significance of classroom organization/foundation by citing the classroom procedures,
classroom routines the promote discipline fairness, respect, care among learners and encourage learning.
Students misbehave for a reason. Generally, they act out to avoid something they perceive to be
aversive, such as an activity or lesson in which they are doing poorly or failing, or to gain something they
perceive to be reinforcing, such as peer or teacher attention. Teachers must adopt a continuum of
strategies to respond to disruptive or inappropriate behavior. One of the most important strategies
available to teachers is differential reinforcement, which essentially ignores inappropriate behavior and
instead reinforces the appropriate behavior to replace inappropriate conduct. It is designed to reduce
misconduct in a positive manner and is a powerful alternative to the use of negative consequences. Other
important strategies for behavior reduction include ignoring misbehavior (withdrawal or discontinuance
of reinforcement in order to eliminate inappropriate conduct); corrective feedback (a verbal statement for
the student to stop engaging in a behavior or an instruction to engage in an alternative behavior); an
explicit reprimand (a verbal statement that describes the behavior and tells the student exactly how to
behave in the future); and response cost (the withdrawal of access to a reinforcer immediately after the
disruptive behavior)
2. Discuss significantly the roles and responsibilities of the teacher and learners for supportive, inspiring,
motivating, and productive learner-centered classroom. (25pts)
Teachers will not be the source of learning but will act as facilitator. They will let the students do
self-discovery and will act less while letting his or her students explore and gain experiences. They will
share the responsibilities in the classroom to their students such as decision making and school activities
that will allow the students to have freedom that will minimize the barriers which divide the students and
teachers. The teachers will select strategies and methods that are more inclined to the needs of the
students. This will help them adapt and survive to the ever-changing society. The context can be more
practical and realistic. In a learner-centered classroom the center of the learning is the students. They must
be an active participant in everything that happens in the classroom. They will have to participate in
decision-making processes about certain things. The students will take responsibility for what is learned
and be accountable for the results of the learning process. The students will aid each other while working
to achieve the established learning goals. They will help each other see themselves because of the
learning process instead of a sounding board for a windy teacher. This philosophy will help students be
more introspective along with helping engage them on a more regular basis.

3. Explain the significance of the layout of physical structure of the classroom for active engagement of
learners, individually or in groups, in exploration, discovery, hands-on on self-learning activities. (25pts.)
An effective physical structure of the classroom can result in positive teacher-student interactions
and can prevent undisciplined behaviors of the students. It was said that one factor that can affect the
students’ learning is the environment or the classroom where they are sitting in. Having an effective and
proper physical structure of the classroom can positively affect the students’ performance, and in part the
teachers they can facilitate appropriate social interactions among the students.
4. Discuss significantly the nature of learner-centered teaching modalities, structures, methods and
strategies that facilitate differentiated teaching to suit the learner’s gender, needs, strengths, interests, and
experiences. (25pts)
In a learner-centered classroom, active learning is the concept that revolves around it. Active
learning entails students talking about learning, sharing strategies, and helping each other problem solve
and learn concepts. The students are required to work collaboratively in order to master the content that
makes the role of the teachers as the facilitator rather than the main source of knowledge. The commonly
used strategies that promote active learning are role-playing, peer teaching, debates, and group projects.
In most of those strategies used, the students will rely on each other’s strengths and weaknesses which
will be evaluated by the teachers as their facilitator.

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